Driver has not passed Windows logo testing error

Updated: 08/31/2020 by Computer Hope

Microsoft has developed these tests as a means to prevent errors with Windows and hardware related drivers that are installed onto it. When you encounter this error, it indicate the driver you're installing, or one of the files associated with it, isn't designed for your version of Windows.

Windows logo testing error

Before installing the file, we strongly recommend you check for an updated driver for your device. For a list of hardware manufacturer websites, see our drivers page.

If you are installing the latest driver or your hardware manufacturer has not released any updated drivers, you can still install the out-of-date drivers. However, realize that errors could arise immediately or in the future because of the out-of-date drivers.

Finally, if the drivers do not work, contact your hardware or computer manufacturer to see if any updated drivers are available. Contact information for all major computer and hardware manufacturers is available on our third-party contacts page.