Oldest Computer Hope visitor comments

Updated: 07/18/2024 by Computer Hope
feedback comments

Below are just a few of the older comments that Computer Hope receives each day. These constructive and positive comments are what help us continue to provide a free service to everyone. For everyone that has given us any type of feed back we would like to thank you. The following feelings are those of the individuals who have written them. To protect our visitors we've only listed their first name or alias.

Computerhope.com was suggested to me quite some time ago. I love this website because the information is easy to understand. And it's a safe place to come for the kind of computer information I'm looking for because I know I do not need to buy something, or won't be hit with a bunch of ads and so on. Thank you for this service. (Laurie)

Thank you very much. You guys made it simple and easy to find what I was looking for after so long of searching everywhere!. (Daniel)

Thank you so much for the help, I was panicking because this is my dad's computer and the touchpad wasn't working so I thought it was broken but it wasn't! Thank you so, so much for posting solutions like these :). (Lilly)

Thank you for the informative information you provide here. (M.)

I love it beecause I learned so many things about storage devices. (John)

I love it because I learned so many things about storage devices. (John)

Easy and simple info, Keep the good work up!. (Harsh)

It was simple and fast. Good job. (Emmanuel)

It's a definitely clear, understandable discription about computer devices, so I would like to say thank you, and I hope to get another lesson like this. Appreciate. (Sami)

I am not a computer person and "Computer Hope" has been a big help! I appreciate the practical topics with solutions offered even for the small stuff, like deleting the auto fill in my work place email account. Its the little things that count that I was able to find in this website that I have not seen elsewhere. From Hawaii, a big thank you to Computer Hope staff! (Kim)

I appreciate the direct and simple answer. (Xia)

Very well done. Compact, clear, with minimum tech jargon. (C. S.)

I was looking for general information about personal storage devices for a class assignment. This covered the highlights of what I was hoping to find, and gave me additional history. Very easy reading for a non-techy. Many thanx - (Rachel)

I really like using Computer Hope link. There are plenty of relevant examples in the website and the content is well structured. I suggested the link to my college Professor too. Thank you for helping our studies with the free and valuable content. (Anonymous)

Thanks for the help. It was really easy to repeat the steps on my computer. Got what I wanted. Amazing site. Keep it up. (Sheel)

This is a great site.. I will use it in the future. (H. B.)

I was in dire need of this info as my mouse had suddenly stopped working and I had to complete my work urgently. Thanks a lot for keeping the info simple and easy to comprehend. (Philip)

Links worked fine, and information was easy to digest and informative. (L. S.)

This site is the best, as far as computer history is concerned. (E.)

I was looking to sort a long list of PDF files, and I needed something just like the tree command so I could check if there wasn't anything out of place, and by a quick Google search I found your article and it helped me so much, thanks! (David)

I really love the tips you posted, illuminating and understandable. Tanxs. (Michael)

Computer Hope always delivers excellent information. Thank you and your team for your help. (Alex)

Accurate information provided. I felt it was much better than Wikipedia. Well done. Good job. (Mathew)

I learned more than I originally looked up. Great job, thank you!. (Sage)

I have been working on my mouse problem for 2 weeks and happened by your website and after following your instructions, the problem was fixed!! Thank You Computer Hope! (F. W.)

I always want this type of site and finally I got it.. It is amazing. (R. C.)

I messed with Microsoft Media Player for awhile trying to rip a CD to my laptop and kept getting the error so I googled it and found your page. I was able to fix the problem in minutes! I had not chosen a folder to rip the files to! Thanks! Too bad Microsoft can't come up with an 'error message' that actually tells you what the problem is!??? I mean it's Microsoft for God's sake!??. (Sheila)

Great!! Your method worked to restore battery charging icon!! (Morgan)

This website is amazing and really helped with my Homework. Thank You. (V.)

Informative and easy to use site. Very helpful to noobies like me. (P. H.)

You are really working hard here. I really am very impressed. Thank you. (Mr. N. G.)

Thanks. Facebook its driving people crazy for little things like download a simple video. Thanks again for the tutorial. (Alin)

My laptop wouldn't power on. I followed each suggestion. When I tried the 'drain power' (disconnect AC, remove battery, hold power button 15 secs, reconnect AC, power on!) Worked! Thank you! (Anne)

I want to create a database, and while I adore Microsoft Access (extreme novice here,) it's just not robust enough for the project I have in mind. This was the perfect quick intro to what I need to do in order to move forward and educate myself on the languages to determine which is best for my needs. (Linzee)

It was very helpful and wasnt very complicated. (Sam)

Good examples, nice to have lots of them. (JMF)

Thank u 4 the detailed step by step. (Anonymous)

Thank you so much... You saved my mental life... I was freaking out... Thank you thank you thank you. (Sasha)

I'm glad I found this website. My computer wouldn't start and I found exactly how to make it work again. Thank you. (Yahya)

Full of knowledge, time saving, interesting. (Vaishnav)

I highly recommend the tools and information to assist you if you are learning computers. (Melody)

Following your instructions I was able to do in minutes what I had been trying to do for hours. (COTiger)

Thank you for your post to help me organize and protect files on a public-shared computer. (Anonymous)

One of the best written explanations/walk-throughs I've seen. Thank you!!. (TJ)

I was in a dilemma about first time charge for the new battery. I found this info in web search and it resolved my dilemma. (M. S.)

I am personally so glad I found this website. I will continue to use it pretty frequently. Just by glancing at some of the information provided here I can tell there is a lot of information I would like to read about. (Marie D.)

Quick and easy, well written!. (Kevin)

I really LOVE your site, it has helped me and taught me many things about computer use that I needed to know as a non-professional user. Thank you!. (Lisa)

Really appreciate this tutorial. I had never done Mail Merging before, and your instructions were easy to follow!. (Kevin)

I just wanted to say thanks for this awesome site. I have found help on dozens of commands that I coulnd't find anywhere else. Thanks!!. (CarterCox)

Clear, simple and good instruction. The examples help a lot! Thank you. (Anonymous)

I easily got the thing I was looking for.. This page is really helpful. (Ayesha)

This website is awesome... many of my doubts are clear now! (RKP)

This site is 100% the best and most helpful I've found! Very easy to follow the steps and it's helpful with the links too! Keep it up. :) (Lani)

Very straight and to the point, no chance of screwing this up at all! (Shari)

Everything you should know about computer is right here, simple to find, simple to understand! (Andy)

This site had just what I needed. (H.)

Computerhope is one of the best help and informative site's I've used. (Toyota88)

Thanks for providing this kind of service. We "computer dumb" persons needs this... Thanks. (Angel R.)

My laptop refused to boot up, so I Googled the problem and your page was the first one I clicked on. The fix was simple and in just a couple of minutes I had my laptop running again. Thank you very much. (K. R.)

Awesome quality of answers I found here with just a few simple steps. Thank you for making my BCA successfull. (Kashish)

Nicely done! Direct and concise with clear examples and links to related items. (B. D.)

Great answer to my question. Didn't leave me wondering "what about scenario A or B" because the answer was stated so simply and succinctly. (Alyssa)

Love the information it gave me about my operating system. (Anonymous)

It's very helpful. straight to the point. (Kaosiso)

Good work. Enjoyed how the work has been framed and accompanied with pictorials. (Bundi)

This hope forum explaining what I was looking for and to my surprise for the first time I saw a possibility that makes me believe that I could understand something of what up to now seems impossible THANK U. (Anonymous)

Great help, clearly written instruction. Thanks. (Jay)

Was not able to scroll excel across cells. The scroll-lock key was pressed. Came to know through this your article. Simple and really helpful. Thanks. (P.K.)

Fantastic advice thank you. My laptop is up and running. (Tara)

I had a wonderful experience with your site. I'll use it again in the future!. (Sherri McDaniel)

You saved my day and money. Thanks. (Somu)

Plane, simple and to the point. all should be like this. (Joe)

Thank you for the information... I was searching for these types of answers. (P. S.)

THANK YOU!! YOU FIXED MY TOUCHPAD!!!!!! You just made a human happy. (Bella)

Just got Iphone and was a little confused on how to download videos from youtube. But this link was very very helpful. The steps were very simple to follow and was able to download in just 2 mins. Thank you and keep up the good work. (Adam Noah)

The suggestions for reboot worked first time, saving a trip to the computer repair shop. Thank-you for the tips. (Anonymous)

I was using my Dell Inspiron N7110 normally as I had for years, when it turned off and would not turn back on. I followed all the steps and when I followed the instructions of taking the battery out and holding for 15 seconds it turned back on. Thank you so much, I thought my computer had finally died for good. (Jsethh)

Very helpful for Desktop support Engineer. I like it. (Kishan)

This tip worked. Thanks a ton. (I.M.)

Thank you so much. I consider myself tech savvy but sometimes I get frustrated with situations where excel just becomes an enemy to solve a simple scroll lock type of option. Your article was helpful and I am happy as you guys are helping all of us. (Ranjit)

Oh my god... Thank you for the info ...my computer is working again. (Emily)

Powerful information in a nut shell.(K BLACK)

Great site, easy to understand. (Al)

THANK YOU! Worked perfectly, like a charm, immediately! (Dom)

The page that I visited was very thorough and got my new (old) xbox 360 drive working easily. (Bailey W.)

Simple and easy to follow. Lists all possible solutions. (Artem)

Brilliant site! Solved my problem immediately! Many thanks. (A. C.)

It gave me the answer I needed on the first try. Thanks!. (Bonnie)

Good, clear instructions - helped me correct issue in seconds. (J)

This article was exquisitely simple and your website aptly name. Many thanks. (Sue)

I wish I had this concise, useful source of information many years ago. Will pass it along. (Bailer)

Many thanks for your clear step-by-step instructions! I got my problem (which was very irritating) solved. Battery icon is visible again. (Sampsa)

I searched for an hour to find information about wiping my computer. Finally I found this and it was CLEAR and easy. Thank you. (Justin)

Hi, your computer teaching is excellent always, makes it easy to learn and understand. Thank you computer Hope. (Susan)

It is good site...! It helped a lot in completion of my project...! I got the info I needed...! Keep it up. (Aanah)

Excellent website. Thank you so much. (N. G.)

Very well laid out info, easy to follow directions, step by step was very good. Thank you for sharing the info freely. (Kerri L)

I thank u with my heart. I am in class 7 and I got the highest marks in computer subject with the help of you. It was very helpful. Thanks. (Haris)

This is the best written article on what makes a computer fast or slow I've ever read. I finally "get it" now. You wrote it as if I was stupid but didn't treat me that way. Thank you so so much. (Jeff)

This is the only site that explained that the Home version of Windows 10 will not let one encrypt a file. KUDOS to you for the thoroughness of your information! I had spend over an hour searching for this information on other sites. (Dathi)

To the point. You did avoid redundancies. Well explained. (C.)

Worked. I tried the steps listed to correct the power icon being grayed out on the taskbar. I went thru the disable and enable steps that were listed and the power icon is now visible. Thanks!. (BB)

Right to the spot... I like that. problem solved within a minute. thank you. (Ahmad)

Excellent explanation, and navigation assistance. Was thoroughly able to accomplish what I wanted. Thank you much!. (Deveaux)

It's wonderful when someone makes your life a little easier... You did! The instructions were so easy to follow. Thanks. (Donna)

This is the best & most helpful site ever!!!. (Fred)

Very useful information. Yet again, Computer Hope delivers!. (P. W.)

First time on this website. Got the answer I was looking for. (Anonymous)

The best help I've run into in a long time. Thank You. (T. P.)

I've been looking for a page like this for some time. Thanks. (L. S.)

Thank you so much! it took me one day and a half to find the right help! Especially when you are someone not good with computers!. (Vanessa)

Wonderful. Just keep up the good work. God bless you. (Effat M.)

I have really benefited from this. Thanks. (Sheri)

The most useful service I have ever found out while browsing for computer-related information and knowledge. Keep it up. Thanks. (Hafiz I.)

Thank you so much for being the first page (first reliable page) on Google that answered my google Question simple, flawless and sweet. I hope you keep on giving out information like this. (Dilutd)

Thanks it's the first time I understood computer language. (Deb)

I love this site, just wanted you to know. (Lia)

It was very helpful to my research. (Wendy)

Looking for some command syntaxes and I found it here on your web site. Thank you. (Anonymous)

Thank you very much! The last time this happened, I reset my computer and lost everything that was saved on it. So I am very glad that I found this and did not have to go though the reset process again. (Lindsey)

The definition was very explicit. The site arrangement is friendly. (Malik)

Computerhope is so helpful. My best site. (Shubham)

Each section answered all the questions I had and those I didn't know I needed answered! The links to separate sites are easy to follow and gave me the ability to pick and chose which sites I needed to read in more detail. Please keep up the great work!. (Julie)

Where have you been? Just discovered you and can't thank you enough At 83 and now handicapped, trying to write my last two manuscripts following my journal's instructions and ready to give up,and discovered you. What a blessing- clear, simple enough for me to understand Holy Wow! So many thanks. (Rick)

Beautiful, Plain and simple I strongly recommend it... Thanx. (Ronson)

I thank you so much for this fix!!!. (David)

Great information. My issues was one that I was able to quickly find. Function button turned off my touchpad Thanks!. (Steve)

Great website. Helped me a lot. (Harshit)

Managed to copy FB video clip to my PC. Wouldn't work with Internet Explorer but simple when using Firefox. Many thanks. Now got my son's wedding speech to keep. (Bunny)

I resolve my problem with the help of your site, navigate and read few links. Thanx. (Vedrana)

I found it hard to find what I wanted on other sites. But on this site it was easy and very helpful. (Cindy)

Quite helpful and informative! Thank you for providing this wonderful resource to the public. Well done! (Kathleen)

My problem got solved. very detailed explanantion was provided. thanks. (Sabyasachi P.)

This is the best webpage in the world when it comes to ICT. (Denzel)

Found your site via a google search... Instructions were perfect and fixed my audio problem! (D)

Thank you for making this so easy. The other two sites I landed on first were very confusing. I couldn't understand what they were suggesting I should do. (Carmen)

Thanks, this was the unique place where I found a solution for my PC problem. Thanks so much again. (Ramos)

Keep up the good work. It's hard to find a website that is as good as this one is. (Juan)

I just fixed my laptop in less than 2 minutes!! Thanks. (A.)

I use these notes to teach my students. Thank you. (M.J.)

Easy to understand the meaning of that I want to know with example and picture... I like it... (Anonymous)

I needed/wanted to identify my motherboard without opening anything up. Your information was spot on, and I identified my model. Thanks for the easy solution. (Null Terra)

Glad I've found you; have saved your URL for future reference...and learned some things I've never known before...nice. (P. A.)

Thank you so much for making this information available. It really saved my day!. (Alexis)

I accidently put my computer into full screen mode and didn't like it. Problem solved. Thanks. (Doug)

It was super easy to follow the steps, and it works perfectly. (Ellen)

It was easy to find what I have been looking for. Also it has given me great information. (Rose)

Could not operate the touchpad. Your article told me exactly what to do to turn it on. THANK YOU!!!!. (Anonymous)

I am a senior citizen trying to learn again. This is very readable and simple to follow. Thank you. (N.)

Your site is very helpful and very, very easy to use. (S.)

Thanks for the excellent help. (B.)

Thank you so much! My key retainer was stuck to the keycap and I used one step to fix my problem. Thank you so much!. (AJ)

Nice tutorial for those who are already know the Linux basics. Beginners also learn easily... Thanks to Computer Hope. (Murali)

Thank you for your awesome help. Your information is so helpful! I will come back again. I thank you great people so much. (Eli M.)

This really helped me fix the issue my computer was having. Now it works completely fine. (Tobi)

This really helped, My mousepad wasn't working before Thanks. :D. (Anonymus)

I am doing a research essay and all the information I need to find is easily accessible with the simple click of a hyperlink. Thanks for making everything so accessible! (Caleb)

Very helpful. It made frustrated when I could not fix the issue using other sites. This one definitely helped!! (Arasi)

Thank you for your help, it worked for me. (Janie)

Extremely simple, yet effective way to find computer related search results. (Seb)

My pc was freezing up badly until I found your site after two frustrating days. Two clicks and all fixed. Thank you so much!!!. (Dick)

Helped my computer get back up, I almost lost all hope for a few weeks, Thank you so much!. (Ambasseder)

Just love these pages... they simply solve my excel problems. (Rizu Agarwal)

So glad I found this page so much great information and its free !!!!. (Juan)

Really not even a single code helped me from anywhere. But I was stuck in my website to add space between icons. So I follow your first step from this post. Thank you so much for your work and suggestions. (Shan)

For many years I have found "just what I need" to help me solve a problem by visiting your web site. Great job, people. (Gil)

Brilliant, quick and easy resolution - thank you. (Clare Taylor)

Just wanted to drop a positive feedback and thanks for getting my laptop started up. honestly expected the laptop circuits to be fried after the recent thunderstorms/power trips, so it was a very pleasant surprise to get my laptop starting up after trying some of the suggestions here. thanks again!. (Leo)

Simple, precise, amd complete explanation; easy to understand for non-techies as myself ;). (Guy)

To the point answers. No useless rubbish. And it mentions the methods which work,even giving the cautions for the cases when things do not work out. (Amogh)

Wonderful! Amazing work... Great Work Developer. Thanks :). (Usman Said)

Very simple and to the point details that is very easy to understand. (Khan)

Awesome... thank you. It helped me a lot. (Priyanka)

This help finally fixed my problem after trying 4 others. (Eva)

Thank you for the quick and easy answer. I didn't have to search out the answer. The page design made it easy. :). (Robi)

Their was nothing bad about the site from what I had seen. The site was quick and helpful when I needed to find a solution to the problem I've been having. Thank you for the help. (Robert)

This is my first time visiting your website and I can say I'm amazed! Sometimes I find understanding Linux commands hard, but this article made me swallow that up with ease. Keep up with good work and thanks! :). (Marko)

Simple to navigate, explaination clear and concise. marked your website as a favourite... (Alan)

Thank you so much, I about had a panic attack over my laptop not working, but there were multiple solutions so if one didn't work I had a few backups to keep me calm. (Pamela)

I'm a doing a computer course so this page is helping me to understand things I didnt understand from the classroom so I find this page very helpful. (Noziphozakhe)

I thought I would need to get a new laptop when my laptop wasn't powering on, but I followed the steps here and my laptop is working fine now. Thanks. (Mary)

Got my question answered,it was very helpful thank you!. (Marie)

Really appreciated the Area Code lookup feature and explanation about spammers using "unassigned" area codes. That was what I needed to learn. Perfect!. (TedinSC)

Every thing that I wold like to know is just here and simple to look for. Thanks for that... (Anita)

Wow, I'm no experienced techie but when I followed these instructions it worked like a charm. Thanks!!!. (Nina)

The answer was so clear to me thank for your answer. (TITUS)

It was very useful for my IT project. Thank you Computer Hope founders and editors for such a beautiful website. (Karan)

Thank you so much! I was so afraid a document was lost forever and MS was no help. Thanks and God bless you. (SFA)

It's really nice and easy to use I have found what I'm looking for in seconds!. (E.N.D.)

This page very helpful and it has help me soo mush to solve my problem about networking. (Peace boy)

Answered my question perfectly Thanks. (Anonymous)

Good thing. Really useful For computer students. (Swetha)

Googled problem opened your site and answer was there, solved problem easily.. Thanks. (Wightbri)

The pages are really very helpful. (Arup Sarkar)

This page was excellent! Exactly what I was looking for though I did not know how to look for it! All I wrote was: Operating Systems and "voila"! Thank you!. (Adele)

I just want to say you, thank you soo much for creating an awesome website like this. It is my first time that I am using this website and I am really very happy to get this platform. I hope to use this website on my daily basis. Thank you again. (Nawal S.)

Thank you Computer Hope for the updated information you deliver. (Muhumza P.)

I am starting to practice transcribing and I searched how to pause, rewind, and fast forward with a keyboard and this came up first. Thank you for your time and effort in creating this piece. (H. W. W.)

For a new user, your site is great. (N. E.)

Learned how to remove spyware and malware with little or no problem. (Juanito)

Thank you so much I have been able to restart my computer after 5 days of being dead locked. Wonderful (Sammysign)

Simple instructions that worked first try - what more could I want Thanks. (Bruce)

I like that your definitions are linked to other definitions. That is helpful. (R. D.)

This is awesome, I have a test coming up, and this helped a lot. I give this website 15 trillion stars. (Timothy)

I wasn't sure what to purchase, desktop or laptop. Your site answered all my questions. (Trixie)

I really appreciate this website, it really helps me out during school and for leisure purposes. All the information is accurate, interesting,easy to understand and easy to find thank you so much. (Ab)

Thank you so much for the great help! I spent few days trying to figure out why my computer's keyboard is not functioning and making sounds each time I press a key. I found the solution here finally. (Manar)

So simple and easy, and it worked. (DebO)

I think your website has great info and was easy to follow and my computer didn't go slow trying to read it. Keep up the good work. (Pastor)

It was useful and short. Giving out the information that was needed. The example made it easy for me, since I'm more of a visual learner. (R. A.)

Thanks. Totally answered my question :-). (M. R.)

This site, is really good, I didnt feel any kind of difficuilty to find my question. (Ayaz)

You guys are doing a great job educating us! Keep up the good work ;). (Jimmy)

I needed to change my screen saver, was uncertain how to do it; your information was clear and I achieved the change immediately. Thanks. (Rufus)

I've used your site three times, and you have helped me solve each issue. Thank you, Eddie Haskel. (Eddie H.)

WOW!, I was able to get some questions answered very quickly and able to understand the explanation/definition. (Bonnie)

Its a useful service and the most amazing thing is that it's free. (David)

Very glad to have acquired new knowledge through you. (Steve)

Computer Hope helps make the learning curve of computer use, so much easier. thanks!. (Karen G)

Well put together information, and it flowed easily from one topic to the next. (Walter)

It was really easy to find the information and I use this site frequently. Thank you. (T. P.)

This is a very good site. I love it. (K. A.)

Very nice article. My mouse stopped working, thus I was looking for keyboard shortcuts to navigate on the web page and this helped me a lot. Thanks :). (Vijay)

I have tried for two days to resolve the issue of the touchpad not responding with help from various sources. It took less than 2 mins with your help! Thankyou. (Scragatha)

You guys have the most simple and well explained definitions. (Gabriel)

I love how easy it was to understand each run level, and how to use telnet. My textbook was very confusing, and now I actually understand it. (DataMoose)

I think this website was very well set out and it contains a lot of important and relevant information. :). (Anonymous)

Thank you so much for the info on using the Windows command I was searching for. I was looking all over and luckily found this web page. Your explanation and example told me everything I needed!. (William)

Not sure what I was looking for and/or meanings-it gave definitions and explanations of what I was looking at. I feel confident, and I will be doing some more researching again! Thank you!. (Lorrie)

Nice one, the informations are simple and easy to understand. (Joe)

Was able to follow and save the video... thanks!! Simple even for someone with limited knowledge. (Cemeterybird)

This information is extremely useful and in-depth. I now really know what I'm looking for when I decide which laptop to buy. Thank you very much. (K. S.)

Excellent explanation to save Facebook Video. Thank You. (Ryan)

No suggestions. That's the easiest I've ever done something I had no clue how to do. (Madman)

Thanks for the tutorial and helpful information. (Anonymous)

You guys have a great site and thank you so much!! I had searched for hours for some Word info, and then found your site, and had understood and implemented within under a minute. One can't ask for more than that! Thank you again!! Cheers. (Simon)

In fact this info is very good.It has provided more than what I expected. Thanks. (Seraphina)

It is simple and lovely that it was so easy to get the answer I was looking for, thank you so much for your help. (Dwayne)

Great help. Worked like a charm. Thank you. (Anonymous)

Site has solved problems for me many times. Thanks. (Jack88)

It is simple to find what you are looking for. Excellent work. (Afua)

It is very easy to find terms for all computer related topics. Thank Computer Hope. (Bhasker R.)

It didn't take me one minute to get what I want. Nice one. (Yung_S.)

For a non-techie, many easy and useful suggestions. Thanks. (Richard F.)

Found exactly what I needed with ease very helpful. (Dave)

THANK YOU. After 2 hours of frustration your site showed me what I did not know! (Margaret)

Thank you for the most easy to understand, best step by step help I found for my computer problem. I am not a computer geek, yet I was able to follow your steps and fix the problem, so happy! (Margie)

Thanks a lot for the information and the way they were presented. Was very useful for me. Thanks guys. (Amar)

Thank you so much. Your tips helped me a lot. (Tawana)

This page was really helpful to me. Thanks. (Ali)

Excellent work. Simple and meaningful definition. (Rana A.)

The articles are nice, nicer than other websites I've looked at. It is presented in a way that uses understandable language. (M. M.)

You're doing a good job and really you've been of great help to us. Thanks. (M. B.)

Answered my question! Thanks! (Constance)

I was able to find what I was looking for easily and the language is simple. So thank you. (Abhay)

Explanation was clear, succinct. (T. J.)

I am old, and could not understand everything my granddaughter texts me. Now I can Thank you. (Anonymous)

Yay... super easy instructions to an annoying problem... Thanks. (Jo)

Great job.. You have presented the information in a simplified way, in addition to important information. (Gheyah)

Thanks to the team behind this. Well done! (Vera H.)

The page has what I do not know and what I thought I was the only one who knew. (Lee G.)

Helpful website, it is easy to search and provide the details about the specific topic. (Menj)

I am excited and grateful for discovering this site. Just in a short time I am able have a better knowledge about computers. I am eager to know more. (A. G.)

Setting up app for printing from iPhone and setup required the printer's IP address. Your page gave very good directions for accessing it. Thanks. (Bill)

It is very useful for people like me. helps a lot. Regards. (Curt)

Great job. I'm very happy to find this website. (Kota)

It was useful for me because I was making a project by hand and this was so helpful. (Elliz)

Thank you so much. Saved a photo I desperately wanted and had no idea how to do it. Great service. (Trinny)

Nice information provided in very unambiguous way. (Anonymous)

Great page for what I was looking for... Thank you. (Shepthangkha)

Computer Hope is an amazing tool to have, especially when you're in a bind and can't seem to be able to iron out a problem. This is an amazing site, with clear cut logical and accurate information. I am learning a lot of very important applications that I had no idea would make my computer experience a lot more efficient and exciting to say the least. It doesn't seem to be as intimidating now because I have a direct line of information here to help me maneuver my way through most any problem that I encounter. (Anonymous)

Outstanding website!!! I've viewed others, but yours is BY FAR the easiest to come close to understanding what these terms mean (equivalents). My 10-year-old grandson was asking me what the various computer terms meant. Well, in looking up the answer, I came across your site. FINALLY, a way to put these words into use with common everyday items with which both he and I were able to grasp. I can't tell you how much more meaningful this makes these terms! First thing I'm going to do is to save a link to this site, because I know my other grandchildren will eventually be interested in knowing this too! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!. (CLDR)

I appreciate Computer Hope starting from the beginning, assuming we know nothing about a subject. If a reader knows something, a review is beneficial to anyone. (Crook)

I love your site, very informative, easy to reference, and user friendly. (Dponce)

Good checklist for computer cleaning. (Dave)

It was easier than I thought. Thank you so much. Being of an age when computers were not used in the work place and therefore not computer literate I found the instructions simple and to the point - wish everyone could do the same. Thank you again. F. (Fresita)

Well explained. Gonna send to my teacher. (Pascal Junior LUC)

I've never had anyone suggest that I might need to drain the electricity from my laptop to get it to work before. You guys brought my laptop back to life! Many thanks. (Anonymous)

Thank you SO MUCH. I learned quite a bit from your site, and also found the answer to the problem I was having. (Greatjoy)

I'm glad the site is still around. 20 yrs ago, This site and a really old ibm dos manual helped me better understand dos editor, commands, paths & syntax. I was able to bring 4 pc's back to factory from blue screen and no power at all, thanks to the motherboard and hdd info through serial numbers on your user friendly site of shared knowledge, Thanks!. (Ro)

I just wanted to say thanks for replacing confusion with a simple answer (unlike some other websites). (Taras)

Hi, what a pleasant experience reading your help items, written so well, making everything very clear and easy to understand. You're my number one site now for my PC technical queries. Tx Dave. (Sirdave)

I needed administrator powers to format a partition and your info enabled a very easy process, thank you. (Plantop)

Thank you all for doing this wonderful job because after reading some information from this I got best marks in the class. (Vysnavi)

As a consultant in an educational institution it makes it easy for me to explain the actual functions of the programme to someone who is not computer literate. Thank you and well done!!. (Kenneth)

I found everything easily explained and the tutorials were great. (Theresa)

Hi, The nicest and easiest information site I've visited. Using Avira Search you were near the bottom of the first page. Certainly glad I scrolled to the bottom. Now you're book marked for the future. I have only searched "how to stop spam" and "who you are" Results: excellent experience. Thank You! for such a wonderful site and your contribution efforts to everyone without a cost. Wish I had found you sooner. I look forward to exploring more of your site. You certainly must get great satisfaction from what you've accomplished. I'm sure I am not the only one giving you/your site "Kudos". (Eugenia)

The difficulty was that I did not follow the directions to a T in the beginning. I had spent quite some time trying to repost a video from Facebook until your excellent instructions showed me how. Thank you! (Rita)

I found the information I was looking for and it was easy to read and took little effort to understand. Thank you! (Dennis P)

Enjoyed the section on a keyboard that repeats keys incessantly. That's what I'm looking for help on at the moment, and your page gave me some advice to consider that I hadn't thought of. It was easy to read and well-written with helpful suggestions and some links. (Runosai)

For people like me who is not so familiar with computers, the definitions are clear and easy to understand, providing examples to reinforce those definitions makes it even easier. (Jjmore)

I searched several other sites looking for a solution to this, but only found the answer here. Thanks very much. (Lionel)

It was a very annoying error until I read how to fix it (non-bootable hard drive). Thanks for the help. I'm trying to set up 2 different versions of Windows in 2 partitions on my hard drive so I've no doubt I'll be back for more help soon:) Kind regards Matthew. (Matthew)

I just found your website accidentally yesterday and find it to be excellent and very helpful. I hope to use your site every day and put it in my "favorites" bookmark. (Jack)

I have now appreciated Computer Hope for 15 years. Thank you for the excellent service. (John)

This was WONDERFUL! Your site was easy to find using Google. You gave the correct diagnosis based on what I observed (3 beeps and then no POST). You gave some recommendations of things to try, and one of them (swapping the memory sticks around) actually resolved the issue. I don't know why, but I just booted my computer, ran linux on it for about 45 minutes, and then shut it down and I am going to run MEMTEST+86 on it all night. Thank you. (Jeff)

Your instructions are economical on words, yet very easy to understand without losing any of the important information needed to solve problems and get things done. (Porter)

The very best website I have visited in my lifetime. (Yusuf)

Thank you this was causing me anger and stress and your site made it simple to rectify. Amen. (Steve)

Your website is so amazing and cool for downloading videos. So easy to use! (Mariam)

Great site. I rarely run into problems that I can't figure out but this is the first place to go. Mostly I just come and browse topics and almost always learn something that I didn't know before. (Sandy)

Finding information was very easy and better than expected. Thank you. (Sonia)

Easy system to delete browser history. (Mk)

This page has enabled me to pass exams. (Nicholas)

Heck, I'm finding information I didn't even know I was looking for or interested in. Very, very informative and addictive site you have here. Thank you for all the great information. (Lou)

Computer Hope is an awesome solution giver. Smooth website with great computer knowledge database for sharing. I love the experience. keep it up. (Johnbosco ~ Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin PR China.)

How to make an image transparent using Gimp made my life that much easier. Thank you! (Mike)

It helps me to access anything that I want to teach as a teacher. (Senanu)

Love your site, so happy that I discovered you, You are my go to sight for everything a beginner can hope for and more. thank you!. (Anonymous)

I embrace responsible technology and your efforts to make it useful and helpful is just commendable. (Darwenstein)

Love the easy to read and "just me and you" format of instruction.I will continue to browse your site. It is tough to find a new pc user site that starts at the BEGINNING of the pc journey:). Great site for seniors as well! Thanks. R. (R)

First I used to get help from google but since I came across ComputerHope I now know the difference, the site is very very useful nd educative, nothing will prevent me from given u 5 stars. (Wisdom)

No feedback, just keep up the good work :) My mousepad didn't work, googled the problem, ended up on this website. followed 3 steps and boom it worked. thanks. (Bas)

The instructions were very clear. Success at first try. (Mari)

This was the best of several articles I've read to help me learn what files I do not need to open upon startup. (John)

Short and concise, exactly what we needed to know. (Paul)

Took me couple of second to locate a touch pad on/off button on FN keyboard. Thanks! It was way too simple!. (Ed)

I really loved the layout of the page, very simple and easy to understand the info I was looking for. (Theojheo)

I had inadvertently hit a FN button and locked my touch pad. This diagnosed the issue precisely... THANKS!!. (Bill in Tennessee)

I am extremely impressed how simple and easy it is to use your forum. Please thank the guys. The response to issues I received, have all helped. (Deon)

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I was trying to change my operating system from windows to Linux. it definitely helped me a lot thanks. (Thunder)

You are my go-to website when I'm looking to decipher some computer jargon. Your definitions are written in everyday language. Thanks for all the time and effort you've put into your website. (Tom)

This is a very wonderful site, I love the brevity and the staright-to the-point approach here. Excellent... keep it up!. (Chinonso Vee)

Fast and easy instructions, exactly what I needed without having to search through ages of text. Thanks!. (Satisfied Lurker)

Googled my question "adding a playback device" and this was the first result. Simple to understand and worked. Thankful enough that I bothered writing a review.^. (Anonymous)

Thank you. Wasted a lot of time on other sites. Computer Hope is the best for understanding DOS. (John)

I LOVE computerhope.com! I have no idea how I stumbled upon your site, but I am addicted to it now! Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket, since this seems to be my lucky day. Now...here is y'alls new task... Tell me how to input all this awesome information into my old and wrinkled brain, then memorize and understand everything I am learning from your Web site. This is the site I have needed. It's tough to get old and senile, I mean, DANG...my birthstone is lava and I still use my abacus to figure out how many eggs are in a dozen. Seriously...I love Computerhope.com. Thank you so much!. (CKM)

I couldn't remember if my old Compaq system running Xubuntu from a couple years ago was 32- or 64-bit. Your instructions to look for an "lm" in the output with the command line "grep flags ..." then it's 64-bit in the terminal was super slick and efficient. Well done! :). (Doug)

OMG, you saved my life!!! My mouse was kaput, and I desperately needed to navigate using the keyboard, but didn't know how. Good thing I had your wonderful site bookmarked! A thousand thank-yous!. (Spectrekitty)

I had no idea how to update the autofill values, which were incorrect. This page enabled me to do that. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!. (Anonymous)

Your page was well organised and very clear. It resolved my issues in less than 5 minutes of troubleshooting, thanks a ton. (Gaben)

Info was without any flannel which was really good - just told me what I needed and a very brief explanation of all the Unix switches - perfect for what I needed. thanks. (:Lucy)

I looked on 5 other sites and didn't find the answer, only here - thanks!. (Dorsz)

Really I want to appreciate the brains that are behind this website for creating this unique website and for making things easy for us to find.. (Lester Goanh)

G R E A T website! Clearly worded, easy to navigate, and full of useful information. Keep it up :0). (Tom)

I really enjoyed the answer to my question and its simple, yet in depth information and the design of it. Thank you!. (Folix Foxtrot)

Excellent site. everything is very clear and in simple language as I am not an english man but I understood all what I was looking for. (Saqib)

This site in answer to my question saved me $200.00 or so! Thank you so much!!!. (Debbie)

I just wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to articles like this. I've never had much experience with technology so I tend to panic when something goes wrong with either my computer or laptop. This really, simply, and efficiently helped me. Keep up the great work! (Ella)

The fix worked!!! After asking tech support and being told what I wanted couldn't happen I was thrilled to find such an easy fix to my problem. Thanks!!!. (Karen)

Thank you very much my ram wasnt seated properly I pressed memory button on the motherboard then I reseated the ram and boom it worked thank you. (Hussain)

First time of trying to find a solution for a stuck Antivirus so I was very Fake pleasantly surprised to get such a well laid out solution. (Ian)

Had a troublesome file that wouldn't delete and microsoft says a file in it is open but not so. Your instructions to go to the windows key and type in :resmon.exe brings up a tool that works perfect for this issue. (Jerome)

Best instruction I have seen for mail merge printing address labels. First time on this site and I love the clear numbering of stages. Better than a video. I had given up long ago trying to master this task and now I can do it. I just have to standardise my Google contacts so the fields all match. Just have to sort out my Christmas card list. (Alan)

You are a lifesaver! I was ready to go buy a new computer. Instead, with your help, I was able to fix mine. Thank you!. (Carol)

Please do not go away!! I just found this site and LOVE that it is not over my head. Excellent teaching (coming from a school principal). (Anonymous)

I have been able to find and learn so much! All my computer questions are answered here. Thank you so much!. (Kamon)

I thank you a lot for allowing I and my students to get the access for a smooth research. (Chris)

I did not know that you tube could be downloaded until I tried this site. (Anonymous)

Explained very clearly, and seems to be very precise. Easy to understand for the average "non-tech minded" person. Thank you! :). (Pierce)

I am using Microsoft Windows 2003 and accidentally entered a command on the keyboard that needed to be turned off immediately. I forgot what the command was so I went searching on the web for answers. Every site that came up was giving me directions for Microsoft Windows XP, 10, 8, Apple XOS, etc. I was getting very frustrated I had already tried everything and what seemed like visited every web site there was. Finally I came across your website and the information you provide was exactly what I needed. I did what you recommended and it fixed my problem the first time around. Thank you so much for giving people hope in knowing that there is a place where they can get answers for their older programs. Because of you, I was able to complete the job in time. Once again thank you. (KK)

Very useful references for free images, thank you very much. (Maria)

Thank you! You just saved me from buying new ram and a new cmos because I didn't know of this trick. (Fablkak)

This site helped me save quite a lot of bucks bringing out a Technician, and I highly commend the loose screw tip, seems Like a highly unlikely cause in why a computer keeps dying, But it for sure solved my problem. For that I am gratefully Appreciative this website exists. (Dylan)

Thanx for a complete list of keys-tried numerous other sites and only got partial lists. (Jljl)

I'm not a technical student, so I have no idea about these stuff :/ I wanted to know about this, have gone through various articles on DOS but yet didn't understand anything. Finally my search ends here. This is so simple. (Sammu)

The entire website is the most helpful and well organized color code interface I've been able to find. Well done to whoever is responsible. (Jeremy)

Just found what I came for, without having to scroll through tons of pages on the internet. (Joseph)

I could not understand why my cursor suddenly acted as if drunk - dancing around all over the place. On the advice of this website, I disconnected my delinquent mouse and now all seems to be well. Thank you. (Meg)

The content is useful and clear and was very easy to find what I was actually looking for and learned some extra stuff as well. Thanks. (Arshad)

I have not undergone any computer course' only DCA was done. I do not have much knowledge as I was not very good in Maths and Algebra but I have keen interest and desire to learn so I read books on it and visit website. In surfing I visited this site and found very useful.I visit wikipedia also but that is very tough but your site give knowledge in a very simple and layman language. Thanks for a good platform for learners. (K.G.)

