Updated: 09/28/2024 by Computer Hope
Smart TV, smartphone, and S.M.A.R.T. compatible hard drive.

SMART may refer to any of the following:

1. With software, smart or intelligence is an ability of a program to function with little or no human interaction. Some companies may improperly refer to this intelligence as AI (Artificial Intelligence).

2. With hardware, smart describes any hardware device with more than basic abilities. For example, a Smart TV is a TV that connects to the Internet and uses services like Netflix. For hardware to gain these abilities, the devices often have code programmed into the device's firmware.

3. Short for Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology, S.M.A.R.T., or SMART, is a diagnostic method created by IBM and introduced with the ATA-3 specification. At that time, S.M.A.R.T. was called Predictive Failure Analysis. This technology was initially developed for IBM mainframe drives to give advanced warning of drive failures. Based on this diagnostic, Compaq announced IntelliSafe, which was submitted to the ATA/IDE standards committees, and the resulting standard was named S.M.A.R.T.

S.M.A.R.T. analyzes many mechanical attributes; over time, some failures can be predicted by detecting if the hard drive is moving out of tolerance. While the S.M.A.R.T. technology can detect upcoming issues, not all hard drive failures are predictable. The picture below shows an example of a S.M.A.R.T. error indicating the status of the Primary (master) hard drive is bad. This error indicates that the drive should be replaced.

S.M.A.R.T error

Most hard drive and SSD manufacturers include the S.M.A.R.T. Technology in their hard drives, including Crucial, IBM, Western Digital, Maxtor, Quantum, Seagate, and Fujitsu.

Where do I download S.M.A.R.T.?

Smart is part of the hard drive's firmware and is not something you can download. All recent hard drives and SSDs (Solid-State Drives) should already have S.M.A.R.T. To access the S.M.A.R.T. information or view your drive statistics, see the following section.

How can I view the S.M.A.R.T. information?

The best method of accessing all S.M.A.R.T. information is to use a drive management utility from your hard drive manufacturer. These utilities can show you all drive information, including the S.M.A.R.T. information. Below is an example of the Storage Executive drive management utility from Crucial.

Crucial SMART hard drive information

In the example picture above, the software shows the S.M.A.R.T information and that the drive is in good health. If problems were detected by S.M.A.R.T., they'd be displayed in this window. Further information can be obtained by reading each of the S.M.A.R.T. attribute values mentioned in the next section.

What type of information can S.M.A.R.T. show?

Below is a full list and examples of the type of information a program with access to S.M.A.R.T can view.


It is up to the viewer and the type of drive you're using to decide what S.M.A.R.T. attributes are shown.


Most S.M.A.R.T. utilities automatically review all important IDs to give you a good or bad health indication. However, we've also highlighted in red the important IDs to view when looking for problems with a hard drive.

ID Hex Name Description
01 0x01 Read Error Rate Total read errors that occurred while reading data from the drive. This value should be 0 or a low value depending on the age of the drive.
02 0x02 Throughput Performance Overall throughput performance of the drive.
03 0x03 Spin-Up Time The average spindle spin up time in milliseconds.
04 0x04 Start/Stop Count The count of start/stop cycles done by the hard drive spindle.
05 0x05 Retired NAND Blocks or Reallocated Sectors Count The number of retired NAND blocks that the SSD no longer uses.

