Kaspersky Lab

Updated: 09/25/2024 by Computer Hope
Kaspersky logo

Founded in 1997, Kaspersky is one of the world's top leading vendors of security-related computer software.

Contact information

Support: (877) 232-4588
Phone: (866) 328-5700
Sales: (877) 232-4588
Fax: None or unknown
TDD: None or unknown
Website: Kaspersky Lab official website
E-mail: Kaspersky contact page
Address: Kaspersky American headquarters
500 Unicorn Park, 3rd Floor
Woburn, MA 01801
Stock: None or unknown

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Kaspersky news and history

September 2024 - Kaspersky began deleting its anti-malware software from customers' computers and replaced it with UltraAV antivirus solution after deciding to shut down its U.S. operations.