I am not very good on the computer but this was not as hard as I thought it would be. (Angela)

Just a quick thank-you for a question I had regarding bypassing logon for a single-user XP machine that I use to access telemetry equipment. Great tips and it solved my problem. (Rustyb)

First response to a Google search. I was looking for "what makes a computer fast" and this gave me a quick and easy explanation for what I was looking for. Exactly what it needed to be. (Trevor)

Well thought out simplicity. Really appreciate the website. Great info for beginners and intermediates. Well written instructions. Thanks. (Adam)

I was able to see what I needed immediately I entered the article and I applied it and it worked for me...am really grateful for this. (Jane)

I like the website it has really good information about your topic I was having trouble with downloading and it never downloaded from the beginning to the end. So I looked up how to fix the problem then I found it here. (Bess)

Just what I needed to know on enabling DHCP, written clearly & easy to follow. (Anonymous)

Battery Icon missing from toolbar. Greyed out in settings. Disabling and resetting in device manger resolved it. Thank you. (Aaron)

Thank you! This guide is more comprehensive than Chrome's builtin!. (Sir_jeremy)

Great command line overview, I look forward to learning more. I was a DOS user way back when on my parents 486, it was great to get my DOS commands back up to snuff. (Lowercaseodin)

Quite brilliant! Very pleased indeed, the instructions were clear and first class. (Clifford)

Well done. All other pages, including Microsoft's, recommended to download some software which was not doing the work and had advertisements. Your description was detailed, easy to follow. Thanks. (Mate)

Thank you for helping an old lady learn new tricks!. (Melanie)

Thank you for this site it is user friendly and extremely helpful. (Frank)

I love the clear description and pictures. It helps if your a visual learner. (Celebritybree)

Thank you, I found the answer to my question. Very easy to find solutions on your site. (Mary)

An excellent compilation of 10 convenient free programs. (Red)

The best recommendation I ever read. Thank you. (Willi)

Free of charge knowledge is the best. (koopa)

I had been trying to download YouTube videos from a long time before. Downloaded a lot of apps but none worked but this site was really useful. (Kin)

Found the information I was looking for very quickly. Would have been stuck in the mud right now if I weren't for you! Thanks!. (Jasper)

I am using this page to teach a neighbor a little bit about her computer. It is clearly written and will not overwhelm her. Thanks. (ElCool43)

I now understand how to make and delete a directory using Unix. (Gabriel)

Great. I mean your web site is really great, and it is amazing to read this page. And also I have to say thank you for solving my problem... (Anonymous)

It was easy to use, straight forward (which is good), and worked with the first try! It is good that there was not a lot of advertising and I will definitely use this site in the future. Thank you for the great and useful help and info. (Magdalena)

Thank you for making this easy to understand. I am not a computer wiz. (Judy)

Explained well, lucid and in a layman's language. Well done. Kudos. (GG)

Computer Hope is an EXCELLENT website and an EXCELLENT learning tool. Today I learned about typewriters and keyboard shortcuts. Wow! "Control + S" saves the web page! Thank you!. (Lynn)

Wish my class mates had turned me on to this in the first week of school. A very informative reference to guiding anyone with a specific problem or just to educate oneself on a specific area they want to become an expert in. forever, Thank you for the cats meow. (LuvMeow)

So far your the most helpful in my search. (Stillwater)

This information was very helpful indeed. There were things which I didn't know, and which I found to be very useful. Thanks. (France)

It was the clearest explanation of how to find drives that I have come across so far. (June)

I am a complete novice, but I managed to fix my problem. Thanks. (Jazzmin)

It was very useful therefore I shall give it a ten out of ten. (Calvin)

This helped me find a program running in the background that I did not even know I installed and now is removed. Thanks for the help!. (Miss)

Been teaching MS Word for years and thought I knew most of the shortcuts (using them everyday) - however, FOUND SOME NEW ONES!... THAT ARE REALLY BENEFICIAL FOR MY LEARNERS! So, excellent!... Thank you!. (Marilyn)

Thanks for your help with answering questions about whether or not I wanted to get a laserjet or ink jet. I found your site very informative and very easy to understand. (DAWN)

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Great page and very simple (in a positive way) to navigate. (Sinisa)

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Thank you so much! I needed help for a project, and y'all really helped me out. (Jessi)

I thought my computer was in big trouble and it was just a little something under the key that wouldn't blow out. I removed the key (didn't know you could) and used tweezers and fished it out. THANKS. (Lizzy)

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I followed the instructions and it works beautifully. Thank you. (Tina)

I have Epson Stylus RX630. I used the RX620 option and my printer is working, YEH. I did have to turn my computer off and then on again before it would print. Thank you for your help. (NSW)

I found what I was looking for, very nice people spending their time to help others for free. (Mr. Ice)

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It was informative,my brain is actualy full on computer knowledge and will tell all my SouthAfrican homies all about it. Thanks!!!!!. (Tshepang)

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The information provided was accurate and easy to follow. (Married2009)

My touchpad had stopped working the other day but with the help of this webpage I was able to get it working again. (Nick)

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I love this page!!! I learned a lot!!! I would totally recommend this page. (Stephanie)

It's pretty a cool site and helps a lot when you sometimes get confused with stuff about the computer. (Hubjym)

Such a simple fix! Thanks for posting it. It was a great help after about an hour of racking my newbie Windows brain! Cheers mate. (Dave)

This is a nice page, it's really useful to me in operating my pc. (Joshua)

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I think the work you do is very helpful. Keep going.. I have worked for over 40 years in the industry and sometimes have to go "back to the roots" as it were to see what the technology was ages ago. You information was very useful indeed. Thanks a lot. (Joejoe)

Thank you for the reminder to take the sd card out when booting!!. (Tlh)

So easy to enable my Wi-Fi again, great layout. Thanks. (Nick)

Thanks for the notes, your page helped me a lot to understand difference between 32 and 64 bit processors in simple language. I decided to buy 64 bit processor after reading your page. Thanks Maruthi. (Maruthi)

Awesome many thanks I was worried as my 92 yr old dad had been scammed while using his computer many thanks. (Kat)

It was very useful for me. I <3 this page. (Sasandi)

It just gets better, I didn't know how much I didn't know!. (Shingay)

Am happy for the help offered to me. May almighty God give us more insight to the knowledge of computer in JESUS NAME.. more of your services. (PASDOC)

Keep it up we are proud of you. (Jonah)

Its was good page and website and very useful to 4 graders and 5. (Prohit)

I was very pleased to find, on one page, a variety of solutions to the problem I was working on. Thank you!. (Kenh)

Really helped a lot, seeing as I don't know a lot about computers. (Jean)

Your notes are easy to understand l did not understand any but after reading this I think l know now thank you. (Asha)

All is well. I finally got a clear answer re: my CPU. (Jb)

After having spent a fair amount of time even getting to know which search would get me to where I needed to be (disable preview pain, windows 8), your fix came right up. Thank you so very kindly for saving me, as well as many others, to be sure, a lot of time!. (P Goethe)

Thanks for a very timely and informative trivia on ict. (Anonymous)

Wish all so-called computer help sites were as simple to use as this one. Thanks a lot. (Reginald)

I liked it -very straight to the point! No rambling - just the facts. keep up the good work!. (Paul)

Thanks a lot. Such sites are commendable, particularly for people like me who are new to this technology and society. (Abid)

Thank you for this! You saved me/us! Bought a new HP, registered it, put a password, then stashed away the computer. Then, dementia attack, completely forgotten the password! Not written anywhere and my brain memory has completely lost it. Thank you for the F11 advice. (Boracay)

Thanks for your great computer tips section, I think there great. (Great Site You Have) When I was a boss, what I noticed right away. People complain when something is wrong, but most say nothing at all when things are right. I hope this makes sense. Thank You. (Chuck)

Great site, don't change a thing. (Anonymous)

The best method I ever found. A big thanks. (Leela)

Awesome! I have finished all my home work and found the answer on this very page THANK YOU !!. (Anonymous)

Amazing! I have been looking literally everywhere to find the answer to my question, then I found this place which answered my question in once sentence. Good job! :D. (Rockn)

As soon I read it, I tried it and it was very easy. Thank you. (Erik)

I've looked all over the web.. and this is the only one that has the list I was searching for - Area code 428. (GB)

I just right-clicked the youtube video and copied the URL and pasted it into your search box and bingo - it gave me the download link. About 2 min later it was downloaded. Thanks!. (Jim)

Great site, easy to use and navigate... Keep up the good work!!. (Aaron)

Thank you for saving my marriage, we can now access our emails etc. also saved computer from being punted out of 2nd storey window. (Lili)

Thank you very much for your help, I really needed it. I am just a beginner and I still need help. Thanks for being here for me. (Edna)

It was really helpful, I wish there were more sites like this. (Marema)

Very self-explanatory and simple in a good way!. (Ignacio)

You People made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy. (Marsha)

Thanks to whoever post this useful Intel, about motherboards, am glad it has helped me, complete my course work. (Nelson)

I've been researching a lot about rams and this really helped me clarify some things about it! Thanks! More power!. (Aleionne)

Thank you. I am glad that I found your website. As Governor Schwartzenegger says "I'll be back.". (TooDisabledToSin)

Thanks! This helped me out a lot, I kept on deleting it but kept on showing up! Thanks for helping me, I love this website! :D. (TheHappyHamburger)

Thank you! You are my savior! Hours of frustration, and then I finally find this site! 10/10! (Jay)

Thank you Computer Hope, I normally use this website. I got as a search engine and it has very good definition in computer science. thanks again. (Ahmed)

U guys really got a good website, keep it locked BHIM! !!!. (Sammystus)

I looked for a question which I had and easily got the answer, thank you. (Oliver)

Finally someone who actually knew how to solve the problem I had to get the start icon back to the bottom of the page. It was simple and easy, none of the other sites could help me. Thanks. (Anonymous)

The whole tapping the f8 key really worked for me. Thanks. (Ccg)

Great! I just used this robocopy tool to delete a TooLongToDelete folder. Thank you for the information. (Gio)

Wow. I am sooooo glad my Geek squad guy told me to skip classes and just learn online. I'm glad I found Computer Hope. Keep up the good work! There's nothing better than free when it comes from the goodness of people's hearts and is truly free! (Leanburger)

This website is great for research!. (Luke)

It was an assignment and I went through this page and the page gave me my answers during the process I did not have any stress it was an excellent answer. (Diane)

First time I found an answer from a Google link that was simple and directly related to the question. Thanks. (Webgeezer)

Needed a definition of a term, and found it in seconds. Thank you. (Graham)

Awesome... Thank you! Everything went perfect.. and then usable (first time) :). in reference to "How to create a bootable Windows USB drive." (James)

I absolutely Love this page you guys are awesome like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% awesome love you guys! (Anonymous)

Great. I love easy in my face answers. Thanks so much!. (L)

I love the simple easy to understand explanation. (PGProf)

I always like Computer Hope, and when I do a search for something and see you have a listing I'll go to it. Simple and easy to understand with useful links providing more information. Thank you for putting in an effort and providing this service!. (Joe)

I love this page so much that I will come here every time to get my answers. (Aaliyah)

I absolutely think your PPL are right on the ball, know what they are talking about;) what I really like about using your site is, U tell us "average PPL" ~day2day PPL~ what we need 2 know in a very understandable way...no crazy "HIGH TECH" LINGO!! Ty bb. (Bryan)

Um, wow. Thank you so much! This is SO SO SO helpful! :). (Anon)

The explanation is up to the requirement and in a simple way. Thank you for the help. (Bijay)


Just wanted to drop you a note of thanks for developing this website. As you know, the world of computers and information technology is complex. In my 24 years in the business, I have not come across a source that defines terms in clear and easy to understand verbiage the way your site does. I have bookmarked this on my iPad and will reference it frequently! Thanks for all you do! (Don)

Very clearly laid out the information that I needed: helpful and explained things in layman's terms. Thanks guys. (User)

Thanks I could not remember how to get to the root directory using DOS and your website showed me how. Thank you so much excellent website and service. Respectfully, (Stephanie)

You don't have to search for any thing it just pops up for you!!. (Carlo)

Very helpful. Please keep up the good work. I'm rather new to this and its nice to have a great place to go for any info your looking for. Thank you!. (Anonymous)

Awesome, thank you. I was getting a freaking tan from my laptop. Much better now!. (Anonymous)

I found this description very informative, clear, and impartial. Thank you. (Doug)

I am from India and unless computer users know the basic knowledge, some computer technicians may cheat. So,your details are more informative. (Bal)

Very good experience. Well constructed, communicated and explained in detail without long boring waffle. (Martin)

Thank you soo much,you really opened my mind... keep changing people's lifes, God bless!. (Kagiso)

Wish all sites were as simple for us simple minded. (Anonymous)

It was very easy to find out what I needed so I recommend this for everyone who wants to now about people who invented amazing world changing things! (Claire)

Always good to have such information readily available. (Marvin)

I haven't gone into any site yet, but if there as good as you, I'll love it. Thanks so very much. (Tony)

I am a fan of the website's design and simplicity. Simplicity meaning the ease of use/navigation. (Kiko)

After 18 years, finally know what the F keys mean. thank you... (Herb)

It was nice experience I got all the information I wanted. (SANTHOSH)

Thank You, this was the 7 or 8th page I looked at to find a nice list of Dos commands. (Anonymous)

Your YouTube How To Copy page worked perfectly and was so easy!. (TickledPink)

Was directed to the page from a link in Microsoft Community. The information was exactly what I wanted to know in easily understood terms. Good Job! Thank You. (Kamikid)

Class assignment was to write a couple of paragraphs on some of the different domains and this site made it easier for me. Thank you!. (Fperez82)

This site literally just saved my Computer's shelf life forever. Thank you so much for everything!!!!! :D. (Jim)

I've been trying to figure out how to open an old Works file, and this site helped so much. Everything else that I have read before was either confusing, or didn't work properly. Thank you so much! (Karlie)

I'm algerian and because I speak english very hardly I would like to download your helpful pages in pdf format so as I can read them again and again thank you a lot. (Amokranacer)

The best website page ever for computer it has lot of information and so easy to find. THANKS A LOT. (Muheed)

I came to this site looking for information on how to use function keys on a pc, great information. Got more than I was expecting. Thanks. (Ms. Kimmy)

Thank you for your help and solidarity. I always get what I want through your site and pages. this has facilitated my learning process as well as improving my experience. so thank you. (Lukeman)

Searched in Word's help and got garbage. Typed exactly the same thing in Google and clicked on this first and got just what I needed! Awesome possum. (S)

Its really help for unix new learners like me. It made unix a easy language to study... Thanks a lot. (Saranya)

Excellent help. If I had known it would be this easy, I would have used this site much sooner. Thank you. (Nick)

It was just what I was looking for without a lot of Mickey Mouse stuff. You know the Internet. Thank You again. (Joseph)

I was looking for option to get a negative of my C++ programs outputs for better printout. thanks to you. found it at last. amazing site... user friendly and nice. thank you. good job!. (Yogesh)

Straight forward, concise and gibberish free. (Jim)

This site is great.You guys are doing the noble job of spreading knowledge. (Shubham)

Hello, this website is great. Thanks a lot for your help,thanks to websites like this the world is a better and simpler place. I will never forget this day in which I managed to save 500 euros on a new computer and I managed to fix mine instead. you really have inspired me and I will try to start sharing my knowledge with others on the net ;). (Xu)

The information given was just what I needed as I had no idea what to buy. I feel far more confident now so I thank you. Kindest regards. (Marianne)

Just really enjoy using this site for my colour choices: thank you. How wonderful to learn about the colours and how to mix them to achieve desired result. (Gloria)

Hi. I've had much more difficult times with other sites. I like the fact that this site also had something I did not know about, almost like writing HTML, but, using only the Mozilla Firefox browser, not an editor. Very informative and concise. Thank you. (DigitalJedi02130)

It is easy to understand and short and good. (Huda)

This is one of the best site I ever come across. I appreciate a lots for the good work. Iwill testify the goodness of Computer Hope to the world. I strongly advice everyone to visit Computer Hope for more computer tips anytime. (Prince)

I just had to type "PC shutting off" into google and I found this page instantly. It solved all of my issues and my Pc has not crashed ever since. :). (Darkend)

Thank you so much! After wandering the web and trying to download unnecessary programs and then using them to reboot my computer, I FOUND YOU! Computer Hope just became my Go-To source for problem solving. Thanks! A million thanks!. (Sassafras)

Thank you for making it easy for us to get to know things that we weren't previously aware of. Please keep the good work. (Nicholas)

Thank you for creating this kind of website. This is very useful for the information technology students because they can enhance and improve their skills..god bless!. (Wenna)

Good use of white space enabled the eyes to focus and assimilate. During a scroll, readlike credits on a movie. Options to link, unobtrusive and available. nice alignment well thought out enjoyed the experience now I need more more content ? :-). (Tuskerdeman)

Not only did you explain exactly what I've been wondering for years in 6 easy paragraphs, but you also explained all the additional content that a beginner, such as myself, needed to know. This Will be my new one-stop-shop for anything computer related. Thanks much! (Daniel)

Am always impressed by how you help us especially me because I always get what I want from you. thanks a lot and be blessed. I am looking forward to learning more from you. (JOE)

I fell asleep with my keyboard beside me, apparently laid on it, and launched literally thousands of instances of Microsoft Reader, rendering the computer barely responsive. I got tired of closing the processes one by one, found the taskkill tip in your site and it worked great. Thank you!. (Ken)

I am really considering on building my own computer,and to have all information at one location with very easy to understand information is a god send. just explaining the meaning of acronyms makes it easier to communicate with someone who would try to explain components of the computer. (Johny)

After an hour with Windows support, who told me the only way to resolve my problem was to reinstall the software, I found the solution here. Problem fixed in 5 minutes. Thank you!!!!. (Beejherm)

The most awesome page on the Internet. (Me)

Thank you, after two days of trying it only took 2 minutes on your site. Yeah!. (Carol)

A pity there are not more websites like yours around to give simple, clear answers to my search criteria. (Claire)

What a great website. I don't know much about computers and COMPUTER HOPE is amazing. I can understand everything I read. I am a true senior citizen and so that is really saying something. Thanks. (R7726C)

I am a college student. I have returned to your Website after researching several others. After learning to navigate this site properly, I was able to find EVERYTHING that I needed to finish my assignment. I had originally thought there was not a lot of information, but then found it to be divided into small sections, but extremely thorough. Thank you. Thank you. (Glo)

I wanted to change an address into uppercase. I went online and checked a few sites until I found you. I think those other guys were trying to show off, going into CMD prompt, registry, etc., and I did not know what the hell they were talking about. All I really wanted to know was how to customize it and put it in my quick launch bar. Yours way was excellent, thanks a lot. (Essie)

Just a one-off perhaps, but I have formed a nice opinion about you. (Claudia)

Thank you thank you, thank you!!! just made my life easier. (Mya)

Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. (Maria)

One of the most straightforward 'computer help' sites I've come across. (Gem)

Thanks for making your information easy to understand. That means you realize not everyone seeking information is a computer expert. (Jeanette)

Thank you! The information is well organized, sensible, visually easy to glance through text and then select the hyperlink or note key items, and made my search for simple help easy. Again, thank you. (KfmPsalm23)

I'm fairly new to computers, and have trouble understanding the lingo. I'm having major problems with another pc and gathering info to fix it. This was one of the BEST sites and easiest to understand!. (VINCE)

Clean,simple, no ads, just what I was looking for. I will use this site again!. (Anonymous)

It was very brief with a lot of substance. (Anonymous)

I know the information was nice as compared to my teachers lesson. (DIANGHA)

Computerhope.com will be added to favourites in a moment! Many thanks. (David)

Keep sharing ! you guys are fantastically helpful <3. (Faiza)

Glad to have discovered this site and the very valuable, effective computer explanations it provides free of charge. (Anonymous)

Computer Hope can be counted on to give straight, easy-to-understand explanations. (Dtennant)

It was very useful, and now I have taught my friends what a software and hardware is. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!. (Terty6)

Direct and no ads with downloaders thank you. (Martin)

Nice work. Once I found this site, everything was very easily comprehended. Thank you very much for the info and I will be revisiting. Best regards! (Beginner11x)

My experience was execellent! Will use this site for all of my questions...and pass the word along. THANKS. (Athettaa Rasul)

All the explanations were simple and easy to understand. I just enjoyed it. (GD)

Wonderful, thank you. I'm doing a SharePoint wiki for my school's Business Club, and neither HTML or Javascript were working. This form function is the only think that worked, and a button looks better than an HTML or Javascript word link, anyway. Thank you!. (Steven)

Finally found a website with information on how to stop the creation of thumbnails on Windows 7. Thank you!. (Z)

Thank you for the information. It just made one of my college classes easier to maintain. (Charlynn)

Keep it up. you are doing a good work for the world. (Don)

Thanks for another great post. Where else could anybody get that kind of information in such a perfect way of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I am on the look out for such information. (backlinks)

Thank you for the quick, clear help!. (Mark m)

This site answered my question and I found exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much. (KEVIN)

I love your site. I'm a 4th year network communication and management student, and since I haven't gotten a job in my field of study yet, sometimes it's hard to remember what I learned two or three years ago. It's nice to have an easy to use reference source to refresh my memory. (Twodolphns)

Just needed to clarify what a redundant psu is and explanation was concise and clear. Thankyou :). (Wkdst1)

A good and useful site especially for amateurs users very helpful. (Deus27)

Just wanted to say this is a great site, one that is actually easy to navigate and has lots of relevant and interesting info, I have been able to learn a lot in a short space of time that will help me day to day, thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work, it is greatly appreciated. (Mr G)

I just wanna say that this is the first site I run to for information because it is always laid out very simply. The depth of information provided here is mind blowing. Please keep it up. I actually refer your site to person in time of need. (Beon)

Been years using your site. Always find my answer to questions. Thank you. (Redd)

I have used your website a "hundred" times and each was a learning moment for a beginner that had to teach himself. lots of hardknock learning and you came to my rescue or I'd still be in the darkages. thanks a million. (Sparky)

Respected sir/madam Thank you. For your site. It helps me lot. I am a professor I will tell my students to about this site so that while teaching and reading what are all doubts of un known words come this site will give complete and simple easy solution with analogical example. Thank you. With regards, Ashwini m Asst professor Visvesvarya technological university Belagavi Ashwini. (Ashwini)

Thank You, thank you, thank you. I am 61 yrs old and I am still learning about computers. Your help was very much appreciated and was EASY on the brain. God Bless You. P.S. I need a new computer and I saw at best buy a tablet BUT thanks to you, I want a Computer. Thank You. Sincerely yours (Georgia)

Great Information, I have been attached with this site about 9 years. Thanks for being such a king of information. (Nitai)

Very good website. Although my touchpad still does not work for some reason, I now know how to get around it thanks to you guys. (Anonymous)

I'm actually impressed by your website because it has a lot of questions with answers in one place instead of going from website to website. That can be an all day chore. So please keep it going. (Elena)

I appreciate the listing of websites for backgrounds and/or wallpapers. Thank you. (Roberta)

Awesome instructions... thank you very, very much you took what I thought was going to be an ordeal and made it a breeze!!!!. (Traci)

It's so good I've got all A's. (Alexia)

Exactly what I was looking for ;). (EPonj)

Your search engine was most helpful. (Jkdon1)

I have never found a site as useful as yours. I have been using my computers for years and found sites that offer help, offer confusion. I will never stop using this site, I swear!. (Bobbeelee)

Quick, easy & so very helpful! Thank you!. (Happy)

Easy to understand, very informative. (Sherri)

Thank you very much. There are a couple of old commercials I REALLY like that were on an old desktop (yes - that old) which will not play with Windows 8. Now that I've found them on YouTube, I can play them on my laptop. Bless you... (Karellen)

Like a professionally translated man-page :-) I.e. a unix command explained in PLAIN ENGLISH! omg... Thank you!. (Aprilia1k)

Once in a while I run into a site that actually solves a computer problem for me. This is one of them. Thanks. (HateWin8)

Best help I've seen to get rid of annoying "safe to remove hardware" Windows sound on Inspiron 1525. Thank you!. (Old lady)

I will be referring back to this site for years to come. I love to play with html codes when the web tv come out and once I was able to get a computer I quickly realized how different it was and how much less I would be able to create links and make things look cool. This site may be the answer Ive been waiting all these years for. Thanks CounterHope. (Anonymous)

"Computer Hope" is becoming one of my most important chapters. (Dr. Isaac)

Computerhope is a good site I use it all the time. Thank you very much for the excellent service. (Nicholas)

Excellent information! To stop an friendly argument, I simply googled "Who invented the Internet?" Your site came up first in the search and took me to a page with the most interesting information!...but the argument here continues about who was correct..ha ha...as there had been confusion about the "www" and the "internet"...with both us saying "Ah...but that's what I was referring to..so I was right!" Thank you! :). (Jacqui)

I enjoyed finding a truly helpful site that explained in just the right amount of detail. Everything was clearly written and easy to understand. YOUR HARD WORK IS VERY GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! (Dennis)

Just found a link from Microsoft to your forums about a missing file. Loving to explore (yes, that is fun but I often have mysterious messes to clean up, but I do learn something) this site will become a "go to" destination on all things analog and digital to probably find my needs already having been addressed or I will wonder around it for a couple hours having fun! Thnx, and I will send some monetary support at some point. This kind of help is what we need to help people, software, and hardware to play well together, regarless of what is getting beat up or what is the cool platform at the time. Hopefully, the internet will, for a time anyway, still be a bit on the edge and have room for individuals that do good and not have to be regulated or go through a current or growing source of a monopoly. Anyway, there you go!. (Jbrent136)

Perfect solution! I was trying to remove the blue background when I posted a section from FB into a Word document. Suggestion was great! Job well done and thanks!. (MISSCENTERWAY)

Data on this website is precise,accurate and authentic. (Zaeem)

Your information was just what I was looking for in making decisions at this time in my life. thank you for your help. Pam. (Pam)

Perfectly designed page for looking up commands! Thanks!. (Bryan)

Thank you so much for all the help and educational assistance provided here. I am surprised to find such an educational site that helps for free. One cannot find anything online anymore for free. The so call free comes with virus, spyware and unwanted programs attachments and pop-ups. Your site is a blessing for computer illiterates like me :) Again, Thank you so much!. (Rebecca)

I very much like the thoroughness and fluidity of this troubleshooting assistance/guide. Thank you. (Kookymunstar)

Thank you! Explanation and graphics makes it as simple as it gets... (Cien)

I really enjoyed using this page, I found everything that I was searching for and I also got some additional help. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. (Vejai)

First-time visitor, but I will definitely be back. (Christina)

Best site I have seen online to help explain computer issues. I recommend this site. (Chinjohn)

The manner by which u all have gathered and display it; is at the least remarkable. I want to thank all of u dedicated individuals who have sacrificed so much time and effort into your work. Because of that there are those of us who will benefit so much and be able to learn at a much higher rate because it's been organized, planned and thought through. I can't thank you enough.. There is one thing that would help those of us who can't remember how to get back where we started (lol). A table of contents with a link; like u do now with you information columns. Perhaps, it's there and I wasn't able to navigate it all the many web pages back..you all have a wonderful day.. (DeeDee)

Excellent service and write up... I could get what I wanted... with pictorial presentations.. it is wonderful.. (Raghu)

I'm a new mac user and your article really helped me to find sources of viruses on the mac and later protect them. (MotazAGR)

At last a comprehensive and intuitive explanation for the layman as we aren't all computer experts. I've learned a lot in only 15 minutes and will return to your site as soon as possible to learn some more. It was great to see the pro's and cons of various platforms. Thank you very much, i've finally got the answers I was looking for. Cheers. (Ken)

Was trying to find a way to hide 'desktop.ini' files. Your website gave me an instant solution. Nice one :). (Jubblord)

Computerhope.com is living up to its name, it's all I can say. Thanks a ton. (Iboro)

Thank you. Being an older person,I appreciate help without condescension. (Anonymous)

Very useful and simple instructions that anyone can understand. Thank you guys so much for your help!. (Anonymous)

Thank you for providing such easy to understand explanations as well as a place where it just doesn't give me links to other websites. I like that what I was looking for had suggested other text that was on the same website. Of course all the advise being free couldn't be more helpful! Thx guys (Suzy)

U have everything a beginner would need while providing new info/content/DL etc. in the same space for pros. Pretty nice for for someone like me who needs to know everything now. Thks. L. (Arpadil)

The instructions were very informative, I just keep going on and on,everything is so easy to understand. I would suggest that you keep all instructions and information as easy as possible. you are doing a wonderful job I like your web site. (Trevor)

Thanks for your help and knowledge. I found exactly what I was looking for right away. (Anonymous)

I really commend on your efforts for making this available to the web. It's really going to save me lot time when building web pages. (Alexeis)

Awesome help thanks! I didn't know it was this easy ^_^ lol. (Student boy man dog)

Thank u sooo much for your help.my pc was not turning on and I was worried that it might be a big problem.but with your power drain steps,it was excellent and easy. Thumps up to u. (Rutendo)

Thank you so much. This was the tenth or so thing I've tried and it was finally what I needed! Thank you!. (Nicole)

This site has helped make my computer the valuable resource it is meant to be because this site makes things simple to find And understand THANK YOU!!!. (Joy Everhard)

Amazing website! Love this thing to bits. (Eva)

The instructions are basic and just what I wanted at this time. Thank you. (Anonymous)

Way better comparisons than most sites, which usually stick to only one side of the argument. (Atraills)

Excellent support and perfect solution to the problems. (Compt Techy)

Took me through what I needed to do, step by step. Very easy and helpful. Thanks. (Donna)

Doing homework and getting frustrated and discouraged. Found this search engine and completely calmed down. Thank you! I will definately share this web site with classmates. (Catherine)

Taskbar was non responsive, so I restored the laptop to a saved restore point. Job done. Taskbar works again. (Tim)

Thank you for helping me get my mouse working! I've found this sight useful. I didn't put in my real name because this is the internet... so anywho now I can animate! Again thank you and have a lovely day!. (Creeper Puppy)

It helped me understand networking terms. Your site has helped me figure out that my home network has been hacked. Thanks. My bandwidth was growing every month. My cable/internet company is charging me $222 a month (only $72 for cable) the remainder is for internet usage. I am single and live alone. I knew my network had been hacked. Thanks!. (Sunny88)

I love this website because immediately after typing what I want I got the answer immediately, and I believe this site will help me more in my project. This is awesome. (Olatunjii)

I am pleased to find the help I needed presented clearly. THANK YOU!!!. (Jerry)

Microsoft could learn a thing or two from you all! (Elder)

Easier to understand than computers for idiots or other info sites. You have a permanent tile on my start screen. (Larry)

This was the most helpful site I've ever seen! Many thanks to you. (Leslie)

When looking for ruler without any assistance was very difficult but as I seek help from you it was very simple to locate ruler in the Microsoft word 2007 & 2010. Thank you very much for your assistance. (Oni)

Thank you for making so easy to find what I was looking for. (Lynette)

I was doubtful about finding an answer to my problem with the power icon not showing. Your page on how to fix this issue is excellent. I particularly like how you warn that changing the registry is serious and although I was hesitant I followed the instructions exactly and was delighted to find that it worked. I also understood the basic principles behind the process restart as I followed the steps which was comforting. One tip though, when you instruct to start the task manager, the instructions say to press ctrl+alt+esc but I knew you meant ctrl+alt+delete. A few people might not know that, so it might be worth correcting. Once again Thanks for the answer! I'll save this site to help me with future computer issues. (Hannah)

This page I have found very helpful to download lots of material that, while in the public domain, requires the joining of some organisation or other to access. The links run smoothly and the process is well explained...Congratulations, a great site and I would highly recommend to others. (Robin)

Simple solution to my problem, just copy line of text, paste it onto command line in Linux, read output. What more do I need? So many times I have encountered pages that purport to solve problems, only to require one spending ages following tortuous routes to enable one to understand how to implement the 'simple solution' that was given. I appreciate your assistance and help, thanks. Richard. (Richard)

I think you guys are doing a great job here! All the best. (Selorm)

Thank you for making this available. For a slow learner!!! Seriously. I thank you; from a slow learner!. (Eric J.)

Liked, simple to use, found what I was looking for in under 3min other sites give too detailed or too much information. (Anonymous)

I have many years of experience working in IT but - as you probably know very well - it is not possible to know everything we would like to. That's why websites like this are truly useful. When searching on the web for relevant information I'm always pleased to see Computer Hope in the returned results and even happier to click your link. Well done!. (Tdh8192)

This is my first time to use Computer Hope. I am delighted!!. (Sandra)

This site led me right to the answer I was looking Thanks. (Elmer)

Thank you for the info. Thought I was gonna need a new laptop. (Cece)

Thanks.You are doing a great job. I got my answer within seconds. I had bookmarked the page. This is the right site for me to clarify my doubts. (Saran)

Overall good work keep it up,I am so happy that I got all the info I wanted in just few min. (Rubesh)

I'm really happy and exited because I learned some new things about Ms Excel. (Darren)

I got the exact answer I was looking for.. very nice... (Anonymous)

You provided the exact info I was looking for... a picture of a DIP chip soldered and with out a circuit. It was very helpful for me to see the drawing of the DIP chip with the pins on both sides. It is making my learning experience simple and effective... I loved it!! Thank you :). (Clau)

Direct answer to my inquiry and detailed explanation. What I appreciate most is that there are no unnecessary ads. Good work. (Rei)

Thank you for making this user friendly/easy to follow steps because I truly am close to clueless when it comes to knowing how to clean up (and trust the process) my computer. Thank you!. (Thank you)

WOW finally, thank-you so much! Sure needed this site. In my personal opinion, everyone needs this site. Computer Hope has a very clear layout and a smooth feeling navigation. Computer Hope the name speaks for itself. Professional, outstanding job, highly recommended. (FreedomSky)

Worked first time like a charm and saved me hours, thanks so much!(Dino)

I found what I was looking for in a snap. Followed the instructions to the T and it worked. This site is very useful and glad I found it. (Joanne)

I wish to thank you for your articles on using the keyboard without a mouse. I am a blind computer user and am amazed how often sites ignore those of us who are non-mouse users. In fact, I was just hired to work for a content services, and all instructions are mouse-oriented. Quite disconcerting to say the least, but I want the job! Thank you and please produce more fine articles like this! (David.sonofhashem)

Great site. I was looking for who invented/created the internet. The article was well written, with all the pertinent information and not too much detail so even a nontechie like me could understand it. (Bill Fish)

Nice website for beginners of UNIX! (Sachin)

Wow, this is an amazing site. So simple to find answers. Easy, lucid language. One of the best sites there is. Thank you. (Sid)

I like the format, a short explanation followed by a easy to follow example, this aids understanding, thank you. (Auchomage)

This site is so great I decided to bookmark it for future reference. Very helpful. I didn't have to leave the site to look else where, everything I need to know is right here. Thanks, keep up the excellent work. (Mel)

Thank you so much--- I have never googled a question before and found such an awesome and complete answer to what I was trying to do. Thank you so much for providing the information and the GREAT, easy-to-follow instructions!. (CheerMom)

Google landed me on https://www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm and I'm using it to build an app to help color blind people. Thank you. (Chad)

Your information was accurate and the most helpful out of all the searches I did. Thanks. (Oliviasose)

It was very simple and easy to find the exact HTML codes for the colors that I was looking for. They were all ordered neatly and correctly! (Bridget)

We are in the process of reorganizing our web, up-dating content etc. and this site gave us options we were unaware of. Thanks. (Bob)

I was in despair - had taken keyboard into other room to wipe it off (sticky keys - but because of sticky ice-cream hands). To my horror, when I returned I found the screen flipped 90 degrees! What to do? This page was my first Google hit and it fixed my problem! THANK YOU!. (Judy)

Simple, concise, and easy... that's what we need more of!. (M)

Your instructions for downloading YouTube videos was excellent and simple. (Anonymous)

I shall recommend this site to my friends who will benefit immensely by your love to impart valuable information about computers especially to a layman like me.. thank u and please keep up the good work. (Shelton)

Answered a question I had for years...how to handle spaces in file names. (Clement)

Hi, Computer Hope Feedback. First thank you so much to learn me how to solve my problem. You know I checked most Iranian sources to solve my problem but didn't get anything so I tell myself "lets find it in English source" and at first I find your web site and find the same problem. Because my phone was stuck in the Safe Mode after dropped down accidentally. And with your suggestion I fixed it by my own and save Some Money :D :D :P Thank You Again. (Ardeshir)

Great troubleshoot. I got my PC working again without any repair shop. (Javed)

Superb- explanation for each of the function keys given in very simple english. thanks. (Jayakumar)

For once it was easy to make complete sense of what was written on the internet. Thank you. (Shirley)

I love this site!! So so helpful, doesn't lead you to phony links for expensive computer fixes, and provides all the information I need. Thank you!!. (Jessica)

After many struggles with my computer, I found your website and I'm thrilled. I'm computer illiterate, but it was so simple to click on each explanation, that I will use your site on an ongoing basis. (Hilde)

I learned quite new things about grep, on which I had thought I was a bit of an expert. (John)

My speakers / volume icon in the System Tray on my Windows 98 computer disappeared (which was shocking), and your website had the exact solution! thank you! Even though I have a newer laptop running Windows 7, my old PC is still valuable and works for my specific purpose. Thank you for having the answers! (Tracy)

Hello there, I feel very contented to write this feedback to you. To start with, I am currently pursuing my Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering. Once when I surfing your website for the computer meaning of a word, an idea struck my head that lead me to begin working on an Android App that will be a full fledged completely offline Computer Glossary. For the database of my App, I began referring your Computer Dictionary Section. I am deeply thankful to your services, and I believe that I will complete my project soon. Without your open source and free services, I don't think it would have been possible. I show my gratitude towards your whole Computer Hope Website and will surely recommend everyone that I know to avail the great services that you are providing. It's people like you who inspire then young technocrats like me. Once again Thank You very much. Have a nice day. (Sarthak)

I always use this whenever I research about computers because its very simple (you dont have to select many choices) and accurate. Thank you so much.. :D. (Ysabellexx)

Thank you from a paranoid facebook noob. (Anonymous)

It's good to know I won't mess up having more than one browser. (Mgt)

Appreciating the time and energy you put into your website and the indepth information you provide. It's good to come across a site every once in a while that isn't the same unwanted rehashed information. Excellent read! I've saved your site and I'm adding your RSS feeds to my Google account. (Smithc443)

The def; 'within'def; are invaluable for the likes of me trying to negotiate the seemingly endless amount of jargon as I attempt to learn codeing. With your help I've HOPE! Thanks dilwyn. (Dilwyn)

Needed to confirm if my computer 64 bit or otherwise. Info from Microsoft said to click on start, go to computer, and looks at properties. My start menu did not offer that option and not being highly computer literate I couldn't access information until I came across your link. Thanks. (Karen)

I've gone to page after page looking to find how to do this process correctly and this is the only site that explained what everything should look like, and most importantly, included the important step "update labels." Thank you so much for the clear instructions!. (Yvette)

My question was answered very well and I will always research using this site. (Richmond)

Since I know next to nothing about the details of computer use, I appreciated the clarity and simplicity of the article. (Georgia)

I have questions ?? you have answers !! True love at first click. Thank You. (Ginna)

Very simple and not cluttered with too much information. The picture was helpful in determining if the information presented referred to what I had experienced. (ED)

Easy to understand directions in layman terms. Thanks. (Shirl)

I'm new to laptops but found your help simple and wand was up and running within five minutes pretty good for someone who struggles to turn on alaptop. (Technophobic)

Thank you, helped me to turn touchpad on within seconds! Great article. (Ksenia)

Explanation was very simple to understand and didnt require me to have a Masters Degree in IT to comprehend. The more advanced computers become the more of us are left behind so thanks for keeping it simple!. (Scott)

Simple straightforward language, perfect for computers dummies like me...:-). (Anonymous)

The site is among the best ones. I now understand what is a jumper in a computer. Thank you very much.You are doing a good job for humanity and deserve to remain blessed by God. (Steeve)

Differences are shown side-by-side with color codes which is very helpful. Covered all points. Simple site with less load time & no fancy advertisements & animations. Got what I was looking for! Thanks! :). (Anonymous)

I always use Computer Hope for tech issues first. (Bay)

First time I have used this source of information. It provided the answer I have been looking for all afternoon. Well Done. (Anonymous)

Hi,thanks a lot I am so happy because I was working to setup my WiFi for more then week but every link I have searched was helpless, when I open your link this was so help full in less then minute and my system WiFi start working. once again thanks alottttttttttttttttttttttttttt. (Azizzz)

At last, the HTML code and the colour side by side. (Anonymous)

For once, I found my answer on the first try. Thank You. (Gina)

All the tools I was looking for in one page. AWESOME!!!. (Chris)

What a wonderful site! I can't believe I had never seen it before. I will be coming back often. You put a lot of time and effort and thought into this site, and it shows. Thank you. (Tigrmesh)

Over the years, I have found COMPUTER HOPE to be an excellent source of Information, and it as helped me out with many .problems. I have no recommendations to make as you seem to have things close to perfection. Thank you for your help. (Anonymous)

Thanks for the Nibbler suggested link. It found a w3c html error on one of my major pages that had gone unnoticed by me for at least a year. (Bicycling)

Thank you Best answer to my question I had found on the net. (Amarpale)

An excellent site. I found what I needed immediately. (Oliveh)

Gave me the exact answer I was looking for after checking 4 other places first to no avail!. (HrseLvr)

I liked the fact that it was a simplistic definition of what each Microsoft Excel formula was used for. I know it can get more complicated, but sometimes you forget what formula is needed and this sums it up pretty nice. (Kandi)

I found your website to be well organized and simple to use. Thank you for your help. (Anita)

Thank you for telling me this otherwise I would just be sitting there crying. (Ruth)

What joy to find a site that explains in clear, logical steps without a load of jargon to decipher. Well done!. (Mikey)

First site I went on, found exactly what I need along with alternate solutions and problems one might run into. Most useful website I've visited all day. (Anonymous)

I like the clean design and easy navigation on the pages. The information was well presented. Thank you. (Kechild)

You people saved my sanity, THANK YOU. (Mallory)

Been all over the web and this is the best information all in one place for my research on possibly upgrading a laptop. Thanks!. (Crusader)

I love this website, especially since I am an avid graphic art designer. (Emily)

It is better than a oxford Dictionary. (AANDY)

If there were this kind of page for all computer problems I would solve all of them myself, thanks. (Lei)

This was very helpful as now I have some ideas on how to get my computer to start faster. Also the page/article was laid out nicely and was very easy to understand and use. (The Doctor)

Thanks for making this information known to us. You have simplified the explanation, easy for a student to get what he/she needs. (Kroozay)

I had a paper jam where I checked everywhere for the paper but found nothing. I had to get an assignment printed fast and I was really confused about it. Now I know it was a hardware problem. Thanks for the help. (Jason)

Thank you! I looked for a long time on other sites on how to do this and I could not find it. I came to yours and found it right away!!!. (Nora)

Wow! I was leery because half the time I don't know what these websites are talking about, but you made it child's play, even for someone like me!. (Susan)

I appreciate the step by step and bottom-up approach you guys employ in troubleshooting faulty components. Thanks. (Patrick)

After over 30 minutes on other places I finally got an answer here. thanks. (Hapzap)

I wanted to say thank you, I found this web site to be very helpful in attaining the information that I needed for my research.. (ANNMARIE)

Your site is really excellent. In thirty seconds I found the solution to the problem of how to turn on the wireless for a PC. Very impressive! You made me look good. (Steve)

A College assignment to search and report on what to do when your computer runs slow brought me to your site. I was very impressed with the step by step instructions to fix whatever my problem may be. I learned some new things while others were reaffirmed. I have bookmarked computerhope.com for future help when needed. Thank you for being there for those of us who struggle with computer problems. Sincerely, Rick

Your website is significant and utilitarian! Thanks for keeping us informed likewise. (Compugnito)

Easy to understand without the IT rigmarole ... (RFR)

Thank you for answering my question. It's the batteries in the mouse and not some NSA hacker. (Dennis)

A quick search and I found what I was looking for with an easy explanation. Thank you for being concise and thorough. (Joseph Parker)

Thank you, having completed college courses in this subject, I had an idea and recalled the needed steps. But your text refreshed my memory and helped me out (prospectively). Thank you Owen. (Owen)

I have no comments, suggestions or recommendations. The page was straight to the point and wonderfully explained. Thanks!. (Al)

This was my first use of Computer Hope, I was interested in Linux vs Windows and found the comments most helpful and would appear to be un-biased. I am 72 y.o. and have been a 'novice' computer user for some 15 years or so, but am now interested trying alternative platform(s). Your information and the way it was presented was exactly what I was looking for, I will probably be using CH many time in the future! Thanks Malcolm. (Malcolm)

It has everything you could possibly think of. One of the reasons why I see it useful are the binary conversions, the highly detailed information, and well, everything. This would definitely help me on my Computer Science course as well as other things. I'm adding this to my favorites. Excellent job on this Web page you guys:D (Tech Geek)

My teacher never explained these input and output devices the way you did to me and I did not think of it this way,I must say I am fully satisfied with this,it has answered all my questions. (Martia)

My experience searching on Computer Hope was simple because all I had to do is click on which ever letter I needed on the computer dictionary content. Computer Hope is also fast, reliable, and convenient and love working with Computer Hope. (Reushel)

Wish the grocery store was this easy. (Phil w)

Computer Hope has been my go-to source for PC information, tools, and help for many years. I "hope" it will be around for a long time to come. (TheGeorge)

Well done, well organized, easy to read, easy to understand, love the options so anyone with no working knowledge as well as well-informed visitors feel able to access, use, and learn from the data presented. Impressive. (Papa)

This is such a breath of fresh air! Easy to navigate, the answer is right there, not forty pages/links later & written so a techno-not like me could actually understand it!! If I wasn't kinda attached to her I'd give you my first-born with extreme appreciation. You guys rock!!. (Scout)

Clear, right amount of detail, and links included. came across as an honest site without nonsense. (MM)

Gave me the answer immediately - needed advice on font size changing in my new Word program. (Anonymous)

I tried 4 other websites before getting to yours - none of the others had steps that worked. Thank you very much. (Anonymous)

My heart actually raced and I almost cried. I KNOW SOME SHORT CUTS AND USE THEM ALL THE TIME EVERY DAY, BUT I'm embarrassed to admit how many years I have missed and longed for the "find" function. And I really appreciate learning other new ones as well. You have taken hours off of my work time and caused my heart to become glad! THANK YOU! PS I not only shared this, but I'm saving the link to keep sharing it everytime someone asks me how to ... (Bb)

Yours was the only of several sites to give simple step by step instructions on how to mail merge labels. All the other sites were so complicated I became overloaded with extraneous, confusing information. Thank you. (Mike)

This was so well explained to the point a caveman would definitely get it. (Bull)

You have saved my life! I accidently hit some key, and I thought it was a Function key, but didn't know which one. My screen maximized and the top and bottom bars disappeared. After reading your treatise on the F keys, I pressed Ctrl and F11 and voila! The screen is back to normal! Thank you!. (Loulou)

I am a novice with computers but this advice was wonderful and rare: Easy to follow, clear as a bell. Thank you, thank you, thank you ! Difficult at first only because I couldn't recall what the thing was called. Then a bolt from the blue--MENU BAR! YAY AND EUREKA! Thanks again!. (Dee)

Perfect, simple and clear explanation,easy to understand. Thanks! (Cloudtales)

Easy and down to the point, no long stretched out unnecessary explanations. I like it. well done. (Chene)

The subject was very well explained and in a short from; examples are very good too, Thanks! (Cristianillo)

This was the site I was looking for years! Thanks a lot for your work, it is excellent. (muthuri)

Thank you. The Pilcrow symbol was very annoying. No one seemed to know how to get rid of it. I typed in a search "how to delete unwanted symbols in text" and found you. Followed simple instructions to complete the removal. Thank you so much. (Connie)

Far more helpful than Windows Help. Thanks. (Rachel)

An excellent website. Got my touchpad working after viewing it. Thanks COMPUTERHOPE. (Srivishnu)

It's nice to visit a website and get the information you need without going through tons of popups and fake advert links. (Keith)

This solution was splendid...am an aspiring computer engineer and I really found this info useful... Thanx a lot... (Xerxes)

Suggest to Microsoft or Manufacturer to put a link to your page. (Chi)

It was easy to find with the instruction. I don't even know what I have done to my computer to be not able to use the arrow keys to move to different cells in excel. It was very frustrating and now thanks to your website I can use my arrow keys again. Thank you. (Kalayar)

The advice I read here was just what I needed. Could not access my CMOS Bios settings. I read here that if you held down a key steadily during boot up, the CMOS settings would appear. This was a perfect solution! Tried it, and I got immediate access to my CMOS settings. Wow, you guys are great!! Sarge. (USAFsarge)

Had no idea of the existence of this astonishing and wonderful site until just now. I have, since 1999, taught myself everything I know about computer and network technology. Had I known of this terrific, massive toolbox and data center I can't begin to calculate the number of hours I would have saved myself ! Mind boggling ! Thank you for providing this to the public. The good y'all have spread is immeasurable, I suspect. Sincerely and with kindest and deferential regards, (Michelle)

Always good to know someone out there knows how to fix probs. Thanks for the help. (Anonymous)

I have been trying to find a solution to my problem for months. Everyone else took me everywhere except where I wanted to go. The information on your site was simple and to the point and solved my problem in a matter of seconds. Thank you!. (Jubal421)

EXACTLY what I wanted to know, in seconds. Perfect. (Reginac)

Perfect ! Very User Friendly & beginner friendly. A big like. (Zoheb)

Fixed my issue in a heartbeat. Thank you very much. I'm on a work deadline, so my Excel issue would have caused great delays and frustration. Now, I'm back in full swing. Thanks, again. (Nicole)

I have been a fan of your site for a while now. Always check to see what you say about a particular situation before I decide what action to take. (Nona)

Amazing what can be obtained with one click. Didnt realize some updates were not on my computer. (RJ)

Nowadays it's very hard to find what you are looking for in many e-contents, until you look over and over again, but this article has a straightforward approach that allows newcomers to get information they are looking for in a simple manner. (Fred)

Thanks for this info. I couldn't make an .iso image for my new HP due to gpt format. Never thought/tried letting windows do it...y'all on my toolbar now!. (Simbatig)

It was a good and easy read. I needed to know how to create a CSV file and this piece was helpful. Great work!. (Roluseye)

I am humbled by your comfortable way of presentation. I will always consult. (Simon)

Found exactly what I wanted, including information I didn't realize I wanted. (Darrah)

I found the answer to my question very easily and it was fully explained. At the bottom, my attention was drawn to a question, "How do I hack a computer", curiosity made me look and I have to say I was impressed by the way you put a case against it in a respectful and adult manner. I am phobic a computer viruses and hacking, it is a constant worry, it is so good to see a site pointing out the stupidity of it and the distress it can cause. Very impressed, and thank you from us computer phobes. (Paul)

Computer wouldn't "BOOT". I disconnected a wide white connection from the power unit and it powered-up, Thanks. (Rich)

Quiz section with information is excellent. (Baskar)

The information saved me hours of time!!. (Jeff)

You made it easy enough for an old broad like me to understand and fix by myself. Thank you. (Barkers)

Great information. Keep the Linux tutorials coming!. (Klaatu)

I really like to download youtube videos and this site is the best to do it. (Arun)

This was the quickest CORRECT Answer I've ever found in my 20 years of asking about Anything Technical by Web searching solutions. Thank you for keeping it real and fast. (Marilyn)

Easily accessible and brilliantly designed. (Dylan)

Just wanted to give you a shout out and a thanks for giving a mom a moment to shine. My daughter built a new gaming PC and it would power up but not boot up. She had resolved herself to the fact that she was going to have to take to a professional and see what was wrong. However, that would have meant waiting a few days so I did some research, found your site and your fan failure tip did the trick. She unplugged the system fan which resulted in no power at all, plugged it back in and voila, working computer. Thanks Again. (Mom)

To me, Computer Hope is the Rosetta Stone. In the long ago, writers almost invariably, when using abbreviations; spelled out the words in parentheses. As in USN (United States Navy). This system seems to have been forgotten. I thought it was very helpful and a courtesy. I would be glad to see it make a comeback. Thank you for all your help. In addition to being a free service, it also keeps my mind and attitude healthy. All the best, Robert. (Rnickles1)