The count of reallocated sectors that were remapped because of bad sectors.
06 0x06 Read Channel Margin The margin of a channel while reading data.
07 0x07 Seek Error Rate The rate of seek errors of the magnetic heads.
08 0x07 Seek Time Performance The overall average of seek operations of the magnetic heads.
09 0x08 Power-On Hours The number of hours the hard drive has been in a powered on state.
10 0x0A Spin Retry Count The number of spin start retry attempts that have happened for a drive to reach fully operational speed.
11 0x0B Recalibration Retries The number of times recalibration was requested.
12 0x0C Power Cycle Count The number of times the hard drive has had power off and on cycles.
13 0x0D Soft Read Error Rate Count of uncorrected errors reported to the operating system.
22 0x16 Current Helium Level With helium drives, it displays the measurement of helium inside the drive.
170 0xAA Available Reserved Space Value of available reserved space of the initially reserved pace.
171 0xAB SSD Erase Fail Count The number of flash program operation failures.
172 0xAC SSD Erase Fail Count The Number of flash erase failures.
173 0xAD SSD Wear Leveling Count The maximum erase count on a block.
174 0xAE Unexpected Power Loss Count The number of unclean shutdowns.
175 0xAF Power Loss Protection Failure
  • Bytes 0-1 = Number of microseconds to discharge cap.
  • Bytes 2-3 = Minutes since the last test.
  • Bytes 4-5 = Overall number of tests.
176 0xB0 Erase Fail Count The number of flash erase command failures.
177 0xB1 Wear Range Delta Delta between the most-worn and least-worn flash blocks.
178 0xB2 Used Reserved Block Count Samsung attribute.
179 0xB3 Used Reserved Block Count Total Samsung attribute.
180 0xB4 Unused Reserved Block Count Total Hewlett-Packard attribute.
181 0xB5 Program Fail Count Total or Non-4K Aligned Access Count The number of flash program operation failures.
182 0xB6 Erase Fail Count Samsung attribute.
183 0xB7 SATA Downshift Error Count or Runtime Bad Block The number of downshifts of link speed or number of data blocks with detected, uncorrectable errors.
184 0xB8 End-to-End error / IOEDC Count of parity errors in the data path to the media via the drive's cache RAM (Random-Access Memory).
185 0xB9 Head Stability Western Digital attribute.
186 0xBA Induced Op-Vibration Detection Western Digital attribute.
187 0xBB Reported Uncorrectable Errors The number of errors that could not be recovered using hardware ECC (Error-Correcting Code).
188 0xBC Command Timeout The number of aborted operations due to a hard drive timeout.
189 0xBD High Fly Writes The number of high fly writes being done by the recording head outside of the normal operating range.
190 0xBE Temperature Difference or Airflow Temperature Value that is 100° C minus the temperature for manufacturers to set a threshold to a maximum temperature.
191 0xBF G-sense Error Rate The number of errors from externally induced shock or vibrations.
192 0xC0 Power-off Retract Count, Emergency Retract Cycle Count, or Unsafe Shutdown Count The number of power-off or emergency retract cycles.
193 0xC1 Load Cycle Count or Load/Unload Cycle Count The number of load/unload cycles into head landing zone position.
194 0xC2 Temperature or Temperature Celsius Enclosure temperature in Celsius degrees.
195 0xC3 Hardware ECC Recovered Vendor-specific attribute.
196 0xC4 Reallocation Event Count The number of remap operations.
197 0xC5 Current Pending Sector Count The number of unstable sectors because of unrecoverable read errors.
198 0xC6 (Offline) Uncorrectable Sector Count The number of uncorrectable errors when reading/writing a sector.
199 0xC7 UltraDMA CRC Error Count The number of errors in data transfer via the interface cable.
200 0xC8 Multi-Zone Error Rate The number of errors when writing a sector.
201 0xC9 Soft Read Error Rate or TA Counter Detected The number of uncorrectable software read errors.
202 0xCA Data Address Mark Errors or TA Counter Increased or Percentage Lifetime Used The number of data address mark errors.

The percentage of lifetime of the drive used.
203 0xCB Run Out Cancel The number of errors caused by incorrect checksum during the error correction.
204 0xCC Soft ECC Correction The number of errors corrected by internal error correction software.
205 0xCD Thermal Asperity Rate The number of errors due to high temperature.
206 0xCE Flying Height or Write Error Rate The height value of heads above the disk surface or the rate of errors.
207 0xCF Spin High Current The amount of surge current used to spin up the drive.
208 0xD0 Spin Buzz The count of buzz routines needed to spin up the drive because of insufficient power.
209 0xD1 Offline Seek Performance The drive's seek performance during testing.
210 0xD2 Vibration During Write or RAIN Successful Recovery Page Count Maxtor attribute for the number of vibrations detected during write.

