All your base are belong to us
Updated: 12/31/2022 by Computer Hope

A phrase introduced in the 1991 Sega Genesis game called "Zero Wing" sometimes abbreviated as AYB (All Your Base) or AYBABTU (All Your Base Are Belong To Us). The game was poorly translated to English. To native English speakers, it sounded ridiculous, and was widely shared online, resulting in the meme.
Titles: In A.D. 2101, war was beginning. Captain: What happen? Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb. Operator: We get signal! Captain: What! Operator: Main screen turn on! Captain: It's you!! Cats: How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. Captain: What you say!! Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha.... Operator: Captain!! Captain: Take off every 'ZIG'!! You know what you doing. Move 'ZIG.' For great justice.
Later, gamers and geeks used this phrase as a joke and to show their true geekness. Today, this phrase is on thousands of websites, movies, text messages, and other locations. Performing a search in your favorite search engine finds thousands of results of movies, t-shirts, and websites on the Internet for this phrase.