I found this website through Google search and I will bookmark it for future reference! I learned how to change the text size from my keyboard after I had inadvertently made it teeny type.what a relief when I found your quick and easy directions directly on the google search page! Thank you!!. (LMT)

Was searching how to delete and disable google account search history, and I found exactly what I needed!. (Elle)

Awesome! Very helpful, my problem was fixed right away. (Nina)

I'm an engineer & IT person (Linux & Windows, mac too...) and I'm always looking for help/quick fixes. I just found your website and I'm most impressed. I browsed around a bit and it's just amazing- phenomenal job- I would give you a raise if I could! Thank you thank you!! Have a wonderful day!!. (Bobster)

Previously I wasn't able to install drivers on my laptop but after visiting this site I find it easy to install them... Thanks a lot it was really helpful... (Asif)

Keep it up! Because I'm now mesmerized with computer programming! :-). (Jacob)


Found you via Google and liked your clear layout. (David)

Solved my problem immediately! Thanks. (Daniel)

I was looking for something and found it in a minute, plus it helped. (Antonio)

Found your website today after Googling for help with a unresponsive DVD/CD Rom. Wonderful easy explanation and links to operate in safe mode. I will recommend your site to all of my friends and family. Thank you!. (Lee)

I've searched 3 days for this code. I've tried so many codes out there and your code is awesome! It perfectly picks random quotes for my personal blog site. THANKS A LOT. (Roderick)

Everything beautifully expressed in a visually appealing way: what more could a learner ask for!. (Terence)

Nice and easy to use, told me what I wanted to know right now, no fuss, no muss. Thanks you made my bookmark list. (Anonymous)

I like that you focuse on concise troubleshooting steps, and includes links to necessary procedures rather than the procedures themselves. (Jo'von)

THANK YOU!!!!! I have been looking for months for solution to downloading youtube videos that I could understand. (Raddish)

This site provided exactly what I wanted to see and learn. As a late coming tech, I only had minimal training, or need for DOS. Now I want to learn to make batch files as needed. This was a great experience in that regard. (Newt)

Computer Hope is a must-have website. Very helpful information that's easy to understand. Thank You. (Harry)

Thank you - I am a computer nerd and my husband set a box on my keyboard changing me to full screen or whatever - I had tried other sites and yours was so easy for an old person to understand - I have my screen back where it was - THANK YOU !! and yes I know I yelled it -. (Mary)

I just found this website while trying to figure out a problem with my computer. I love your dictionary. Thank you. (Barbara)

This is the finest help site I've been on, it has helped me greatly. (J R D)

I always love getting exactly the information I need in just the right amount of words. (Debbie)

It was really helpful, especially as it showed 2 different ways of getting the same result. (Boo-tang)

As a wi-fi broadband user I only get very limited GB per month so to watch a 2.5hr YouTube training video would have sucked up a lot of my limited data. Your YT download page was a great find and very easy to use -thank you very much Paul. (Paul)

Straight forward and direct answer with real examples. No big word jargons or if so, it is explained as well. Great help for time-starved individuals. (TL)

I am so glad I finally found one place to find all the answers I need. Keep up the good work and thanks a million. (Kayla)

Thanks for your kind effort to providing us this invaluable notes ! Certainly it will help my 6th semester students of B.Sc. in Computer Science (Major) as well as to the B.C.A. students for their paper "System Administration using Linux". (Dr Saikia)

I've been at your website for well over an hour, and I don't see myself leaving it soon. There is an incredible amount of good information here, and I'm very impressed with how understandably well-written it is. I'm not commenting on every page I visit, because I'm basically making an afternoon of it! Just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job, and I appreciate your work. Thank you! (Spectrekitty)

What an incredible site you have. After downloading a few articles, all related from the main text, I hope to use this information to solve a nightmare of related issues. You should be proud of yourselves for having an incredible site like this that helps people in need out. Thank you so very much. (Dan)

Have an automatic fix, secure, update magic button for the tech challenged. Thank you. (Trish W)

I had a very small but extremely annoying excel problem after cleaning my keyboard. Your directions to fix it were wonderful. So clear and user friendly. You get 10 stars!!. (Vickie)

Just goggled How do I save a particular video and you were top of the selection so went with it which proved to be a correct move. (Anonymous)

You guys are perfect!! I can't even express the easy time I'm having using this site in my computer studies. (Lepariyo)

I had tried for days to resolve a problem never experienced before in 20 years - the loss of sound through my speakers! It drove me crazy! Then I got onto Computer Hope and within minutes my problem was fixed! I love you guys (and girls). Thanks a million!. (Bobbyess)

Wandered around various forums, web sites etc. just to find info on how to install my new speakers to PC - no luck until I got to you. Easy to understand and graphic with actual PC connector speaker color was great. My speakers now work, thanks! I'm 71 & I need very simple instructions which you provided. (Anonymous)

I'm just trying to set up vendor accounts for my sister's business. Your page with contact information is the first one (out of at least 30) that has had all the information I needed in one organized place. Thank you!. (Mim)

I look after a website for an animal rescue group and they had posted video of a dog on their facebook page. They asked me to use the video on the website but I had no idea how to get the video from facebook to the website. Your instructions were perfect! Thankyou!. (Dallas)

I have used this site many times to look up definitions, I found it simple to use and understand. As a beginner it has helped me to find out the meaning of computer jargon in an easy straight forward way. (Janet)

Amazing. Very fast. 11/10 stars. Thank you. (Aidan)

Thank you for the information, I was able to do my Skype job interview on time. (Rhodesia)

I came across your site after googling a question about how many browsers can you run on windows. Nothing was hitting the mark until I clicked on your site. You are in my computer info go to site now. Thanks!. (Jimmy)

Excellent site ! I could revive an old 486 laptop because of you !. (Simoncu)

I appreciate the simplicity of the article and I share this page often to my customers who are having browser issues! I'm an Avon Representative who sells entirely on line and Avon updated there website for security reasons which meant all customers are required to have an updated browser in order for them to sign in. This page has been very helpful when my customers don't know how to update! Which unfortunately has been many! Thanks so much! (Beauty2Makeup)

This is the first time I can remember finding exactly what I needed, right away, with simple descriptions while using internet help. Thanks for making the instructions clear and concise. (JD)

Thanks... after trying a number of other links without success, your advice worked first time and was simple to understand / follow. (Iain)

I just want to say that this webpage was exactly what I was looking for. I hate having to read long, pointless pages when I really want the gist of the topic - not who created the product/idea, why, what it used to be, etc. - thanks for making my life easy. (It-noob)

Thank you for the help! The fix was simple and easy to follow. I had been searching for a solution to my bluetooth headphones not showing up on my PC for a week now; I'm so glad I came across your site. Thanks again. (Travis)

In the past I have had to look up beep codes and it was a challenge. This time it was very easy. Your site is now bookmarked. (Norm)

It really helped me a lot, was difficult to understant GUI concept but now is easy. (Happy)

Thank you. As we all know, great things are those which are simple. Thanks again. (Evgen)

I would like my comment again that Computer Hope is a very helpful site for computer students and that I recommended it to all of my classmates. This is the great global communities service offered free of charge. Thanks a lot Computer Hope. (Mr. Parmar)

Very Helpful straight forward information without all the useless stuff lots of other places give you. (Lynn)

This is probably the best site I have ever visited for computer information!. (Autodidactic1)

I have been looking for a solution to this for 5 years! Thank you so much. (Avery)

The answer that I was searching for was explained well. I also learned a lot more than I was looking for and this helped me to understand to a better extent of what I was wanted to obtain knowledge of. Thank you for this information. (Kalisa)

The article was the top result for a google search "will an x-ray hurt or damage my laptop at airport security?" your article covered everything and put my mind to ease. keep up the good work!. (Shane)

This page is very well done and I wish there were more companies this good! I wouldn't change a thing. (Danny)

I feel that the information given here is the most useful I have seen in quite a while. I am thrilled that I just happened upon your website and am able to utilize all this technical knowledge. Thank you. (Elizabeth)

Easy, simple and straight-forward, what more could I ask for? Great Work!!!. (Anonymous)

Simple, easy to use, no techno-babble. (Catweasel)

The page was absolutely perfect I got what I want without stress. (Adeyemi)

I like the terms being in alphabetical order. Mostly, I like your use of simple basic English to explain computer terms and ideas. (ROBERT)

The article was interesting to read and can be easily understood. It helped me in deciding my next purchase because the topic was properly discussed, with definitions, pros and cons. Thank you for making it clearer for me. (Petrushka)

Excellent info on MS-DOS printing. I've been looking for hours for help and your article was exactly what I was needing for information on older computers printing to the LPT. Thanks!. (Anonymous)

Thanks, it took a total of 5 seconds for a solution. (Jrfever)

Excellent site for linux commands. (Selva)

I asked a question and got a helpful answer, can't do better than that. (Ann)

You all make finding info pertinent to my needs an absolute breeze!! Thanks and don't go away any time soon! :). (Pokey)

I am 73 years old and not very computer savvy. I lost my rulers on Microsoft Word and I missed them. Haven't had them for about two weeks. Must have lost them with all my experimental clicking. I wanted to get the rulers back so I came here and got the information and got my rulers back. Hooray and thank you. (Les)

It was very helpful for your average PC user, would recommend 10/10. (Vlad)

Thank you for your efforts in producing and presenting information in a simple, understandable style that helps novices to understand technologies and concepts. (Anonymous)

I like how the explanations are in layman's language. Anybody can understand the definitions and easily grasp what's going on in their pc. (Alford)

I wish many other sites were as simple as yours, especially that of Microsoft !! Your site is very user friendly. Thank you. (Ramesh)

Thank you for making JavaScript codes and terms available for me to learn, edit and use I really appreciate it!. (Obscurantist)

Kudos to you!! With a name like Computer Hope you really are. I thought the problem I was having would take me forever or not find an answer at all. But using your site with a couple of searches being user friendly solved my problem. THANK YOU!. (Kathy)

Laptop had been frozen for two days but your page fixed it within two minutes ! Thank you so very much !. (Jobo)

Easier to find the answer I was looking for here than Microsoft's website. (JP)

The numeric keypad on my laptop would not work, took the machine to a repair centre who confirmed it was broken, as a shortcut purchased a wired keypad which I have been using for 4 years!. using the directions from the help page I have fixed the problem today. (Nigel)

I support our local church and one Dell PC won't power-up. I only get the amber light on and holding it turns the light off but pushing it does nothing. It has not been keeping the correct time and date for over a year so with your comment on that leads me to believe the coin battery is causing the problem. It's at least worth a $10 try! Thanks for your help. God bless. (Bill)

Good comparison. I was thinking to buy a laptop but it was very costly after seeing this comparison I decided to buy a desktop computer. (Kiran)

Please just keep on keeping on! I'm afraid I might stuff myself to the point of bloatedness, or even nausea by trying to absorb too much, too fast. This is some of the clearest and easiest to understand computer/tech speak I've ever found and had the pleasure to peruse. Thank you! (Harry)

This was the first site to help me solve the problem with Windows Media Player. Thank you very much. (Sandhst)

Followed the easy instructions and had my computer going again within seconds!!!!. (Sara)

Love your site. It's been an invaluable resource for me. Thanks! (Andrew)

With little experience, I found the explanation to be clear & concise. thanks. (Anonymous)

Direct, clear, and to the point information in short, easy to understand paragraphs. Illustrations properly placed on page along with useful links to other computer terminology. Great site!. (Jhead)

This is amazing because I almost received more than I wanted. Thanks. (Patricia)

Thanks a lot for clearly explaining things. My laptop suddenly stopped working and I was in a fix. I followed the steps and within 5 min it was back. Appreciate your help. (Kiran)

Thank you very much for your help, this is the quickest I have ever been helped!. (George)

I normally do not do this (leave comments), but I found what I was looking for in a well explained manner... Thanks a lot.. (Danny)

Computer Hope is THE perfect computer help and teaching tool and requires no recommendations. Superlative!! (Merrick)

A very enlightening experience. I have been a computer user for a number of years, and knew only half of these shortcuts. I have bookmarked the "Computer Hope" site. Thank you. (Judith)

I like your work and how you respond to questions. Thanks. (Anonymous)

This article is very helpful especially to a Computer Science teacher like me. It helped with the information I needed to dispense my lesson on spreadsheets. Thanks Computer Hope!. (Eric)

This was my first time using such a site as this, your instructions are excellent. Your site was the first of this kind I have tried, but its simplicity of use has prompted me to save the link. I will certainly re-visit. Great work. (Donna)

I was going crazy trying to increase the size of the font in my gmail (which had become very tiny) Thanks to your tips now the font size is back to normal Thanks (Rupa)

I personally appreciate your sharing of Knowledge and experience for for the benefit of needy users and well organised web site such as Microsoft Help support GCF PC classes on line on the net I am retired and keep on learning at home to keep mind active so long as I live Thank you (Vijay)

Am elderly and have just basic computer skills Need simple but clear instructions (allowing for my very limited computer knowledge) Found your tips excellent Thank you very much (Patricia)

I like the page it is an educative page for youth even for adult that don"t know much about computer I really like it keep it up (Mariam)

I have been looking for almost an hour and finally found you. So I am so glad that you had the very info I wanted. I am an old school typist and I even learned more than I expected. Thank YOU! (Nance)

The HTML color code list was very complete, and it has been extremely helpful for the coding I have been doing lately. (Cocokat)

I had checked a few other sites for the definition I was looking for, but couldn't understand - they were over my head. This was easy to find and easy to understand! (Cait)

This website or page remarkable it is very useful for me and other I will always use this website or page to do my computer work or to collect information (Abdullah)

Please keep enlightening people, it's really good, especially for those in underdeveloped countries. (Anonymous)

It was very helpful to me and all things are written in the type and order as expected I am very thankful to Computer Hope to provide me information about 'Computer Theft' as I needed the information for my Final Computer Science exam tomorrow thanks and CONGRATS! (Aranna)

Not being a 'computer nerd,' your site is a huge help and I plan to see what else I can learn. Thank you for keeping it simple! (Wazntme)

This is why I think the internet is so great I had a question and you people over there just went and gave me the answer Wonderful! (Ggp)

Everyone should know about the awesomeness of your website! (Scott)

Computer deadlocked, found this page through my 3DS. It was very useful thank you. (Jennifer)

I was looking for definitions related to computers and networks and this was greater then I had imagined tks. (John)

This site is very helpful. I recommend and request every IT Student to visit this site. Very simple to use and almost everything could be find about Computer. Thinks Admin! (Sami)

Navigation of Windows 8 using without a mouse turned up your page of guidance...Very helpful in order to reload my bootcamp drivers and recover my mouse. (None)

You guys are awesome I was flipping through all of my settings and couldn't find a thing My husband owns a computer business and he diddles around with my settings when he fixes things My screen was dark enough to soothe Dracula's eyeballs and now it's like a burning sun (Tessa)

If it ain't broken - don't fix it. I find it perfect the way it is. Thanks. (John)

I am so glad to find the infomation very easy without much streth keep it up (Hakeem)

Its very good this site also help me if I wanna any problem then all I got all salulation here thanks a lot (Rajendra)

It was very easy you write in a way I would describe as " instructions for dummies" ha a I have a new apple Ipad gift from my son wants me to keep up with tech :) (Mary)

I really appreciate the information on the older systems. Thank you. (Raymond)

Thanks for being there. I appreciate much. I was not familiar with ICT in general but through this sight i find myself comfortable because you use simple language that help me easier get a solution to my computer problems. Big up guys. God bless u n keep doing this good job to help people like me. (Eve)

Bloody Brilliant!! Thanks so much! (Anon)

Good jobs guys, keep up the good work on helping us technologically impaired folk. (Rose)

Thanks very much for creating a site like this it has really help me do an assignment that was given to me by my computer teacher. (Nsikakabasi)

Worked great tried 2 hours before reading this thank you. (Kerri)

This was the only explanation that worked telling me that if nothing else worked, hold down power button until it shut off. Thx from a computer challenge person. (Scorpionqueen)

Dear all kindly accept my heartiest thanks to you for providing so valuable idea to solve the problem having with installation of Windows. I successfully succeed with the help your assistance Remarkable! And true (Viresh)

Am very glad at least for easy access to your page. Thanks a lot And I recommend this page (Nwano)

Computer Hope is doing a tremendous job for people like me who are interested in computer and computers only (Tejinder)

I love this site! It helps so much with color coding, like you wouldn't imagine. I love how it's all in order and easy to find. I had this site saved on my last laptop, and remembered a little of the name. After my first laptop went out, and I got a new one, I found this site ASAP. It's now back in my favorites so I can reference it again. Thank you so much for this wonderful site! I've never had one problem with it. (Kyrstnn)

Just a quick note to say how much I value your site for informative, and sometimes surprising, articles. Good work. (Manybells)

OMGOMGOMG thank you!! It was actually really simple and I was trying to press down on it in the middle and it wasn't working but then that suggestion of pressing down all four corners of it worked so thanks (Vandii)

COMPUTER-HOPE is always a joy for me to use when searching for information. MY HOBBY IS INTERNET-SEARCHING, and Computer-Hope is where I go first of all. Thank you for being there for me. Sincerely, (Patrick)

I found your site on a Google Search for an Excel question. Your answer was MUCH better than Microsoft's! I've bookmarked you. And I'm sending your site address to my Computer Club. (CSR)

For a technophobe this was an invaluable service Thanks (Kate)

Thank you so much for taking the time to set this up. In a world of increasing complexity, our website is a "site" for sore eyes to those of us who are not a whiz at the computer. (Geebee)

Sometimes its the real basics that stump us! This was a really clear explanation,aided by pictures that helped me solve my problem in less than a minute.. Thanks. (Nat)

Thank you very much for this information I wish there were more simple and easy information like this on the web Very helpful (Sen)

A lot of info at the touch of a finger. Just catching on to this byte counting, to make sure I don't overload my iPad with books. No danger of that, I guess. Thanks! (Wanda)

I found this information useful and easy to use FULL MARKS for such a wonderful presentation (Fingers9)

I hate MS Word but have to use it at work When I can not find a feature I google it and do not use the Microsoft Knowledge base as it appears to be written in a language meant to confuse even more than their help screens My search was for finding the ruler bar in Word 2010 as it has unexplainedly disappeared The first page I clicked on must have been a Microsoft black site as the answer made know sense to me Your answer was extremely simple and easy to implement Thank you very much! (Fritz)

I currently have a pressing need to be able to jump from the beginning to the end of several documents... over and over again. I *KNEW* there was a keyboard shortcut for this, but couldn't remember it. Thank you for providing it! (Donna)

Computer hope is awesome, what I was looking for I got it within a minute, which shows that this page is more advanced and the definitions were summarised in an easier for to understand. I don't want to lie but I had an awesome experience. (Nondumiso)

Clear easy to follow explanation and instructions, I used the information you supplied to enable an audio device I had previously disabled. I couldnt figure out how to enable it again, your instructions were helpful, thak you. (Anonymous)

That was fantastic and Splendid search for information indeed your assistance has been the best of my search Keep on with your help in the world of IT (Juawie)

Really helpful After searching several manufacturer websites without an answer this put me in the exact direction to solve the issue (Michael)

I like how this site keep it simple and direct. (Hugh)

Finally a site that is easy to navigate, not cluttered with adds or useless info, and provides what it claims to have. Thanks for your time and effort in putting this info out there. (Hepa)

I have tried to download a song for more than 2 hours in many ways but I couldn't download it then I got this link and I got downloaded within a minute Thanks a lotttt (Danesh)

Thank you so much! its been a very long time since I've had to do anny margin setting and I'd forgotten how! (Judy)

I am just a beginner, I am learning to become a computer technician. I've been hearing of these terms "BIOS and CMOS." The way these terms were explained to me was confusing as they sound the same thing. So I really wanted to know what each of them means so I googled them, from here I was linked to Computer Hope where what I wanted to know is found direct. Now I know exactly what BIOS and CMOS mean. Thank you very much Computer Hope for being there. I recommend Computer Hope to beginning and expert technicians and even to computer users. With Computer Hope, hope is not lost. This is where what you need is found. Once again I say THANK you very much. (Ubong)

What an excellent resource. I can always google individual terms as they come up in my studies, but this type of resource allows me to get exposure to things I have not yet encountered. I'm really glad this exists. Thanks (Anonymous)

Much of my computer usage has been self taught via books or online instruction I believe that Computer Hope will help me with learning I might have missed Thanks for filling this need (D7ana)

I've tried to get this information over a period but did not think about accessing this information through the internet Some one had mentioned to me along time ago that you could find almost anything on the internet and they were correct I'm retired now and trying to keep up with my p c Skills This was very helpful to me to say the least This was very user friendly and I look forward to future assistance Thank you very much! (Debbra)

Nice to have a great valuable service like this hang in we need you thanks sincerely (John)

Just asked a direct question, and got a straight forward easy to understand answer. (Janice)

Very easy to find what I wanted to know The only suggesting I have is who ever made this page they deserve more money a raise pat on the back an Atta boy something Peace dis HOOD 6 n 6 out (Thatruhood)

Back in the 1990s I wrote a pgm called YANKIF in Basic which would Yank (copy) a record into another file if a string was found in another ASCII record file Findstr may help me duplicate this in WIN7 in a batch file thanks for your help I am retired now at 70 yrs old (David)

I thank you for this important and salient information that you have given to me I am grateful for the answers thank you so very much for now I know what I have been searching for (Jumbo)

Thank you so much for such an informative page! I wanted a site that would provide me with easy to read information regarding troubleshooting computer problems and that's exactly what I've found! Really appreciate it (Ayodhya)

The easiest process I have ever followed to located the information I need for my laptop I have been searching for several years for a way to locate my video info and tried different programs to no avail Thanks for a simple and easy way to locate what I needed (Veritas)

Your site has been a source of much info for me both when I've been desperate or simply curious and I trust it will continue to be so. Best wishes. (Brian)

Thank you so much!!! I am so glad that I found you I am not at all computer savvy so your site was very helpful and super easy to understand Not sure what happened but at least it is working now Thank you again Carolyn (Carolyn)

I absolutely love this site. So helpful as it is basic for us computer bananas. (Rqgirl)

In my opinion Computerhope com is the best resource website for anybody who has a technical problem It provides meticulous information so that someone can zero in on a resolution (Nike)

I'm so glad I found you guys or you found me!!!! You have been a tremendous help and I really appreciate all the help I have learned in the last two days where have you been all my life? thank you (Debra)

I've been using "Computer Hope" ever since it first came on the "Net" all those years ago. I always found Computer Hope to have the directness and simplicity much needed when all else in computing and the Internet is so complex and time consuming. Keep up the great service and resources. And, thank you for all that you do. (Jim)

Your information and the way it was produced is priceless; I am a foreigner, a mom of 3 and a recent widow. Without websites like yours my life would be a little harder. Thank you. (A Mom)

I know nothing about flash drive and I loved that pictures saved would depend on quality I am familiar with the bigger the picture or higher resolution versus lower quality pictures But this information broke it down as to what would fit on a drive I take tons of photos Thanks so much for what might seem like a no brainer for people with more technology savvy! (Chris)

If I had not browsed the website I would not have found the solution to my problem I had spent a whole day surfing the net to find a solution Thank you for restoring my life had simply thought all was lost (Lilo)

Been looking for ways to completely restore my PC to the way it was when I first purchased it and all I had to do was use those 2 keys and and it fully restored to manufactured defaults. (Aceruser)

I checked several sites and could not find the answer...first thing i open here gave me the answer i needed. (Rebecca)

Its been a great experience keep up the good work make it easier for inexperienced people like myself to fix their own computer problems. (Xolani)

Everyday, I read your Today word which help me a lot. Thanks. (Eddy)

This is my 1st time here I can't believe I just now found your site It is beautiful simple to navigate and easy for me to understood (so far!)I'm a grandma and not too savvy with the tech world I look fwd to using your site a lot! Thanks (Laser)

What I have read now made me feel important to have a computer I am 87 years old and I regret not taking classes before but it seems to me now that I am handling it fairly well You could hear all the good words I am receiving as if I was inventing something Thanks (Happy)

I visited the "Make link prompt visitor to download .PDF, .DOC, or other file" page, followed the suggestions and it worked perfectly! Thanks a lot! (Juan)

Few others make it as easy to get info on their sites. Many times I am looking for answers and I have to read a lot of text in order to get it. Your site gave me the answer in the first sentence and I loved that. The payoff of choosing your site over others is far above the competition! (Sharon)

Thanks and I prayed that God should give you more strength to take this work to the next level which is the promised land for you and for us the researcher KEEP IT UP ONCE AGAIN THANKS (Ambrose)

Never knew about the shift delete combo, wanted to delete individual websites w/o clearing entire address bar. Thanks! (Anonymous)

Computer hope is a very educational website for anyone wanting to learn all there is about submitting a website and what to do and how to. I ran across this sight by accident, and I'm glad I did. I was on the site for an hour just reading. I recommend this site to anyone getting ready to submit a site and don't have very much experience and can't afford to pay someone. All I can say to the team: keep up the good work. (The Queen)

I'm so glad you're doing what you do! It is so helpful to us non-IT graduates! Blessings! (David)

I'm very thankful for having a site like this where I can come to and search for the help I need when my computer sometimes get me confused I'm not an expert but at least I can find the information that I need Thank You Computer Hope its greatly appreciated for having an excellent site "I Love It!!!!!" (Marion)

Site is awesome especially for people like me who have only a smattering of real understanding about how a computer works. Thank you! (Anonymous)

Silly wireless keyboard has no LEDs I didn't even know that Scroll Lock was on! Excel was acting funny and you helped me find the problem in no time flat (Geekintexas)

This program has helped me a lot to understand all that was eating my mind. (Emmanuel)

Good clean simple explanations love it (Connie)

I am big fan of computerhope.com since 4 years. And just wanted to say, You are awesome ! and more thing i wanted to say your new design looks super fantastic!! (Nitin)

Its one of the useful and important site I have ever visited and I hope they keep it up like this in future (Alessandro)

This site is my favorite site because I learn too many things of computer from this site I appreciate the effort of the owner of the this site that he give us opportunity to learn computer knowledge at out home without any hurdle and difficulty (Sajid)

Its nice to find this info in such a clear, clean format, not bogged down with advertisements. I'm a baby boomer, with (CRS) and this is very helpful. Thanks very much... (Ed)

As a non-techie trying hard to diagnose slow running machine I got some good tips for things to look at. (At 70 learning new stuff is a joy - but sometimes takes a little effort to get it to sink in. Mostly to do with language and what things are called. I run little in the way of 'programs' but see Task Manager loaded with processes ... have found out what most do and found nothing not really important to operation. Coming to the conclusion that there isn't enough physical memory to keep things moving along nicely. Upping to 2 GB, motherboard limit, and hoping to see dramatic improvement. (Never been afraid to go inside these things.) Then I'm going to do the driver update check ... sneaky suspicion that video card has a hand in the slowness. All-in-all - a learning process. You guys help a lot since you write everything in regular English for folks like me. We appreciate it. (Hig)

Hello!!! My name is Lilly and I absolutely love this You have helped me so so so so much and I love you for that OMG OMG! Bye (Lilly)

You guys are AWESOME!! This was THE BEST website I've ever entered in a WHILE!! Super easy to covert and Super fast! Thank you!! Guys like you are the reason why internet is SOOOO good!! (Jacob)

I Know More Now Than I Did !!!!!!! (Bubba)

Nothing is better than this Article. (Arun)

For the overworked caffeine sucking harried frazzled never say quit GEEK manning the station THANK YOU (Anonymous)

Made my dissertation look more professional than I deserve!! (Jacque)

This was amazingly helpful I'm so glad that I found this website! (Dill)

I've been trying to find our password for weeks! I had no idea it would be so simple Thank You! (Rose)

I received more info then I was expecting. Thanks. (Steve)

It was excellent I did not know the name of it Pilcrow I used backward looking P I got my answer immediately Thanks (Malc)

I haven't used a computer in a long time and this helped get myself reaquanted with my pc (Gloria)

This was an experience well needed! Thank you and very easy to see it in simple form! (Shihi)

Left my cell phone at work and I was expecting a very important call Your instructions on sending a SMS message from my computer to a cell phone were so simple Thank you (David)

I am 66 years old, a retired teacher. Still I help the children with learning. I feel computer knowledge is very vital in teaching-learning process. Your page has given me a hope to learn computer basics so that I can make use of that knowledge to update my teaching methodologies and to be away from talk and chalk and chalk and talk method. Thanks for your page. Yours sincerely, (Sivapalan)

Solved the problem. This is the most simple intruction to solve problem. Really happy after struggling 2-3 days. (Safyan)

Very useful. thank you so much for helping me. run your service forever. (Dhanusri)

This was very useful to me keep on providing the world with useful information Thank you very much (Tuwilika)

Excellent site I wish I found it ages ago so intuitive and really easy to follow plus so explanatory A1 (Wally69)

Finally a tutorial that is very step by step! I still am trying to find the status bar but to get there every tutorial has began: Open ie Click on view Ok now where's view? So keep on researching how do I find view? I clicked on the right link and was on your site Much more clear If you can't find view press the alt key Well there it was! I definitely put your page in my favorites! Because in the same process I also learned how to keep that bar visible permanently 2 Birds one stone (Jeffrey)

I need to bookmark your web page I didn't understand "Lock Screen" and couldn't find an understandable explanation until "ComputerHope.com" If I could get one thing understood amongst people with computer savvy it would be communication Almost never is help or explanation given that is understandable The reasons are twofold: 1 There is so much "jargon" as I call it slang acronyms etc. That unless a person has an exceptional memory and is focused only on this computer jargon any help or explanation gets lost 2 Explanation and more so help needs to start at the beginning of the process not somewhere in the middle with the assumption that a person already knows a great deal about computers I've been acquainted with computer for about 24 years and still find them very very confusing I'm no dummy but find it extremely taxing to wade through experiment after experiment to try to accomplish something "Lock Screen" was a very minor one but I thank you very much for a decent explanation in real English (Peter)

Computer Hope has been an excellent source for simply explained Dos-related material for what seems like a long time. Terrific! (Anonymous)

Thank you so much for the helpful information about touchpad I cant use the touchpad I thought its broken but with your help I just need to go to control panel and reset I can use the touchpad again Thank you again and more power (Sarah)

I applaud your tireless effort of providing such rich up to date and relevant information to non technical users like me (Nashon)

I'm pretty computer savy but not good enough on the IT end to make money but I do to my pc with you help that other people bring to techs Thanks (Dan)

It's nice to handle. Easy fast and I love it ;) (Prateek)

I was looking for info on creating a batch file for directory/file listings and the relevant switches - I found exactly what I needed and it was a great help. Many thanks. (Flash783)

Your site has been very helpful I have used it for information for my coarse work and this time to help my son with a sudden computer shutdown Thank you (Carol)

The best information I have found yet even from manufacturers (Joy)

You saved the day. The info you provided on the xcopy command saved me days from removing over 200GB of photos and music files from thousands of sub directories off a damaged/failing hard disk drive. I forgot most of the dos commands I once used on a daily basis. Thanks for being here for people like me. (Jiggy)

After reading one paragraph I solved my keyboard problem. Thanks. (Vicki)

Can you show Microsoft how to make it easy?! :) (Sandra)

If I could I would give who ever wrote all the information, twenty-million dollars but right now I don't have the money. (Sammy)

I found exactly the information I needed within seconds. Thanks! (Teri)

I needed to merge 22 csv files into one your instructions were awesome! It worked perfectly Thanks (Ebyers)

As a computer professional I value the way you folks have Computer Hope set up. You guys have done an EXCELLENT job of laying out the information on commands, etc. and making it quick and clear to find the info needed. Also, no fluff! Great job. (S)

Great site! I can't thank you enough for your work. Information is clear and logically arranged. Your site might be a model for others -- what's more, it seems to be honest, and honesty is a hard thing to find anywhere now, particularly on the Internet. Yours, (Marque)

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WEBSITE!!!! I am 20 years old and TERRIBLE with computers Without your fantastic website I would have completely failed my Network and Operating Systems class Thank you thank you thank you for all this wonderful (and most importantly SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND) information (Rebecca)

Very happy I found Computer Hope a few years ago It has helped me a few times when I have hit a key and could not figure out how to reverse what I had done Thanks for being there for people like me (Richardb)

This is a wonderful service that I was not aware existed Computers are such a worry; it is just so good to be able to read an explanation about the various built in features Thank you (Dave)

My only comment is that the material is so complete that it will take time to take it all in Which I plan on doing (Rca)

World's Best Computer Hardware Information Website. (Prashant)

I love this website mostly because it is the only one that got it Right!!!! (Eva)

I found exactly what I needed, plus several options were provided I could have tried. Thanks so much! I've bookmarked this site for future challenges. (Linda)

I recently used the command chmod 755, but didn't know what it meant at the time (was just following instructions). You explained exactly what I wanted to know. (Blake)

Very clear and precise to what I was looking for, it is GREAT site and thanks for the good work. Cheers. (Tan)

Cleanest most straightforward solution to a computer problem I have ever experienced no kidding Thank you!! (Carol)

Thank you. Your info made a complex problem simple to fix. Thanks again. (C)

Keep up the excellent work! You guys are awesome! Thanks for all of your hard work (Dee)

It is a very INFORMATIVE web page which all should be knowing about. It is like a note when students attempt tests or exams. I give you 9.99 marks out of 10 for this informative piece of paper. Keep writing more for the benefit of all the people on this earth. (Dorji)

Fabulous solved my problem in two minutes Happy happy (Lisa)

This site makes website developing easier as eating banana. Just put color hex in box and it will give lighter/ darker suggestions. Which is PURE GENIUS! (Mikkeli)

Nicely written, clearly set out. All the info that I needed. (Anonymous)

Awesome! It rocked! Thanks for putting up such an amazing website that is easy to use and also very very helpful!! <3 <3 In love with your site! :* (Pringle)

Super site 10/10 and a gold star :) (Tim)

I have just been trusted with my own laptop and when the screen flipped I freaked out what my momma would do so thank you very much <3 (Molly)

Being able to use my Epson computer by over riding an error message was a life saver! Thanks for your support God bless you! (Mary)

I'm glad to come across your wonderful web page, I have witnessed very good web pages vanish from the web, I hope you guys stay. You are doing a wonderful job, you are making technological education entertaining.. I just wanted to thank you guys, keep it up, keep it always free and add a donation box so keep in business and/or running. Take care. (InConnecticut)

Excellent website.it was really easy to find the topics i was searching and reading experience is also really good. The whole website have a really nice look, which very good for reading and maintains the focus of the user to the current topic he's reading. I had my exam and i was not able to find the topics in the format for writing in the exams...but here it was all that i needed. Very good work, nice design. Main thing is the simplicity of this site, maintain that. (Deepak)

I was able to find an answer to my question in just a matter of seconds. Computer hope helped me a lot.Excellent! (Mynah)

It is very much useful I am indeed benefitted a lot in my learning exercises It is an excellent one (Murthy)

I have never seen a better site period Been computering (new word)for over 46 years PC's since 1983 with Ativa 400 at beginning Thanks loads (Jonte)

I love your service. im a kid that was looking for that answer and nothing was giving it to me until I came across you website thank you im a 6th grader writing an essay and its hard so thank u.:) (Hannah)

I love the helpful articles on this site. i googled, 'what to do on the internet' and i found your site. so much good info that you are now in my Favorites. (Tina)

I actually needed to search this for my technology homework and it really helped Thanks! (Jesenya)

I had tried several other "help" options (maybe 5), but this one is the first one I was able to do! Thanks. (Anonymous)

EXCELLENT.I ave been struggling for hours to try and set up a connection. Did it in minutes with the help from this site. Thank you. (Zara)

I was getting really frustrated when my touchpad stopped working and spent 2 minutes on here and then found the answer, thanks! (Connor)

I just wanted to say how much I appreciated the fact that you noted a disclaimer about how a few certain website links may contain adult content before clicking on them. I was looking something up with my son one time and an inappropriate ad popped up out of no where. More websites should operate like yours. It was refreshing to see a site that took this into consideration, thank you. (Julie)

I was trying to mail merge and print labels in Microsoft Word. I have word 2002 and it is about as user unfriendly as can be. Searched web for answers -even Microsoft's site useless. Thank goodness I found your site! It was the ONLY one that provided the missing, critical info and made it simple. Thank you! (Whiskey kilo)

I could not find the answer to my problem on the Microsoft site for my IE10 problem - missing view menu tool bar. The information on your site was exactly what I needed. Thanks you. (Lisa)

I just cannot believe how simple you made it to download a video from youtube. I really really appreciate the simplicity and ease and the link to savefrom.net. You are the best!!!! (Rach)

I am indebted to Computer Hope for your consistently helpful advice. Keep it up. Thanks again. (Robert)

Just wanted to say thanks for this website I've been wanting to show youtube videos off my phone for church lessons and haven't been able to unless the video can be downloaded previously to my phone Well now I can! Didn't think it was possible (Loren)

Thanks for the info on recovering "deleted" files I almost spent $50 bucks on software to recover family photos and I got everything back by using the windows search function I'm an old school assembly programmer and back in the dos days the os put a period in the first byte to signify a file was deleted curious what they do now? Anyways thanks a bunch bruce (Bruce)

SO GOOD!! Clear, no jargon, good example, and it works! Give yourself a pay rise. (DPR)

I could never figure out how to find the double space option; this helped so much! Thank You! (Heather)

Thanks again I was trying to explain this to my 89 yr old mom her mind couldnt grasp it. (Dave)

You saved me another call to one of my kids ! (Maja)

One of the very best Easy to use and full of needed Information Makes computing a lot easier (Bill)

Others could take lessons on what you provide Well done (Brian)

The information about invention of the computer mouse was very helpful I will use it to supplement a 'warm up' activity on inventions of different technologies for my 'Computers for Everyday Life class' Good wishes (Colleen)

Good job! I have done my homework within 5mins (Noriel)

I am not familiar with MSDOS this site is bookmarked for quick access to answer questions wonderful! (Nick)

You are the best helpful site I have ever come across so much so that I would like to put you on my desktop as I use you more than any other site but I dont know how to At 74 I am very much a newby and any help I get is welcome Regards Barry (Barry)

Being a Senior Citizen and not very proffessional in the usage of the computer I was feeling helpless especially when a particular agency wanted the application details to be submitted in the CSV format I have taken a print out of this query and hope to be successful in my endeavour (Jijina)

I was at sea; now I'm not -- Thanks for helping me with a small but very annoying problem. (Anonymous)

I've heard about this website years back and never really went to it but I'm glad I found it again I've been searching online for the past half hour hoping to find an answer to my problem with DOS Luckily you guys came through and I was able to solve my problem in a few seconds Thanks! ~Owen (Loltpily21)

The best things in life are free of charge (Lutz)

Google brought me right to this page on your site, and I followed your simple, well-written instructions and now I've got a ready-to-use single-partition PC. Thanks! (John)

Tried everything to solve my problem. Fixed in 30 seconds!!! THANK YOU!!!! (Tray)

Best website in the world I have seen ever in my life for learning about computers. Fantastic website and excellent man. (Hassan)

This was helpful for me and not too complicated! (Bonnie)

Very easy as a e I o u (Maxology)

Funny how you forget the easier of the Dos commands over time This posting and article is great It is a bit like lifting the bonnet of the car so you can then do simple tasks like changing the oil or checking the water level in the radiator The only difference is this is a computer and not a car Wait on cars now have computers as well (James)

Very concise and with clear examples. Easy to interpret. My mother uses this page, after I recommended it. she is 50 and has started her adventure on PCs. Definitely, a recommendable page. (Myself)

Good description of L type memory thanks for the included picture of the chip showing the L3 cache. (Waw)

I didn't know what a z axis was and I found it here. (Anonymous)

I am trying to learn linux because I'm not at all looking forward to Windows 8. Your explanations of the terminal commands are really lucid and take much less time to read than the man pages. Thank you so much. (Kafka)

I just found this by accident trying to learn about my new computer at age 57 this is a wonderful site and has now been saved in my Favorites Thank you from us old folks! (Deejon)

Very straightforward instructions and easy to use. Thank goodness I found this site, as it was becoming very frustrating without the Start Menu. (Nwaone)

I am just grateful Computer hope has always been there for me It's not the first or the second it has always worked for me. (Erik)

Keep up the good work I guess things will always come in handy with you guys around thanks I feel relieved now. (God of Metal)

I am such a noob when it comes to pc and I must say I have found your site so helpful it's clear to understand and follow I will definitely keep your site book marked for further info (Brett)

Waaaaaaw am so happy with this site keep it up pleas I Love It Thanks a lot (Dareomomummy)

Thank you. I'am honored Their are people as yourself Helping people fix things without A price tag attached. God bless You sir or ma'am thank you. (Tigerwild)

Excellent website for any computer and technical related query No other website can give such a clear explanation than this website Thank you very very much for giving us such a website!!May God bless the creator of this website (Harish)

Keep up the great work thanking you for an awesome website Started using this website during my CAT Computer Applications Technology days until today as a Computer Scientist Student Lovely info Always helpful (Martha)

I was in information technology class and got a question asking name the four steps of a machine cycle I went straight to google and found the answer it was soo easy am almost sure I got 100 percent on that test it was a walk through (Sashi)

I'm impressed - did exactly what I wanted in an easy way considering I'm a bit of a dinosaur with technology. Just hope it continues to work when Im offline. Thank you. (TAP)

Very good for guys and gals like me who does even have a clue. (Dallas)

This Website is much more informative than my college IT textbook and simpler to navigate. Thanks so much for the information. (Dani)

Computer Hope stands up well for its name I found its service very helpful in addressing my confusion and frustration which so many other PC forums and professional help services including Windows and HP just seem unable to muster Thanks (Peter)

Haven't used a DOS command in about 15 years, this helped be remove a directory quickly that win-xp could not remove. (Broken_map)

I want to build up a challenging career in IT department So I need appropriate guide in and important tips every day I can say with great satisfaction that I got lot of important tips from this site That may act in my future (Atikur)

I spent MANY frustrating HOURS today chasing around the internet trying to find out how to display menus/tools in Internet Explorer 10 I could only find this USELESS piece of advice To display the menus permanently Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button In the search box type Internet Explorer and then in the list of results click Internet Explorer Click the Tools button point to Toolbars and then click Menu Bar FINALLY I stumbled across your page typed in my question and bingo there was the answer I am so relieved Why in the name of hades does Internet Explorer 10 cause this ridiculous problem? Thank you so much! (Janet)

I see Computer Hope help hundreds of peoples every days to find solution for thousands of different problems I appreciate from the bottom of my heart. Thank you and Godbless all of Computer Hope. (Peter)

It surprised me that the information here regarding restoring the original OS was not so readily and easily available as so many other 'advice' websites! (Rick)

I learned more in 10 minutes than in an hour at college (Wayne)

I am really grateful to you for sharing your knowledge with all of us May God Bless you with more knowledge and health Thanx A lot (Ali)

Very apt and clutter free site... Refreshing. Concise and very supportive, very pleased. (Paps)

I'm working on a research paper about Jack Kerouac and this was extremely helpful for a deceptively simple Microsoft Word issue. Thank you so much. (Kevin)

This was a life saver I was about to cry literally and I found this solution!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you! (Pj)

Thanks! You explained everything very professionally I feel like I've learned something! :) (Su)

A brilliant website and has all the information a person wants regarding the computer. (Abdullah)

This page had very useful to do my report I got lots of information and now I know about how to test my pc my self thank you (Januki)

I found from this site what could open csv file as I wanted to read a spreadsheet attached to a thesis concerning honeybee research Open Office worked fine You made this simple and painless and did not even bombard me with tracking and advertising Very rare anymore Thanks! John a Tulsa Beekeeper a retired pipe welder athlete carpenter plumber electrician H V A C And voracious reader Aka Best est granddad END (John)

The more I understand the better your site would be. Meaning I don't know enough to know what to look for. But using the documentation from my computer and your data base I was able to find the path to correct my problem. (Ronin)

My opinion is that every new things that we see in the world is not discovered by one person alone It is inspired by many people in some way or other As a matter of fact the Nature helps us in many ways which we fail to recognise Ofcourse a few gifted people put their full effort sacrificing their life for the benefit of mankind Itake this opportunity to thank them all and to you as well. (L)

I am not computer literate but your directions seemed to be very understandable. I'll keep reading the material and surprise my husband. Thanks. (Kay)

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I finally able to download my son's favorite youtube videos so he can watch them when we travel without wifi connections ;) You guys are a lifesaver! Please keep up the great work Thanks again. (Burdock)

Thanks a lot for your easy to follow document that provided comprehensive information about this tool. I learnt about 'smbclient' command only today. found your article quite useful. we've started using smblclient for copying build binaries from linux servers to common project share on windows hosts. (Atul)

Awesome site thanks! Got all the info I needed for a college thesis (Patti)

I appreciated the chart / table suggesting a number of Control Panel objects and their associated .cpl files. Instead of just telling us what to do you actually showed us what to look for and options in case we run into obstacles. Good Job! (Dptama)

I found your site so helpfull and managed to correct problems without having a great knowledge of how the computer works (Sube)

I am teaching myself code (at 56 years old). This site helps tremendously. Thank you. (Anonymous)

You are doing tremendous work in this regard it really helps me and all others as well Thanks for your great work. (Abdul)

THANK YOU i was trying to clear my bar no my history but this was the only site that told me THANK YOU. (Unknown)

Omg thanks to this person who ever made this page. (Mariam)

On this occasion I wouldn't recommend anything Its simple perfect and fast (James)

Thank you This is the best website in the world I love this site I go here really often Thank you for creating this website so much. (Computer Pro)

The text that you gave was incredible thanks for the answer (Pastore)

I think that this must be the very first time that I have had such efficiency when looking for the answer to a pc tech problem thank you (Balirob)