Crucial attribute for the count of TUs successfully recovered by RAIN (Redundant Array of Independent/inexpensive Nodes).
211 0xD3 Vibration During Write The count of vibrations encountered during write operations.
212 0xD4 Shock During Write The number of socks encountered during write operations.
220 0xDC Disk Shift The distance disk has shifted relative to the spindle.
221 0xDD G-Sense Error Rate The number of errors resulting in external shocks and vibrations.
222 0xDE Loaded Hours The total time the drive has spent operating under data loads.
223 0xDF Load/Unload Retry Count The number of times the head changed position.
224 0xE0 Load Friction The total resistance caused by friction in mechanical parts while operating.
225 0xE1 Load/Unload Cycle Count The number of load cycles.
226 0xE2 Load 'In'-time The total load time on the magnetic head actuator not in the park position.
227 0xE3 Torque Amplification Count The number of attempts to compensate for platter speed variations.
228 0xE4 Power-Off Retract Cycle The number of power-off cycles counted when encountering a retract event and the heads are loaded off the media.
230 0xE6 GMR Head Amplitude or Drive Life Protection status The amplitude of thrashing or with solid-state drives an indication of the usage trajectory outpacing the life curve.
231 0xE7 Life left or Temperature The approximate SSD life left. A value of 100 is a new drive, and 10 or less indicates the need for replacement.

Note: Drives made before 2010 may use this section for the temperature.
232 0xE8 Endurance Remaining or Available Reserved Space The percentage of physical erase cycles completed with the maximum physical erase cycles the drive is designed to endure.

With Intel drives, the value of available reserved space of the initially reserved pace.
233 0xE9 Media Wear out Indicator or Power-On Hours Wear out indication for Intel SSDs with a value of 100, indicating a new drive. Value decreases with the NAND erase cycles.

Older drives may use this section to indicate the number of hours the drive has had power.
234 0xEA Average erase count and Maximum Erase Count Bytes 0-2 are the average erase count, and bytes 3-5 are the maximum erase count.
235 0xEB Good Block Count and System (Free) Block Count Bytes 0-2 are good block count, and bytes 3-5 are the system (free) block out.
240 0xF0 Head Flying Hours or Transfer Error Rate The total time spent positioning the drive heads.

With some Fujitsu drives, counts the link resets during a data transfer.
241 0xF1 Total LBAs Written The total count of LBAs written.
242 0xF2 Total LBAs Read The total count of LBAs read.
243 0xF3 Total LBAs Written Expanded The number of upper 5 bytes of the 12-byte total numbers of LBAs written.
244 0xF4 Total LBAs Read Expanded The number of upper 5 bytes of the 12-byte total numbers of LBAs read.
246 0xF6 Cumulative Host Write Sector Count Crucial attribute for the number of 512 Byte Sectors.
247 0xF7 Host Program Page Count Crucial attribute for the number of Host Program NAND pages.
248 0xF8 FTL Program Page Count Crucial attribute for the number of FTL Program NAND pages.
249 0xF9 NAND Writes (1GiB) The total NAND writes.
250 0xFA Read Error Retry Rate The number of errors while reading from a disk.
251 0xFB Minimum Spares Remaining The number of remaining spare blocks as a percentage of the total number of spare blocks available.
252 0xFC Newly Added Bad Flash Block The number of bad flash blocks the drive has detected.
254 0xFE Free Fall Protection The number of free fall events detected.

AI, Business intelligence, Computer acronyms, Drive management, Dumb, Hard drive terms, Smart card, Smart contract, Smart home, Smart speaker, Smart TV