Linux X command
Updated: 11/06/2021 by Computer Hope

On Unix-like operating systems, X, typically located at /usr/bin/X, is the original X server executable of MIT's X Window System.
Typically, you do not need to run X manually.
If what you'd like to do is start a new X Window session, use the startx command instead.
History of X and Xorg
In 2009, due to changes in its license, the codebase of X was forked to a new version called Xorg, and is included on systems at the default location /usr/bin/Xorg.
The X executable is still included as a compatibility layer for programs which expect it to be there. So, for all intents and purposes, X passes commands to Xorg.
X [:display] [option]
-a # | Default pointer acceleration. |
-ac | Disable access control restrictions. |
-audit int | Set audit trail level. |
-auth file | Select authorization file. |
-br | Create root window with black background. |
+bs | Enable any backing store support. |
-bs | Disable any backing store support. |
-c | Turns off key-click. |
c # | Key-click volume (0-100). |
-cc int | Default color visual class. |
-nocursor | Disable the cursor. |
-core | Generate core dump on fatal error. |
-dpi int | Screen resolution in dots per inch, |
-dpms | Disables VESA DPMS (Energy Star) monitor control. |
-deferglyphs [none|all|16] | Defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs. |
-f # | Dbell base (0-100). |
-fc string | Cursor font. |
-fn string | Default font name. |
-fp string | Default font path. |
-help | Prints message with these options. |
-I | Ignore all remaining arguments. |
-ld N | Limit data space to N Kb. |
-lf N | Limit number of open files to N. |
-ls N | Limit stack space to N Kb. |
-nolock | Disable the locking mechanism. |
-nolisten string | Don't listen on protocol string. |
-noreset | Don't reset after last client exists. |
-background | Create root window with no background. |
-reset | Reset after last client exists. |
-p # | Screen-saver pattern duration (minutes). |
-pn | Accept failure to listen on all ports. |
-nopn | Reject failure to listen on all ports. |
-r | Turns off auto-repeat. |
r | Turns on auto-repeat. |
-render [default|mono|gray|color] | Set render color alloc policy. |
-retro | Start with classic stipple and cursor. |
-s # | Screen-saver timeout (minutes). |
-seat string | Seat to run on. |
-t # | Default pointer threshold (pixels/t). |
-terminate | Terminate at server reset. |
-to # | Connection time out. |
-tst | Disable testing extensions. |
ttyxx | Server started from init on /dev/ttyxx. |
v | Video blanking for screen-saver. |
-v | Screen-saver without video blanking. |
-wm | WhenMapped default backing-store. |
-wr | Create root window with white background. |
-maxbigreqsize | Set maximal bigrequest size. |
+xinerama | Enable XINERAMA extension. |
-xinerama | Disable XINERAMA extension. |
-dumbSched | Disable smart scheduling, enable old behavior. |
-schedInterval int | Set scheduler interval in milliseconds. |
-sigstop | Enable SIGSTOP based startup. |
+extension name | Enable extension. |
-extension name | Disable extension. |
-query host-name | Contact named host for XDMCP. |
-broadcast | Broadcast for XDMCP. |
-multicast [addr [hops]] | IPv6 multicast for XDMCP. |
-indirect host-name | Contact named host for indirect XDMCP. |
-port port-num | UDP (User Datagram Protocol) port number to send messages. |
-from local-address | Specify the local address to connect from. |
-once | Terminate server after one session. |
-class display-class | Specify display class to send in manage. |
-cookie xdm-auth-bits | Specify the magic cookie for XDMCP. |
-displayID display-id | Manufacturer display ID for request. |
[+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ] | Enable/disable accessx key sequences. |
-ardelay | Set XKB autorepeat delay. |
-arinterval | Set XKB autorepeat interval. |
Device-dependent options
-modulepath paths | Specify the module search path. |
-logfile file | Specify a log file name. |
-configure | Probe for devices and write an xorg.conf. |
-showopts | Print available options for all installed drivers. |
-config file | Specify a configuration file, relative to the xorg.conf search path; only root can use absolute. |
-configdir dir | Specify a configuration directory, relative to the xorg.conf.d search path; only root can use absolute. |
-verbose [n] | Verbose startup messages. |
-logverbose [n] | Verbose log messages. |
-quiet | Minimal startup messages. |
-pixmap24 | Use 24bpp pixmaps for depth 24. |
-pixmap32 | Use 32bpp pixmaps for depth 24. |
-fbbpp n | Set bpp for the framebuffer. Default: 8. |
-depth n | Set colour depth. Default: 8. |
-gamma f | Set gamma value (0.1 - 10.0) Default: 1.0. |
-rgamma f | Set gamma value for red phase. |
-ggamma f | Set gamma value for green phase. |
-bgamma f | Set gamma value for blue phase. |
-weight nnn | Set RGB weighting at 16 bpp. Default: 565. |
-layout name | Specify the ServerLayout section name. |
-screen name | Specify the Screen section name. |
-keyboard name | Specify the core keyboard InputDevice name. |
-pointer name | Specify the core pointer InputDevice name. |
-nosilk | Disable Silken Mouse. |
-flipPixels | Swap default black/white pixel values. |
-disableVidMode | Disable mode adjustments with xvidtune. |
-allowNonLocalXvidtune | Allow xvidtune to be run as a non-local client. |
-allowMouseOpenFail | Start server even if the mouse can't be initialized. |
-ignoreABI | Make module ABI mismatches non-fatal. |
-isolateDevice bus_id | Restrict device resets to bus_id (PCI only). |
-version | Show the server version. |
-showDefaultModulePath | Show the server default module path. |
-showDefaultLibPath | Show the server default library path. |
-novtswitch | Don't automatically switch VT at reset & exit. |
-sharevts | Share VTs with another X server. |
-mir MirID | Run nested in a Mir compositor with app id MirID. |
vtXX | Use the specified VT number. |
-keeptty | Don't detach controlling tty (for debugging purposes). |
Related commands
startx — Start an X Window System session.
Xorg — The executable of the X Window System server.