This site has been a boon to all who work on vintage computers DOS and up the site has always had VERY helpful info THANK YOU!!!!! (Gehammack)

Great site Very helpful to the computer dummy as I am But with info like this I hope to graduate out of this category (Allan)

I appreciate helpful sites like yours that even give illustrations or pictures and difinition links to help many of us who are learners Thank You (Craig)

Thanks so much for your help with my frozen computer. I couldn't remember CTRL+ALT=DEL which I hadn't used for years. What a feeling when I saw those magic words... Thanks again, I had tried everything. (Leila)

Great work! Thanks for sharing these insights. After browsing other sites for a couple of hours, I felt lost. In minutes, I found the solution to my problem in your website. (Elsa)

Thank you!!! I did not know that getting my taskbar back in the correct position would be so easy!!! (Cgbarn)

It was about the font size on my browser the font had suddenly increased I looked up this question on google First results gave me about com About com was so split up so much technical and tons of advertising I gave up with about com and tried Computer Hope (google results) What I like about Computer Hope is that is well laid out and my question was beautifully answered Within a few seconds Computer Hope had solved the problem Thank you (Elaine)

This is the ever best site I've visited. It contains all that anyone may requires Infact it should be called complete computer library I recommend this site More grease to your elbow. (Charles)

I love the way you answer my question. Keet it on. Thank you. (Sabastine)

I want to thank you as I have some experience at trying to put out pages to help people and I never even got a thank you. (FitterBill)

All I was looking for was the full wording of an abbreviation PID that I have often noticed since about 1996 or '97 believe it or not And it has taken me until September 2013 to find out!!! On the other hand abbreviations into initials such as PID are one of my pet hates I try to avoid companies that use them There are many duplicates of using letters as abbreviations and this can cause problems There was a Large Drug Company in Australia Drug Houses of Australia that called themselves DHA Some years later I worked for a Government Authority in Sydney The Darling Harbour Authority I know there were many deliveries over the years messed up by both these organisations calling themselves "DHA" I am sure PID causes a few problems too! Many Thanks at 73 yo it is still not too late to learn (Robert)

You were able to answer what 4 phone calls couldn't And you saved me $$ too (Mary)

It was extremely easy Thank you so very much I really needed to safe this video for future use and you helped me do that Awesome (Ginny)

Thank you for this information - it and other items have been most useful. (CyberSquire)

I found my way onto the website via search engine and very glad I did so Well laid out advice gave me confidence to open up my machine and alerted me to safety measures without being patronising in tone Thanks for your help (Jimat16)

I really enjoy your site I first heard of Computer Hope in 2009 I am a DOS fan I found your history of the first computers and first computer game in the '60s very fascinating I get the most information from your definitions/glossary of terms and explanations/descriptions of computer components It helps me a lot on my job (Terry)

I love the site because the English language is made very simple and easy to understand Thanks (Richard)

One of my first web sites since my college time 10 years ago And to be honest when ever I stuck in any thing and I couldn't find the answer any where it's here in Computer Hope in a very easy way just two steps URL dictionary and EMI is there I was searching searching too much else where Thank you you 've been brilliant and very helpful All the Best (Adam)

I pray to God to give you more wisdom and bless dat establisment dat provide me with dis information Thanks (Joseph)

Great site for looking up answers to pc or pc related questions where one is too embarrassed to ask a relative or coworker and thus showing one's lack of knowledge Thanks (Paul)

I have been looking to get some help with the HP ENVY 4500e All In One printer I've purchased; the HP website dare I say it leaves a lot to be desired and I wish it was more like yours!! (Elaine)

This is the first time I have ever found a simple direct answer to my question but gave me an overview of the subject area in an easy to understand way It was like having a live person offering prompts to delve deeper into learning and understanding My technological skills are all self taught so I have to Google almost everything I need to know (Even simple terms that even the average "Joe" knows) Thanks for a site that is now #1 in my favorites (Scamp)

Thank You emencly. (Anonymous)

I really appreciate your website It has helped me find answers to DOS commands and switches Tonight it helped me with the beep codes (Angelfyre126)

Good, simple, direct. One of the biggest/most ignored problems in all of "help"ing is NOT including the actual words used in pull-down menus and in error messages. "Scroll Lock" is mentioned twice in the question answer. The first time it says something like "...people don't know they have Scroll Lock set." "Set" is the wrong work. The second mention says something like "...press the Scroll Lock button on the keyboard." This is the key information! I'd been all through the settings looking for a setting like this before I came to your web site with my question... once I got the key information, I looked at all of the many keys I never used and found it. Thank you. (Dave)

Thank You this gave me the answer I could not get from a "Pro" now I can do it myself !! (John)

Thank you so much I really appreciate this website! Accurate and perfect! (Allison)

I was really in a rush to study for my bta (buisness technology association) test and I was looking for around 30 mins For a simple picture that was labeled and a description about the picture well I had no luck until I came across Computer Hope and you were really my last hope or me looking for hours on the internet for labeled pictures of whats inside a computerand im in 8th grade if you were wondering about my age group also im 13 yrs Old But I want to honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for having this website and so easily accessible to everyone so thank you and if you had a rating system I would absolutley hands down give you 10 computers out 1 computer well thank you for your time I have to go study for my test. (Angel)

I am happy to know that there are easy solutions to everyday problems. (Ezopen11)

I am nearly computer illiterate but I'm pretty sure I got what I was looking for - just the difference between GB & MB Thank you, for once I found something easy to find and follow. (Anonymous)

I got 10 points for this answer and that what I needed for my grade to be 100% percent and thank you so much. (Anonymous)

I was looking and looking and other websites gave me nothing or confusing things until I found Computer Hope it made everything easier! a lot faster too! (Katini)

You've got a great source of information.It helps non-techy like me. Thanks. (Merns)

So intriguing I read on for ages after I had answered my initial question. (Helen)

I used the history timeline for a school project and found just what I was looking for very easy to use and the search bar actually works unlike many websites (F)

I love Computer Hope because have super good information and help to solve many problem thank you (Tritron)

My computer went from being like a snail to being like a race car thanks so much! (Molly)

Hi thanks so much your advice made my day. (Monica)

I've spent ages getting more frustrated trying to find out how to adjust the screen brightness of my laptop with your guiance it took about 10 seconds Thankyou! (Bernie)

This is the best computer website I have ever visited keep up the good work (John)

The screen on my laptop was damaged,but still useable in the beginning. I had a spare monitor that i was able to use and connect by going into the Control Panel hardware option. The entire screen on the laptop recently went bad and I lost connectivity with the monitor. Since I could no longer access the Control Panel option, I was thrilled when I learned that I could connect again using function +f8. Problem was solved in less than a minute using your website. Thanks so much! (Dan)

I really do appreciate this because I am new to the internet Sounds crazy but it is true I am 48 and have never had any contact with internet Your help was awsome Thank You so very much (Terri)

Straight forward and easy to understand! Love step by step directions when trying to figure out a "computer" issue! Thank you! (Leigha)

All of my questions were answered and I was very pleased with the service (Babbitt375)

Solved a problem with Word Auto text that has been annoying me for years. (Seamus)

Thank you for this information As a senior citizen I am often curious about new terms This will be a great help (Penname)

Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx for your generousity!! I always refer your site!!!!!!!! I can see how professional and experts you are in this field thanx a million for your kind help!! (Yosy)

It was a very good experience as all my doubts were solved at once (Vaishnavi)

These website is verify question and better answer to students solution (Ramarao)

As a computer klutz it was so nice to have something explained in non-geek terms (Smee)

Its the right place for the guys like me who are looking for solutions for their IT issues in a simple way (Manjunath)

With the information provided, it took me about 20 seconds to resolve my issue. (Anonymous)

I think this site is a platform for all compute scientist to build themselves up. (Femi)

Very nice answer given it was a easy and a short good answer. (Angella)

Wow information that is logically laid out with concise and precise wording Thank you! P.S. Having spell check in this comments box is also much appreciated by someone who is deficient in this area too P.S.S. The printing format and ease for repeated reference is also given kudos :) (Geralyn)

Search went right to the answer to my question about placing accent marks over letters. Good job!! (Sharpless)

Very simple solution and it worked beautifully Thank you (Devi)

Your site is amazing. Helped me a lot. (: (Silver)

THANK YOU COMPUTER HOPE! You helped me looks for words a lot better than searching on the internet! Every time I come on here I find definitions to words a lot faster than searching on the Internet thank you so much! (Hunter)

Computer hope is awesome my teacher told us to go on tech terms to find definitions to words but sometimes tech terms doesn't have the words I need so then I found Computer Hope and any time I cant find a word on tech terms I come here! THANK YOU COMPUTER HOPE!:) (JoJo)

Let's just say that I have a link to your site right on my Desktop because it's one of the most useful I've found in all of my (far too many) searches :) (Kris)

I love this website and my answers were answered correctly. I LOVE YOU ALL (Egemba)

So far Computer Hope has help me find the response to my questions and more. It's easy to find what I need, and the responses are clear for me to understand, also the examples gives me a better understanding. Thank you for your support. (Maceved2)

I love Computer Hope. I am my own teacher for this decade of my life. This site is the best tool I have found. Computer Hope is very user friendly. If I have not said Thank you yet, I will say it now THANK'S for all your help and guidance. See ya soon. (Carla)

I'm so happy I've found you! Of all the sites on Google, your site proved to be the best. Thank you for providing a quick, no-nonsense resolution to my document issue. I will be returning here frequently, I'm sure! Sincerely, (Anna)

The information is fully detailed and access is very fast Itis fantastic collection of information Thanks (Mohanrao)

This is a very good service Because your website given me that software what I needed KEEP ON THIS WEBSITE (Ravi)

EXTREMELY POSITIVE FEEDBACK for the website developers and content writers. Today my search engine results for "What is Javasoft" listed your website as 8th hit. Of the previous hits, three (3) discussed Java with no mention or explanation of Javasoft. Four (4) did not address the question on the webpage and referred me to various hyperlinks; one led me on a wild goose chase, and after the 3rd screen referred me to yet another link I still had No answer, and I stopped pursuing it. YOUR WEBSITE WAS THE FIRST AND ONLY ONE WITH RELEVANT CONTENT THAT DIRECTLY APPLIED TO MY QUESTION. IT ANSWERED THE QUESTION IN ONE BRIEF, YET CONCISE PARAGRAPH! HURRAY!!! As I explored other parts of your website, I found your content consistently written "tightly," meaning that elimination of a single sentence would definitely cause the reader to miss important or critical information, and/or possibly cause a misunderstanding, and/or evoke more questions requiring readers continue researching to obtain a complete answer. Your authors identified the intended reading audience for topics and seem to have carefully selected words to provide detailed accuracy; they wrote well-structured sentences focused on the specific topics and did not tarry or ramble with less significant and/or less relevant tangents. They use vocabulary appropriate to the target audience's expertise; they anticipated and answered readers' questions, thus saving readers much time by removing the need to continue research for a full understanding. Such a breath of fresh air! My husband and I find many websites with spelling errors and grammatical errors, leading us to abandon any notion of becoming a customer/client. (One site had 13 spelling errors on its home page!) Any single webpage may introduce a company to potential customers/clients. A poorly written page with an obvious spelling or grammatical error can deter potential customers/clients as badly as a failed advertisement campaign in other media; and deterred customers/clients often express their negative impressions to other people. A company with NO managers and NO executives who verify their website's accuracy, quality content, clarity, and/or professional presentation, even doing a periodic spot check of only 2 to 4 randomly selected webpages, prompts me to question whether their overall corporate environment lacks concern and effort to ensure quality work performance. I question whether any superiors provide feedback and opportunities to employees to improve their skills. I question whether managers evaluate their subordinates throughout the year or wait until last minute and prepare employee appraisals based on memory. I also question whether the company's hiring practices target candidates with concern, effort, desire and motivation to improve their skills and quality work, and/or further their education via schools, seminars, and taking opportunities to participate in projects or workgroups from which new skills can be learned. I took pleasure exploring your firm's website. I found each page very beneficial in several ways. My overall impression is that your organization has quality technical employees who can readily relate to customers/clients at any expertise level. Since the website is detailed, clear, and explains concepts, relationships, the big picture and the little picture, I infer the employees must know a significant portion of the same information. I saved your home page in my Favorites list. Please share this feedback with the webmaster, all persons who contributed to the website's development, all content authors, and each of their immediate superior. If it were my choice, I would award each person a formal written recognition or commendation of their quality performance, cohesive teamwork producing a consistently high quality website, and their personal contribution representing the company in a highly favorable, positive professional manner. (Connie)

Trying to find an old DoS solution that Windows has never covered: a simple directory listing in a file. Found it quickly, thanks guys! (Anonymous)

You made my day by documenting about copy *.csv newfile.csv command on how to merge excel files. (Sivaram)

Your site is the most helpful I've ever been on ITS GREAT thank you very much Your number ONE (Cigars4me)

Thank you so much I found your site very helpful (Tina)

Thank you! 5 star help out of 5 star possible! Keep on the good job ! (Kalin)

Helpful hyperlinks to explain an unknown term, and very in-depth descriptions with bold headlines. I also appreciate the hints and tips. Will come back for help in future. (Baerok)

Thanks for a quick fix! It's always nice for a self taught IT girl to find a straightforward how-to guide. (Meryl)

Nice clean web site, contrasting fonts, pleasant pastel background, easy to follow, *lovely* big box for these comments. You are quite unusual in these respects. The advice worked - sluggish due to CPU maxed out. Not good. (Jeff)

I found what I needed in the first sentence! (Kartik)

Am very very delighted and satisfied with the kind of help you have been offering on this website of your website Thank you so much God bless you! (Peter)

This really helped me! All I had to do was hold 'Ctrl' 'Shift' and 'Delete' it was so simple I had to leave a BIG comment! Thank You for this :) (Jade)

Whenever I get problem regarding computers I always get my answer from you thanks for sharing knowledge to us (Milan)

It was great it told me something I couldn't figure out in less than a minute. (Ummm)

The answer I was looking for was easy to find and the instructions was easy to follow. Thanks. (Roy)

Computer hope congratulations what an educative well detailed site am a computer science student and Computer Hope is my home I love your work guys! (Reagan)

I just wanted to say thanks so so much for this website. My mouse broke this morning and I've never used the keyboard to navigate a computer before. All your help and tips have saved me time and frustration. Who knew it could be so simple! Thanks again. (Emma)

Simple directions appreciated. I was able to meet my objective within moments. Thanks! (Juniper)

Thank you for the information. It worked just like the instruction said to do. (Betty)

I wish I would have found this site earlier Have had tons of computer problems lately and am trying to figure it out on my own Thank you for the awesome information! I am so fed up with programs that I have to download for pc help only to find out it's an ad for the company Thanks again (Bonni)

I found what I was looking for after such a long time?I just followed all the steps required so I'm happy! (Collin)

Thanks to your page that I was able to find what I was looking for I couldn't have done it without you Thanks to your help GOD BLESS!! :) (Ciara)

Solved the problem once we knew what to call it - "formatting tools". Thanks, everyone in the office was stumped! This was exactly the information we needed. Bravo to you people! (Tricia)

TQVM for the wonderful service. Glad to have people who care enough to make other lifes easier. (Wondergirl)

Thanks so much for the helpful information I had tried to clone old hard drive unsuccessfully several times And didn't have access to a functional installation disk Thanks again (Steven)

Your suggestion worked exactly as you written. Thank you very much! (Lynn)

I love your site like this is my go to for nearly all batch syntax questions I have (no pun intended) Just really wanted to let you guys know how much you are appreciated!! (Nathan)

Being abysmally ignorant of IT,it was a great relief and surprise to discover your most informative website, and I certainly intend to make use of it in future. (Brian)

Wow, best help website I've used!!! (Pip)

Really it is the simple type of explanation I was looking forward for Great (Sudha)

Thanks for making your site easy to navigate! (Jo)

I am so thrilled to have stumbled upon this web site It helped me to completely solve my slow running computer issue! I have been going crazy trying to fix it but it was here that I found the answer! I can't say thank you enough and I will be sure to recommend you to my friends and family (Jen)

I thought I knew some stuff and you showed me that I didn't. Even better, you showed me how to do exactly what I was searching for, so thanks. (Louisa)

Thank you very much for this information It really helpful for people like us solved my doubts Thanks once again !! (Niranjan)

Illustration was great I was actually searching for xcopy command but came to learn about robocopy command through this site and finally did the job Thanks :D (Amit)

This experience was beautiful! I think this is the best website I have ever been on for information about computers. (Happyman)

Thanks a lot man!!!!! Thanks so much..... I've been struggling with this for so long... I thought it was a problem with my kb. (Anonymous)

Wow, in seconds I got a very satisfied answer. Well done on covering all the basis. Thank you. (Norah)

Thanks 4 making this so easy! It was so easy to find the definition compared to the many other websites I looked at. Yours was right there! Thanks! (18kbro)

GOODAY SIRS Your Site came to my rescue Just Googled out of pressure and stress because I didnt know were to go exactly but am glad to say that upon seeing the Hope page I was relieved thank you so much Am busy studying for my exams in June with (ABMA UK) (JWANKING Sudent in Botswana AFRICA)

I had a problem to solve googled it and you page was listed Your page had an easy to understand solution I shall be back again! Many thanks Malbec (Malbec)

I give so much credits and kudos to the brain behind this great site as a young web designer I am hopefully looking forward to a day I will be able to create a site as great as this for myself too Thanks and stay blessed! (TUnde)

Computer Hope not only provided me with the same directions as Dell provided in only a hard to find customer forum but also provided vital safety tips on avoiding ESD Since it's been over 20 years since my own professional experience installing upgrading and repairing PCs for the public I've forgotten as much as once knew on the subject Without finding Computer Hope's clearly written instructions (On my first Bing! search no less! It took a dozen amended searches before I found anything appropriate on Dell's support site after starting out with the exact same wording I used to get here) I would have proceeded as I normally have in recent years and attempted to reset my desktop's BIOS password without a thought to my (or the PC 's) safety other than ensuring the cables were disconnected and the power off Can't thank you enough for the valuable resource offered at Computer Hope Although my inbox is already inundated with tech newsletters & updates that I rarely find the time to read you can bet that I won't miss a word of any of the newsletters for which I just enrolled from this stellar site Keep up the great work! Sincerely (TRiesh)

IF I COULD REACH THROUGH THIS COMPUTER RIGHT NOW I WOULD HUG WHOMEVER IS READING THIS!!! Find this information in this one little quick answer else where has been next to impossible and trying to copy directory by directory in DOS would have had me in an insane asylum I can't thank you enough! (JB)

I followed very simple directons, and my issue was resolved immediately. Thank you. (Roberta)

Thanks you a lot!!! I liked this site I found the solution in milliseconds (Andy)

Thank you thank you after sweating my behind off about something so simple I cant believe myself! (VIkat125)

Thank you! I needed this for a bonus assignment in my Technology class I didn't really need it but I chose to do it for extra credit Thanks again and hope you get lots of viewers that need help! Keep helping people its a good thing like a cycle I will tell my friends about this site (MKenna)

Greetings! Just a quick note to say a thousand thank you-sss for the info you have up about stuttering I.E., videos. As I type, my technophobic husband is happily praising my "genus" because I fixed his long term stuttering problem, in a flash, by simply adjusting his screen resolution (as per your simple instructions!). Sshhhh! I will take the credit and wallow in the glory while it lasts but, rest assured, the efforts you put into producing all that detail on your website is much appreciated. Keep up the great work! Many thanks. (Liz)

Finding the answer to my question was easy after I found you. Finding you was time consuming, since I did not know about this site. Now I do and thanks! (Larry)

Thank you - I had a blank laptop screen and your site suggested to take out the battery for 1 minute. I had tried so many other things and sites but yours was the only one that worked. Thank God - I thought something was broken. (H)

This is an outstanding site. Thank you for your help. (Altrey)

It was so knowledgable all information is so categorised easy to locate and the best part is the way you write content which makes easy comfortable for the user to learn (Shivam)

I found what I was looking for immediately, conner hard drive specs. Thank you. (Roy)

Straight forward, as easy as pie many thanks.... (Sush)

I have had a head injury in the past and I can not retain memory I forgot how to do the task I wanted you made it so easy to follow. Well done and thank you. (Emaine)

SSSooo NICE MY First visit to Computer Hope was so Lengthy because I couldn't leave the Site To Read on in a flow THanks especially for providing the Selected/useful pages in an ORGANIZED & INTERESTING Manner (Amitabh)

This site is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for the easy format and excellent help! (Anonymous)

I would like to thank you for making is question simple so I can find my answer easy (Sarah)

I love the help how they put it in steps! Very helpful! Thank you Computer Hope for this amazing help! (Domopawapuro00)

The answer was in 2 sentences. (Erica)

The tech was very patient and helpful. (Ellen)

Thank you very much for providing us with clear and adequate information (Ibnu)

Very helpful site for web developers Thanks a lot (Tuhin)

After reading what this page was suggesting I went back to my system tried "resetting to default" and that cleared the error (Tssnc)

I found what I was looking for in a matter of seconds! Thanks for the site! (Heather)

It was very easy to find exactly what I wanted (Ofir)

Thanks for providing the adequate information I needed (Frank)

Yours was the ONLY site that answered my simple question "what is the name of this ">" character Thank You Every where I tried I had to frigging "Download" a toolbar before I could get an answer Thanks again (Rolston)

Best computer site ever visited continue giving this marvellous free facts and info to users really very nice (Rajendra)

I felt stupid not knowing but I figure i am not the only person since you had the ?? there alrady. Thank u!! (Angie)

I am a person with very little computer knowledge and need a new machine. The information was very thorough and I now feel comfortable that I will get the computer that will fit my needs. (Maryanne)

I needed to get the microphone working on my Logitech headset. your information was very helpful to guide through the Control Panel to hardware and sounds and further to the end. Thank you. (Majid)

This was very helpful info I just needed to figure out question to ask! Thanks! (Jami)

I found this site and as it turns out it is one of my best finds! I remember (some of) DOS and playing around with my TI 99/4 and later Commodore 128 I liked Dos because when it slapped your hand You needed it Windows today just slaps Rather you need it or not (Jwpate)

Pinged you before "Computer Hope" = Knowledgeable Tech + Thoughtful Ministry. Thank You. (Richard)

No...words....should have sent a poet.... Keep up the amazing work. (Psilonox)


I love this sight It helps me with all my homework Thanx Luv ya (Kelly)

I am grateful to Computer Hope I did not raise money to do an IT course but I have been so much helped to learn computers right from your site I am sure I have not remained the same and my interest and love for computers has increased I want to thank the team that created the website and those who continually edit it to suit the current technology information God Bless you so much (Buyinza)

The details were straight to the point the author did not beat around the bush and the website is simple and user friendly (Pushroot)

I just want to say how helpful was your information connecting from laptop to TV(via VGA). My laptop has dark screen and i was looking for a solution. I was trying for months ways to connect to TV and I tried your options and it worked!I was so so happy to finally connect and dont have to buy new one. Thankyou so much!! (Samira)

I like that this site has all the keys on a keyboard so that it informs you of what they are for I have been to many other sites that have not clearly explained every key Thank you If there is one thing this website may improve on it would be to make it easier to find in a Google search (Mem)

Thank you so much! Thought my computer was fried Followed your simple steps and its working great now!!!! Cleaned fans and checked all connections Thought the mother board was gone I will definitely use this site again (Terri)

The screen on my Dell Latitude D830 had been flickering occasionally, and finally went black without warning. Restarts sounded like a live computer but the screen was still dead. I tried connecting it to the desktop monitor and found that Fn+F8 brought up my screen on the new monitor. What a relief! Thanks for providing this info! (Annie)

I love this site Its so well organised and solution is instant if one know to navigate through this site I sincerely appreciate the efforts put in to make this site available to us!! (Rahul)

Thank you for making this an easy pathway to solve a mystery I have spent an hour or more trying to resolve on my own Many selections offered involved complicated programming I am computer illiterate and your information got right to the point and was easy to follow I just could not figure out why when at various times I chose a picture from either pictures or my pictures folder the size was minimal one time and large another MANY THANKS! (Glitter)

The way you showed the recomandations and requirements really mades things easy to search things with the links (Drake)

OMG thank you thank you thank you!!! I finally have all the menu bars in internet explorer..I've been trying to turn on that feature ever since I bought this new computer. So simple and yet NO ONE else including Microsoft seemed to be able to direct me to the correct answer. Google finally led me to your site:) You will definitely be bookmarked!! (Trudy)

Fantastic!! I am no computer expert, went on holiday and when I came home computer wouldnt turn on. It turns out a power outage/surge blew a ram chip. Your website saved me money as I could troubleshoot myself as opposed to calling out a technician. Thanks. (Bergen)

I must recommend you people for your attributes I appreciate it a lot Bravo (Daniel)

It was great to find a short, concise and useful answer! Thanks! (Energy First)

Awesome web site!!! I love it!!! It has everything I've been struggling to figure out and understand. Definitions, abbreviations, etc. The pages are clear, organized, easy to find and so much more!!! Thank you for designing such a user friendly website for all of us middle-aged "dummies" trying to catch up to this modern day crazed techno world out there. I'll spread the word on this site!!! It's wonderful!!! (Soloksb7)

Was looking for how to change DOS window default colors, found the workings of the COLOR command here along with a link on how to apply these as defaults, exactly what I wanted. (Al)

Thank You! I needed to know how to disable the computer's internal speaker. The instructions were clear and effective. That "BEEP" sound (played LOUD through my external speakers)was really annoying the crap out of me. Thanks again. (Bill)

Thank you very much for your assistance, your information was found fast, easy to understand and it has done the job to fix the problem. Well done. (Athena)

Thanks guys - I am nearly computer illiterate, but your instructions were so effective I am now recording audio from YouTube with ease. This is a great website! (Pip)

I've always left my computer problems to my son to fix! no more. i can do it myself with the "help" option. great! (Sara)

I found exactly what I was looking for in Microsoft Word shortcut keys. I just got a wireless keyboard and was hitting some keys that changed things and didn't know how to correct them. Thanks. (GB)

This command helped me perform my duties as an SA (Springs handy guy)

Thank You!!!! I have been trying to get my arrow key to move. It wouldn't! After trying many help sites, I found yours. I never would have guessed that the problem was as simple as cleaning the touch pad. I am really grateful for your help. Thanks again... (Monica)

This was amazing for me. There isn't really much to say than it's great, perfect and easy! Searching something was easy and the Search Box helped directly to my needs! (Rose)

There is no suggestions or recommendations as this helped all my needs. Finding an answer to something hasn't been better! I was looking for a HTML Color Chart, and searching it in the Search Box made life easier! Thanks to this website! (Anonymous)

This is a very good for people like who doesn't like to read much, it short straight to the point (Samoa)

Bitchin'. Thanks. (James)

I like the way you give straight forward steps. Awesome! (Bella)

You guys are boss swagger Haha it was quick fun and easy. (Anonymous)

Computer hope is a valuable resource that assists me with any technical/computer question I have. The test that this website provides is helpful for anyone that has upcoming quizzes and/or projects for at home or educational purposes. (Kris)

Your web site is great. I'm a senior and I am glad to see that people are finally making it easier for us to understand things better in such a fast paced world. (The Lioness)

Spent hours chasing down a program. Came to this site, got it in seconds. You shine! (Anonymous)

This was the first time I have attempted to resolve a technical issue with my computer and it was super simple. I even think your instructions may have fixed the problem. God Bless You!!! (FFHG)

Good work. Very informative, will use this site to easily navigate through colors and their hexadecimals. Very helpful for HTML and scripting (mostly CSS). (Irate)

Great article and easy to understand and implement. Loved it! (Anonymous)

Computer Hope rocks! It seems that I always find what I'm looking for and always get help when I can't. Simply awesome! Thank you! (Kapstew)

I am thankful that your site is available to help us non-geeks. I have actually used it to get through some tough computer problems in the past and have learned much from the information that is provided here. (Natalee)

Need help with a usb drive that stopped being recognized as installed on PC since 1/24/13. It was installed 5 years ago. I tried removing and blowing dust off and restarted PC. Thank You! (Steve)

I'm writing an essay, and I seriously got half the answers I needed from one web page! This was amazing! (Tash)

I've been a regular visitor to your website since 2007. This website is a one stop solution for most computer and HTML needs. I have also recommended my friends and colleagues to your website. You a doing a great job. Please keep up the good work. (S. Roy)

It was awesome to be able to find such a simple answer so easily. Sometimes, the simple questions are the one's you never find answers to, but I don't have to worry about that anymore. (Anonymous)

This is a really good site that gives clear and easy to understand answers to technical questions. I found this helped lots and I now understand this subject. Thank you for your help I will use the site again indefinatley. (Hollie)

Thanks very much to computerhope.com for their nice way of helping students, and people of the world on their I.T. researches. I will also be happy to share my ideas and questions with Computer Hope anytime i find and dream of new experiments. Thanks and keep it up. Greetings to all. (Brewmowl)

Very well answer it was a relevant and easy answer i recommend this website for further questions (Saniya)

To call this e-mail "To- day in computer history" is simplistic .It is much more than history. It is a computer tutorial. I have gain a lot from it and i will advise all those who receive it to go deep into its content. They will be amazed by the wealth of knowledge they will gain from it. I am grateful for your services. Thank you. (Udo)

Thank you for your help. I'm 85 yr lady and there are some things I don't know how to do. I sure appreciated (Bernice)

When I entertain the thought of changing colors on my website, I've found your website to be far superior to any other. As we all know, "serving the web" for what one need's, can be, at times, a complete headache. However, your's is easy to come with the exact color I need, effortlessly. (Tailsit)

My chosen name notwithstanding, I had managed to rotate the screen display 180 degrees on my new, non-touchscreen Samsung tablet with Windows 8 installed. Good luck finding any answers from either Samsung's or Windows' "help" pages. Like a blind squirrel finding an acorn, I found the Computer Hope website. Answer located and screen re-rotated 180 degrees within seconds. No more having to read upside down and reverse all cursor movements. Thank you. I have definitely bookmarked computerhope.com as a favorite website in order to quickly undo my next bone headed computer mistake. If you only provided solutions to ex-wife mistakes as well. (Anonymous)

What a brilliant site, unusual for me to make comment the first time of using a site but such a wealth of information I have already found. I am extremely hopeful the site will assist me in solving a friends computer problem and indeed any problem in the future. Lots of good tips and all in one place Thank you (New)

My computer vocabulary and knowledge is limited (to say the least). I had no idea what a hard drive and its function was. (Django)

Though I have several books about Windows, BIOS, and applications, I did not find a good explanation about the booting details, especially about the function of CMOS and the Lithium battery. Thanks to your Website I got a thorough understanding and hope to solve my PC problems. (Enussbick)

Thanks so much I am taking a computer literacy class. (Brenda)

This experience has taught me a lot, although not finished yet. Computer hope is friendly user, easy to use, virtually find all answers to your questions, thus, to be recommended. (Jean)

Thank you for being so very sound & clearly direct with solutions. OMG I had become disillusioned by the (vague or too much of) sources of information available. Now finding this venue, I hope never to seek the "full of themselves" driving"that"information highway! BRAVO! (Anne)

Thanks lodes, now can use Ctrl keys!! Have only been using comp for 20 years!!! Ha (Pam)

I am new to learning the computer. It is hard for me to understand some of the information because I am not familiar with the terminology. However, this site did help me to find an answer to my question easily. I hope to learn more as I navigate and print the information to refer to and learn from. I like your set up. It was easy for me to find what I was looking for and each page helps one navigate to other information. 'Print page' is a wonderful feature that is clean w/out a lot of unnecessary clutter being printed!! Thank you very much!!! (JB)

Wowser, this place is GREAT! Easy to understand and very clearly written. Nice Links like the one that shows how to replace a CMOS battery. This is going to save me hours of non relevant forum responses, searching trough FAQs, and on and on. You are bookmarked and my first resource for various computer problems. Thank you...wish we had met sooner. (Beverly)

I am thrilled! It's maddening when unclear directions and blurred schematics confound one's efforts to build a simple computer. Thank you for providing this information in an intelligible form! (G)

Beats a man page! :) (Anonymous)

I am a semi-knowledgable user, in that I can follow directions. I had spent 45 minutes trying to turn on my bluetooth device. It took 2 seconds with your directions. THANK YOU! (Anonymous)

I love the way you guys created a so wonderful site about computers... I love your posts they are in one word awesome.... I like the way you guys created such a wonderful computer history timeline... I'm a student & a computer faulty your site help me a lot..... *** thank you *** for presenting such a helpful website... (Krishnendu)

Thank you so much for providing info in an easy and accessible way. Great website, would recommend to anyone who needs help with computers. Thanks again. (Absent)

Exceptionally handy site! I literally stumbled onto it, and have bookmarked it as a resource for future use. As a 25-year PC/Electronics hobbyist.. and especially now, as a Computer Science major, I found a lot of fascinating facts. As someone who has steadily migrated away from the MS/Windows paradigm and toward the open source realm (currently exploring my fifth Linux distribution, I was VERY pleased to see not only that Linux is well-represented, but that there's a really nice comprehensive list of command-line operations that I will certainly refer to often. Thank you for providing a very nice site, well-organized, easy-to-use, neat, uncluttered, and intuitive. (Atokad)

Thanks, Good to have someone to share knowledge and experience without wanting ones right arm as repayment. (Mikie)

Computer Hope is exactly why it was named what it is. Truly some of us are in despair regarding the control held over our heads, have been abused, lied to, and we are now in fear of the person who held such control that we had no choice except run for our lives at the mercy of such a person. This is very personal and I apologize for that, but I have turned to this site so many times, to know that you can be depended upon for answers, simple answers that we cannot say about any other computer site such as yours. It rings with honesty! (Nanm)

I found something that almost seemed impossible to figure out, thanks to you guys I have fixed my problem. (Dra6676)

Thank you for helping me to adjust my brightness settings it was really helpful because I had important work to do and didn't see a single thing on the screen. Thank you again. (Jenny)

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was hitting my head up against a wall. Just could not find the right shade for my page... every color I tried stunk. Found the perfect one in your "Darker" section. You are bookmarked now and I shared your site with a coworker. (TJ)

I have been looking for a solution to why my internet disconnects upon sleep, despite all my power saving settings. There are hundreds of complicated solutions on the internet, involving all the variables of each individual's computer, hardware & OS. Your generic & simple description of what can cause disconnects allowed me to INSTANTLY isolate & solve my problem. Amazing!! I LOVE YOU! (Moonthirsty)

Thank you, thing is I am a 70 year old severely disabled yes but not broken man. (Rudy)

Comments: Thank you so very much. You guys and gals are GREAT! :D Suggestions: Keep up the good work. Remember not all of us can fathom the technical lingo. Recommendations: I'd recommend your site to anyone looking for printer help, especially computer illiterates like myself. I also recommend you all get a raise. (Good luck with THAT!) P.S. I bookmarked your page. I'd probably forget how I found you. (Greenhouse Girl)

I don't know who you are but simply you are incredible dude... (Apps)

Every link was related and useful. it allowed for going through the trouble shooting at the speed of your knowledge and didn't make me feel dumb! Thank you. (Anonymous)

I wanted to change my recycle bin icon, just on click to this page I did it! 500 out of 5! (Daniel)

Wanted to find tips about avoiding ESD while dusting/cleaning PC hardware. Thanks for the help! (Anonymous)

Thank you- your answer/solution exactly solved my issue on how to add the toolbar that somehow got "lost" so I did not have to use alt-f for file/edit/view.... Other sites were loaded with confusing information, Registry changes, and offers to provide questionable downloads. (Edward)

I am a first time user and found what I was looking for on the first try Thanks. (Doe)

Thanks for the help. I disconnected the mouse and the keyboard and restarted. The beeps stopped but the screen would not come on. I held the power supply in till the computer shut down and immediately turned it back on. That worked. Everything is one and running. Again thanks. (Todd)

Most direct answers I have gotten in 18 years of using computer. (Mary)

I googled my question and your entry was the first one to pop up... And all the information i needed was right there, along with links if i needed them for further information (Patty)

Fabulous experience.. I'm relatively new to computers, (I'm nearly 70 years young!) and this has saved me the hassle of actually packing up my computer, and hauling it along to my local Connection store I'm thrilled!! Thank you.(Joyce)

I must thank you, I was not sure if the white and black wires were + or - (Joseph)

Great info page will save me a lot of frustration time thanks a lot (Tmcgeesr)

I searched online for an hour and a half looking for this simple answer. Even the windows forums wouldn't put it out so plain and simple (they were all "are you sure you have the right drivers" and stuff). This is awesome! Thank you so much and I will be directing the people on the windows forum with the same question to you! (Allie)

I am a fully-unqualified 'IT' - 'Incompetent Technologically' but asked a Google question, pressed the first/top lead on how to regain Screen Brightness - and bingo. Thank you. (Robin)

Hello, I just stopped by to say Thanks for having this amazing website. It is really amazing, very helpful, easy to navigate, and learning here more than I do in my class. By the way I'm majoring Computer Information System. (Cezar)

Thanks you so incredibly much!!! It's so unusual to get a simple, direct answer in this day and age. I tried Windows Help&Support, but they're obsessed with Screen Resolution. I'd have thought Brightness was Pretty Bloody Basic when it comes to monitors. Thanks again. (Jpd)

I've been on this computer trying to find the one stupid thing and when i came on this site it was easy as can be. (Shanice)

I am a sixty-nine year old great-grand. So this is going to help me tremendously, have wonder day, agape' (Marianne)

This information was most helpful in completing my letter to the company for an in class assignment, and for my out of class reasons. Thank you! (Alora)

Thank you very much for this awesome information you did a good job keep helping everybody your the best ;) greets from Belgium (Sille)

I really Enjoyed the information, i didn't only get the information i wanted but i got more information regarding computer. I think this is a best site for students to come read, write, and learn. :P (Mustafa)

I wanted to know what ping was and you guys straight up told me. I understood everything perfectly and now I know what ping is. Good website. (Thechosenone)

I have No problems it was a question for my neighbor (Chuck)

Excellent, I had the answer in seconds. Thanks. (Ken)

Well done, and again, thank you! (John)

Very nice, i am very pleased to know about key board's idea as i have no diploma but your answer is so simple. I am very pleased. Thank you very much. (Santanu)

I'm just starting to use the command prompt but I found this website very helpful. Thank you (Tonia)

Thanks for providing basic information free of charge God bless you (David)

Seems to be a great site/source for assistance troubleshooting. Will continue referring to it and referring others to it. Thanks for dumbing down to my level. (Bob)

I had been working for a half hour to figure out how to clear my search history, but once I found your info, it only took a minute. (Bob)

This is one of the few help sites that I like. Thanks. (Knife)

Just keep up the good work. Had to make .wps readable for someone with a mac. Downloaded the converter, opened it in Word, printed to pdf and forwarded. (Bill)

Thanks you provide informations so simply.. (Nisha)

I will be proud to recommend this site to anybody who encounter or may be confuse to make use of this site because He/She will surely get His looking for. Am proud of this site. Best regard. (Christian)

Love the site. One of the most surf-friendly I've ever used! Appreciate you all very much. (Greenvalley)

You are so powerful and helpful I want to do some studies through you thank you a thousand times (Oskido94)

I use Computer Hope a lot and i wound just like to say a huge thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! (Anonymous)

This is the best free site I have ever found on the internet related to how to use my computer, mouse, Excel, and the list could go on and on. Thank you so much. (Beverly)

I searched to find out how to create a batch file that would end svchost.exe automatically so i wouldn't have to terminate it from the task manager. Not only did I find out how to terminate processes and applications with batch files, but also how to get it to initiate itself in a loop. I owe it to this page for it's clear instructions and my fix worked perfectly. Svchost is a big problem for people like me with Microsoft computers, and I will recommend this fix. (Bill)

You're a lifesaver! Thank you so much for your tips on getting into the CMOS settings. Bootup would freeze on a checksum midway through, and I couldn't make it recognize the keyboard. But your stuck key error technique saved my PC - and all the hassle of buying a new one and salvaging data. (Saved)

The site is marvellous (Praveen)

Was a great experience.... I managed to find out new facts that i didn't know. (Alex)

I am an IT student, and I use this website all the time for a quick reference to names and terms within the IT industry that I am unsure about. A few seconds later I am more up to date on each topic I search for. This website is excellent. (Deano)

This site is a God send for me because my bank is switching to this requirement Dec 1 2012 and would no longer work unless Javascript was enabled. It confirmed mine is. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! (Clare)

Never knew this site existed. I think more computer users should be made aware of it. Thanks. Has helped me! (Anonymous)

This site was made with awesome sauce. (Barbosa)

This is the first time I actually found an answer on-line, tried fixing my desktop per instructions and it worked! I had the "NTLDR is missing" message. The cause was just a loose cable I guess. Now everything is on and I am ready to go. Thank you! (Nancy)

The most complete and straight forward answer I have ever encountered on a site. The links are also excellent. You are now my favorite computer bookmark. (Anonymous)

I got huge help from this site. This site is outstanding in a word. (Amitabh)

Thank you very much! I was messing with it about 1 year and today, thanks to www.computerhope.com I've solved it! Thank you! (Salman)

I felt like he really wanted to help instead of trying to sell something. thank you (Margaret)

I've been working with computers since the days of TANDY and slightly before -- and I've never hit a site so concise - easy - off-the-top-of-your-head whatever you need answered or reminded about ... Right there - easy to see and follow and my SON IS ABOUT TO GET ANOTHER HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT - He will be using this site each week to get his hands-on-computer skills up to par !! (Christine)

Finally, a direct, concise answer to a simple question!! We have Dell equipment at work and it was impossible to speak with a real person. Even at work, I could not find the correct dept. to answer my question (just kept getting bounced around from dept. to dept.). I believe that you/I have just saved the hospital I work at thousands of dollars! Thank you so much. (Debbie)

Thank you so much! I needed to convert a WPS file to Word and could not figure it out. I did a quick search and found your website. I downloaded the necessary converter and was able to open and print the file I needed. My son needed it for homework and you saved his grade. Thank you again. (Rose)

I'm new to using a computer so I'm learning as I go along, its 4 am and no one to help with my problem, in 2 seconds I was able to fix problem on your page, Thanks very much. (Develi)

This topic that was answered was extremely helpful. I was researching the bytes, megabytes ect. and only had about 2 mins to find my answer and it was so simple and to the point with detailed info as well. I also had time to write this too so I think it was amazing. (Katy)

Plenty of detailed information to read adequately answering my question. (John)

Thank you, I spent hours, trying to send the pictures a smaller size. (Danielle)

I googled my question, and this page was the first link, and someone had a very simple picture uploaded, of computer fan airflow direction arrows painted on the side of the fan. I never noticed that before! (Cone)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It was driving me crazy. I lent my laptop to my daughter and when it returned everything was so dark and I was having such a hard time trying to locate the fix. one Google search later and here I landed! Fixed in a millisecond! So happy! (Jo)

Being a 74 year young computer novice I have a lot of need to find out the answers to what I am sure are "simple questions"I have found your website very helpful and sure I will be back. Thanks (Kent)

You are the best. Explained like I was 5, and worked seamlessly. (mjjsjsj)

This gave me an assurance that I will make it in the world of technology. (Olanrewaju)

The site is excellent i can find all the system related issues in the single site. A ton of thanks for the site and the persons who worked to create this excellent site. (Harish)

Keep up the good work (i.e., How to solve PC issues for dummies) :) (Daneel)

I googled my question, got the link to the page and my answer was right there! (Bonnie)

Have not used this feature before and navigated quite easily today. (Harry)

Great concise easy to understand for the "ignorant" computer user. I have added this site to my home page! (Serenity)

Your answer was perfect. I tried several other places but their suggestions didn't work. THANKS! (Cyn)

Great info! A bit harder than simple, but my laptop locked up thanks to Windows 8 and of course -icrosoft was absolutely no help. Found a simple restore option for my Acer and at least can use my machine again. (Pk)

Thank you so much sir ! There was problem with heat sink, when i was clearing computer, due to stroking computer heat sink get loose (clip which forcefully tight it already removed). So when it tighten it, it perform normal. (Mohit)

This site is an address never to forget or misplace. It helped me as a student in doing research. Thank you and please keep up the good work. (Farouq)

I didn't have to be computer expert to understand your instructions. Most web pages assume one knows the computer like the back of ones hand. Some tell a person to click "such and such" and one would not have a clue what and where to click. Simple and clear instructions on your web make it a pleasure to read. Thank you (Lyn)

I feel grateful for the help that you given me and thank you. I'm gonna search again if i had a homework on my comp org. again thanks! (Anonymous)

Right on target. Many thanks. (I think you were the 2nd option brought up by my Google search, which for some reason I bypassed, so something in your self-description appealed to me as straight-on. Many thanks! (Mary)

This is a great site I found what I've been looking for easily!! It saved me from my long assignment thanks so much!! (Mj)

You guys ARE THE BOMB!!! I have been SUFFERING with my MOUSE FROM HELL for DAYS - Now it is FIXED!! And it did not cost me a DIME! I was ready to BUY A NEW COMPUTER! What an idiot! Glad you are there and I FOUND YOU!!! PS I put you in my "favorites" and gave you a NEW FOLDER - you NOW LEAD my computer repair sites!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!! (Dorothy)

Once I discovered the correct lingo the answer came right up and I followed the instructions and it worked!!!!! Thank you (Wendy)

I have been struggling with Windows (all versions) since its inception. I was very good with DOS, could fix most of my problems quickly. I found your great site while on-line looking for help with directories in windows. I found my answer right away. Thanks for this wonderful experience. (Larry)

You provided nice easy understanding answers.. Really thanks a lot... This is my flying kiss to your site... Ummaaaaa (Raju)

Not sure how my computer screen flipped but before I knew it, it was upside down. I wasn't sure how I was going to change it back to normal but as you can see, it never hurts to research and I'm far from computer savvy. Many thanks to your site! (Kraftynkreative)

Great help! Couldn't find an answer on the Windows provided help screen or on their website, so I am very satisfied with this site! (Anonymous)

Good! I Like it ! :D The Answer Was Very Good! My Teacher Gave Me A+ ! :D (Anagha)

When I got a problem with my computer, My first opinion is give that question to the "computerhope.com". (Dilan)

Found exactly what I was looking for instantly and resolved problem instantly. Thank you (Molly)

I had to give in a report in school on operating systems. Due to not being an expert in this topic. I had faced a lot of problems. But your site is amazing. Clear, concise and brilliant! I recommend everyone to check out this site. 5 stars and an A+ from my side. :) (Sara)

Great site, allowed me to travel back into DOS easily to achieve what I needed to do. Thanks, (Andrew)

-icrosoft Help took too long to load, but your site came up quick, and had the exact info that I needed. THANX!!! (Art)

Being a new computer user I found your site useful and easy to understand, no technical gobbledegook. Thank you. Will use you next time and I'm sure there will be many. (Beginner)

I have used Computer Hope ever since I had a computer many years now. I find solutions to my question every time. easy to use. Good experience .Ps I'm 70 yrs young (Sandiekidbizbiz)

This site was great for a tune-up before I go into my case and disable onboard video and install PCI slot DVI card. It's been a while since I got into my case, so the diagrams and explanations were great! (Rolitlady)

I was so desperate that how to go to bios setup but thank god you saved me from this situation! Thank you! (William)

Everything was quite easy to comprehend, I found exactly what I was looking for by simply glancing over the page. (Jam)

Absolutely helped me. I appreciate for giving detailed information for common problem. I have spent one month before visiting this page. Finally, Thanks a lot. (Viswa)

I have just graduated with my first degree in Computer Science. During my time at the university, your website was a great and helpful tool. I came here to find out answers to many day to day computing questions. To be frank, I even made some of my assignments from this site. Today, I just want to thank you, for making these resources available freely. Thank you and Shalom! (Frank)

I can't believe you where here all this time. I feel so chaffed but, stupid at the same time because my Audacity has been broke for at least a year and I don't dj out as much these days so getting my mixes online for downloads was my only outlet then it crashed! All i did was type into google the exact words of my error mess and your page come up. Easy to follow instructions and i back from the dead! Watch out for my mix CDs! Good work fella's keep it moving. Peace! (Djsweets)

My computer went darker when I was playing a new video so I was wondering how to fix it on my own. Checked for information and found several solutions and I tried a couple of ideas and the second one worked button fn and f8 together. (Ogdenv)

Very helpful, I have most of my questions answered. Besides, extra and unexpected useful information is available. Too good that I am not thinking of any suggestion yet. (Hai)

I was thrilled to be able to connect a monitor to my laptop without any outside help, thank you very much. (Emma)

The way you explained the topic step by step I am very glad I will use your advice. Trillion thanks for the real practical explanation. (Pritam)

I commend you for your assistance in education and training (Ebikis)

Thanks for explicit info about removing the single keys from the keyboard to clean the keyboard under the keys. I did that and am happy with clean keyboard now. I used USB mini vacuum cleaner and cyberclean jelly to remove the particles under keys on my keyboard. (Tupu)

I Love You. Seriously. Thanks for the help. I work in the mail room and I'm the closest thing our little business has to a computer tech. Your site is a blessing. Maybe now I can quit bugging my dad so much :) (Melody)

WOW! Where have you been hiding my whole life? Or at least since 1983! There are just some things the old MS-DOS could and can do better than Windows. However, no longer using MS-DOS regularly makes one get a bit rusty. What a pleasure to have a site that both clearly and concisely offers help in just the right amount. It's so groovy (tells you how old I am!). Instead of a twisted, convoluted, you have to read 8-9 referral pages to understand what you want to know, I got an answer. A real answer. With Windows and most applications it is certain the author and I do not share the same native language and appears to have been translated from Cambodian to Aramaic to our pathetic mangling of the Queens English. Thanks guys just doesn't seem adequate! (Wm)

I really like the way the information is displayed. This page will be stick in my favorites for a long time ! (Coco)

I moved over one building and didn't even think that my CPU cooler would get hung up with some power cables in the case. Overheated super quick and shuts off. Almost condemned my new p/s. Works great now. Kiss Keep It Simple Stupid. So easy to forget. (Jason)

I like this this site very much... The informations that i get from this site is very useful to me... I expect more informations like this from your site. THANK YOU (Arun)

Thanks for putting so much useful info on the Internet! I use your DOS material frequently with my Win XP system. Batch files are still very useful! (Nohodave)

Just a BIG BIG THANK YOU for just being their for guys like me... (Gary)

Got to your page upon a Google search for "e with accent mark". So, to start, you are well placed amid Google listings! Secondly, it was exactly what I was looking for at that exact moment, a sample of an accent .. Finding it I was done, but I stayed to look at your page and find it is just beautifully designed. I bookmarked it, and liked it, "I'll be back!" (Arnold)

It was hard until I went to the Computerhope web page. Once I got on that page, it took a few seconds and my toolbar was back. Thank you very much. (Fatimah)

Thank you incredibly for the information. This has been a very simple and helpful walkthrough. I was actually just very impressed by it, so I thought I would return the favor and write you a comment. I hope this can be used to promote YOUR site as your tools have helped me. Thanks again and I look forward to any newsletters or other information you might post. (Will)

I was searching from a long time but got no good thing from google. Then i used this website which was in Google and easily got my answer which was difficult from other websites. Thank You! (Anonymous)

Thank you so much, everything was clear step by step, had many options. The best site I have found. (Laura)

Saved me a lot of headaches with the simple and easy to find answer. (Bob)

I have spent ages trying to find out how to restore my laptop without a CD - I came to your site and found all the info and help I need within 5 minutes. brilliant! :-) (Kelli)

Very nicely structured, widely scoped clear and concise information! Thank you for listing the locations of the NTLDR .ini file, and all the 'how to' steps to go with it, helpful for beginner and advanced users ! (Syphon)

I have been on other site but yours was by far the quickest (Ray)

You just made my day so much better! (Anonymous)

I had only forgotten the 'systeminfo' command. Googled: "How can i find out how long my computer has been running?" voila! instant gratification: thank you, computerhope.com (Stepo)

Resetting the BIOS did the trick for me. Thank you so much. I replaced the power supply and then got stuck at the DMI pool screen. The bios reset fixed it. (Mike)

Thanks the Computer Hope team, your site is excellent. (Kwame)

This is a great site for learning computer and to help explain other computer related problems and topics and ways how to fix them. Thank you. (Faiz)

All my computer problems are now history with Computer Hope. (Lordman)

When i try to search some links regarding on computer problem solutions this one was on top of the list so when enter this link it look so simple but helpful to me because it provided the issue more detailed and more precised point by point to the topic which i referring to.. So for me its really good..<(a_a)> thanks for this.. (Leadband31)

I forgot after years of not having to utilize my keyboard for anything, but typing, to do much of anything else on in. such as recalling the cut, paste function buttons.... you had all the things i needed right on the site. right in front of me. thanks (Kbkittykat1974)

Thanks you for simplifying our need. May you keep it up. Good bless you (Habib)

Second time I've been on this site and it's the best thing since sliced bread! I was only trying to choose some colours for different categories on a calendar and was amazed and impressed to find you not only gave me a matching colour to the one I liked but then trinary colours too. What a discovery! This will definitely speed up my colour choice in the future. Thank you so much! (Rosie)

Thanks for putting the MS-DOS commands on the web, I have no ideas where my old books are. (Steve)

Thanks for an excellent web-site with valuable information. I use it all the time for Unix and DOS documentation and questions. (Julsteen)

Thanks for providing the service - nicely done Site, easy to use, especially like the referencing to prior area codes in areas - not everyone "goes the extra mile" in that way. Bravo! And five gold stars! (Dixie)

This is very useful and information base website. All the computer user must visit this site especially IT students. (Qamar)

Never solved a problem (adjust laptop panel brightness) so easy. Thanks! (Anonymous)

Thank you so much, the process was so easy to follow and the instructions were very clear, it has solved my issue with the "BAD_POOL_HEADER" if only for a little while and i am so grateful for the help. Thank you (Alexander)

OMG I'm so dumb. You said to hit Alt button& that fixed my problem instantly (Barrie)

I wish all sites made things as simple as this..!! (Ron)

Shortcuts helped me out to solve my problem it was amazing experience. (Shehzad)

Thanks so much! Why does Microsoft make everything so hard to find?! (Dblack67)

Explanations were clear and precise. I was able to turn off my computer, which was frozen. (Alva)

I was trying to create a macro for opening word file with a keyboard shortcut. Your site solved the challenge very intuitively. Further searching revealed that "ComputerHope" is one of the best site of its kind. Thank you and keep up the great work. (Chandra.)

Just needed to send a short note. My question was answered instantly on your site, which I clicked after a google search. One simply has to choose, out of all the search results, a site that calls itself Computer "HOPE". Computer idiots like me need you more than you know! Actually, you probably do know! Thanks! (Sandra)

Thank you for all your information on batch files and the command line. This kind of thing is really interesting to me, and I like the great reference on the commands, especially with the examples that the command line help lacks. On a scale of 1 to 10, your site is forty-two. :P (Andrew)

Easy to find many of those abbreviations used in computing. (Compuflexed)

I've kept up with your sight for years and it has been a valued and appreciated source of info. Especially for this OLD GEEZER. Keep up the good Work!! (Gene)

Thank You, it was Excellent and almost as Beautiful as a Rising Sunset. (Quanyin)

My query about machine language was answered in two lines, and confirms my understanding that whatever is input into a computer winds up hitting the unit as ML. Thanking you for clarity here. (Richard)

Your answer is much more simplified that I can ever get from Yahoo. That's if I get an answer at all, or on one that I can actually understand. Thank you, and don't change. Keep it simple, we are not all scientists, some of us are just common folk. (Joanne)

If Internet Q&As will be like this there would be no worry in life (Tonimass)

Thank you so much i thought i was going to have to stop working cause it was blinding me and causing a headache. I appreciate it very much.... (Tammy)

I thought there was no way I could fix my computer that had a continuous long beep when I turned the power on & wouldn't boot by simply removing my RAM & putting it into a different slot, but it worked perfectly & my computer is as good as new!! BIG THANKS!! (Anonymous)

You gave me useful info I didn't even know I needed! (about video Card problems being a potential factor in video problems.) Website is very simple and intuitive. I'm far from a newbie - I can even change bios to boot up from USB stick, do dual boot, etc. - but I still get flummoxed by some of this computer esoterica. I guess I'll never stop learning. I fell onto this website through a search. (Stepstone)

What a Great Site!!! - Easy to Navigate - Intelligent, Relevant Information - The most Invaluable tool I've found to date! Please Don't Ever Shut Down.(John)

I am an IT Manager and I teach computer classes at a local school. Please don't ever shut down this site. I have been giving your website to hundreds of people over many years. Even though I don't come here often, this is the only place I can refer people to, where they can get answers to their questions and actually understand them. So many websites come and go. Just stay up and running. Very well done. (Nkai)

It took no time at all to locate the answer to my query, due to the clear instructions on how to solve it. Thank you. A very happy website user. One more comment to you all. Keep doing what you are doing guys, and I bet that I am not the only person that thinks very highly of the work that you all do, and the help that you all provide. Keep up the good work guys!!!! (Naster)

This was the only site where i found an answer to my recording problem using Audacity. (Anonymous)

Man you guys, thanks. Such an annoying issue but such a simple fix, keep it up (Barbarrick)

I am glad that you exist! (Clyde)

Your Web Site is very good and very reliable for user thanks for this to all computerhope.com family members. (Rajendra)

Reading your help page just saved me the call out charge for an engineer. Very grateful indeed! Thank you (Deborah)

As old WordStar user, laughed when i saw letters described as faster than using a mouse. Also learned several things I wish I'd known earlier -- but they maybe weren't available then. Thanks, excellent job of helping the needy!(Angelwaits)

Yes... VLC media player is excellent and has made many things so easy. So that solved the problem for me, fortunately I already had it installed and have used in many times. It is a good recommendation. (Anonymous)

This was unbelievable. My ? Was exactly what you answered, and by showing picture of the VGA connections it went so easy. Thank you (Jim)

This is a great site. So many other forums have you trying all the usual, when it was just a simple BIOS setting, and putting emphasis on the CMOS Setting in the BIOS was important as well. Thank you for your assistance.(MooseMunch)

Thank you so much for this wonderful resource. I just dabble, no web site or anything, and may be an infrequent user, but this is really easy and convenient. You're the best! (Anonymous)

Though in the rural area of Adamawa state, Nigeria still been able to source for information easily. The world is truly global! you guys are wonderful. (Adamu)

This was an excellent site for computer answers and repairing problems. Thanks, Paul (Paul)

I will advise you to keep up with the work it will lead you some where. (Zoe)

Understandable and easy information. (Hetal)

Very good site after asking quite a few people who have been using computer for quite a while, myself a bit old school been using computer about 18 months this site told me the answer to the question / What is a byte Thank you (Davehiwayman)

I'm so happy to have found this site! I will be using it often as I am self taught PC user. THANKS (Colleen)

The information presented was very easy for me to understand and I appreciate it. (C)

I am teaching myself through many different means to create my own web page. I find your site to be very informative and am adding it to my favorites in just a moment. (Ross)

I've solved my computer problem in minutes! The instructions are clear and easy to follow and most of all, they really do work. Thanks! (Gigi)

I was very happy you mentioned switching out the memory chips as that was all it took to fix the problem. (Scothypnotist)

Thanks for the information. This is better than windows for Dummies (Harry)

I have lost my computer help at home, and I am trying to learn to troubleshoot, so I don't have to ask my ex-hubby for help. You guys are it. (Nuarmida)

I was missing a page of the Riven Walk-thru. I had printed this out a few years back and decided to play the game again. But a page was missing. Thank you so much for keeping this game walk-thru on line. (Marilyn)

Every time am having a problem with my laptop I'll go directly to computer shop for repair. This is the second time around that my laptop has been black the screen totally. Thank you so much... Steps are too simple to follow. In just a couple of mins my problem is solved. :) (Mars)

Hi, THANK YOU!!! My boyfriend's computer locked up and would only beep when we started it - it wouldn't boot. I solved the problem very, very quickly with your help! The search for the solution was easy. The fix was well explained. I am a person who can't stop herself from giving "helpful" suggestions, but I don't have one - your website works well. (Michele)

Been trying to solve this problem. It took 5 seconds (the first option) here. (Dave)

Thought I was using the wrong Linux command but your website assured me that I was correct and the problem was with the server. (Bruce)

Easy to understand. Direct answer.. not waffle !!! (Camelia)

I wish you would add more I love this website. I think anybody would like this website it was a BIG help. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Rebecca)

I have never had a question answered so easily! Plus, there were suggestions throughout to help as well. I will definitely be using this site again! (Terri)

Thank you so much for the most easiest fix to the sound problem I had. The simple straight forward instructions was the best (without having to make any unnecessary downloads). Keep up the fantastic work. (Leona)

Hi, I started IT Cert 2 three years ago while doing that I found this web site it helped me back then and now I'm doing CCNA 2 (I've already done CCNA 1) and the information on this web site is so good and I cant even explain how much it has helped me. (Anonymous)

Omg the teacher gave a 100% on a test for looking this up. (Shorty)

Helped me fix my computer easier than i ever thought. Thank you very much! (Nick)

This site is absolutely the most simple site I have ever found. The people who came up with the idea were geniuses. A computer help site that actually helps, who would have thought it possible. (Joseph)

This was great help because I know nothing about keyboards and now I can look any time i need help thank you. (Abo)

I really enjoyed your web-site, from a novice like me I know some info on PC's, but the question I had was answered. Thank You again. (BatDude)

Well there really isn't more to add because everything was easy to locate so thank you very much!!!! (Stephanie)

I found out the answers i needed for my course work :) (Nadece)

Great, easy to find information. Thank you for creating a decent web page. :) (C)

It is really easy to use and I hope I will have to use it again in the future, with school.(Anna)

What a lifesaver! Thank you. So grateful to have found this site. (Goldenval)

I have tried many other dictionaries such as Foldoc but Computer Hope is certainly superior. (Graderman)

I have been using the same code snippet to rotate images with a link for some time, until I had to run 2 instances on one page, and it did not work. I googled a new sample, ran across your page https://www.computerhope.com/javascript/random-image.htm, and it works great and multiple instances and be ran on a single page. Great stuff and I wanted you to know, thanks. (Sieta)

Thank you very much for your help. My Desktop would not power up. It was a worn out Backup Battery that caused the problem. Many thanks. (Sean)

The service is perfectly efficient please keep it up. (Joshua)

Just found this location. It is amazing. Thank you so much for building this site. I am trying to fix my computer after my partner, who is no longer my partner, took over my computer for two years and did all sorts of things to it. I am now having to learn all about hardware, software, partitioning, downloading new drives, uploading, etc., etc. in order to make my computer work safely and be stable. I am having fun learning all of this as it is challenging but it can be daunting when it is only me and I have questions. So thank you. (Sololearner)

I like the ease of your site and the simplicity and for the lay person this is a great resource. I have just started recently working for a computer firm and I find this site very helpful please keep up the site and your good simple methods of finding information. (Skippy)

Thank you very much. I spent a very long time suffering with a few misspelled words in my spell check - very annoying!! You completely solved the problem in about 1 minute. I wish I had found you sooner. Thanks again. (Notacomputergeek)

Unusually for anything to do with computers your "HELP" button actually was of great help and the answer was in plain English which I could actually understand ~ and it worked! Brilliant and thanks (Len)

I am SO NOT computer savvy, but your simple, easy to understand and use files and help made it so even I could figure out and fix an issue I was having. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! (Rebecca)

You guys rock. I refer to your site about 4 times a year and it always has the answers and pertinent examples... (Alan)

You made my day for 2 years I didn't know how to do this. a simple accent over a letter (Cynthia)

I usually don't post comments but your site is exceptional that I find no excuse but to appreciate it. Thank you so much, for the great resources that you provide here. I appreciate it. You are organized and precise to points of needs. Good work, Good bless you. (Lagu)

Thanks a million. You saved my 100 euro that i should have given for repair. (Joseph)

I was getting pretty crazy... Some of the other sites I looked at wanted you to download a cd that took 9 hours!! Like I had 9 hours to spare. I kept searching until I found your site. I love that even a computer dummy can fix this problem. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (Carol)

Haven't worked with DOS for years... DOS did something for me that Windows could not (or I didn't try hard enough!) I had to rename 300 files in three groups, keeping the file names intact and give them all a prefix of aaa, bbb, and ccc. I am building a 3,600 image screen saver / desktop file and your help made my job EASY! (Ralf)

Thanks for explaining all computer-speak in your advice columns as these are essential for technologically challenged seniors. (Rosabenn)

My laptop battery wasn't charging. I received information from another site that told me to uninstall and reinstall hardware. It didn't work. Your site gave more options ... One of which was removing the battery. It worked! Thank you! (Patti)

This site helped me so much. I had Registry problems and all sorts of other problems with xp sp3 crashed. Your directions were so clear, very easy to understand. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS! (Jennifer)

What had taken me 30 min on my own to not figure out your website told me what i needed in 2 min of reading. thank you so much. (Monica)

I feel very fortunate to use this site when I need the information related to my PC. It is very helpful and easy to use. (Elizabeth)

I wish our company 'help desk' was this easy to use! (Minotray)

Great layout of the page, easy to understand, helped me a lot, keep up the good work. (Will)

I love this site. I use it for all my Linux question. It's the best Linux help site around. :) (Scott)

I was looking up the answer to why Al Gore is credited with inventing the Internet, and instead learned succinctly about the history of the Internet, the idea of the Internet, and some of the key people involved in its idea and creation. So I am extremely satisfied. honestly I haven't looked around the site other than that. (Dan)

Really really good site! Extremely helpful. (Kruti)

I've had trouble getting audacity to work for me for months and just kept plugging along, couldn't find any help at audacity and just stumbled upon your site and had things fixed in 2 minutes. thank you so very much. I will bookmark your site. (Bob)

I have been using this site for help now for about 6 or 7 years now. And I always found answers to my questions. Thanks to the team who make this site Great!. (Redd)

I just want to say thank you to the owner of this site. as he along with his great creative team is doing a great job there.......... (Uttam)

Could not get address from AOL Rep but it was 1-2-3 with you. (Rev. Dee)

You have a very easy to understand format here..... explanations are simple but informative. you can teach a thing or two to some other sites. (Jason)

A very excellent and easiest way to go through about any computer related topics in depth with adequate technical information with snaps that added information more and more precious and easy to understand for their learners. (Javed)

It took going to several sites before my question was addressed. For this site, it was easy to locate the information. Thank you. (Anonymous)

I used your site 2 times and were able to find the correct solutions to my problems. Thank again, (Wally)

I am fairly new on the computer, and I'm glad to have found this website because I'm able to learn new things, and it gives me a place to go when I have questions. (Brian)

keep up the good work. your site help me for my problem. and i am sure it helps a lot of people who have a problem to their computer. God Bless. (Bartduque)

Your information is invaluable. Thank you for helping me with my concerns on hacking. (Aramintha)

Thanks for the clear and concise information, it was easy to follow and help correct the problem with the NTLDR issue. (Jennifer)

I'm only a learner[aged] stumbled on site by accident, glad that I did. A great help to me. (Anonymous)

After pulling out my hair from a mistake - I tried you, and immediately my mistake was taken care of. I can't thank you enough! (Marsy)

Thank you! Just needed to know where to look to see how much ram my computer has. You know, you just can't know what you don't know, so it's so nice when you can ask someone who does. Simple... but it sure means a lot. Thanks so much! (Curly)

I sent my laptop to computer repair and they did not know how to do, solved by an oldie of 74 years, they give up too easy (John)

Perfect answer! Way easier than using Microsoft's help feature. That didn't even come close! (Pamela)

ComputerHope has an easy-to-follow interface and concise directions for learning about and fixing my XP problems - thanks for the understandable education and your great directions on how to fix things! (Q)

I love this site! I could find all the information I needed in a split second! It's rare that you stumble upon excellent sites like this! Now this website resides in my favorites! Great job guys:) (Fern)

I was ecstatic with the help. (Meow)

Computer hope change my world, it make me easy in solving my problems regarding the web designing and various question. (Surender)

I am extremely grateful for your existence. Your offering of valuable information is tremendous and I must say praiseworthy. Absolutely PRAISEWORTHY!!! I am truly thankful to Almighty God for his provision of your great service. May the Lord multiply your blessings and may your company grow well beyond expectations. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. (Cantella)

My first experience with Computer Hope was gorgeous. I was quite frustrated after forgetting the BIOS password. I have award bios. I tried many passwords for award bios. I tried many passwords and found mine is AWARD_SW. Thanks to Computer Hope..(Bigyan)

So much easier than using the "Word" online help site. In addition, your site answered my question and their site did not. I have saved your site to my favorites and will recommend it to everyone. Thanks for a great resource. (Kellie)

I'm a senior and not too techy. This site was great, now I know where to look for sites that I need. Thanks! (Bob)

So glad you made a dictionary available. Sometimes SENIORS are a forgotten people for which no one wants to take time to answer computer questions that to them are important and sometimes urgent. (Jugal)

Sites like yours make it super easy to share solutions with those who are just learning, or continuing to learn. (Webduck)

Thanks so much to the entire staff of Computer Hope, it's my favorite web site where often like to visit and read patiently, your assistance to each reader are much appreciated. (Bipasa)

This is an extremely informative site I've had it bookmarked for 6 months now I wish I'd have looked at it sooner, I was taking a computer class when I found it. lol (Anonymous)

I found everything I was looking for and was able to get a computer working again. I am very pleased with my experience at Computerhope.com. Thanks. (Fat Tony)

This site was easy to navigate around, with an easy to view font, and basic information offered. It was simple and easy to use. (Debra)

Thank you for the HTML Color Codes page! Expansive ... exhaustive ... EXCELLENT!!! (Anonymous)

Perfection! Love it I am a novice and it was very helpful to use this type of help! (Frances)

What a pleasure to find help without having to pay an arm and leg. (Vernon)

I bookmarked this site for later reference. Seems very complete. I've been using DOS batch commands since the late 80's but still need a refresher, one in a while. (Phil)

That is awesome free service. It make us easy to get knowledge about computer. And give us more free time to do other jobs. Thank you so much Computer Hope! With love (Tam)

After weeks of problem solving BSOD and hangs, I finally solved my problem in one minute using your site. I had no luck with the company help site and found this issue discuss in many, many other forums. I can't wait to go back and post the solution I found here. Thank you, Thank you! (Thumper)

You saved my life, I had some how copied thousands of files from MSN onto my boyfriends computer and now they are gone. Thanks for the multiple delete hold shift button!!!!!! (Marylin)

I'd previously tried to find the answer on the Microsoft support website, but that wasn't detailed enough and didn't help at all. This did! Thank you.(Joe)

I purchased my printer from Dick Smith. I had a paper jam and I am not good with the computer and must have thrown the disc away. The man in Dick Smith said that you could not clear a paper jam that I couldn't get into the back of printer and I would probably need to purchase a new one. Guess what he was wrong I have just fixed the problem in 2 minutes. Have decided that my skills could be put to better use(maybe working for Dick Smith). Thank you so much even I found this sight with no problem..(Bev)

I couldn't believe my eyes. You have one of those rare sights that concisely answered all my questions regarding electronics, etc.. and airport scanners. Thanks. (Anonymous)

Thank you SO much for helping me, my daughter was home yesterday and adjusted the brightness on my screen but left it so bright that it was hurting my eyes. I didn't have the nerve to contact her to tell her I couldn't work out how to change it back but your website explained in simple language that even I, as a daft over 60s techno-idiot, could understand, so many thanks, and a Happy Christmas to you all! (Philippa)

I am a ninth grader and i am in computer class and this is the most helpful website that our class uses, i just wanted to say thank you for making your website available to us, you make our class 100% easier ! by the way i go to john F Kennedy high school in granada hills California, and our teacher Mr. Vasquez is the best computer repair man ever, you could use his help if you need it !!! bye and thank you again (Gabriella)

This explained the xcopy command in a simple, very understandable way. It also explained how to designate directory names that have spaces in them. Since you guys seem to be able to convey information in short, succinct, and understable terms, you ought to write Microsoft's instructions for them. Believe me, they need the help!! (Bill)

This is the first ever excellent feedback for a first time user on a computer. I nearly gave my laptop away as I could not understand the computer and did not understand answers my friends gave on the topic of computers. I now will be using my laptop again, knowing I can come back to this 'site'?. thank you again. (Petra)

I have been trying to find this information forever and I was able to barely scroll down the page and find my answer and was fixed in a matter seconds. This was extremely helpful and I thank you. Have a great day! (Cred)

I am 85 years old and have been a computer user for almost 10 years. Most of my "expertise" is self taught. The information I received was a tremendous help. I have always been afraid to touch the "F" keys. Thank you so much! (Elizabeth)

Great to find a detailed answer to an elementary question for an elementary computer user! Also good to be able to print the page. Thanks. (Polly)

My thanks for making such a difficult problem to me so very easy. Also for the availability without having to go to a savvy computer expert and pay $$$ for such expert information. Kudos to Computer Hope (Barbara)

I am so glad i found this website it helped me out with my project i am doing. I hope to be able to use this website again. Thanks again bye-bye now. :) (Cutiepie100)

Every thing that a got from the site. Was in perfect manner. Nice effort by the administrators. Congrats. I'll recommend this one to my friends and colleagues. (Malay)

You guys ROCK! your answer was easy, simple and right to the point; and free. Many want to profit in the web and take advantage of people who don't have information, but you are honest and moral. Thanks. (Nell)

This is easy as 1 -2 -3. Thank you. (Jairo)

I cannot thank you enough - after hours of techno gloop, I followed your simple instructions and now after total success I'm off for a glass of wine - thank you again. (Batina)

I googled a question and it brought me to your site. This is wonderful help for my students. Thank you. (Dozier)

I REALLY APPRECIATE your help on this matter. There are two cats and a dog in my house, the dog being short-haired. I try to vacuum often, but it's spring, and between the pollen, dust, dog and cat hair, and God knows what else, I'm just praying for RAIN!!!!!!!!!! My computer has NEVER been cleaned so I suspect it's time!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Dawn (Dawn)

I had a great experience and would love to use this site again (Jersylicious)

THANK YOU so much, I felt like I was going blind from my screen being so bright. Your answer was the first one that I found on the net, and it worked!!!! Very happy. (Lisa)

Thank you so much! I found this website extremely helpful, especially considering all the other time lines of computer history I found ended at about 1981! This website was so recent, and It included a lot of small achievements and interesting facts that all the other websites didn't. The other websites seemed to make timelines for popularity, and did a sloppy job, but this site finished its material like it cared. Thank you so much Computer Hope! =~D (Student)

Thank you so much for putting this information on your website! I barely knew what double-spacing was before-hand, let alone, how to do it! This will save me a lot of time and stress! (Emerald)

At last a site that gives the answer in plain English and easy to follow instructions and without being asked to download suspect software to "fix" the problem. Many thanks (Howard)

Battery was plugged in, not charging, visited your page, fixed it in 30 seconds. (420)

Off and on I've used Computer help for a long time. I've told friends to try it. If I get stuck with a computer problem Computer Hope is my next stop. Thank you for the information I've needed in the past and will need in the future! (Gnss)

OMG!!!! Thank you!!!!! Love you for that!!!! (Nese)

Got solution very sound and clear in simple technical language. (Piterson)

I found it so fast it scared me. This is very good (Harold)

I had a "NTLDR missing" problem in Win XP. Solved in minutes thanks to your help pages. Pages from other fora suggested complicated procedures via floppy/USB stick/CD burning. Your solution however, was simple and worked immediately. Thanks a million! (Dick)

Computer Hope is my run to place for computer information. I have used it to educate me about computers and their maintenance. I've yet to come here and not find the answer to my questions. Great job, keep it up! (GNSS)

Love it when I can find the answer to my question and it is an easy to do fix. Great job! (Sheri)

I been a Computer Hope watcher for several years. A user for a couple of years. When I have a newbie or novice question, I use Computer Hope. I've never left without my questions being clearly and completely answered! Thank you for your help! (Anonymous)

Answered my question to a "t". Thank you (Cookie)

I am not good with technology but feel really chaffed that I found your website and there was the solution to my problem. If only everything was that simple! Many thanks for your help. (gp)

Thanks guys i have been trying to solve this problem in many different ways but it has never worked but then today i thought let me go online i might find some help and just by the click here i was in your website. I even didn't have to read all the instruction just by checking on the images my problem was solve. Thanks Guys Keep Up The Good Work (Demetrius)

Just wanted to know what the function keys did, took no time to find out. Had a computer for years and never knew, thanking you. Will keep your service available. Shady grace. (Shady)

It was all nice. I even got some explanation i didn't expect. Keep it up guys. (Paul)

Fab - you got me out of a pickle - I needed to print some documents immediately and your details on how to reset my Epson RX620 were simple and easy to follow. (Wight)

The experience was thick and what i found was ancient treasure. (Slayerwulfe)

Thank you very much for a great illustration of a motherboard. when i did my search for "PC northbridge", the result listed yours as the fifth and sixth entries. as they came as a pair with exactly the same format, i was more inclined to choose it over the rest and i was so pleased i did. the explanation was so straight forward and that was so helpful for non-techie like me. So again, my thanks and compliment for great design of this entry and that of the northbridge. I am sharing this with my mentor at wgu so he can share it with the other students. (Grace)

This site is a god send for we basic learners thanks for being their the advice is easy to follow and put in to practice thanks folks at Computer Hope (Peter)

PERFECT! I found my answer easily and it was just what I needed. THANKS! (Mary)

Helped me very much. Your site went right to the solution, and gave me very clear instructions to resolve the problem. Thanks. (Hillbillyhobbit)

Amazing. A site that actually gives the keystrokes necessary to do the job! You guys obviously know what our world is like. Bravo.(Alias)

This site is excellent. was going to attend an interview tomorrow and was very helpful to me. (Rajesh)

What a fantastic web site I'll remember this one. I would recommend it to others like myself - not a GEEK but can read. Thanks a bunch.... (Anonymous)

Very simple, well-written directions helped me ascertain why my laptop battery wasn't charging. (It had come loose.) (Michael)

I could locate the defect and rectify it myself without taking my computer to a repair shop (Walkonwater)

This site is very informational. I went to other sites about my CPU issues and this one gave me hope instead of frustration. Thanks a bunch:) (Kizziea)

Hello, I have had a laptop for more than five years and never knew how to adjust the brightness on my laptop so I always had a hard time looking at the screen without the power cable ('cause it's too dim), especially when I used my laptop while traveling. And I never knew I could adjust the brightness to make it brighter. Now I found the solution from your website and that problem is solved. Thank you so very much. The answers from your website are very useful. (Anonymous)

Very handy indeed. Thank you for the online support. I really love it. Thank you once again from Fiji. (Joe)

I was initially dreading to ask my question, because the net seems like a maze and being relatively new and inexperienced on computers I need simplicity, which I received. Thank you (Shelaugh)

Thank you my little boy touch my computer and flipped the screen. I am not computer savvy so I thought all hope was gone. It was so easy to find the answer on your website. Thank you thank you thank you (Ellen)

What a time saver. My CMOS setup was corrupt. Did a search and this was the first site on the list. The description on the search matched exactly what I needed. Fixed the problem in 3 mins or less. Thanks Computer Hope, (Tamara)

Computer Hope is an excellent and extraordinary website for solving general computer problems and issues experienced by the people. I hope that Computer Hope will continue serving the general people with the same commitment and fervor.(Faiz)

I had lugged in headphones to my Dell Inspiron laptop, and next time I rebooted, the speakers stopped working. If I plugged in headphone they worked. I had gone through the audio settings and everything seemed fine. Following the instructions of this article, I found the right place to look. Under audio setting, it seems to have defaulted back to desktop speakers. In this case, I switched it to laptop speakers, and hey presto, there was sound again. Thank you for the article, it was very helpful. (G)

ComputerHope.... The first resort, so you won't need the last resort! (Sambledsoe)

Your site is very useful and I used this whenever I feel fix up in a question regarding IT, especially information about DOS commands. Thanks a lot. Its often proven itself 100% according to its name HOPE. Kindly convey my heartiest congratulation to this site owner. (Raza)

Wasn't exactly simple to get started but once I got on your right page for my problem it was simple from there. I have used this site a lot& never said thanks, so I say it now. (Ali)

I find your information very good. I am a novice to computers and i get lost with the jargon. As i am getting on in years and have different way in doing things, than the young ones. HA HA. (Hommer)

Awesome organization, everything is at one place. I am really impressed thanks a lot for the site it really helped me. (Aakash)


I'm 73 years old and just starting to learn how to use a computer. I appreciate all the help i can find. (Jim)

I'm a student, so I can't really afford to hire a computer expert, but my computer had PROBLEMS. I never in a million years thought I would be able to understand anything online that a computer geek would write and be able to fix problems on my own, (I can barely get e-mail!) but your site was so easy and helpful!!! And free! Thank you so much. I really really appreciate it. Thank you thank you thank you. (April)

You people are great! I'm just learning about my computer's "guts", so to speak. Unfortunately, a relative has configured many different things, such as group policy, etc. My computer says, " permission denied" in computer management, etc. Thanks for all the help. (Cfm)

My daddy always told me "If you want a good drink of water go to the head of the spring, don't drink out of some mud hole down stream". Well I have found the head of the spring, just wish I'd had enough sense to go here a long time ago ! (Dana)

The auto start bat file article was very helpful! It allowed me to flash my bios because my keyboard wasn't working. (Alexander)

Thank god there was a page to help me fix a computer crash, and it helped me find a file that I was trying to find to help me get my windows back up and running without losing anything I had already on it, and I wanna say thank you to the person/people that put this page on the Internet. (Jimmy)

Wonderful step-by-step instructions with illustrations!!! Loved it. THANKS. Perfect for technologically-challenged senior citizens like me. (Lynn)

I have been using Computer Hope seven years I believe and I have always been able to find the answer I was looking for. Go Computer Hope, Your the best. Thank you (Alan)

Great job. I got what i want soon and it was easy to understand too. Nicely presented. Keep up the good job. (Anup)

I am completely amazed at all the information that can be located on the computer. I am not a computer whiz. I just click on and learn as I go, pretty good for an 81 yr. old, right? Thanks for the help. (Srmadonna)

You are doing excellent. It is a service to the humanity. (Osk)

It's so good to have a Computer Hope customer satisfaction so top guide one to the next level. (Bukky)

I came here from a Google search and found exactly my answer without any trouble and without a lot of useless comments. There is advertising but very clean and not annoying. (Keith)

I always prefers this site to solve my answers... I found this to be a good site for system admins... (Dj)

60 seconds ! Thank you, thank you! (Mari)

I am over sixty years and when using the system; something goes wrong I will panic. This time it took a couple of days to settle down and went to google to find the answer. Problem solved. Thank you (Russ)

Even those who have little or no computer savvy can find the answer to almost any question with the Computer Hope system. Thanks for the service....(Dajudge)


Fantastic - I had looked online and found nothing in various forums but this came up with the solution immediately - thanks. (Caz)

Only recently became interested in DOS batch files. Computer Hope has provided the material for me to expand my knowledge in running meaningful programs. (Watachi)

Found exactly what I needed here and was led directly to the page after looking up "adjust laptop brightness" on Google search. Excellent! Thank you! (Kara)

I'm doing a research about drivers and i couldn't find anything better than the information in here. (Misael)

Awesome!!! I've been struggling with this problem for weeks. The solution was so simple. Thanks a bundle. (Debbie)

Waoo it's ok by me, thanks for your services and more grease to your able. (Moscoluv)

I like your website! It help me out a lot once I explored the questions and answers about PC, thanks a lot! I will defiantly be using this website, often. (Rosemarie130)

Thank you for your service. I hope that other's without knowledge of computer will find this site. I will be referring this to some of my associates. We are from the old school trying to catch up with the third generation. Thanks again, you all are the best! (Auary)

I've been looking for a solution to this annoying problem for a couple of years. This article took me straight to the source and the issue is finally resolved. My sincere thanks to whoever posted this. (Kitty)

Finally, an answer to my inquiry. So quick and simple. Much better than Microsoft!!! (Kam)

Thanks, problem solved, that quick. Now, if I could only solve my financial problems this easily and quick it would be a happy world. (Druid)

Thank you for making it simple for me, i retired in 07 and live with my daughter and never used a computer before and now i am the one in our family who is in charge of keeping things running on Internet. THANKS (Roger)

If there is any question about computer, hardware, software - I check Computer Hope first - many little things require many answers. (Rich)

Thanks so much. Could not locate the games after I installed a new office package. This did it! Thanks again. (Jamie)

It was easy, and I was able to set up my monitor to my laptop with in a minute after asking my question. Thank You (Frank)

Fantastic - thanks for great info - love the site! (Amber)

My first visit to Computer Hope was on a machine running Dos/Win3.1, and I still find your site useful - today because I knew you would have the best information on old dos commands for writing a batch file. In case I've never said Thanks, I am now. You're not flashy or trendy, but you're always there, and I know I can rely on the information you have. (Augustus)

Saved me hours. thanks a million (Ck1agn)

I have had a crash on my desktop PC and thankfully I have this laptop which helped me to google my problem and thus I was directed to this website. Thank you. (Sherdaw)

Thanks had my system down trying to figure out how to share a printer and your website had the answer I needed (Chris)

I'm learning to use my computer, and didn't know what the keys F1 to F12 where about. This made my learning easier. Thank you. (Alberto)

Working at setting up Ubuntu on older computer. Thank for the help .from vintage 1941 (Old Grouch)

Your article titled "How do I clear a laptop BIOS or CMOS password?" saved my life! It had everything I needed to solve a very frustrating locked BIOS issue. I followed your link to Dogbert's Blog and his program decoded the issue mentioned in your article. I can't thank you enough for such thorough and helpful information! (William)

Thank you thank you thank you! I was going absolutely CRAZY!!! (Cynsa)

Thank you. Instructions saved me time and Lots of Frustration!! (Dee)

It's a very useful site, easy to use and displays the information without adding unnecessary and boring things. Good work and thank you. (GJill)

Awesome!! I have been working on this problem day and night for 3 days and was able to fix it in 5 minutes with your help!! (Pressed)

This is good for such as student. Teachers, my teacher is teaching by use of this website command. This is one of the best. (Nitin)

I like the lay out of the page(especially the letter type !) and could find answer to my question real easy. (Ann)

Great! Easy to understand and worked perfectly! THANK YOU!!!! (Adam)

Solved in 5 min after 2 hours trying on my own (Mally)

I got here by accident, it's the best accident I ever had. This site is Great. Is all this really free, all the help etc.? As I said I got here by accident but I'm going to be back frequently ON Purpose. Thanks for all this information and help. Jackie (Jackie)

Wickedly easy thanks a lot. (Peter)

Its a very good site for people who are not acquainted with computer jargons and terms ....... It is also very illustrative for a lay-person to understand...... (Lawrence)

I am virtually a computer 'nunce' but you got me out of a problem I couldn't have solved alone. Thank you! (Heather)

This is awesome thank you; I didn't know this computer had a hidden partition. I hope it works. I have been without it for 2 months. I have been on this outdated laptop; so I'll be glad to have it working again. Many thanks. (Linda)

Opened the page, got the answer straight as I understand. Thanks p.s Don't let whoever who is answering leave, it's easy to replace people but very hard to replace brains. (George)

Thank you so much, info on this page completely resolved my problem, and I didn't need to know anything about it, just followed the precise instructions. (Monika)

I'm doing cisco ccna and a+ hardware and operating systems and i love this site i always come to this site. (Anonymous)

Had no idea how to move my task bar from right hand screen to bottom again till looked at these steps, you're legends thank you so much. phew. (Sharon)

I am not PC literate but still was able to get the answers I needed. Thank you. (Chuck)

I just happened onto this page as I was looking for an answer to a computer question. What a great place lots of help a bit technical at times, I found what I needed. Thank you. (Anonymous)

Simple & painless - just how I like it! (Jeff)

I just got to know Computer Hope its not been long now say a month, but i must comment that am so glad with the way i find it very easy to read and understand the web pages, though i still not fine it very easy to locate files or what am looking for, since i have to scroll via many pages OR click on some underlined words to get to my desired page (Larry)

Business College for programming (BAL & Cobal) in 1968. I don't use the knowledge and when I do any tech work other than installing programs etc: I refer to Tech Help sites like yours. I guess I don't retain too good, LOL. You have been a big help even though I needed the "Basics". We've come a long way since DOS. John (John)

I found it very easy to find the information that I was looking for, and I was able to understand the information and instructions easily. (Mellie)

The answer was right there and was not hidden somewhere in the page. Loved the step by step help too! (Student)

Thank you so much for being there I'm in school taking a crash, crash course on networking and this has helped me understand a lot, thank you again so mush. (Ella)

Thank you very much, i was freak out. finally it work out easily (Fernando)

Nice site for finding information. I was looking for options on some DOS External commands. I have it in a book, but your website is organized so as to make it so much easier. I have not used your website before, so I will bookmark it. Thank you for this wonderful resource. (Gordon)

First time on your site and very glad I have found it. The brightness on my laptop was very glaring to my sensitive eyes and the fix here worked just great! thanks so much. (Hyacinth)

I have been dabbling with computers for years but never got down to the detailed nuts and bolts needed to strip them down and rebuild. This site has given very important basic information. (Roy)

Thank you so much.. You are the best website, 'Computer Hope' !! You have the best title. Other sites were not user-friendly but yours was. Thank you again, hugs. (Marlene)

Thank you! It really helped me. I sorted out my problem. (Jasmine)

Thank You So Much for the Hope you given to me, us, who really need help in trouble shooting technical problem. Please continue your good intension. Thanks! (Artman)

Excellent material. Please provide more examples it is easy to find to the users. (Madhava)

What first brought me here was to brush up on keyboard shortcuts, as well as learning some I didn't know. Now I'm finding other things via links within your site as well as links to freeware such as Winsplit. You've provided me with a wealth of valuable information, especially since I prefer using keyboard instead of mouse whenever I can. Thanks. (Gary)

Thank You, for this Website i have been looking for sometime. Since my computer went on the blink last month 4/2011. I wished i had found your website sooner. I had to reload Windows XP, could find my old dos books. This will help me a lot in the future. Thank You, again (Jesse)

Good comprehensive list with instructions an idiot (like me) could understand. (Ian)

I have recently got a laptop and don't know a lot about computers (just learning)and delighted to find your site, and my questions answered thanks again. (Douglas)

Considering I am a novice it was great. I hope the type stays the largest as my eyes are worn out trying to read the small print. (Ritaforetich13)

I love this site. I found the best answer I was looking for. Keep it up with the good work. (Lufu)

Thank you for writing in good old fashioned well written plain English. (Loishapi)

THANK YOU! my Microsoft Office for the Mac did NOT have this information, and I couldn't remember how to type in the em-dash myself. (Debi)

Simple, FAST to find, accurate, easy "layout" so information doesn't appear "garbled". Very good. (David)

You have given more information. Its really good (Haveen)

It is nice and timesaving. What more do we want? (Prem)

Thanks for your information, as I did spend quite some time with no success cleaning up my browsing history until I have visited your site. (User)

I m very glad to found this website because, this site very educational and useful for IT student... (Ganesh)

Brilliant site...! As a "gifted amateur" my heart sank at the sight of the Blue Screen of Death and I thought my computer would never see action again. Your site gave me just the tips I needed to sort it out without having to take it in for repair thereby saving me a lot of cash. Thank you very, very much. I now have your site in top of place in my favorites list. Cheers (Roger)

I found your site by accident and I was thrilled at the valuable information you offered. After purchasing several computer books, I learned more in thirty minutes on your site. Thank you very much! (Regena)

I love you!!!! I went through so many articles and web pages on how to fix this problem to no avail. You guys rock!! You are now bookmarked and shared! Thanks a bunch!!!! (Andrea)

It took me only 30 seconds. I give it 200 thumbs up if I had 100 arms. (Jose)

The instructions regarding the printer spooler were very clear and easy to follow and they fixed the problem. (JUDI)

I shall try the suggested 24hours on before shutting the computer down to see whether it will recharge the battery. Thank you for the advice, ken M. (Kenneth)

I will get good marks. (Jairajpal)

Very easy to get the material required. (PRAVEEN)

This site is very great for n+ (Siddharth)

Thanks for the help. Microsoft's web page was unfortunately not easy to understand. (Tom)

This is helpful (Alok)

Nice, clean web page. Easy to use to find what I wanted. (WarriorQueen)

This website is super doper. Hands up to its founder................. (Tahir)

This site is best for the ideas for computer. I always use to refer my friends for any computer problem. (Calvin)

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I ended up taking out all of the fans on my PC and cleaning the dust out of them. Apparently it was just overheating and shutting down. So, now I can return all these parts I bought, and I'll have more money for my trip to Chicago! (Virtuebeing)

This is excellent service. I'm easily understand to your help. Thank you for this service. Here some suggestion if you provide step by step solve problem with graphics image so easily and fast to understand. Thank you (Rana)

I love this site, I was able to find my answer like it was nothing. this site should be promoted (Ladylover)

1st class help. Many thanks. (Silverfox)

This was an excellent experience. Thank you for a very friendly site with good information. (John)

Your site had become a valuable reference for me, DOS is a dying art but it can still complete very useful tasks, your site has made some automation tasks much less painful to create - thank you! (Glenn)

It is nice, even after reading it I feel better & overcome from my doubt (D.)

Thanks for your help, I'm really grateful!! Thanks a lot! (Madrid)

A great service, very clear, quick and solved my problem instantly. Thank you (Rob)

Amazingly easy to find just the information I needed. Ty so much for your effort in putting this web place together. (Morten)

May Batch programming never die !! Thanks, guys !! (Himileageoldie)

This information was so easy to understand. I love Computer Hope website, it's simple and easily to understand. Thank you. (Grace)

There is another site similar to this one, BUT it was difficult and lead you to several pages before you could find the information you need. THANK YOU for THIS ONE. (La Shante)

Thanks for the assistance. It was easy to follow and execute. Only I need to know how I will remove the unnecessary information from the E drive that is almost full (Fred)

I have just come across your site and found it very good indeed. I have been on quite a few forum's lately and at times find them very confusing, anyway thanks for your informative site, I will certainly use it again, also I will tell my friends about you. Thanks. (Jas1)

Thank you so much! A simple answer to what should be a simple question. I telephoned the Dell people and they didn't even tell me something so simple as to turn off the computer before installing a USB mouse. And there were no instructions with the third party mouse I purchased. I was going to return a mouse and buy a new one but thought I should look it up on the Internet first, give it one last try. Thanks again! (Anonymous)

Am putting this site as a fav I no nothing about computers yet it told me everything to do thank you it saved me loads of money I thought my computer had was broke THANKS!!!!! (Lisa)

Was looking for specific xterm info.. Found it!! Thanks!! (Steve)

I work at Boeing as a systems analyst and use to be a programmer. This site has helped be build both client and server applications plus it helps me understand some of what the DBA's and Server Admins think everyone already know. Thank you for providing this site. (Dave)

I love this website; especially for revisiting DOS commands for script/batch files. I always find the information I need here. (Mooshell)

I love Computer Hope The information is clear and very easy to follow. This was one of the sites I was told to use when I was at college and it never fails to deliver. Thank you very much. (Bullett)

Computer Hope is the best website from which we can learn everything about computer for free. It is really awesome. There is no another website like Computer Hope in the computer world. (Htun)

Gave a detailed report on everything I wanted to know. Also provided additional information that I hadn't thought of but was able to incorporate, (kgrl2010)

Just wanted to say thanks. Because of this website I was able to create a boot disk to restore my os and it saved me money. (Reney)

I appreciate your support and help, I will refer good people to become your customers. Thanks so much. (Anonymous)

Just like to say thank you so much try to find information then came across your site it has helped me so much thanks x (A)

I just wanted to say that this is the first page where I had an issue and was able to find the solution very easy. Usually I go through website after website to find the issue then the solution. Thank you great job! (Tgorton)

This information is GREAT! I was able to solve my problem in two tries. :) great job and very good information.! THANK YOU! (Cheyenne)

Don't know what to do without you. (Cemal)

Quick and answered my question simply that a newbie like me could understand. Thanks! (Lucille)

At last, a clear concise location to get Windows and computer questions answered simply, honestly, and most important, understandably. Keep up the great work! (John)

Very descriptive, was able to understand things clearly with little difficulty. (Anonymous)

Thank you very much. I found what i was looking for without going through ten or more websites. It was all there. Thank you. (Melody)

Great experience man. I've tried to know some basic commands. From your easy narration any body can learn things quickly I think this site is going to be the favorite one for regarding basic technical needs. (Balamurugan)

I felt this website is easier and understandable in a simple way...... (Karthiga)

I have googled some days to find a solution. And you had it all the time. I will bookmark you. (Seppo)

Great info given. Questions answered accurately. Answers were clear and simple to understand especially for a novice like me. A brilliant site to use. Thanks to all who put it together. (Tim)

You gave me numerous ways to try and undo... Thank You very much. (Alice)

Thanks so much I was able to connect it within one second! :) (Elizabeth)

Nice. Perfect and simple. Everyone else wanted to give me a computer class. Thanks! (Ericsmiles)

Well. I've to say that it really helped me out. I have been trying since a very long time for downloading You Tube videos easily. So, i got it and thank you... (Dipendra)

Thank You for such an easy to follow, non-techie speak support website. Good Luck and keep up the good work ! (Vicki)

Great site. Straight forward information in bite-sized pieces. Superior to Wiki or others. Kudos to the staff!! (Gary)

This is the first time I came across your website. Thank you so much. For a beginner this was perfect. Keep it up for the rest of us. Thank you. You are now my #1 bookmark. (Tony)

I accidentally had pushed a LOT of buttons on my laptop which made all of the icons, text everything to be viewed sideways!! I had NO CLUE how to fix it but typed in my problem here which came up with the simplest way to fix it. Touch 3 keys and it was fixed! Thank you. (Tracy)

I enjoy using this. to do my home work and a lot more!!!!!! I really like this network. thank you keep it up ???????!!!!.... (Anonymous)

Made the mistake of looking at the Microsoft site first! Complete waste of time. Thank you. (The count)

Thanks for a well designed "answer" format. (Why don't you work at Microsoft? They need you!!) (John)

Thanks for the information. Was able to solve my audacity problem within minutes! (Anonymous)

Thanks to this site, I was able to collect a lot of information. Really Awesome!! (Aparajita)

What we all do without people like you? I believe !!!!! (Jeremy)

I am 75yrs old so this is perfect for me. (Robert)

Your information makes it easier for seniors like me who are still learning! (Wilkinson)

I greatly appreciate this info, it was so simple for me. Thanks a hoot!!!!! (Candy)

I found what I'm searching about. So, thank you very much (Sunil)

What a relief to have disabled something I never wanted in the first place - Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You (Steve)

Finally, a website that answers simple questions simply! Instead of 3 pages of how to check, configure, update, replace etc, it simply said 'no, you don't have a built in microphone'. THANKS! (Zigor)

I do so appreciate being able to look up things on this site. It is one of my favorites. (Icon on the task bar) (Scoubie2)

Thanks for this most valuable information - it quickly solved a problem. As I did NOT need to ask my programmer to change a color code! Fantastic. (Danae)

This site is great! I have learned many things from this site, I would be lost without the information I have come across. Thanks! (Roger)

Very informative I do not know much about PC but I am willing to learn " you guys are the Greatest thank you". (Miguel)

THANKS for making this so simple for me. As an active senior, I can't always wait for my grandson to get back to me with the answer, he will be very proud of me. (Z)

This is about like going to a computer basics class. I helped me better to use shortcut keys. (David)

Thank you once again - the info was most helpful (Don)

A godsend after trawling to find a website that met my need. Thank you. (Isabella)

Your site is a must-have favourite. Regards! (Rui)

I am a old guy and sometimes have a hard time reading instructions but was able to navigate this site very easily due to the large print and easy read. (Dale)

I'm going to save this website in my favorites. It's my first visit. I am VERY computer challenged.. Couldn't figure out how to make an external monitor work off my laptop. You answered my question in a flash. THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge. (Starli)

I don't use Linux often, so when I do I usually need some clarification for how to use the options for commands. Your free assistance is welcomed and generally straightforward and clearly presented. Thank you. (Blues)

Great way for a novice home user like me to solve their computer problem - many thanks! (Dave)

Thank you very much for a clear, clean simple, easy to use website that zooms properly, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP!, with easy to understand information. Well done you guys! ("Guys" includes gals!) (Ann)

I'm a student at red mesa Jr. High and the service here was awesome! I was able to locate the right definition and it wasn't that hard to find it and the definitions were easy to understand. (Cheyenne)

You website is excellent good job I can always find what I need on this website when I need it. (Alton)

I found your site by accident and I was thrilled at the valuable information you offered. After purchasing several computer books, I learned more in thirty minutes on your site. Thank you very much! (Regena)

Good, descriptive options verified that the problem is as serious as I expected. Thank you. I preferred not to identify myself. (Anonymous)

Thank you, it was great. I am new to computers and I am trying to learn but at 80 plus am finding it difficult. Regards. (Ray)

I have been on several websites and every one only gave me information on where to buy a cheap computer. As soon as I got onto this website it gave me exactly what I wanted in a simple and understanding way. I will refer this website to all of my friends. (Azalaangel)

I love this site, I was able to find my answer like it was nothing. this site should be promoted (Ladylover)

I am last and lost millennium. Thank you for the straight-forward answer. (Alias)

Like it a lot, came 3 or 4 time's to solve batch file's problems. Computerhope is 2nd on my favorite websites list, next to Google! (Stepie22)

Best site I have ever seen (Sandy)

I was told my video card was bad so I wanted to change it myself but did not know what it looked like found out on your site thank you so much. (Tom)

The information regarding beep codes was how I resolved my problem. My computer wouldn't boot up and gave me 3 beeps. The code for this was a ram issue, which I resolved by removing and replacing the module, and the computer booted up fine afterwards. Thanks. (Leslie)

Thank you so much! A simple answer to what should be a simple question. I telephoned the Dell people and they didn't even tell me something so simple as to turn off the computer before installing a USB mouse. And there were no instructions with the third party mouse I purchased. I was going to return a mouse and buy a new one but thought I should look it up on the Internet first, give it one last try. Thanks again! (Anonymous)

Your hexadecimal color is very good, it's gorgeous! Thank you. (Budhi)

Thank you very much. I found what I was looking for without going through ten or more websites. It was all there. Thank you. (Melody)

Great experience man. I've tried to know some basic commands. From your easy narration any body can learn things quickly. I think this site gonna be the favourite one for regarding basic technical needs. (Balamurugan)

I felt this website is easier and understandable in a simple way...... (Karthiga)

I have googled some days to find a solution. And you had it all the time. I will bookmark you. (Seppo)

Great info given. Questions answered accurately. Answers were clear and simple to understand especially for a novice like me .A brilliant site to use. Thanks to all who put it together. (Tim)

You gave me numerous ways to try and undo... Thank You very much. (Alice)

Thanks so much I was able to connect it within one second! :) (Elizabeth)

Nice. Perfect and simple. Everyone else wanted to give me a computer class. Thanks! (Ericsmiles)

Well. I've to say that it really helped me out. I have been trying since a very long time for downloading You Tube videos easily. So, i got it and thank you... (Dipendra)

Thank You for such an easy to follow, non-techie speak support website. Good Luck and keep up the good work ! (Vicki)

Great site. Straight forward information in bite-sized pieces. Superior to Wiki or others. Kudos to the staff!! (Gary)

This is the first time I came across your website. Thank you so much. For a beginner this was perfect. Keep it up for the rest of us. Thank you. You are now my #1 bookmark. (Tony)

I accidentally had pushed a LOT of buttons on my laptop which made all of the icons, text everything to be viewed sideways!! I had NO CLUE how to fix it but typed in my problem here which came up with the simplest way to fix it. Touch 3 keys and it was fixed! Thank you. (Tracy)

I enjoy using this. to do my home work and a lot more!!!!!! I really like this network. thank you keep it up ???????!!!!.... (Anonymous)

Made the mistake of looking at the Microsoft site first! Complete waste of time. Thank you. (The count)

Thanks for a well designed "answer" format. (Why don't you work at Microsoft? They need you!!) (John)

Thanks for the information. Was able to solve my audacity problem within minutes! (Anonymous)

Thanks to this site, I was able to collect a lot of information. Really Awesome!! (Aparajita)

What we all do without people like you? I believe !!!!! (Jeremy)

I am 75yrs old so this is perfect for me. (Robert)

Your information makes it easier for seniors like me who are still learning! (Wilkinson)

I greatly appreciate this info, it was so simple for me. Thanks a hoot!!!!! (Candy)

I found what I'm searching about. So, thank you very much (Sunil)

What a relief to have disabled something I never wanted in the first place - Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You (Steve)

Finally, a website that answers simple questions simply! Instead of 3 pages of how to check, configure, update, replace etc, it simply said 'no, you don't have a built in microphone'. THANKS! (Zigor)

I do so appreciate being able to look up things on this site. It is one of my favorites. (Icon on the task bar) (Scoubie2)

Thanks for this most valuable information - it quickly solved a problem. As I did NOT need to ask my programmer to change a color code! Fantastic. (Danae)

This site is great! I have learned many things from this site, I would be lost without the information I have come across. Thanks! (Roger)

Very informative I do not know much about PC but I am willing to learn " you guys are the Greatest thank you". (Miguel)

THANKS for making this so simple for me. As an active senior, I can't always wait for my grandson to get back to me with the answer, he will be very proud of me. (Z)

This is about like going to a computer basics class. I helped me better to use shortcut keys. (David)

Thank you once again - the info was most helpful (Don)

A godsend after trawling to find a website that met my need. Thank you. (Isabella)

Your site is a must-have favourite. Regards! (Rui)

I am a old guy and sometimes have a hard time reading instructions but was able to navigate this site very easily due to the large print and easy read. (Dale)

I'm going to save this website in my favorites. It's my first visit. I am VERY computer challenged.. Couldn't figure out how to make an external monitor work off my laptop. You answered my question in a flash. THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge. (Starli)

I don't use Linux often, so when I do I usually need some clarification for how to use the options for commands. Your free assistance is welcomed and generally straightforward and clearly presented. Thank you. (Blues)

Great way for a novice home user like me to solve their computer problem - many thanks! (Dave)

Thank you very much for a clear, clean simple, easy to use website that zooms properly, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP!, with easy to understand information. Well done you guys! ("Guys" includes gals!) (Ann)

I'm a student at red mesa Jr.. High and the service here was awesome! I was able to locate the right definition and it wasn't that hard to find it and the definitions were easy to understand. (Cheyenne)

You website is excellent good job I can always find what I need on this website when i need it. (Alton)

Outstanding site, clear concise information and really easy to navigate. I have it bookmarked because I know I will be coming here often for reliable easy to understand information and how-to instructions. Congratulations, in a sea of wannabe help sites, yours delivers the goods. (David)

Please pass on my thanks, I have been using your site the past few days, and I just wanted to tell you that it is excellent, one of the most helpful I have been to. (Norm)

Thank you, first time I was able to find the information to help with my problem. Good information, well explained, and easy to follow. (John)

I just love learning about computers. My brother taught me a lot about the programming and tricks on computers, and I'm only 11. This was great information and was perfect for my report. I suggest this for any and all who wish to learn about computers. It is not boring so if you just want to learn about the different inventions of computers, this is a great way to go. (Emily)

The layout was so simplistic any inexperience user can fix their problems with the causes and solution provided. Cheers (Nga)

Clear and simple instructions that worked, couldn't find a straight forward solution anywhere else. (Midge)

It was nice not having to look and search everywhere before finding what I wanted!:-) (Maddie)

Thanks for this information. It was very helpful on finding my browsing history. It was quick and easy, and I was able to find what I was looking for. It will be helpful! Thank you! (Arlene)

Your endeavors are worth emulating, and the simplicity is remarkable. (Dave)

Computer Hope is simplifying the rate at which a problem is solved. I mean, Computer Hope directly solves the problem searched for. (MBAJU)

This is a great site! I would definitely recommend this site to people who are just learning about computers. (Anonymous)

Thank you, after hours I was finally able to play my movie. When I had tried other sites for VLC, I think they were malware. Thanks for making it so easy! (Elagmck)

Thanks. And Thank you so much. I solve my problem in a minute. Thanks a lot (Hashini)

Its a very very useful thing for the beginners who starts like me. Please maintain the same for the future too. Good luck.... (Vinoth)

My search was as simple as trying to find external and internal commands. I was able to locate them as soon as I started navigating your site. Thanks. (Arsenio)

The website was easy to use. I was easily able and capable to complete my required school work. This website also helped me to get an A++ in my I.T. Hardware subject at school. Thanks to the guys that put all the hard work and time into creating this website keep up the good work guys!! (Harry)

I wish "life" was able to correct as simple as you made this. For some, like myself, simple is good! Thanks (Dan)

I will be referring this website to many and using it in my community education and ABE classes, helping them. Thank you for such a simple and easy to use site and full of so much information! (Beckyjsc)

Very Nice Keep it up. (Wasim)

One of the better "help" sites I have come upon. BC (Bob)

Your website is so amazing !! I just liked your Facebook page!! and I hope you keep up the good work :-) (Anonymous)

Thank you for your help. I found the problem right away because of the chart that you put up. when I open the window and it directive me right to the problem. It was very easy and simple. I thank you very much. (Frank)

What can I say "keep up the good work" making using a computer much easier with your help.. Regards. (BrianC)

This website is awesome !!!! Its the best computer help website I have been to so far !!!!! (Yesh)

This is just the sort of information I wanted. Thank you. I am a teacher at High school in Australia. (Chris)

It is good to be able to understand terms because there seems to be many that are similar - yet different; especially for us older folks. I am in a seniors computer class here in Sun City, Arizona. It's good to have help. (Roger)

Anything I have had a problem with I have been able to find the relevant information easily. (Rosco66)

I did not know I had this Program. I needed help about my Hard Drive for my "The Sims3 Game" and I saved this as a Shortcut. Then I noticed that it's an entire Help Section. That's my Story! I will be using this a lot! (ElderGamer1)

I need to have some more content to learn about IT world. (Vinay)

Its superb to get solution like this!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING (Meezan)

I am a computer teacher for an elementary school. Your site is awesome and helped me a lot. Thanks! (Lisa)

This screen brightness I have lived with for years. thanks so much. I can hardly believe the fix was so simple. Old Lady in San Diego thanks you (Smeagols)

Your information on CMOS batteries came in very handy. I haven't have to change one since the 90's and your information gave my memory the boost it needed! (Anonymous)

I found Computer Hope during Google search and it had solved my problems in very detailed manner possible. You had given every possible way to the problem.. Thanks & All the Best... (Manish)

Thank you so much!!!! you have been spending hours and hours trying to repair my XP OS searching help files and windows website for the dos command and syntax to run the file compare script to restore protected system files without success. It took about a minute and a half to find the SFC /scannow command! great website thanks again :) (Fleabuster)

Reviving a lady's old computer just to see if I could do it. I did. I'm just learning and was happy to find info on such an old OS. She had six years worth of work info on it and will be happy to get it back. Thank you. (Rick)

I am recommending this website to everyone! I commented to you all before and I have to say it again. The answers to problems I have had and tried to solve for months, are found in seconds here and I am supplied with several ways to fix. This is the most reliable computer-help site, hands down, of all!!! Thank you for solving yet another long time mystery I've had on my computer. (Sharon)

This site was pre-loaded by Transender on the practice test review but you told me exactly what I needed to know and concisely. (Mouse537)

I am amazed by the quality of this site! The information is straightforward, accurate, helpful and organized. Whenever I have a computer problem and Computer Hope appears on the results page, I know I'll have the complete solution in seconds. (Megabyte)

Great to know hat resources like this are still around; I remembered the /mbr switch, but not the command it went with (been awhile...) Trying to fix a new Win7 install with a corrupted boot sector (bad ol' Linux !!) Who'd have thought DOS would still be relevant 26 years later?? (Karl)

An excellent work by Computer Hope team for providing all the information about the computer and its peripherals easily. Thanks for the information (Prajwal)

Thanks for taking the time to establish a simple, direct way to get technical information for the "ludites"! (Marie)

This website is a real life saver for me in my coursework. Thank you. (Judy)

I found it very simple to find my answer and it is so appreciated that this information is accessible to whomever has these questions. mine was about the CMOS battery. and also found out how to recycle my old computers and learned new information on how to recycle my old computers. very informative. thanks again.... (Brandy)

Google led me to your site and after following your excellent directions I was able to save my favourties to import to my new computer when I get it up and running. A grateful Granny (Linda)

This is probably my favorite website. I love computers and I build them but anytime I draw a blank on something I come straight to Computer Hope. Thanks for an awesome site. (Wil)

Nice neat pleasant web pages. cant be done better. Thanks. I'm a scientific programmer at a national weather service. (Anonymous)

Thank you very much, I saved 30minutes to do my presentation work, my pleasure......!! (Sebolelo)

<3 I needed to deactivate my active desktop. how often do we have to do that in life, really? Lol - found the answer, presto. Thanks! <3 (Marie)

At times I need Computer Hope, and I always find what I am looking for, that is fantastic. And each time I visit your site I find many interesting entries while searching for what I have been looking for primarily. (Renate)

Had a problem for three weeks. Spent several hours messing with Windows. Google search brought me here. The first line of text gave me complete instruction which was two keystrokes. Last week Microsoft sent me a nine page instruction list with 50 steps, several reboots, etc. To fix an update I didn't want in the first place. (Sr)

A really great site I found more by accident just browsing, I have just started the CompTIA A+ network course and I am sure this site will prove invaluable, all in all a perfect accessory. (Steven)

Your page came up as one of Google search results. It was the third I clicked and it provided the most concise and precise answer. (Anonymous)

Thank you for the simple instructions. I lost the sound system in my desk top and the problem was traced following your step by step instructions to a muted speaker. (S)

It helped me out greatly! Sometimes you hit keys accidently, and you don't know how it happened until you resume working on the text (e.g., now double-spaced & you want single spaced). Blessings! Thank you for your wonderful website! (Bill)

Thanks for providing such a useful information. I am really grateful to you. (Parth)

Hi, thanks very much for your excellent site, it has been a great help to me in solving an annoying problem. Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated! (Steve)

I am new at this and I think you are great! (Red)

I have a friend that knows nothing about computers. So things that I looked up for her, is going to help her out so much. Thank you so much for all the information. That you have out there makes things so great and helpful. Thank you. (Lu)

Ur Doing a Great Job. Keep it up (Vaishna)

Short, precise. No mumbo jumbo. (Jgbruun)

Thanks a lot .. It helped to do my project perfectly thanks a lot for creating this and all the best keep it up. T.c:))) (Kushanrox)

Good, excellent & keep it up, amazing (Abita)

Great job. Real life example for we who are not experts. Thank you very much. (John)

Thank you! An easy answer to a question I've had for a long time. A quick fix. (Anonymous)

Thank you as a 'Silver Surfer' The information given was concise and easy to understand. (Anne)

As always you guys answered my question fast and easy. Been using your site foe about 5 years now. Learned a lot. Thank you! You are the best on the net! ;) (Redd)

I can't say enough wonderful things about this site!! I feel I'm "computer challenged" and not very savvy when it comes to fixing problems with my computer. Your site walked me through the trouble-shooting process step by step! Thank you SO much!! Kudos!! I WILL be back every time I have a question or problem with my computer. Thanks again!! (Lori)

Just to congratulate your team and this technology of computers applied to research and satisfy the solved problem (Josephine)

Hi; I'm a senior citizen, I've had a computer for a few years. I learn by trial and error. This information offers great help with everything. Now I will not have to spend so much time trying to undo the things I do incorrectly. I'll learn how to do my task first and avoid messing up my computer. Thank you so much. (NancyWS)

I was trying to downsize the text/size on Internet explorer/windows7, think my cat must have up sized it, did a fair amount of Internet/google searching for the solution before finding your website - brilliant simple solution I never never would have otherwise known - hold Ctrl key while rolling down the mouse wheel - once again I have desired IE text appearance (Mkingreed)

A very nicely set up site. Don't know if this info will work till later. Hope to not see this site again, but will book mark it for future ref. Thanks. (Rich)

It's unbelievable after a 4 to 5 months hunt this site not only surprised me but also satisfied me the superior and easy road to Linux. (Pawar)

I could not charge my mp3 player and was going crazy. I had tried all types of things and several sights. None worked and I was just about to give up but I said let me try just one more. Thanks you have made my night! (Liquidasia)

I'm not a computer whiz and I need all the help I can get learning the system. Your help was easy to access and very helpful. Thank you! (Allyson)

I usually don't take the time to fill out things like this. But, I just felt compelled to let you know that this is the first website that has it all! All information is explained in full detail, ACCURATE, simple (for those of us who are not computer savvy) and covers almost every computer issue imaginable. I just wanted to THANK YOU for taking your time and energy to make this information available to the public. If a person can read, follow simple directions and have a basic knowledge of their computer (if they don't they should learn or not own one) they can trouble-shoot and correct almost any problem with the help and information supplied by you wonderful people! Aloha from Hawaii! Mahalo (thank you)! Sharon (Sharon)

It was so easy and your direction was so clear to find how to disable my screen saver. I wish others website would do the same, there are still 1,000's who have not much tech knowledge. THANK YOU AGAIN, Yapah! (Yapah)

One site tried to sell me an expensive program, with yours second attempt cleared the service required message and placed the pr9inter back in service. Epson obviously make money from the counters they have installed. (JAMES)

I did a Google search regarding how to lock a disk drive. (My backup program wants me to do it.) It led me directly to here. Thanks! (Tony)

Thanks, for months i searched for a solution to rename a file by adding date to it. Your article was simple having 1 command line. Keep it up and thanks a lot Let me know if I can be of any technical help as well. (Yasar)

Thank you, your suggestion re RX620 worked perfectly... (Phil)

Thank you for allowing me to reset the error service code. I have added you to my favorites so now I know where to find you next time. (Sue)

Just want to let you and your team know what a GREAT website you have. Excellent in explaining Computer components and related information. I'm currently studying for my A+ certification; and I been through a lot of different websites for Technical explanations and information. I had found yours to be quite good in both. There are paragraph you can read and pick out a few highlights, and then there are yours, a paragraph you read and understand in a complete context. (J)

As a new comer to the World computing, am expecting you guys to be helping me as much as you can. I shall be always grateful for you generosity. Many thanks (Abdillah)

I have been looking for a solution for over half an hour when I found your site. My issue was resolved in a matter of minutes. Thank you (Bettianne)

Keep up the good work. you've even made it easy to print information from your website without all the other information appearing on the page. NICE JOB! (Anonymous)

THANK YOU. My IT support had advised me to just kill the process. Your article showed me how to detect the root cause and correct it. I will be adding your site to my favorites. (Dianeh)

It was very easy to find, can you assist me with some of the component that make up a computer, (Cherry)

Computer hope is very user-friendly and takes very very less time to come up with the results. Thank you. (Vijay)

I looked for 'ls' command that can be used to display directories only in the current directory I got it from your site. (Soundararajan)

This website rocks!!! It helped me so much on my library research report :D two thumbs up!!! (Elyssa)

I was given a link to this site from a designer that is helping our company create a new website. What a fabulous site. Now we can both be on the same page!! (Michelle)

Excellent website. Professional. No misleading trickery to get you to click on something other than what you're looking for. Thanks. (Johan)

The presentation of the learning material is good. The navigation is easy also for a beginner. Thank you! (Takyar)

It was encouraging to locate exactly what I was looking for and find it! (Al-)

Brilliant service - THANKYOU! Solved my problem in one minute! (Gravity)

I'm a 61yr old 'wanna be tech'. The answers you have are so easy. even a caveman can do it!!! (Bigneet)

I have very little computer skills. And this is going to be invaluable. Thanks (Millie)

Thanks, found my answer first paragraph! (Pagan)

Looking up Unix traceroute switches - I'm a Windows Engineer so I don't work w/ Unix every day. (Gh0stMaker)

Thank you! This was a BIG help! (Sandy)

This has always been a helpful site for me in my computer class for Helping hints and information with class presentation's...... (Donna)

You guys/gals have your "BEEEEEEEEP" together. I appreciate the time and effort you have put into this site. I will be visiting you first before I go anywhere else for information. Thanks again. (NIGHTSTALKER94)

I really appreciate your work because I finding from 3 hours on different search engines but no one site answering me properly then I look this site link at 3rd page and I find exact that answer which I want. This site link must be on the top or first page. (Umair)

Thank you for your advice re spyware and starting Windows in Safe Mode. I am infuriated that a car rental site I visited contained spyware - this did not happen last year when I first used the site. It's bad enough getting spam mail constantly (I do use a mail filter to delete most of it before it gets to my mailbox). All the best, (Mercury)

Took a shot at replacing a hard drive, adding a DVD writer, wireless card, sound card and upgrading RAM all in one go... And of course it didn't work! Lol. Turns out - based on going through your trouble shoot for the boot error that I had not 1 but 3 jumper issues to correct. I felt a bit stupid because I assumed the jumpers were in the right positions based on the system I was taking things out of - but of course I was mistaken. Fixed my last jumper fired it up and had a Victor Frankenstein moment. My hard drive is formatting as I write. Thanks! (James)

Just thanks I have been trying to do that for about 2 hours but I got on your site and about6seconds it is gone thanks again (JERRY)

I spent all day trying to fix this problem, going to various sites, As soon as I came to your site, my problems was over. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. You made my day.(Daniel)

Information was very helpful and easy to understand compared with other information on the Internet. (Cheryl)

Wow - a help site that does what it says on the box! (Geoff)

I just wanted to thank you for helping me narrow down a fault and eventually solve it. The proper order of analysis, coupled with a clear and calm writing style, was instrumental in helping me better focus on the problem and better try every issue in the right order and logic. In the end it turned out to be a RAM problem made worse by the BIOS reverting to default settings, something that I was suspecting but was not completely sure. Your website gave me "the spirit" to try once more and with the right approach, so I think the name of your website is really appropriate! Again many thanks (Alberto)

Thanks for helping an old lady that isn't sure of what she is doing on the computer all the time. Thanks again! (Lady)

Thank you so much I found this solution from my phone and got my computer booting again! (Andy)

I use this site daily. I fix peoples PCs for a living and I could not do it without this site. Thank you. (David)

I work in I.T., your site is one of my main shortcuts! (Dylbyrt)

You guys are great! Indispensable in getting both my forums server and FTP/SAMBA server up and running! Granted they are TurnKeyLinux servers, you folks have been a huge knowledge repository for getting my little tweaks on. Thanks! (Andidyus)

keep it up, you're all doing a good job, congrats! (Jorfe007)

You have the best background image swap script by date() I found. thanks a mill.. (Dill)

Excellent work always information available i refer this website for any issue 100% for your work (Shahid)


In 1 search I found the answer Good Good! (Dreadstunlock)

Your site is well laid-out and the technical stuff is easy to understand, even for a beginner. (Stonebow)

you are user friendly to the maximum and this is about the best places to go for any questions or whatever problems or any thing to do with computers. Thank you very, very much (Lucas)

Very simple to understand. Appreciate the pictures to compare to my laptop. Excellent Work! THANK YOU!! (Craig)

Thanks! My first search ran me on a goose chase; gave up for 2 weeks. Tried again, found your web page and voila - PERFECT! Greatly appreciated. (Gmarshal)

Thanks for the information that I found on your site! I am currently a student at Washburn University in Topeka, Ks. This is my first computer class that I have taken, and it's sending me all throughout the Internet. I have been learning tons of information! Thanks again. (Angela)

You guys rule! :D Thanks for the site. It's really helpful. (Boldy_cheloo)

Thanks guys, I was getting an error with xcopy and your site, in contrast to other sites I've visited before, had that error mentioned at the end of the article. Imho this is a great addition to the explanation the article already gave. Big Thanks! (Anonymous)

I wish this answer were as easy to find on the Audacity forums. Just ran across this solution via Google search. Thanks! (Mike)

Thank you Thank you Thank you! I had to change my user account as mine had become corrupt but then when I went to my back-up hard drive H: my data was all hidden. With a lot of persistence and guesswork I finally mastered the attrib -h H: (path) . The hardest part was guessing what path was. I had to go to properties of H drive and "allow indexing service..." to see the path was called fnet. I would never have guessed the name of the hidden path. I am so happy to have fixed this. I am geeking up! (Kim)

I am very pleased to find your site. The answer I needed was simple and easy to find and understand. Thank you for this site. (Keith)

It was amazing the answers to all my questions were so easy to find (Bruno)

Very easy and simple. Good example, and even what did I want, the solution was just same. But one thing should be improved is that different modification on that particular topic, such as if you are explaining about buttons then please also explain how to customize it in same location or at-least give the link to that location where this topic has been covered. At last I would say that I found what I wanted. (Peeyush)

A quick and easy fix for my Windows XP problem. Appreciate the clear and concise directions. (MKM)

You guys speak in a very simple language that makes it easy and helpful. (Ted)

I just recently found this site. Great site! Wish I would of found 10 years ago, when I bought my very first computer (IBM Aptiva - win98), when all I knew how to do, for sure, was to turn it on! Yes, really! Didn't even know how to copy and paste! (Cocoa)

I would recommend this site to anyone wi9th great vigor. I am satisfied with the answers to my questions. (Albert)

I like that your link took me directly to the answer to my inquiry without a bunch of adds or sales pitches to go through to get there. Instant resource... "what a concept!" (Neal)

What a great site, your perfect. thanks (Neice)

I just want to tell you that I LOVE you!! Truly, you have answered so many of my questions - you have lengthened my life span! (Colette)

Because of your site I was able to score excellent marks in my IT workshop thanks for your site (Seshank)

My main computer is running slow, locking up, having learned options from your site I feel confidant I can at least narrow down the problem. TY for the valuable information and direction. (Sunnyday)

I am happy 10x (Abubakar)

Your site has been a God send this semester for my Computer repair class. Thank you for all the help you've been able to supply me. (Anthony)

Thank you for the easy to read fonts and simple lists! I tried looking on the Microsoft page and I was confused. All I wanted to do is learn how to exit a program with just keys. Also, thanks for using easier keys than Microsoft. I exit programs with Ctrl Q all the time. Alt F4 is not as easy. (CaitSith)

Thank you so much for the website... We were about to go get a new power cord for my fiancé's computer before I found this site! You all saved us a lot of money! (Sue)

A fantastic website! I love it. It is the first I have seen that actually makes computers so much easier to understand. I'm so happy I found this site, keep up the good work!. (Jorif)

My 86 year old dad had moved the task bar and I couldn't figure out how to drag and drop it back. You made my day and his too. Now he'll get back to e-mailing me his 'daily report' which I look forward to. Thank you! (Anonymous)

How refreshing to get the answer in 3 seconds, literally! Thanks (Trish)

You guys were spot on with you advice on adjusting brightness thanks (Haydn)

There are so many rubbish forums etc. about the numerous Vista issues that I did not have any hopes while checking. However this is just what we need: simple and very clear. Thank you! (Danielle)

You are so awesome. I can't thank you enough. I was about to put in the dumpster. (Staci)

I was just looking through Google for the answer to a question and your response was perfect! Thank you. (Paola)

Thank you! I looked all over for the solution to my problems, and other sites had large lists of what they might be, but yours had the method of pinpointing it laid out right there on the page. Thank you! (Amanda)

I found excellent information along with answer of my question. I would like to pay a lot of thanks and hope for further co-operation. (ND)

Your website is really wonderful. Also its an easy tool in the hands of those who do not have much knowledge of computers. You can elaborate some of the concepts to help the readers know the basics in detail. (Anjali)

I just wanted to thank you so much for helping me with my malware problem!! Not only was I able to learn more about what viruses can do to a computer and how they can infect a computer, I also learned about safe mode and was able to restore my computer!! With your help I was able to save a ton of files, and use my computer again!!!! THANK YOU!!!!(Vanna)

I found this site through a search and love it, it helped me out with the problem I had and fixed very easily. Thanks for the help. (Paul)

It is very nice to have your site with such a handful advice. Keep up. (Arkadiy)

You guys are doing a GREAT JOB. I am currently in a computer training program and I have suggested to all of my classmates to view your website because of how extensive your computer vocab is and how detailed in definition you give. You program is very user friendly, and I'm very glad to have fumbled upon while searching Google. (Robert)

What a fantastic site! Your instructions are easy to follow with very helpful screenshots. Simple and easy to use without being either condescending or full of high tech jargon. Thank you so much for providing this platform to share expertise. (Angie)

As always, Computer Hope provides the answers in easy-to-understand language. Great site! (RT)

Quick navigation throughout several pages and was able to find what I needed in under 5 minutes, Would highly recommend to friends if they need batch files to shutdown stuff. Thanks! (Fuzzy)

Thank you for answering my question in such simple terms. Just wanted to know what PST stood for and yours was the 3rd website I tried. wish you had been the first five spots on Google though, would have saved me grief. (Arlene)

Tomorrow was my exam of computer studies and my book didn't had all the answers to my questions and i lost my hope, but my brother told me to see it in the website and instantly I got my answers and also my HOPE. (Rythm)

This has been one of the most helpful website I have found for resolving my computer issues. I have been self-taught on everything I know about them and there have been some major wrecks along the way. This site has people who are willing to help without being too smug about it. It has also encouraged me to offer free help on other sites that need my areas of expertise. (Trusky)

This site is a gold mine (Duncan)

I was working on a computer paper & needed info for 1995. All I had to do was click 1 button. That's it! It was so simple & I will definitely use this again! (Hayley)

I am glad I found this website. I will be using it every time I need help. Thank You (Haloliveira40)

It was awesome, because I am happy joe! I am so happy (Happy)

Awesome answer for someone who knows little about computers. thanks. (Aurora)

Thanks. saves me tons of time ! (Classyclaris)

Hay thanks a lot for resolving my paint pad issue (Naruto)

Thanks, it was really very fast getting an answer to my Question. (Flakey)

Thank you so much for this fix (ch000131.htm)! I (Lydia) have been stuck for years with an old Win98 laptop that I password-protected and couldn't remember the password. Obviously, this was b/4 I began recording my passwords on a protected list. Duh! Anyway, thanks -- this was such a blessing. Keep up the good work!! (Lydia)

Using quick books help for 1.25 hours could not find out how to switch to single space address when sending out letter from quick books. took 1 minute with your answer.. thank you.. (Kevin)

Was curious about whether "lsass.exe" was legitimate or no. Got the answer I needed. Thanks for the help!!! (Anonymous)

At last a pleasant experience in my attempt to solve my problem. (Carolyn)

I am really happy to share with you all, that I performed excellently in an interview. You guys got a big credit on it, as I refer all the topics in your website. Thanks very much again and wishing you all the very best and a happy new year. (Shameer)

My first but definitely not last visit! (Lieko)

I'm just a housewife with not a lot of computer skills and I'm teaching myself. I use it fine for the most part but just wanted to know what EVERYTHING meant, and this gave me my answers. THANK-YOU (Shawn)

Amazing site. Love it. (Josh)

Thank God you aren't greedy like tech republic! (Wclay)

The simplest solutions are most likely to be over looked. thanks for pointing out the obvious and taking the time to include those answers along side the more complicated ones!! I feel like an idiot now, but my tunes are back!! (Andy)

Thanks for the help... I had to look around for a little while to find the information on how to display permanently the menu bar on explorer7. Your site was easily the best. Simple, to the point, and covered everything I needed to know. Thank you so much and keep up the good work. Sincerely (Sandi)

Gave me the exact answer I was looking for. Short and sweet. Thanks. (Quark.Flux)

This was perfect thank you so much for not trying to sell me something and just giving me that answer I needed! (Ericka)

I thought the color swatches to the right of the screen were great. I had a hard time matching the color I already had in a template and through your website I located the color! It was a tremendous help! Thanks! (Zita)

Very efficient considering I am an older and less experienced user and get fed up asking younger members of the family for help. (Geraldine)

You guys are a lot easier to get answers from than my sons. I'm 65 and a total technological waste land. thanks. (John)

You are so awesome. I can't thank you enough. I was about to put in the dumpster. (Staci)

Your generic instructions did the trick. It was a very simple and quick fix. Thanks! (Mike)

PC fixed in seconds (literally!) Thanks. (Paul)

Great resource-- I've been programming computers since 1959 and this is the first time I've encountered Computer Hope. What a pleasant surprise! (Sam)

Just wanted to thank you for your excellent site that helped me solve a problem that I've had for ages. I found all the DOS commands I needed but had forgotten - it's nearly 18 years since I last used them. (Michael)

Love the site. Has helped me a lot. HTML scripts work really well and are very helpful. Thanks! :-) (Rory)

Pure brilliance. I have got a very clear understanding of what hardware is, software is and what firmware is (but with help from another website), as well examples of each type. Thank you very much!!! (Jayden)

I have never ever seen any website like this. Which provide all the information in one click keep up the excellent work. thank you for your support. (Marcus)

Great experience will do all I can to keep this site up and running. (Terry)

I just wanted to take a minute and tell you that I really appreciate the service. You're the only link I found on google that didn't want to sell me something or have me install adware/spyware (which is ironic on a query about a slow running computer if you think about it). I found what I needed immediately, and you've got a great idea and it's a big help, thank you! (Ben)


I used this site years ago when I got my first computer. I'm so happy to see that Computer Hope is still here. What a great source for computer challenged folks like myself. Thanks! (Betty)

This is the first user friendly, fast and accurate computer help website I've found. Congratulations on your success! Great work. (Stevie)

This was fabulous! I watched four videos on how to do this, tried to download someone else's fix, and finally found this recommended fix. the issue was resolved in a matter of seconds, and I have resolved that the cat will never set paw on the keyboard again. (Maggie)

I have struggled with this problem for a few days. in one of my laptop the connection was automatic no problem. In this laptop the monitor stayed blank until I consulted this site. thank you for help. (yhg)

Thank you so much for your WONDERFUL information! With your website, I have been able to find answers to my questions and have been able to solve my issues really quite simply! All who contribute here are a real Godsend! Thanks again!!! (Marcella)

I am really grateful to your site which offers me such tremendous help. My appreciation is beyond words. (Pooh)

Your site is so very helpful to me as I am trying to troubleshoot why my computer is running so slowly. Thank you for such well organized and helpful information!!! (Susanne)

Am so happy I've found this site. It has helped me greatly. I thank all of you for helping us, the computer illiterate, work on a even plane with any computer genius. (Jeffersonman)

Good source of information. A clean page without clouding of images unless necessary. Keep it up! (Rocky)

Most direct answer on your site. unfortunately there were a bunch of answers from other sites displayed before your link that did not work. so glad I found your link. thank you. (Len)

Thanks for making you answers easy to find. too many people making simple tasks very complicated. (Tim)

I love this website!!! I'm such a novice that I didn't even know what the status bar was until it disappeared and you're site helped direct me on what it is and how to make it visible again. Thanks (Marcella)

The website is really very good. It provides us with numerous types of facts about computer and that too which we really don't know. Mine was a good experience. (Shivam)

That was absolutely MEGA easy, whoah that's good! xD (Mark)

Thank you!! I had been trying the laptop's help menu to dim the screen with no luck. I just searched "how to dim brightness of laptop", you page popped up and I instantly had my answer!! Thank you!! (Deb)

Thanks, it hasn't solved my problem but it left me knowing I'm not the only one with the keyboard problem. (Goldfinger)

Thanks for being there, I appreciate the knowledge. Once I graduate and find a real job, I hope to be able to send some money your way for your serves. But for now, I sincerely, Thank you and wish you happy holidays. (Tomy)

Just a bit of feedback and gratitude for you...... I originally came in here purely to find out what DOS was short for and ended up staying 4 ages. I surprisingly learnt quite a lot! I'm really chaffed, I feel like a bit of a computer nerd now lol!! Thanks Computer Hope (forest_f4eri xx)

I just want to say thank you for posting all this information!! It was very helpful and the examples you give for each code are great because they show us how the codes actually look and work!! (Anonymous)

Hooray I now know where to go to solve a problem since I am not a computer guru. Thanks. (John)

I was able to understand and see what is "dxdiag" of my computer. Thanks. (Miguel)

Thanks, I got the info I was looking for. Very satisfactory!! (Lucille)

I could not boot from CD or get to Recovery Console. I located info here to get MS-DOS COMMANDS to use for the Ultimate Boot CD, which I was to finally load after much trouble and reformat the disk. Thank You again. (Ginger)

Searched high and low for a fix, found it here quickly, rarely happens. Thanks.(Lashluru)

Thanks for the advice exactly complete diagnostics and advice. no run-a rounds. keep up the good work. (Donemil)

I apparently have huge gaps in my computer knowledge. I appreciate this basic knowledge site. I have been getting into sites from Mozilla to Internet explorer which are way beyond my conceptual abilities! Thanks. (Alice)

I just stumbled upon this site and think it is a really neat way to assemble computer knowledge in one place. Thanks! (Tech1177)

Thanks saved me reinstalling windows AAA++++ (Mark)

Just wanted to say that Computer Hope is the best thing since sliced bread & I hope you will always be here for me in the future. Computers will be here forever. I hope you guys are too!! Thank you for all the hard work you have done to help us who have no clue. (Kewlfem)

I was doing a search on Google for legal TV websites. I know they are out there, but the illegal sites get WAY too much publicity and the legitimate TV websites get lost. Many people don't know they even exist. I've been looking for a list like this for months. I finally have all the TV channels I need online and they are legal, right from the broadcasters. I can now set up one of my computers as a secondary home entertainment center. Thanks! (Diesira)

I cant believe I wasted 2 entire days trying to solve this myself. one quick visit and I was up and running. Thank You..... (Granyduner)

Thank you for providing this much needed service. (William)

I was pleased with the results of what I was looking for and am thankful. I have just starting using a computer and this site was very helpful to me in teaching me a lot of things. Thank you very much. (Robert)

Looking for vital statistics for Apple Corp., so that I may send correspondence to them. Found it very easily here - easier than on Apple's Home Page! (Betty)

I was fully satisfied with the solution. (Laxmi)

Thank you. Your help with opening a .wps file saved me a lot of time! (Majken)

After a Google search for my problem, several suggestions were viewed, I saw this website and WOW! I managed to set my computer date/time/m/y. The instructions were so clear and simple and so easy to apply. Thank you so much, I will be using this site again. (Jeanette)

I just really liked the simplicity of your web page. helped a great deal. thanks! (Rachel)

Thank you so much for your help. Microsoft help and support online was no help. (Barb)

I tried all of the IT forums and none suggested that this my be the cause of my problem. Once I took your suggestive measures my issue was resolved. Thanks. (Renald)

very berry excellent website thank you for all the help on my history day protect "the innovation of computers"! :D (David)

This answered the question PERFECTLY!!! (Abby)

Thank you for this wonderful website. I found the "fix" I was looking for quickly and easily. (Marilyn)

Saved my hard drive! (Greg)

My laptop screen was so dark and I was straining my eyes so much. I hated my note book by day. I sent my laptop to two different computer technicians but they all failed to rectify the problem! Thank you very much & keep up the good work. (Amos)

I find the information furnished by you is top ranking for any common man who owns a computer/notebook like me. (K.R.NAYAK)

Ya oh my gosh thank you. you guys saved my butt. (Shalyn)

I don't know very much about computers and am easily frustrated when things don't go right. This is great site help. Thank You! (Ean)

I was looking for how to increase the screen brightness for my laptop. Thank you very much for the help, keep the excellent work up! (Wong)

I'm book marking your site. The answer was clear, concise and just what I needed to know without computer geek jargon. THANK YOU!! (Savarela)

Your site is a real lifesaver! THANKS !!! (Ed)

It took less then 5 minutes to solve the problem, thanks to you. (Robert)

Fast and easy, found my info in seconds. Easy to read, the info was right to! great over all. (Greg)

This site is very useful for many thing its very easy to access. (Shiv)

I would just like to say a very big thank you for this free service you offer to all. It is a great help to me in assisting me is fault diagnosis. You have put a great deal of time and effort into this site. keep up the excellent work you have done. Kind Regards. (George)

You might have saved me spending unnecessary money to replace a hard disk drive. The information about the POST beeps put me on the right track. Thanks! (Anonymous)

Thank you so much for such a great resource! I just upgraded my CPU and Mother Board. after building i flicked the on switch and no boot :( the new board and my XP duel booting system did not did not get on at all. I used your fantastic guide to repairing missing NTLDR an i am back up and running! thanks so much again! (John)

Very relaxing. Thank you. (Jana)

I have used other sites to try to accomplish these simple en dash and em dash tasks and they were very unclear. Yours was WONDERFUL!! You must have an ex-elementary teacher working for you! :-) Thanks! (Ann B.)

I think your way of answering questions is really good. Keep up the good work and you'll beat Wikipedia!! (Chantelle)

I would like to say thank you for saving me a lot of painstaking hours trying to figure my problem. (Simon)

It is a good website. Thanks. (Samim)

Thank you for giving me the answer to my question. (Makeila)

The article was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you guys! (Gab)

You guys did great! (Chaka)

Thank you very much for your direction, it's so useful for me. (Natpana)

I will be back to further checkout your site. From my Google search I landed right on the page with the answer (CPU temps). While on that page I found a link to another page with the answer to another problem I have been having (unexpected reboots). (Anonymous)

Just a simple thanks for having the info available. I was able to quickly resolve a problem with the information available on this site. Thanks! (Jason)

Great website and dependable info. (Ruby)

I love this site very much. (Kumar)

A lot of really good information at my finger tips. (Clare)

Passed this info along to a computer user that had limited computer knowledge and she was able to correct her problem using info found on your site. Thank You! (Roy)

The information we needed was easy to understand and explain. I will recommend it to my co-workers. (Lori)

That is real help. Fast, simple and specific. (Eremit)

I find myself Googling for help on many different things, and often find myself at Computer Hope. The site is a great source of information and I've found it has saved me from hours of searching other sites for the simple and understandable descriptions you offer. Consider this my utmost gratitude for the work you have done. I realize the information can sometimes be found in the man pages for various programs, but Computer Hope has very nice commentaries, links, examples and other resources that makes it much better to browse. Thank you all for the great site. Keep up the great work. (Brian F.)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are terrific and I would pay real money for this fast fix! (Mub)

Thanks for providing this easy-to-use reference. It saves me lots of time! (Carole)

Good layout, answers were to the point but also allowed for depth. (Pyrowolf)

A wonderful site where you can find anything you want, good luck! (Dayyy)

Your solutions are excellent. (Felix)

Outstandingly user friendly!!! Thanks! (Tom)

I was delighted to find this help so easily Now I know you are here I think I might get a bit more ambitious with my computer. Many Thanks. (Carole)

Super Fast Info, Cheers. (Matt)

I got exactly the information needed on the after dark screen savers. (Susan)

You're a God sent. Thanks so much for all you do. Be blessed. (Lynn L.)

It was real easy to find and answer my question. I really like using this site. It is easy simple and has well and understandable answers to the questions I come up with. (Teneisha)

Looked up problem on Google, yours was the first page to come up, with exactly the answer I was looking for! Top notch job folks! (Matt C.)

Not only was the response to a very basic question answered quickly and to the point, but much more relevant information was also given. (Ashley)

This was exactly what I was searching for! (J@$mine T.)

Great information, easy to find and to understand. 2THUMBS UP YEAH! (Jane)

Many thanks - Saved me a trip to PC World (Birches)

Simple easy to understand. (Shirley)

It's nice to find a place that's helpful and free. Thank you. (Bill)

Thank you very much for your help. I am an "old school" computer person who learned how to program using DOS, COBOL, SQL, etc. I am very pleased that there are still people out there who understand the "early days" of computers... Thank you very much. (Jean P)

Nice simple page design, easy to read, clear advice, accurate - Thank you (Gary)

I Typed my problem into Google, which brought me to your site, and within minutes if not seconds I had my answer. I switched off my computer and took a look inside and found my heat sink was not connected properly, which was causing my PC to shut down and reboot. So I reconnected the heat sink, made sure it was secure again, and gave it a quick cleaning, including the fan. Now its running smoothly again. Absolutely brilliant site thanks. (Chic)

The site was of great help. Just a novice getting ready to add some more memory to my computer. Great help. Thanks. (Stewie)

Thank you so much for this fabulous site! I read about you in the Reader's Digest, and when my husband's computer came down with the nasty Win32 virus I was able to fix it. Thank you for the comprehensive easy to follow instructions! (Debbie)

Don't alter. It is brilliant as is. (William)

You people are giving good information. Computer Hope rocks.(Sreedhar)

I am in a 101 Web design class. Because of your help, I was able to complete my homework. I have bookmarked your site. I know I will return here again. Thank you so much. (Nannygoat)

Thank you. I found your site easy to use and computer problems are broken down in to logical steps and very easy to follow. I enjoyed Q&A section very much. Would love to see more in the future. Keep up your good work. (Rubakanth)

Hi I have not used a P.C. for long, so I have a lot to learn. I don't understand cookies and cache a lot like that, so I was delighted to find C.H. I think I will learn a lot from that. Thanks. (Annette)

Your site is AWESOME. I can always find the answers to my UNIX/LINUX questions. (ATeeples)

Just the place to remove the fear and mystery about the computer. Thanks to you all. (David43)

Great and easy to use. (Rick)

Thank you my son needed the information for his homework. (Angela)

Very helpful site! (Kylie)

A big thank you. Very easy to understand. (Dina)

This is a very good thing. You make us know more about computers. (Kavya)

Thanks a lot. You've helped me a lot especially in times of assignments. (Mimi)

I tell all my computer friends about your site, it very cool. (Trajen1)

Thank you so much for the help. It has been a long, long time since I worked with Config.sys and Autoexec.bat. I could not remember what the Files and Buffers were for. (Anonymous)

very good & Excellent. (Kumar)

The way things are explained makes feel interactive. (Mathankumar)

I accepted your instructions. I opened my computer, had the new battery ready. Removed the old one and replaced with new. I put it together again and booted. Hey Presto it worked!! I should add that I have 2 years in college doing computer maintenance. Thanks a million. (Ellen)

Looks like a great site, I'll be back. (Gary)

Just what I needed. Thanks! (Mal B.)

your page is very good because it is easy to find what is needed. (Tomattittoo)

Really wonderful a decision to come here. I found the thing so easily! (Sakura)

Excellent support service. (Anonymous)

Your site is a huge database of helpful information. Keep up the good work. (Coldhak)

Wasted hours trying to solve this problem until i found your site. Thank you. (Ian)

Great experience! (Rahul)

I am a Westwood College student and found this information to be complete and to the point. (Kelvin)

Thank you for having a great web page that is very helpful. (Mark)

Thank you very much. I turned on my computer and heard 6 beeps (one long, two short, two long, one short). Computer would stop there and would not go through the POST. I was able to diagnose the problem very quickly because of your chart. Video board. PROBLEM RESOLVED. (David)

Simple and to the point (Alex)

Well laid out and very helpful. (Sam)

I am really grateful for your website it was my last hope for solving i/o error for my external drive chkdsk did the magic. Thanks a bunch. (Lamo)

I did not know about this site but I tip my hat to you guys this is an excellent service to the computer community, you have my vote. (Antonio B.)

This site is superb. I get all answers to my questions here. (Gopal)

Your company is very good. (Jess)

Good and descriptive details. (Vineet)

I had to write a report on the history of computers (1960s-2000s), and I just wanted to say that your site really helped me out. Thanks! (Oceana)

Thank you all. You made my research very easy. (Shalane)

The info was very simple to work with. (Ben)

Happy to see that good old DOS still lives. (Keebellah)

Thank you very much for your excellent help. (Abdelnaser)

It's so great having a site like this. It's very helpful finding solutions for the problems with computer and rectifying the issues on our own. In my case I needed to format my PC and I went through Computer Hope and followed the instructions to get through the task. Thanks. (M. Firdous)

It's so very helpful. (Anyang)

Short and to the point with no excess explanations to blur the question. Great job. (Anonymous)

It helped me sort out the screen resolution, which had been bugging me for 4 days. Thanks! (Eve)

Thank you for your assistance. (XP User)

Very informative. (Manuel)

I had problems installing a broadcom driver using an .inf. Very simple explanations - thanks. (Brian)

Keep up the good work!! (Cooldude)

Definitions of Abbreviations and Software & Hardware are very well defined. Thanks. (Ram)

Very good keep it up. (Gopal)

This site is lovely. (Daniel)

First time visited site. Looked very good (Keith)

Thanks for the help! (Kathy)

Simple search about XCopy command resolved my quick need. THANKS A LOT. (KATHIR)

Best help site I have found. Thanks. (Dave)

Thanks for being there. (Louie)

Thanks for providing this article. (Sully)

very good stuff this solved the problem immediately didn't see this on the Microsoft site. Very good work. (Hi)

You may have saved my computer. Thank you ! (Claudia W.)

It's good to find dos still works after 25 years without using it. (John)

Good site with useful info. (Raji)

Spot on thank you - i haven't needed safe mode for so long i forgot which key! (Jim)

This is one of the best sites for hard to find info I use this site all the time. (Warren K.)

Computer Hope really did answer all of my questions. It was very easy to navigate around and that additional information area was very useful. My browsing here was a nice experience. I love your website thanks for the help. (KeKe)

I think the service is great. (Louis)

You have a quite good system of allowing anyone to find an answer quickly like troubleshooting its very helpful and readable. I am learning troubleshooting on my own. To the webmaster of this site, many thanks! (WB)

Glad I visited your site. Thank you. (Lorrigon)

I like your site will revisit again thanks. (Craig)

Thank you for giving clear, easy to understand info. Much better than some of the fancier websites that seem to be about glitter and not usable content. (Robert)

The advice to press the F10 key while trying to boot really works! (Nik)

Thank you so much! Your Computer POST / beep codes page helped me a ton. My computer wouldn't post at all, and I fixed it with your help! I'm definitely book marking this website. You guys rock! (Joeku91)

Found the exact info I needed with one mouse click. I Appreciate your efforts. (Anonymous)

I am very satisfied. (Elaine)

I like your site because it will help me in doing my research about creating web pages and on how to create simple/attractive designs. (Aileen)

Thanks for your write-up on the NTLDR XP error. It worked, first time! (Bence)

Thank you if it was not for this website i would have not found out what was the problem with my computer. (Eddie L.)

This answered my question and then some. Thank you for your service. (John O.)

One of the best sites I have ever been on, the information is clear, easy to find, and always helpful. (Isaac862)

Fabulous! Just what I needed to know without having to sort through ten tons of technical blather!! (Tayuechick)

This is a very good information source for computer operations and what parts do. I love tinkering. (Knmrjudd)

You were the one stop solution. Even though I am a relatively experienced technician, your information served me well. It is a simple straightforward explanation that a layperson could use! Thanks again. (David C)

Awesome help. Thank you. (Keshika)

Thanks. Quick solution. (Cntrlflm)

Couldn't have done what I needed without some help. Thanks (Jose)

Many thanks. Problem solved in less than 5 min. (Big Kahuna)

Thank you very much for the job well done in this site. I found My info that I needed for my work. (Abdu)

Thanks for being here! (Calvin)

Great website!!! Info and examples specifically on Linux command line are of big help to me. Thanks a lot! Keep it up. I just look forward to find more examples for every command options. (Ckarmyna).

Oh thank you for making the wording in your explanation "stupid-simple" ! I am still a novice at all this computer stuff, and this was, literally, a blessing for me to follow! (Lisa)

u guys r really good. (Dunny Boy)

Thanks for letting me know how to adjust laptop monitor brightness, which I had spent about three hours trying to find instructions for on the Internet, in Help, etc. The search took a while and think this possibly because of not having the right search terms, i.e., "laptop display" instead of "monitor". (Brucewhain)

I have always found your site very helpful. Keep up the good work. (Robert)

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! You all must be super intelligent because no other web-site was able to help me with my problem !!! I'll be back. (Heather)

Asking Google about how to access WordPad on Windows led to you 1st, which in itself was a serendipitous (sp?) find. I'll be back. (Anonymous)

Type a question, get an answer. Could not be better or easier. Great info site. (Garrett)

Thanks a lot, I am impressed. (Jbizzy)

Thanks for all info that you have on this site. It is has always been easy to find what I needed. (Alan)

I love your site and its setting of giving relevant information. Thanks (Michael)

I had been trying to add a printer to my home network without success for 2 weeks. The first time I used this program it worked perfectly after about 10 minutes. I have been using computers for 10 years and never had this problem before. Thank you for the explicit and straightforward solution to my problem. (Peter)

Thank you very much for your help. I am very grateful. (Mary)

This site is a sea of computer information. (Atul)

Thanks for the help. My laptop now shines. (David)

Excellent site. I will use it again for study hnc computing and ict software and hardware systems. (Jerbel)

It is a simple and time saving way to solve the difficult questions. Also, it is really a good guide for students. Thanks. (Shuchita)

Keep up the great service. THANKS :) (Pat)

Easy to find answer to my question, as your site was the first to come up when I googled in my question. A quick click and I was able to find out how to find out how much hard drive space I have available on my C drive. (Senftours)

I am barely computer literate. So if I can find anything on your websites and use the info to do something-you can't get any more simple and easy to follow than that! lol Thanks, (Noahidenanny)

When it asked me how easily i was to locate info, there should be something higher than "simple." The service was fantastic. (Carter)

I am an avid computer user, and I know a lot about computers. But when it comes to command line (MS-DOS), I am a dummy. Thank you for all your help. (Jonii3)

Had to look into information regarding the error message "NTLDR missing" and was able to locate and apply answer provided on your website. Perfect site to have bookmarked. I did. Thank you! (Chris)

Great! even better and more understandable than the MS web page. (MemodeColombia)

Google searched, and it was the first thing that popped up and just what I was looking for! Thanks. (Ashley)

Best way to improve the knowledge. You are doing a excellent job great service. Thanks & Best regards, (Akhtar)

Keep this site up! Thanks. (Will p.)

Thanks for all the cool data on beeps, Fkeys, DOS, right to the point. Thank you!! (Cindy)

To get access to a valuable information has never felt as easy as i feel here. (Abhinav)

The problem was the USB keyboard not setup in the bios. I didn't think of that but I'm glad you had it covered. (anonymous)

Nice site I was able to find a quick answer to my problem. (Jay)

Really helpful and so simple. (Anonymous)

I always refer this site for help on MS DOS commands. Thanks. (Amit)

The service was excellent and experience was 5 star. Thank u. (Vision)

There was a very nice definition given on measurements in a computer. This was just what i was finding for my project!!!!!:) Thanks a lot. (Diya V.)

Well done and easy to use. Thanks. (Mike)

Outstanding resource for Newbies to programming such as myself. (Frederick)

Very good and excellent website for computer students. (Jagan)

Thank you for helping me with the sound icon not being there. Fixed it in a jiffy!! (Mikey)

I am a librarian looking for sites to suggest to new users. This one definitely goes on my list. (Tamar)

Super & fantastic information. Thanks to all who sponsored this.(Ram)

This is a great site, thank you for all the time that was put into it. (Empireweb)

Very few computer techs have the ability to communicate with an audience outside their world. Thanks for going straight to the point without confusing side comments. (Tim)

You are the best, Really! Very simple and straight to the point. I also got additional tips. Thank you! (Gudbenson)

Thank you! I had somehow "lost" the toolbars in IE and was torn between feeling stupid for having done something like that and frustrated at not knowing how to restore it until I found this site! Thanks! (PMatt)

You're awesome! I'm a computer freak! I needed to find an easy way to teach an old friend how to use computers, and this website did the trick! THANK YOU! (Jessie)

Thanks for the lists of DOS commands, many I have forgotten! (Mike)

I can give the comments only in one word. 'Best site for comp. help.' (Ishtiyaq)

Just exactly what i needed to know, clearly stated. - How to wipe c: of computer that is going to recycle. (Anonymous)

I've been looking for this information in weeks. Great Great Thank You. (Papuafa)

Very useful and informative site. Thanks! (Linda)

Keep up the good work. (Rhyme)

Your site really helps me in my everyday to day tasks. Thanks a mil. I do not even go any place else. You all have everything that I need! Thank you so MUCH. (ArcH)

Perfect solution to my Question. Thank You. (Alf)

Well nothing much to say since I'm a computer analyst actually not quite an analyst but one who is studying it, I would say that I had all my questions answered without any symptom of difficulty and I would say thanks to ComputerHope.Com (T-Flex)

The answer and the solution was quick and easy. Plain English is always the best way to go! Thanks!!! (Ev)

As a computer novice it was made very clear to understand. It didn't make me feel I was banging my head against a wall trying to understand technical jargon. (Debbie)

I love your website, I'm a student at the moment and this site has proven to be an extremely useful study tool as I am able to find accurate information quickly. The site is easy to navigate and presented in the straight forward manner. Very nice! (Carlos)

I have only tried one question, but your site looks so easy to navigate I will be back again. (Coco)

Once I got to your page it was easy, but I tried several other sites with no luck. Thank you so much! (Christine)

Nice one. Helped me a lot! (Mal)

As usual, I found everything I needed, and a little more. Thank you. (Ivette)

Hi I'm from Australia and saw your Web address on one of the U.S TV shows. Very interesting site and sure to assist many people. (Glenton)

I am glad to have found this website and to find out how easy it was to use. (Deanna)

I used google to find this site and the question. It didn't take long to find the answer. (Anonymous)

Thanks! Was able to diagnose and solve my problem - other help sites were nowhere near as helpful! (Mark)

Keep up the excellent work. BRILLIANT! (Tim)

A lot of information was able to be answered in a timely manner. (Sparkles)

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I've only used it for one search. So I don't know if I was just lucky in what I was searching for, but I found this site very easy to use and easy to follow. One pleased user right here. (Princess)

Having used your program for a dozen or so years. I still enjoy the high class of answers that I've been given. Thank you (Glenn)

Thanks for providing information on old drives. (Charles)

I just wanted to appreciate the team of Computer Hope. It is an excellent site and I wish that this site is always there running on Internet. Whenever I needed some help, I got it through You. THANK YOU COMPUTER HELP I JUST LOVE THIS SITE. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. (Amitraj)

Information was simple to understand and very clear. Very much appreciated! (Omar)

Well done, good site! (Jimbo)

I had big issues with my husbands laptop and you helped me sort it out. Big thank you. (Gerry)

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Great Help ! Thank you very much. Keep it up! (Marion)

Great site! Clean, simple and just what I was looking for. Thank you. (Anonymous)

Just keep biting away at those pesky Q&As for us all. Thanks! (Liam)

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I found what i needed super fast keep up the good work. (Gego)

Certainly it is very useful for people like me who recently commenced learning about computers. Thanks for providing such helpful guidelines. (Raja)

Thank you for the help, it really came in use, thanks. (Slickhanz)

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God bless you. thank you very much. (Rasool)

Clear, simple, straight to the point. (Assistedgeek)

Thanks, great advice, easy to follow. (Jana)

I had no ideas until I read about this site in my August '09 issue of Reader's Digest. At least now I can try a couple of things to see if they work. Thanks! (Angela)

Very helpful site. Thank you very much. (Mar)

Thank you for solving my problem. (Rahul)

This site is a great platform with all the basic knowledge with up to date information. Keep up the good work!! (Burhan)

Great job! (Kevin)

Thanks so much man. (Frosty)

Easy to follow instructions. Fixed problem with certificate error - simple fix. Better than downloading programs on to computer to fix problem. GREAT. (Red)

I got what i wanted in a matter of seconds. (Arpit)

Found this site quickly from google. Thanks for the great tip. (Joni)

I'm so happy to find this site!It has been very very helpful. (Dennis)

Excellent site. Accurate and reliable solution. (Savid)

The instructions on this site are simple, direct, complete, and easy to implement. Thanks for your help. (Tamara)

Your site with photo and explanation was very helpful. (Clark)

I have saved myself countless cost and time by following your simple guide to reset the error message and the printer has cleaned and reset it self and is printing fine. Thank you (Andy)

As an IT professional I love short articles that get to the point - I haven't time to be reading somebodies ramblings on a topic when I need answers. Excellent clear examples as well. Full marks! (Sarah)

It is the best website. Thanks. (Brijesh)

I sometimes just need to be sent in the right direction and this helped. Thanks so much. (Anonymous)

Good example to follow. Good screen font. Easily able to get to solution to my problem. Thank you. (Anil)

THANK YOU. My brain just couldn't go back that far without a refresher course and this was perfect ! (Micky)

Thorough explanation with good instructions on solutions. (Phil)

What a treat to find this site. I hadn't worked with DOS commands for years. Found just what I wanted. Thanks. (Eric)

Thank you so much. I googled 'no ntldr' and clicked your link. This was the easiest and fastest I ever had in help with fixing my computer. Thank you. (Doms)

This information has been very useful. I have not used DOS in a very long time And have forgotten a lot of it. (William)

Thank you very much. I wouldn't have figured it out without your advice. (Richard)

Easy and fast to find out the solution and very user friendly. (Ashok)

I will keep your site in my favorites and pass it on to others! (Pam)

I came to the solution you had of keeping tabs of "file, edit, view, etc., on permanently. This worked like a charm. Thank you. (Anonymous)

This is the website I've been looking for all along!! I just love it a lot! Thanks you guys! (Mizzez J)

It was perfect and lead me right to the issue at hand. (Hoofinit)

Very good info and easy to understand. Thank you. (Carl)

This is a great website. The shortcut keys chart is especially helpful. (Bennie)

Thanks for an enlightening experience. (Lassie)

You have made my day. Thanks. (Miael)

Thanks! - Problem well described - Solution well described - Solution WORKED!! (John)

Thank You, it was easy. (Cliff)

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Great! It used to be near impossible for me to see my laptop outdoors. This was easy to find and easy to follow. Great simple language. Thanks (Topsey)

I love access to results such as this! Thank you. (Nate Dog)

Very clear and very helpful, thank you. (Corey A.)

By going through, I gain knowledge, have my doubts answered, and am able to help others. Thanks for the good service. (Raman)

Very useful website. (Mark)

A little GEM. Thank you. (Cymro)

This site is the best thing; right up there with chocolate and coffee!! (Anonymous)

This is a great help for us. (Levee)

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Exactly what I need to chase down the PAVRM malicious software on my granddaughters notebook PC. (Pops)

I thank this site so much! You saved me from going through so much stress! Keep up the great work (Janelle)

A very useful service. Thanks (Kevin B.)

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I like the fact that the web page is direct and to the point. (Kway)

Nice Place For Finding Best Answers. (Swaroop)

It's excellent. (Nandini)

Excellent website! I love it! I can't find the info anywhere else. (Nancy)

Thank you for your help. (Paul)

It's very nice. (Candru)

I was very pleased that I found the answer to my monitor problem after lengthy periods trying to sort it out. Computer Hope came to the rescue. Many thanks. (Blaze)

Thanks! I've been suffering unnecessarily looking at my laptop with low backlighting and not knowing how to increase it. (Ezeduzit)

As a novice I don't think I would have got a pass when doing my exams for CompTIA A+, and I don't think I would have gone on to start my CompTIA N+ without the support of Computer Hope. Many thanks. (Andy)

My mouse was skipping wildly around the screen. From your site, I determined that the cause was a new mouse pad which had tiny ridges (holograph picture). Changing the mouse pad to our former pad immediately cleared the problem. Thank you! (GD)

Thanks for assistance. (Phillip)

Fast, simple and RIGHT! Bueno! Thank you. (Dave)

Love, love, love your website. (Marcia)

I got the solution within minutes. Thanks to the Computer Hope family. Regards, (Murthy)

Your site is what I have wanted for years. Now that I have found your site I can get all my questions answered as I come across an abbreviation I don't understand or know. Thanks a lot. (Erik)

I only wanted to know the color code for a web link, and that was very easy to find. Thanks a lot! (Judith)

You have helped me a lot. (Anonymous)

I'm glad someone still puts out this information. It's been so long since I've used DOS commands! (Joe)

Great site and service. (Dave)

Thank you so much for providing this free service. Your site was extremely user friendly and helpful!! (Cassie)

THANK YOU!!!! I just spent 35 minutes TRYING to find useful contact info on the DELL site and never did get what I was looking for. This is awesome!! I just wish DELL was as user -friendly as your site is. (Allen)

Thank-you very much for your help. It is very much appreciated, and helpful. (Floyd)

I have found this site, when learning from the tutorials, to be the easiest to understand due to the excellent way of the writing and explanation. Many Thanks for your good work. (Keith)

Great Resource! (Toontwister)

It has enormously impressed me in my first & short use. I hope to use in future & let you know any thing I find to help you & Others. Thanks & Regards. (MJS Yadav)

I paid $50.00 for a book, XP for dummies, and could not find the answer to my question, which I later found on your site. I now understand I was the dummy for spending $50.00. (Tom)

It is a big help. Thanks. (Esther)

You're the best. (Elias)

This site is extremely helpful! Especially to us "computer illiterate" people! Thank You!!! (Shirley)

Thanks.. this helped a lot. (Raisul)

A precise and simple explanation is all it is found in this site. Answered the question asked and while searching it clarified more forgotten questions and problems. Thank you for a great site. (Juan)

Wow this helped me a lot. Thanks for posting MS-DOS commands. I was having a problem with shutting down my PC but this resolved everything. Thanks. (Jay)

I love this site! (Patti)

Always the same. Computer Hope finds the information fast and it always gives you clear and to the point information. (Gary)

Clear straightforward and direct; unlike others I have experienced. Thank you!! (Anonymous)

Worked like a charm. (Matthew)

Thank you, you were really helpful. (Mecapalero)

Thanks a million! Very helpful and full of useful information. (Charles T.)

Thanks, I did not know about this site. Helps those of us "oldies" who do not grasp the inner workings of a computer. (June)

I needed just a button that will enter to BIOS and I found it (with greatly additional information), Thanks! (Nerijus)

It was descriptive and I was able to follow the direction to solve my problem. Thanks. (Christine)

Thank you. I appreciate the help so much. I didn't really want to ask someone how I figure out what type of modem I have- I don't know why I felt this way- but I really appreciate your help. I only wish I had thought of looking up this page about a week ago- before I messed a few things up on my computer. (Tricia)

When I have a problem I want IMMEDIATE help and this is what you provide. Most other sites send me half way around the world & lead to NOWHERS. Thanks for being sensible with your help! (Anna)

Well done. I had forgotten octothorpe and this drove me right to it, starting with the phrase keyboard pound sign. Also learned about the pound sterling. Thanks. (Dan)

I googled for a solution and your site came up. It was perfect, all the errors what it could be and solutions and you saved my PC. THANK YOU, best site ever. (Billy)

Thank you so much. All the information that I wanted, I have got it. (Phakamile)

This was the fastest way of getting me another cursor. I should have done this first, instead of going all over the place for an hour. With you, it was less than 2-minutes. EXCELLENT. (James W.)

I have been looking for this solution for YEARS!! (DFY)

Your services are much appreciated. (Charles)

This is the first piece I have read on understanding how tokens work that was communicated in simple straight forward terms. Now I get it. (VegasRage)

First time user, great!! (Karen)

I Will always come here for all of my research. Thank You All. (Isaac)

Thank you so very much for all the help. The information I searched for, I got it right here on your website. I know where to look now when I need help. (Tony)

It's really great. It solved my printer sharing problem just like that. Thank you so much. (Achari)

It is a very essential site. Good job. (Anonymous)

I am a new computer user. I can learn a lot of computer skills on your website. Thanks for letting us learn something new every day. (Htun)

Fantastic. Thanks! (Melanie)

I got many computer solutions from your site, and I think this the best site for computer solutions. (Sushil)

Nice easy to read font. Helpful to the visually challenged readers and surfers. Kudos. (Sam)

Really neat & helpful. Thanks! (Ramakant)

We were needing the Edlin Command Set and were directed to it immediately. Thanks, (John)

This is an excellent tutorial for me, and I hope you give information up to date. Bravo. (Budianto)

These site has always been a companion, helpful and important to me when ever am faced with a problem on any PC. Thanks. (Okon-Sunday)

This website has helped me so much in my 1B AIT course. So thank you!!!! (Daretor)

Great site for computer literate, but not geek type people. Information seems to be accurate and concise. (Julie)

This has been very helpful to me, thanks. (JD)

I will be using this site more often now that I have found it. Very good job. I wish there were more sites like this one. (Werenthis)

This site was very easy to understand and had everything I needed in one simple page. Great site. (Steven)

Why can't Microsoft Help be this simple? (Phaxman)

Thank You for you help. (Laly)

Thank you for the help. (Josh)

I found the answer to my problem within 1 min on your site. I thought i would have to take my computer into a shop to fix but after reading the problem, (3 short beeps on start up) and then simply following your instructions my computer is happy and working fine and so am I :). Thank you for your help. (Chris)

It's been a LONG, LONG time since I last used MS-DOS (yes, I am that old). Thanks for being a quick and easy resource. (Anonymous)

One of the best help sites on the Web. (Bob L.)

My display was rotated 90 degrees (by my 1.5 year old son) pressing a few keys. As usual the MS Help is very poor. Thank you for your tip. (Michael)

What more can I say? Very pleased. (Ken)

Very perfect information. (Radi)

I stumbled here and it was just what i had been looking for. So far I have been looking around for 10 minutes. I like the dictionary. (Wheelnut)

Great Refresher! I went over a few of them and got everything I needed and more. Thanks! Great site! (Justin)

It is really nice!! I got my answer very easily. It is a nice website!!! (Radhika)

Thank you for making older drive data still available. (Ron)

It was cool and easy. (Gelo)

The information is very informative. (Tinashe)

Thank you very much for helping me in searching my needs! (Gilbert)

Love it! (Fhaye)

I found the answer to my cleaning question in a matter of seconds. (Jacqueline)

Thank you so very much for your service. (Petra)

A well organized and well run website. (Lar)

For a complete novice at sorting out problems, this was excellent. Thank you. (Rose)

Thank you so much. I was looking why xcopy showed ana error when I was using Environment vars, and now I realize thanks 2 your page that I was missing " " on my path. (Gibran)

Superb free service, thanks. (Nyg)

Real quick and easy. Thanks. (Danielle)

Thank you so much for your help. It was made so easy to understand and direct unlike other places I have tried. I will remember you. Thank you so much. (Anonymous)

That was very helpful information. Keep up the good work, and thanks again. (Amman)

Very good to understand. (Rajesh)

Quick and easy. I was able to save all my work with ease. Very appreciated for your clear assistance. (Jamie)

I have tried several days and sites to hunt for a solution to my computer problem. Yours is the best. I am impressed with how user friendly it is, and have added it to my favorites for use in future if/when needed. Thank You! (Victoria)

Thanks. Your website is awesome. I couldn't find the answer to a simple question on MS help, but i found it here in a few seconds. (Nera)

I have learned many things that can help me from your site. I thank you very much. I will write any comments when I get any thing that is good or wrong. (Teshome)

Thank you so much. I had a frustrating morning trying to get help first from HP, who told me to call MS, who told me to call HP (unless I wanted to pay MS $59). The fix was so simple even I could do it. It certainly was not worth $59. Thank you. (CSNail)

I had an easy time of freeing up disk space thanks to you. (Max)

Very easy approach to learn about computers. Please continue it forever. (Shakeel)

Thanks for making the info so easily available. (Angela)


Ur website helped me so much to find info for my assignment. (Kelly)

It was so nice and easy to find out what i wanted and it was nice and easy to read as well! thanks... (Louisa)

Been trying to fix my parents computer for months now. I simply looked up the issue and there it was the one thing I hadn't tried yet. As soon as I did I noticed an immediate difference in computer performance. Thanks. (Jon)

Thank you for providing such a useful site for Computer users. (Robert)

It was really easy to follow:) (Jewel<3)

Annoying problem, easy solution provided. This site was most helpful. (Flubby)

This was a very informing article that was able to help me with everything that I needed! Thanks Computer Hope! (Toast73)

This is fantastic. Your idea is great. (Justrex)

Thanks a bunch. Very good and simple instructions for somebody who's computer illiterate. (YoYo)

It is a very useful site which you guys created. Excellent. (Manish)

It's amazing and interesting. Its good for us. (Ibrahim)

You are a SUPER site. I'm glad I found it, and will use it to gain valuable computer knowledge. (Elrio)

Very easy and concise. I did not have to wade through a review or be redirected to what was really a page trying to sell me a related product that was seeded in Google as a match for the search term fitting my problem. The format here allowed me to solve my problem in minutes. Thanks. (William)

I didn't need to know this information, however, your service is great for anyone new to the computer field. (Brian)

It was a very good experience in locating the information i needed. Thanks (Visha)

I just want to thank to nice people like you. The provided information saved me about 4 or 5 hours. Please keep up the good work. (Ravinder)

It was very enlightening to actually follow your easy to read instructions on both shortcut keys and the dictionary definitions of lol and col etc. has left me GFETE. THANKS & LOL (K.B.)

Very informative. Did not have to do a lot of searching to get my answer. (Ralph)

Just want to say thank you very much for the service you provide. (Barry)

Thank you so much! You help a lot! (Vitochka)

Many thanks. I went into the settings and found they were wrong. I changed them to CD-ROM first boot working well. Thank you (Joyce)

I just wanted to let you know that your site was very helpful to me today! Thanks for the information. (Kris)

Your information is well- and simply-written. Instructions are clear. I love the reference you provide for those requiring more info. (Tess)

What a superb Website ! Thank you and congratulations for helping to make the world go around! (Pauli)

The support was awesome. It was great that I didn't find any difficulty. (Amit)

Your website is excellent, I hope to visit this website again as many times as possible. (Ladislav)

Great and informative website you have. Computer dummies such as myself are grateful for it. (Gamer)

Thanks for helping with this annoying problem. It has been a long time since I worked with Path Commands. (Mario)

You have a wonderful website and it was most helpful in answering my question. (Alain)

Thanks so much, it was easy to find exactly what I needed to get my disk tray working :D (Charlie)

Great site! I will return. (Lynn)

Glad I found you! (Mikeln)

Thanks for providing the most simple thing that I couldn't find in the MS help files (as is 96% of the time). They are simply useless. All I needed to do was to relocate my task bar. (Mike)

Fast and easy to use. Thank you (Frank)

Thank you. You are great! (aspclpgntt)

Very nice to have all the information needed at one place. (Anonymous)

It's very good that there is website such as this. This website helps others a lot. Thank you! (jopipoy21)

This site is wonderful. I LOVE IT. THANK YOU (Ronald)

This site has been a breath of fresh air for me. This is the second time I have visited and got my answer, direct to the point and more importantly the suggested trouble shooting worked. Thank you so very much. (Wntrwillow)

It's very useful for beginners. (Santhosh)

Had a flipped desktop image in my classroom. Darn kids!! Your site solved it in minutes. Thanks a lot. (Roger)

Thanks Much I was able to fix my problem. (Christian)

Thanks for this service. I hope you're prospering. (Robert)

This website is really great. I really appreciate your posts. (Freofroid)

This is the best material for knowledge. (Rakesh)

I Typed in google "system32" because I wanted to know what in the heck it actually was and I was directed to your page after a few silly attempts at trying to understand jargon that was above and beyond my mind. Yours was the most straight forward and easiest to understand. THANKS! (Anonymous)

I wasn't sure what I was looking for right away. I was going by what people I had talked to suggested I look for. Then I remembered that I had written down what my computer had written after it had crashed BIOS ROM checksum error floppy drive A media and then Drive A error system halt. Then I got the information I was looking for. (Anonymous)


I've used your site numerous times! When I can't remember or just don't know how to, your information is usually just what I need. I work on a lot of vintage computers and since you still carry all the older data that I really need, its a real plus!! Thanks for being there!!(Greg)

My problem was highly distorted sound. Cured by adjusting the "Wave" balance control in the speaker box in System Tray. Computer Hope is a great site....... keep up the good work. (Anonymous)


Very convenient & clear reference page - thank you. I'm a European user & was looking for information to explain CDT as used in the Gustav hurricane advisories. (Anonymous)

V Simple, found how to cd straight away. Once I got thru google. Ironically I am trying to learn about Regex and need egrep. So thanks for putting together boring things that we all SHOULD know about, that become time consuming when we forget. Especially in the absence of awesome resources such as your site. Thanks. (Anonymous)

The definitions of things is great! I didn't know a lot of things but I was able to understand it. This site looks like it has everything that I would ever need to know about computers! It was simplified for lay people like me to understand! Thanks! (Anonymous)

Your website was completely new to me, but it won't be from now on! I wanted to learn something about computer noises -- how to begin figuring them out. Your page on this topic seems to give good info on what types of sounds may be abnormal, which areas to investigate and so on. (Anonymous)

Thanks!! I'll subscribe to your newsletter today.

thanks a lot I am staying in a small city and here I was asking all how to increase my laptop brightness but all failed to do so even the laptop sales manager. now I came to know that its very easy to set thanks. another question I have that My laptop makes much sound when ever I insert a DVD. its DVD drive only. even I gave it for service but they told its OK its right. how to reduce that sound. thanks (suprabha)

I just sent a rather lengthy note but realize that I forgot to say 1 thing: THANK YOU for offering this service! I'm sure it will be my 1st choice of websites for computer help in the future. I really do appreciate it. And (2): My compliments on your web pages. The simple layout, large font size, color choice, lack of moving-jumping-flickering Obnoxious Things (ads, promos, etc) all make for a more peaceful experience while searching for help with bedeviling computer problems! I'm changing my previous "Good" experience to "Excellent" above. Thanks again.(Anonymous)

great work keep it up! When ever I have to inquire something about UNIX commands I refer to Computer Hope. one thing I would suggest is please add some more examples of commands. (Anonymous)

after 30 min of looking elsewhere for an answer at various "help sites" I somehow came upon your site and my answer was found right away, very simple. I'm sure glad my question wasn't too hard. All I wanted to know was how to restore the IE menu bar. Your answer, "push the Alt key " duh.... It will now be my favorite site for computer questions. Thank you very Much!!! Sincerely (Shcoozy Vermu)

I am just learning how to work with a computer. I have just ran programs so my knowledge of computer and computer problems are limited I will be telling my friends about this site. (Anonymous)

Thank you for providing such a great, helpful website for people like me who find computers very annoying! You brought my stress level down! (Anonymous)

I can't believe you fixed my problem and with ease. The walk through was excellent! I was scared but you made me feel comfortable. Because I am a beginner I didn't understand how to save and post the results from my scans so I am sorry for not being able to help you compile results. I was in tears when the Trojan took over my computer. I purchased antivirus software yesterday hoping that would do the trick ...NO WAY! The virus ate it just like it ate all the spyware and antivirus I had on my computer. I did a basic search for help with this particular malware and your site was listed and I gave it a try. If you need more information about my "malware epiphany" please e-mail me. I do have some insight as to how to hold the virus "at bay" while you do a full scan (usually if I would let the virus scan alone to do its thing I would be kicked into dos and immediate shutdown). PS - your site should be "computerhelp.org" (non-profit angels) (Maripat)

Thank you for the code. I have been looking for a simple "Back Button" code for a while now. You had it clean and easy to use. Thanks a million... (Jim)

I just wanted to thank you guys for this website. I was trying to figure out how to update my video driver and couldn't remember the name of it - I tried searching my system on my own- but didn't realize that it was a sub folder. This site helped me to help myself and I'm book marking it so I can use it in the future - I'm definitely not "computer super savvy" so I know I'll need it again! thanks so much! (Anonymous)

This wasn't what I was looking for, but definitely what I need. My computer gives me a message saving that the memory has changed when I turn it on, before XP even loads. I was looking for how to fix that. This is a good start. Disk cleanup and defrag are I do every week, so that's not the answer, but this site may have my answer yet. Thank you (JoAnne)

Thank you SO much for the free help in your forums. We had a problem with our cd & dvd-rom drives disappearing and we were able to retrieve them by following step by step instructions posted in the forums. We had thought that we would need to bring our PC in for servicing, but your wonderful site gave even the most novice users the ability to make the fix. Thanks again and we will definitely be book marking this site for use in the future. (Anonymous)

Thank you for continuing to provide all of the DOS Commands, as I am enrolled in the ITT Technical Institute, Information Technology - Computer Networking Systems Degree Program and this was one of the first sites on my search for the DOS Commands, some I already know how to use, but many I need to learn, I downloaded and printed them all out, so I can punch them and place them in a nice binder for future reference. You site has a lot of nice stuff on it, and I want to thank you for providing this to the community. I am most appreciative of your unselfish website postings. Your an asset to the computer community. (Anonymous)

I just found your site and I am so happy(:! (Anonymous)

I am the person that everyone comes to for computer help at work (a fact that makes my sister giggle), so I will let everyone know about your site. (Anonymous)

This site is very useful. I have got so many useful info's from here and hope will got more info's day by day. My special thanks to all of you who built this fantastic website! Thanks again. (Anonymous)

hey dudes/dudettes you all have done a wonderful job over here. Needed the cmd prompt help very badly and got it quick here then any other site I visited keep up the good work. Cheers (Anonymous)

thanks for google search that led me to you and directly to your answer, especially the steps to put menu bar on there permanently. I've used the alt key before but I have one paralyzed hand & arm, can't do what I needed to do fast enough while file menu was showing I learned that my problems with the external commands was due to system variable path problems and that is quite useful to understand. I would state that if problems arise from external commands i.e., they don't work, then this is likely due to the system variables being changed by a program. I imagine it would help others like me. Never the less thanks for the help Computer Hope. (Anonymous)

I would like to really thank you for all the information that you have online. I'm a online student learning to repair computers. Some of the other websites that I have been on for information, it seems as though I have to read about ten different things just for a simple answer it is like going threw a whole family for one answer. Again thank you (Anonymous)

You saved my arse!! Had accidentally generated a flipped screen, which ctrl-alt-up arrow solved. Amazed that entering flipped screen into Google gave me a first time answer !! Many thanks. (Anonymous)

This site was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to know if I could add hardware and memory on my laptop and the company my laptop is from made it so difficult to find any information. With this I just typed in what I wanted and it appeared! Thanks so much! (Anonymous)

All I needed to know was how to run a program on boot on my Vista. I had decided to try to run a batch that would execute the program, and make the batch file run on boot. But then it said there was a folder to paste startup stuff and I was like WOW! Awesome! Thanks a lot! (Anonymous)

You people perform a great service in this day of profit motive. Realizing it does cost, sometimes hidden, to do what you do. But trying to help people is still a noble endeavor in this hi tech society, which appears to be losing itself in bigness and loss of morality. Thank you (pwz)

Just a short note on how much I appreciate your website. After getting the "NTLDR missing" and stumbling around on how to fix, I came upon your site and, after following your "copy" directions, had my computer up and running in no time. I can't express my gratitude to you. THANKS VERY MUCH !!!!! (Andy)

Very in depth articles that pin pointed what was wrong with the computer. Very glad this info was here because it was hard to find elsewhere. Thanks Guys! (Mike)

Thank you for proving the solution to my burning question. I wish your company every future success. Private & personal comment by: (Stephen)

I knew that there was corruption due to no space on C: drive and I cleared some space without success. I restored the image still without success and couldn't think what else it could be. I repaired the master boot record based upon your suggestion and the PC booted normally. Thank you (WesseX)

Dell was going to charge for the information. this was free and also simple to use. Thank you (Jess)

This is the MOST helpful website I have ever clicked in my life till now. I am very grateful for your help. I will recommend to all my friends. God Bless you! (Jim)

Until I found your site I was at the VERGE... Thank you so much for making a success from a potential disaster. (Ron)

This was fantastic! I have been worried for months about how to save my favorites when I moved to a new computer. Thanks to you it took less than five minutes! (Djmills)

Computer Hope, you are wonderful organization, in that you have been helping us a lot to solve some of our tedious computer problems. Thanks so much, you are great (Anonymous)

I feel like such a 'DUH'. Such a simple solution. I had left a floppy in the drive. I am book marking your site for other 'duh' moments. I will also recommend it to others. THANKS!!! BTW took me longer to write this than find the solution and correct the problem! (Scaloot)

Great site, only place I've found where I find an easy to use, but comprehensive, list of Linux/Unix commands. Keep up the good work! (kameraadpjotr)

Thanks for providing a complete, easy to understand explanation of what all those Windows processes are for. Knowledge is the antidote for fear! (Steve)

Thanks for the help, my mouse wouldn't work and after I cleaned it it's fine. (Dave)

I did not know that this kind of help was available until I was working on a correspondence course and in one of the questions it mentioned your page. and now that I have found you I will be using it more often thank you. (Monica)

q1uiet straight forward - never was sure 'til now. I had a prof. who spent 3 months confusing an entire class about this. You set me straight in 5 minutes. Thank you (Arron)

The information you offered was excellent. It was very simple and to the point and to me seemed to offer the best approach to tackle the problem. (David)

Thank you very much for creating a wonderful website, which is doubtless a blessing for many people. I just wanted to point out one thing that I didn't see on your website with regards to Network Interface Card help. (Anonymous)

I found out that my Ethernet card in my dell desktop was not working, but I realized that my laptop was able to access our DSL connection just fine wirelessly. I considered replacing the internal Ethernet card, but instead I found a "Wireless G USB adapter" which allowed me to connect in the same way as the laptop. This method allowed me to solve the problem without ever opening up my CPU, which is something other people might benefit from. It was a little more expensive, but was very convenient. Again, Thank you for creating a great website! (Salman)

This is a such a great site! Everything is explained in simple English - even a cave man could do it! (nb)

I found you through Google search. I needed to move my taskbar back to the right side of the screen, which is my preferred location and I didn't know how to do it. After searching on the Control Panel and the desktop for a clue, I decided to Google my query. Your website came up and I am so pleased. It took 2 seconds to fix. Thank you for providing this service!!!! (Barbara)

I had a Unix box dumped on me to support and I have no Unix experience. Your list of commands saved me this morning and I'm sure the list will save me again and again. Thank You!!!!! (dr986702)

You guys are awesome! I found you on Google when trying to find help for a DOS command I needed to use to write a package builder for my game, DtD Tower Defense 2; and while I was here I found out how to edit files on my Linux-based server over SSH (I've had SSH forever from my web host, but I never used it much). Thanks a lot! (DtD)

Your help was better than HP's! Many thanks. (Randan)

Had problem with BIOS password on HP Vectra VL400 I got as a present. HP gives no explanation on HOW to disable this password. They give explanation on the dip switches and with the hint of your pages I succeeded in removing the passwords. Thanks. (Anonymous)

This site has pulled my "bacon out of the fire" more than once, thank God for your site! (Shawn)

I just wanted to thank you for the extensive list of color codes. Many sites have the basics but this site has the most.. basically if you were a crayon box.. the others would be the 12 pack and you all would be the 120 pack.. crayon sharpener on the back and all :D lol .. thanks again. (Justsumchick)

Thanks, I never realized that some of the files that I had enabled by disabling them would free up so much hard disk space. THANKS! I mean it cleared up TONS of disk space that I needed. WAY MORE. (Paige)

Thanks! Had installed Partition Commander Ver9, all OK. Installed Easy media Creator 10. Upon restart lost SYSCMNDR.SYS, NTLDR, and BOOT.INI. You saved the day. Thanks again (Ray)

Fixed a problem with friend's computer no one else could. Would think these geek IT people would know a little more about DOS. (Ross)

I am pretty good with computers, but had a problem I couldn't seem to fix --- your site helped me get the answer & fix things. Thanks! (David)

Thank you for the help I needed to correct our problem - our computer video display was rotated 90 degrees. Your directions allowed to quickly and simply fix it. Thanks so very much. You're great! (Chester's Dad)

I have used your info numerous times and it is always rite on!! It's good to have a dependable source for older systems that I deal with all the time. Thanks for keeping the old stuff!!! (Greg)

I was trying to help someone with their problem and googled it, when I found your page. Answer found in two seconds flat. Awesome, thanks. (KiKat2U)

I have used this website many times for my computer faults and, my problem is always listed on this website. It's a very good website, I rely on it so much, keep up the good work! And thank you for helping me with my computer issues. Yours Respectfully, (Mark)

You have just saved me money again, THANKS A MILLION..... Best Regards (Paul)

I've been using Computer Hope for about 3 to 4 years off and on. Its a great site for us that are not expert. It saves us $$$ and time. Keep up the good work. (Bob)

On behalf of Apple I want to thank you for your great website. (Apple)

Couldn't find the bios boot menu but went back and looked for it again after your help question said it should be there - and it was! Thanks for the help and getting me back on track again in Albuquerque. (Mark)

Just wanted to tell you "THANK YOU!" your site just helped me rectify an "NTLDR" error on my daughter's PC! I feared that I would have to format, till I Googled the error & found your site! once again..."THANK YOU!" & keep up the excellent help! (Dwane)

Just wanted to say thanks for the count down script, really helped and really works! Cheers, (Chris)

I just want to say that what a pleasure it is to find such a helpful site on line. Computers can be frustrating at times for those of us who struggle with the more technical details. Your site did a swell job of listing the steps one by one to getting my problem (no sound) solved. Thanks, yours is certainly a valuable asset to the Internet, you may have noticed, not all sites are! (Jim)

Lot of Thanks to your team, you provide a great support for a very little hurdles. Once again lot of thanks & hope that this mission go ahead & ahead. (Satyanjay)

Great page, simple to understand, and really specific, good work and congratulations to the website staff. Wwhether if you want to know or not I like a lot the MS-DOS command and I cannot read it complete it, but I will. (Addscons)

Good site!...It's been a long time since I visited it but it's back to my bookmarks and this time, I am subscribing to our newsletter. (Tarawa)

Thank you for your help my daughter need the printer to due her school home work. (Yolie)

Easily navigable website. Very intuitive for an average computer user. Thanks for still having basic MS-DOS commands with their proper syntax variables still available. (Anonymous)

First time user, and pleasantly surprised. (John)

This site is a life saver - Can't thank you enough! (karleen)

Needed to know the syntax for creating an alias on my Mac. Made a Google search for "Unix .alias" and found the answer on your site. Thank you! (Anonymous)

THIS SITE IS GOOD! Thanks for the Free Help. I hate site that offered paid help, it makes us want to hack that site.. Anyway, Good help, I enjoyed it here. Good jobs! (DensS)

Glad to have found you. I am very interested in acquiring Linux, as so frustrated behind numerous attacks on windows these last 5 or 6 years. You have great info. comparing the 2 systems/pros and cons of Linus itself. (Azureblue)

Easily found what I needed and applied the info. You should show M$, _this_ is how to write a help file. (Anonymous)

With your help I solved in five minutes a problem with the spool that our "experts" used all day with no results. thanks. (Celso)

Thank you for being here! I'm a new, very basic, HTML user. I had no training whatsoever and part of my new job is updating the articles on our website. I'm telling you, I knew nothing about HTML. Your site has been so helpful and so easy to use. Thanks again for being out there for us "HTML Dummies." (Kathleen)

I like a site that I can rely on for 'free" information. I'll be back again. (Anonymous)

my best experience yet (5,6 years of trying to find info like this.) That I can use Thank You VERY Much!!! (Roy)

I just found your site, its just what I was looking for, a place with simple to the point information. I AM LOVING IT! (althehelped)

The solution you gave worked OK and even better than the one I got from MICROSOFT support. (Amihoof)

I looked you guys up thru Google and boom. there was the answer to my "missing NTLDR" haha so simple. BUT you guys showed me the light!!! Muchas gracias from San Antonio, TX! (Jorge)

I was having difficulty with NTLDR while I was setting up hard drives in a new computer I have been assembling. The problem was that the hard disk was not empty and clean of any data. I got this idea from you. The 2nd problem was how to reformat. Seagate disc was not cooperating. After tinkering, I discovered that there was an incorrect IDE setting in the BIOS. So I am back to normal again. You have a lot of good advice for other situations as well. (yb)

Wonderful information! It gave clear and understandable info on exactly what I needed and clearly guided me to where I wanted to go. Thanks so much, it helped me fix my video card driver issue with boot looping. (Jeff)

Was trying to find a exterior picture of a hard drive. I was taking one out of my old computer and wanted to make sure I got the right thing. (June)

I've looked everywhere and this was the ONLY site that gave me the right information. Thank you! Keep on the great work. (Akasa)

For two days looking over countless websites to build time variable in the format hhmmss. Using in ("%time%") instead of in ('time /t') did the trick. (Merwin)

Really easy to find the area code I was looking for. Thank you for the service!! (Jonathan)

Just in two words, Computerhope is a great website, no more comments or recommendations, everything is good on this website. Just go ahead and make it greater ;) (AS31)

Very useful resource, I find myself on this site often while studying and making my lab reports for class. (Chris)

Very pleased. Help solve a problem very quickly. Will bookmark this site. (Martin)

I am computer stupid and have a lot to learn. This site on how to keep my computer clean is great!! Thanks. (Gregory)

You guys really helped me a lot. thank you so much and more power to you. (Marcus)

I am pleased that I found your site as what I am reading in my course work is now making sense. (Jeanette)

I thought all my computer questions were unique because of my limited computer knowledge. But others seem to have the same difficulties. Thank You. (Page)

The best "human engineered" computer help site I've ever used. Thank you. (Keith)

I wish I would have come here - I just paid 100 bucks to a guy in town and it still didn't work. I looked up there error here and it was there! (Sandy)

Well written, and very detailed and easy to understand. (Niebr)


Cool helpful website, thank you for your efforts. (Leekenn)

Resolved my problem within 5 minutes, assistance greatly appreciated. (Dan)

THANK YOU!!! The diagram & instructions were just what I needed to "see" how to resolve my PC problem. (DaBrain)

You are the only people to explain the procedure with an explanation of the result at each step of the procedure. Thank you. (Ken)

Great site, first time user, found it very easy to understand and use. (Anonymous)

Thank you SO much!! It was very difficult to navigate my computer with my screen flipped on a lap top! Thanks! (Ashley)

I really learned a lot of new terms. (Jedward175)

This is a very useful site for locating the slang for the net and many other things. (Ali)

I had a couple of questions and it was easy to find and not complicated. Thank you. (Anonymous)

This site gave me the simplest and most comprehensive answer. (James)

I Googled for my question, clicked on a link to this site first, and voila! I found my answer very quickly. This site is laid out and formatted nicely and nice to look at, which made me want to look in further. It's not too simple or fancy. (AlbinoWhiskers)

I am so glad I found Computer Hope. It is providing me information I didn't know where to get before. Congratulations for this wonderful site! Thank you. (gonzalezh23)

Very Good & Very Useful. Simple plain English and easy to read and understand. Good looking & Navigation Interface. Thanks a lot. (Vals)

Thanks a lot cause I been fighting this for weeks and people wanted money to tell me about f8 key that's not right you saved us a lot of money and headache they told me to buy another windows 250$ cd thanks again. (Justin)

This site is on par with other great sites such as Google and YouTube. Every single thing I needed to find regarding computer Jargon is here. Well Done!!! (Cinder)

Great work... Keep Expanding your work and one day you will outdo the other sites... I am preparing for a computer related quiz and the information is highly relevant for me... especially the jargon and the quiz.... Excellent!! Keep it up... (Angad)

I have put up with my glaring screen for 6 months!! Thank you for info to adjust it down a tad!! I will put you in my favorites x x (Jayne)

Nice and easy instructions!! thank you!! (Eurogirl)

I just would like to say thank you for your CH000465 "NTLDR is Missing" article, it was very useful and in 5 minutes I had my system running normally again. (Luis)

This is the first time I logged on to your site. It is very useful to every learner. (Peter)

Surprised as 'h' that I could find a reasonable answer for LOL just by typing in those few letters in Google Search. (Larry)

This side is excellence to help student who want to learn more and more about to computer. Thank you very much whose made this. (Sanjay)

Thank you, for your information I was able to fix my computer, I'm from Venezuela. (Luxther)

Very Impresses, I am only 14 and I needed to know the HTML codes for colours because of me creating my website, and they were here and very easy to find, so thank you!! :) (Ashley)

You answered my question plus other questions I didn't know I had! (Peggy)

Great site, please do not spam me :-) (TalkRadio)

I was looking for switches to allow me to list the dates and sizes of files within a directory, to be saved to file for analysis. Found it! Thanks! You've been bookmarked! (Laura)

Awesome service! The suggestions provided were right on and I very quickly resolved my issue because of that. THANKS! (Steve)

Thank you, I am a new computer person, need much help It is nice to have help like this. (Betty)

A simple thank you for a fine job your doing for people like me who have almost completely lost there minds trying to figure out why this machine does what it does. OK be well. (John)

I had that question for a long time and could not get the right answer. Thank you Computer Hope. (Gonzalezh23)

Awesome I found what I needed with no problem. (Dan)

This is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable sites on the Internet for obtaining help with one's computer. It has helped me many, many times. Thanks to all who contribute. (Melvin)

Easily found out where someone called me from. (Buddy)

I just love this place, it's is so good... First - No ADS. Second - Easy to find the information I need. Third - it is the information I need, not just some facts and a story and a story. its good inf not bad.. OKAY. keep it like it is! keep up the good work! ;D Luck! (verner)

Thank you very much, for the solution is very helpful.(OeyZone)

I took the time to read all the previous postings. I wanted to find out if others had a similar problem. I found out what I needed to do to solve my problem. Now, I need to do a clean install on my computer. I ordered a Win98SE floppy to do the install. Thanks! (GNSS)

Just want to say: thank you for existing. Googled DOS Commands and there you were - easy to follow. Thank you, whoever you are and how ever you're sponsored. (Eleanor)

This is nice it really helped a lot! (Rosh)

Your instructions helped me more than my class materials. Thank you. (Calicupcake)

You were first in line at google for my question.... your solution was perfect, I am up and printing again. Thank You. (Ralph)

Looking for the command line options for a DOS command - easily found, many thanks. (Bruce)

Congrats & Thanks. The site is amazing. Good job! (RV)

This is excellent, thank you. (Sue)

Computer hope is good & very nice to have. (Roy)

The information/ instruction given by you was helpful to me to get out of a bad situation when I really wanted it. Thanks. (Ajith)

Keep up the good work!! (Ray)

I was afraid to handle hardware but you give me confidence to try the jumpers and Problem solved! Thanks!! (Juan)

Thank you very much for helping people to solve their computer problems. You are doing a great job. May GOD bless you all with happiness, joy and prosperity. (Amit)

Your website and info is simply the best I have ever seen. Thanks for the best service. (Mark)

The most comprehensive and easy to navigate help i have ever used. The most pleasant and least distracting web pages. Very easy to read and understand. (bug)

Keep up the excellent work!! (Festus)

Massive help for college work thanks. I will Definitely use the site again. (Mr. Johnson)

Fantastic.. The problem was resolved in one click.. It was of great help. (Soumojit)

Thank All. My Favorite site for adding you to their new 'Educational Tab' and keep up the good work. VERY GOOD SITE YA HAVE HERE. (James)

I'm very impressed, and glad you all are here... (jbrjaw101)

I have used Computer Hope for over five years. Excellent website (Daustin)

Fantastic! Thank you. I learned more on your website in half an hour than, well, ever before. I just wish I'd known you existed sooner. (Pat)

In here I got lot of information. Simple and very easy.(Shamnas)

I did a google search for "how do i kern in Microsoft word" and your page came up. It was simple, concise, and exactly correct. what a refreshing change! thank you so much! (vanessa)

So much easier than any other website. I've been to to locate desired content! Great job!!! (Kimberly)

Good effort. The context had a very simple and was an easy to understand concept. (Rosh)

I think this your program will be a very big opportunity for many people so please keep it up. Thanks (Tayo)

I am impressed with your interactive site. It is a big help to students and other general users. Keep up with the same. Thanks God bless you (Dida)


I had a very pleasant experience finding the information I required. Thank you. (Susan)

This is a great site for people like me who have limited computer knowledge, and need help. (Jay)

Thanks for the dos command list. It is most helpful. (Trent)

Thanks to this I managed to get from a google search of "3 beeps computer not working" to a simple cost-free solution. (Rory)

Good site I will use again. Thank you. (Zenda)

The information is brief, concise. Not like other boring books that give you a paragraph of definition. (Pin Fat)

Instant fix - thanks!! (Tony)

Wow! I am truly impressed! PLEASE keep up the great work! Ya'll have an Awesome Day! (ArcH)

Thank you. I hope that all your customer information will always be available on the net. God bless you. (Sirlord)

Experienced 3 beeps when booting up PC. After reading up on your site I removed the RAM reinserted it and hey presto! Many thanks keep up the good work. (Nigel)

Easy-to-follow website. Thank you. (Kathleen)

Thank you very much for helping me to use a dos command to list all directories on my computer. You're a life saver! (Steve)

Fantastic preparations. I wanted some details on computer. I was wondering where to ask. Here is the answer. Great job done by your team members. Congratulation to you all (TN)

I have visited your site regularly. I am on a learning curve and find your site extremely informative and very helpful. Many thanks to all concerned. (Tever)

Great Help from your site. (frnzcoe)

Thank you for this website. I've used DOS .bat files probably 20 years ago, and so hard to find current resources on it. This is a great website with easy-to-understand information. THANK YOU! (Leslie)

Well organized site and information (Jonpv18)

Thank you so much your website is the best. (CJ)


Excellent and so simple to use plus very informative too (Osova)

I used to visit this website daily, and i have learned many things. I really appreciate the work of those people, who have built such an informative and impeccable website. (Shaks)

Thank you for the clear feedback, it really helped me a lot. (Maggie)

Nice! quick, easy to find. greatly appreciated. (Rhae)

Thank you so much for your advice, I downloaded ccleaner and it not only got rid of the Trojan horse in system restore but also got rid of something called E-FATICIDE.EXE which I had to end task every time I turned on my computer. I will definitely recommend your site to others. (Lorraine)

I'm getting it finally -slowly and tentatively. Computer Hope is invaluable. (Jestersflunky)

Thank you for being here. Glad I found your site, it should be most helpful. (Richard)

About this site every thing is clear and easy to get. (Ahmed)

I have just googled my query and found my answer in your site. From now, I will just directly enter in your site to solve my computer related problems. Thanks a lot. Keep this going. (Adeel)

I'm glad I just discovered this site via Google. I will be sure to return again! Thanks for providing free help! (Lisa)

Keep up the good work, you people rock! (Ashu)

It is nice to knew that we have a service like this to help people around the world. The support that you gave to us is more than great. So I thank you for assisting us. (anonymous)

Thank you for your help. Your answers were straight to the point and easy to understand. (Ann)

Simply an excellent website! I'm currently learning Linux and your site gives the best, clearest details on all the Linux commands I need to use, especially when I need something on a production box it's been great having your advice one click away - a real confidence booster. Thanks!! (Bawhead)

Never knew about you guys before. thanks a bunch. (Ed)

This is a good site, thank you. (Debbie)

I find myself coming back to this site now and then for help on this "outdated" technology. I guess it's not so outdated after all. Thanks for the tutorial. (Terri)

Great INFO! Many-Many THANKS! (Mark)

Keep up the good work !! (Oinky)

This is very good website to help any user. (Rajib)

Really great site helped me sort my problems by following your step by step guide. Thanks. (Dave)

Very informative and clear. (Sunfish)

Precisely what I wanted to know. Many thanks. (John)

The information provided by you is so simple and Understandable. (Sumiya)

Keep up the informative work. (Dianne)

Thanks for the help, I was able to get a link to the site I needed in seconds and a quick download and setup later my problem was fixed. (Clint)

I got the exact and precise answer. (DJ)

Keep up the good work! (Uenaven)

Thank you. It was clear and accurate and helpful. (Anonymous)

Thank you for your help. (Nelida)

Google'd how to split a text file in Linux, you were at the top of list with the split main page. Got me pointed in the right direction. Thanks. (Jeremy)

I was cleaning my keyboard when the page turned sideways. Rebooting didn't help, but your site did. Thanks! (Monica)

I really like this site. Thank you. (Marshall)

I love this site (Elijah)

Haven't tried to look into what it told me.. but I got the general idea. I was trying to find out what Dr. Watson is.. thought it was a virus, but it wasn't. :) So I am very glad this was here to help me. (Laura)

It was very easy to use an the information was very clear as I am a computer novice, thank you. (Mac)

Thank you very much for the information! It was extremely clear and very readable. More importantly, it was effective in resolving my problem.(M_Geek)

The information was simple to find and was explained very clear. THANK YOU. (Macca)

Very good instructions. (Garrigan)

Thanks for the help. I wanted to know how to add to the PATH variable and I got it in your place! (Sriram)

Thank God we still have people who have preserve the wonders of DOS. We sometimes get swept away by the new technology and forget the roots where it came from. (Victor)

Thank you sir/madam for creating this website. I am a BETC IT student at a 6th form. The questions and answer type pages has helped me to understand clearly what I am doing. I don't have the basic in IT or English so it has been hard for me to understand things. Thank you very much for creating this I am sure you have helped many people in this way. (Jejames)

Keep up the good work. Fine business, excellent. (Chris)

It was of TREMENDOUS help! THANK YOU! (Annie)

Thanks a lot! (LLD3)

You are the best. Thank you. (Besfort)

Once I figured out the right way to ask the question, I got my answer in easy to understand feedback. Thank you. (John)

Thanks. I was struggling to find a simple way to do this. Thanks a lot for the help guys! (Yacine)

Good to see such a compact way of solution. Thank you. (Arun)

Continue your success. I have a great respect for your site. It is very useful. (Hany)

I needed a piece of code and it was found easily and the explanation was excellent. Thanks (Tony)

Excellent experience in determining the domain name of an attempt at phishing. Thank you! (Anonymous)

I'm having trouble with the NTLDR missing thing, and my LIFE is on my computer. If I were to boot from my CD would it erase my hard drive as if I were reinstalling windows? Just something I couldn't find, but thank you very much. This site is a life saver. (Riannon)

Keep up the good work. It was thorough and yet concise and to the point. (John)

Good job helping with my job! (Richie)

This is probably the best site ever in the cloud. Few years ago it was toms hardware, then Annoyances.com. In my book your the greatest. How might I contribute to the site: Paypal (Charles)

Been having problems, but your website was fast for me. going follow directions. (Joan)

Thank you for all the information, I know nothing about the computer other than turning it off and on I had it for repair and everything works except I am having problems with CD-ROM drive and your site answered my questions, so when I call the repair person I will at least be able to tell what the problem is and that I did troubleshoot, so again your great specially for non computer person !!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dorothy)

Thank You for helping me to learn about Safe Mode in windows XP and solve a problem. Good INFO to know and HELP others like me. (Mapi)

Very easy to use, well put together information. I will definitely look here when I need information of the computer kind in the future. The HTML Color Codes page was very nice. (Justin)

Very easy website to navigate. (Tim)

Outstanding site. (Ken)

Who knew that the NTOSKRNL.EXE missing or corrupt" message could be caused by a bum keyboard? Thanks! (Anonymous)

Worked extremely well. Saved my tukus. Thanks very much. (Gary)

Good job guys went quick and easy. (Nate)

I'm new at this and it helped me understand a little more about using the computer!! (Gerald)

My PATH has been broken for months and months, but thanks to your help I fixed it within about one minute of the time I started working on it. Why didn't I come here sooner?! Thank you! (kpl)

I would just like to say thank you for providing this sort of help online. I actually have 2 desktop computers that ran into problems. I have recently revived one thanks to this site, and currently trying to figure out how to fix the other one, which I believe has something to do with the HDD (I think that is what you call it) that I had taken out, and tried to put back in but can't remember what wires were to get plugged in because now I get a different problem that says disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. Haven't quite found something that helps me yet, but am grateful for the help of the other one. I can't stop saying thank you. I am so Happy. (Twon)

I really like this site. You made it very easy and understandable. Thank you. (Kenny)

Trouble with mouse, followed all instructions on here.. cleaning, using keypad to move mouse, etc.. very helpful.. mouse seems okay but I probably need a new one as it still acts up sometimes. (Cankuwin)

Your site is simply excellent. I was browsing through it more than anything, but I was very impressed with how the entire thing was set up. Thank you very much for all of your work. (Mrs. Ross)

Thanks so much. You guys are amazing. I got my answer in about 30 seconds. Thanks! (Chrissy)

This is a very informative site and I enjoyed working with it. (Tina)

This site was sweet! thank you so much! (What?)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You made it so easy to fix a big problem for me. (Dolores)

What an amazingly excellent and thorough help website. I could not believe it when I first logged on. You make up for all the bad experiences I've had on the Internet. (Al)

Thanks for your help, NTLDR missing, sorted by your web page I was tearing my hair out, thinking of having to do a complete reinstall. (John)

Thanks very much for providing simpler to read information than the man page on du and df! (Anonymous)

A extremely good site for beginners or for guys who don't know much about computers but want to know. (Ashley)

Keep up the good work, guys! Thank goodness for people like you and a website like yours. I can't thank you enough for having this info available for us! (Erika)

Just located your site. Very nice. Plan to use it often in the future. Glad I found you. (Joe)

Even though I knew what was wrong and how to fix the error, I needed instructions I could print and give to a friend so that they could fix the problem themselves. I found a link from Google and the information was perfect. There really is no way that it could be any better. (Andre)

It is really superb r for clarify the computer related queries, thank you very much for this site, yours help is always needful and useful for us. Thanks and regards (VENKATESH)

Thank you x10! There are many websites, but few are able to communicate intelligently and concisely, technical information. (New2computers)

It worked great!! Even a senior citizen with little experience did it. THANK you for your excellent site. (Paul)

Glad a friend told me about this site! Still computer illiterate. (Tommy)

I Love your guys website I have found the answers on here for my project in my 4th hr. computer class thank you guys very much I appreciate very much keep up the good work on this wonderful website.... (Shannon)

Thanks for the lifeline! Glad you guys are there for a quick ref, troubleshooting, or just plain useful info. (Anonymous)

Love it! fabulous! (Katherine)


Thanks for the help - I have you bookmarked. (Wendy)

I love your site its super I will be back for more and more!!! (Marajadetn)

Very good services. I was able to quickly locate the data I wanted. keep it up. (Arun)

For the first time I found a website that delivers clean answers with no strings attached. Good info and very helpful. (Manuel)

Much better than the Microsoft support pages. (Maria)

How about Thank You!? I've been trying to find a simple answer to my search for the last 90 minutes and finally found my way to your site. Blessings on your head(s)!! (Tb40)

Great info! it really, really helped me with a banner rotator! (Tom)

I like this website and I would like to date the HTML programmer of this site!! (Pumpkin)

Excellent. Actually I have lecture book that provides similar instruction but it's hard to understand or to follow up the instruction. thanks for the support. (Tu)

I hope to associate with you can improve my education of I.T. (Danieal)

Keep up the good work ! Removing Hacker tools with my antivirus led to a corrupted boot.ini and all I got when I turned it on was missing ntldr. good thing my GF's PC is still running. :-) (Capurnicus)

Thank you. your site was very worthwhile and helped me to make an important IT decision. (Shona)

Thanks for the help, it was simple and easy to access! (Leg0nd)

It is nice to know there is a place to go to for help. (Admiral)

Your information is neatly spread out. I am specifically looking at certain things in certain time frames and your organized time line was extremely helpful. When I found a certain topic and wanted detailed information, there was a link right there in the text I was reading for me to click on. Thank you for all you've done. You've made my visit a great experience. (Alexis)

Thanks for the support... your website save me hours of reloading time. (G. Arp)

Finally actual answer's. Thank's. (Jim)

There was no sound coming from my Windows Media Player - Itunes and everything else was fine. Of course I began stressing out and couldn't find out any information from my computer's Help and support. Thus I turned to the Internet and your site is the first link I clicked. I followed your advice to: "move the slider from left to right." It solved my problem!!! Thanks so much. (Rosie)

Looking address for Trend Mico. Amazing so many businesses do NOT want to list their address on every web page. (Dennis)

Thanks to this website, I know can troubleshoot the problem in my computer by myself. (Zack)

Thanks for such an innovation may you please keep it up. (Jozemoze)

I found what I was looking for perfect. Thank for the help. (Robin)

Helped me pass a test! (ToolBox)

Computer Hope has always been a great source of information about PCs and other media and is a credit to the developers. Thank you for you constant help and info. (Oclane)

Wonderful easy access. (Chelsea)

Thank you for great websites, by HDD got corrupt Boot section, and I hope I will be able to fix that by your help, if not, new HDD will be needed, so not your fault, very very good help - thanks again. (Negru)

An excellent site also for those new to DOS. (Humaira)

Thank you for having this website! I had a very annoying problem, but it was solved easily by another board user! (Starwind51)

Nice simple web design, informative, and easy to use. (Peter)

Easy to understand. Quick solution to my urgent problem. (Catherine)

Thanks your site saves my laptop. (Radwtch)

I wish I had known about you earlier!!! (Tess)

It's quick, easy and simple. (Shamika)

Solution in first paragraph. (Sean)

Thanks for that, I may be able to learn something finally. (Nosovina)

Excellent! I googled "Show Volume Control On The Taskbar" and you were the 2nd choice. I followed your directions & now the sound is on the taskbar. THANK YOU! (Lilkunta)


This article totally saved me! The computer I had been using suddenly had a flipped screen once I came out of the program, and I had no idea what to do it wasn't my computer!! Thanks to your helpful article, I was able to locate what I needed (though I could not find it where the article said and had to dig a little deeper) and rotate the screen back to its proper position. Thank you so much! (JBK)

Very easily I got the answers and I already suggested about this site to my friends. Thank you. (Liby)

Excellent. very good. Carry on. (Drnayan)

Thank you so much, you really helped me understand whatever chatter are talking about I used to feel like so stupid, but now all I have to do is search the word in your website! keep up you awesome work! Love (Atheer)

This is the kind of website I have been hoping to find! Thanks!! (Sara)

I just wanted to thank you guys for having so many solutions to my questions lol appreciate it! (MattX)

Good enough to save to my Favorites folder for easy use next time. (Jammie)

More power to the wonderful staff of Computer Hope. (Cris)

Thank you, it helped with my college assignment. (Jerry)

Great, in one search I found what I was looking for. (lj)

Very helpful - just what I was looking for (makes a change!!) (Ribenagal)

I knew from past experience that the information would be available here. Thank you. (Daukamp)

Thank you for a fix to Norton AV 2005 worm protection. Could not find the solution at Symantec, but you had a functional solution. Thank you again. (Terry)

Thank you for invaluable help, which (together with a Tesco value PS/2 keyboard rather than my USB one, which is useless until Windows is up and running) resurrected my PC in no time! (Stephen)

You saved my hard disk! (Desmond)

Thank you for your clear instructions. It is a pity Microsoft can not do as well. (Lyall)

First Google result I got and I didn't need to go anywhere else. Easy site to navigate even though I know next to nothing about HTML. (Johanna)

I am about to start a systems software & utilities course at University - as a very mature student I am trying to get ahead This site is very helpful. (Jim)

This is an excellent website, particularly for "dummies". Thanks. (Pat)

I am a recent Mac convert and was looking for a shortcut key for a legal citation, and well, apple didn't have it, but you did! Thank you so much, you really helped me out. (Amanda)

Very helpful, tons of good info. (Clintongaddy)

Googled it and bam this was the straight answer was able to locate my answer and get my comp up and running in no time. (Jorge)

Excellent explanation, + examples, thank you. (Messenger66)

You people really help me very well, I am also a computer tech I repair computer printers photocopiers scanner and other computer Accessories, but all this whale I have been looking for these related information to update my self, but Thank God and you for providing such site am very happy. I am a student at UNIVERSITY OF MAIDUGURI BORNO STATE, READING MATHEMATICS/STAT. (Nnaemeka)

Many many thanks for being here I am new to computers and this has solved one problem so expect me back again to solve the others again many thanks. (Stuart)

Fixed the problem on the first try. Thanks to all. (Bikeboy)

I was able to locate within seconds the answer to my problem but have still got to try it to see if it resolves the problem but I like the site could be a life saver to someone like me who has difficulties with all the technical jargon. Thanks. (Vicki)

I just wanted to thank you so much, your article saved my PC I was that close to format it and loose all my stuff when I found your site! thank you! (Elazar)

Thanks so much for your help. I'll be back. This site is appreciated greatly. (Becky)

It was easy to find your site. maybe just luck. But then the very first paragraph had a link to the website where I could download the appropriate program. The program is simple and effective. Thank you so much! (Charles)

For some one over 65 it is easy to follow and find what you are looking for. Thanks. (Jraby)

Thanks for the post - I found everything easily. (Jupeto)

Great website. I will inform my fellow Unix students. Thanks. (Sue)

This site is a wonderful source for online help on Unix commands. Thanks and keep up the good work. (Viru)

Google sent me here after I asked for "chmod example" - the man page is a bit vague. Thanks for this excellent resource. (John)

Love the dictionary ! Clear and concise definitions! (Lawlisrn)

Thanks for creating such a useful and good site. I really enjoyed being here. (Priyanka)

Site was very helpful with a lot of tips to common and random problems, will recommend to others and I will also save this site in my favorites. keep up the good work! (Marvell)

Keep this up! you saved me hours of time! (Gmcclend)

Maybe try to make navigation around the site easier to search for information. But overall I find this site (Computer Hope), especially the dictionary a valuable tool. Thank you. (Francis)

I was referred by another member and the problem is well tackled here. Thanks for your help. (Bernie)

Ultimate search on computer knowledge. (Anil)

Perfect directions and easy to understand!!! (Judy)

Thanks for the help provided. When I have more queries I will come back to this site. (David)

This site has organized itself efficiently, and does the task it sets out to do well. (ScarySquirrel)

I was constantly getting "active desktop recovery". I didn't know the magnitude of my problem because it lasted so long I purchased a new computer. I just couldn't get rid of the stupid error message. other solutions online seemed to cause results I couldn't go back to fix it it was the wrong thing to so. Your solution seemed simple and safe enough for me to try without screwing up something else. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I may give this laptop to my brother now. (England)

You have a great site.. I'll be using it more than enough.. I love it.. it explains a lot for me.. (Craig)

Thank you for the "readable and doable" information. (Pete)

Very Good Explanation was available for my problem. I think I could resolve it with the help of the information from your site. Thanks & Regards. (Anand)

Excellent trouble-shooting site, which I will add to my bag of tricks. Thanks! (Charlie)

Don't have any suggestions for you - found your site while searching and was very impressed with layout and detail. Thanks! (Chris)

This is a great website! I am a college student currently taking an IT class. I have to complete a Power point assignment, in which I had to show a time line for the 5 generations of computer languages, I have been looking high and low for a website that would put the information that I need in language I can understand, when I ran across your website I knew I found what I needed. Your page on Generation Languages has provided everything I will need to complete the assignment. Don't worry, I will be sure to cite your website as my main resource and also recommend it to my other classmates. Thanks for making my life a little less stressful! I have already bookmarked your website in My Favorites. Thanks for being there! (Bebobb)

I came to the page with the information I was looking for from a Google search. So, I can't comment on the structure of your site, but it was very easy from Google. (David)

Yes now can you help me with getting system restore back on a gateway with windows XP as simple as this was to get the volume back. Thank you your place was the best. I looked at others and they were speaking a language I did not get. I would highly recommend your site to others. I will post a link if that is okay on my personal blog. (Scott)

My taskbar has been on the right side of the screen and driving me crazy for days.. you had the solution in one quick search via Google.. and I did not have to go to the evil Microsoft site. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! (Jane)

Thank you so much for providing a service to help us computer challenged people. (Ducky)

Thank god for people who built this site... Don't know what I would have done with out it! (Sandra)

This is an excellent service, especially for older computer users like me. (Peter)

Thanks for this great site. My difficulty was because I didn't know how to search properly. But, I eventually found my answer. Thanks again. (Anonymous)

Excellent web page and a wealth of information. (Amos)

I am so great full that this info exists. I am a novice @ computers and this information was easy and very comprehensive. (Karyn)

Very useful site. Windows changes small things and its help is not very useful. So, thanks for your tips. (Nk)

I thought that it was very helpful and easy to understand keep up the good work with this site. I will certainly be coming back to this site for more handy tips about my computer. (Carol)

Since I am just learning how to use a computer, I would recommend this website to everyone who is learning-like me! (Gilda)

Great Site. I am always reading articles here, trying to understand and fix my own machines. Thanks much for Great site. (Leonard)

Wow, I am so very thankful for this website. It's been too long since I've had to work with Win 3.11. My hubby wants to play his Dos-based D&D and we're using a 486 system, ensuring the CMOS thinks we're still in 1979... (LadyDi)

I would like to say that I liked your website tremendously there are very few the are easy to use besides the price is right. Thank you making this information available to me. (Ralph)

I am new to the world of computers, and just got used to the old p2-350 that I started out with and now my son got me a new "21st century" system as he calls it. Just want to say that your site has been a great help. Thank you. (Paul)

I am just setting up Linux for the first time so I was pleased to find this site with the commands all written out. (Llthrash)

Superb. Clear, concise. Made simple. Many many thanks. (Dale)

It is very helpful especially for people like me who work in an airlines business. I have recommended this website to many of my colleagues from different departments and everyone said that this link is very helpful. (Emily)

Great help finding syntax for DOS commands I remember, but forgot how to use. (Chris)

I haven't used your site very often in the past, but it answered my questions very quickly and understandable, thank you. (Patrick)

Thanks a lot the service was very useful. (KENvas)

Great site, I had driver problems and the site took me through the issue really well. (JJ)

Brilliantly simple-total nerd stuff elsewhere, MS included. (Don)

I started with a headache because my grandma was asking me to help with something that I didn't know how to do, (disable login password) and I didn't expect to find the information easily, then I got to this site and the information was easy to understand and seemed like it might actually work and wasn't a trick to get a virus onto my computer. The headache went away. (IfDragonsExisted)

Great. Please pass on my thanks. (Rona)

Thank you, I was able to find my video driver. Big help. (Mansoor)

Keep up the good work, I managed to complete my assignment. (Spinky)

Very helpful in pointing me in the right direction. Helped me to solve the problem. (N/A)

Thank you so much for providing this. Was very helpful and has become easy to remember too. (Zoreen)

You guys have a very organized and thorough explanation(s) to problems. I really appreciate the help and the way you guys lay out the multiple problems and solutions. Thanks again, I wish I ran across your page a week ago, I would have saved myself literally over 30 hours of frustration. (Happig)

First time here. Had a simple problem of task bar and notification area changing sides on me. I clicked on everything but the clock to move it back. Thanks for a wonderful site. Solution was so simple a cave man could do it. Wish I had found your site years ago. (HB)

A regular user of this invaluable program, having no formal training. Computers had been building sized when I was at school, not far from the AEI works where the first transistorized computer had been developed and housed. Computer Hope is a standard feature on the quick launch bar of my computer. With all regards and thanks (Leiam)

Nice website, Hope it stays here for years to come. (Anthony)

I would like to thank you for your help regarding the NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM boot hang-ups. I was really able to understand what's wrong and then restore my computer to my previous state without any of my PRECIOUS data being lost. You guys are doing a wonderful job ... and thanks for all your help. PS: Now I know that formatting the PC is not the answer to all problems! (AJ)

My daughter is in love with a very old computer game and I just couldn't get it to work until I visited this site. Thank You Soo Much!!!! (Samith)

I have fun reading the articles in your website I hope I can visit your website more often. My suggestion is please send your articles more specific than ever and if ever will can your website have a registration form so that you will know how many subscribers your website have., Thank you very much.. (Kristian)

Thank you for helping me solve my computer issue. (John)

The steps and help provided are simply great. I had lost the hope and you saved the day. Keep it up. Thanks a lot! (Parag)

Can't believe my issue was actually one of the FAQ & quickly & easily resolved. Thank you!! (Mary)

I could have saved myself a lot of worry had I came to your site FIRST. Thank You. BOB. I have been receiving your letter for a long time. (Hender65)

Thank you. This was the second time I used this site and you are very helpful. (nannybutzer)

Provided answers that I had not been able to locate anywhere else. Wording was easy to understand. (Gin)

I just Googled the question and your site came up with the answer. It really helped- thanks! (Anita)

Thanks a lot! I found the problem and was able to resolve it! (Philippe)

I Googled a problem I had and this site was the first to appear. I found answers to many different situations, all of which were helpful to me in solving my problem. (Adam)

That was almost too easy. (Bob)

Your explanation was perfect. Usually (with other websites), I have to reinterpret some of the instructions, but your instructions were exactly correct and fixed my problem. Thanks!! (Beth)

I use your site to look up all kinds of info, its great! (Jean)

Hello thank you for having this site as I was setting up a windows 98 computer to play old dos games so I needed to write a config.sys and autoexec.bat and did most of this from memory as I used to do this all the time however I did not remember the lines for loading the CD-ROM in dos so your site was very helpful as your sample config.sys and autoexec.bat files were just what I needed again thanks so much and I am glad I found this information. (Marc)

I searched everywhere for the name of the pipe, or vertical bar and I came across quite a few lists that included everything but! Until this website, thanks. (Lynann)

Sure am glad I found this reference site, as I am pretty unlearned about computer-lingo and know how. Thanks. (Phillip)

I asked for the answer to one DOS question and was led to this site. I really would have needed further help. Your site is and was a blessing to me and saved me the time and money I would have spent sending my Computer in to be serviced. Thanks (R)

It was very informative during my search and easy. I'm going to use this site with my 7th and 8th graders in computer lab. (Jean)

As usual easy, fast to find what I needed to know. Nice work guy's! (Bobby)

The information I found was great, you provided everything that I needed. Thank-you. (Bubbles)

All I had to do do find this information I wanted was do a MSN search, found your website, found my information, and applied it to my computer! You were a lot of help! Keep up the good work! (Gavin)

Computer Hope is so interesting I just like to look through it about different problems. I am using Windows 98 but can no longer get updates so am going to get Win Vista & need to learn all I can about it. Thanks! (Sandy)

Praise God for you and thank you kindly for being there. I accidentally threw away my son's Program files. There was no DOS prompt at all. With your info I looked in CMOS and found that A: was set up as 360 KB, 5.25". Totally wrong for the 21st century. I may have other issues as I go, but it's nice to know that you're there. (Evangeline)

Found you all on Google looking for HTML Text Color. Wanted to make my text red in a comment I was leaving for a friend in MySpace. (Csmgj)

I did a search with the word's Computer AND Task Bar, this site was the first one I looked at No need to look any further, fantastic and thank you. (Brian)

No where else told me as much as easy as this. brilliant. (Anonymous)

Thanks, your site helped me a lot. I found what I was looking for within seconds on accessing your site. (Mr. F)

I had my suspicions but the information here helped confirm the source of the problem. Thanks. (Steve)

Fantastic, never formatted a hard drive before, worked a charm with your info thanks :) (Paul)

We have been looking for this problem everywhere and could not find proper answer. You are the best. Anyway my problem was my screen rotated 45-degree. Thanks again.. (Anil)

Would have been easier if I weren't a novice on an old computer. I'll let you know how it went after I replace the CMOS battery, which is exactly 10 years old! I've learned so much more from your website. I thought I was going to have to buy a new computer as this one was going down while I am searching for a new job online. So now I'm way behind on that but you've taught me how I might save this computer for now and some money I'm afraid to spend. Thank you for being there. (Connie)

Thanks a bunch! The Help & Support on my laptop didn't help but you did. (Laurel)

Your site is very helpful I'll be using it very often. keep feeding us with the information. (Thomas)

Good job, been looking for this solution for couple days, even msdn did not recommend this solution. (Christopher)

Many thanks for providing easy-to-find instructions where Microsoft didn't! (Charlie)

Nice, Thank you! Very simple steps and it worked fine! (Magnum)

Perfect! good website layout. (CMSCOMO)

Very interesting site, many thanks, I am training to be a PC engineer. (Shaun)

Excellent content and very exhaustive. Very helpful for anyone who wants to know everything regarding computers. (Novi)

Been looking to use Win XP Repair Utility for along time, now with your instructions, I was able to do so. (Asbed)

This website is excellent! I had to double space my report but I didn't know what it exactly meant. Then along came Computer Hope who showed me how to set my Microsoft Word to double space and then gave me a definition of double space! Thank you so much!!!!! (Lost in Homework)

I really appreciate your efforts, this e-library is filled of USEFUL information, which really helped and still helping me to find the required details. All the best \ Good luck. THANKS Again and Again. (Bu3ly)

Thank you so much, you guys have made what seems so complicated to understand for some of us newbies really simple and understanding. Keep up the good work. Cheers. (Anonymous)

I have found this site "by accident" and find it will be helpful in the future. I have no needs right now, but am putting it in my favorites and forwarding it to family/friends for their use. Thank you. (Maureen)

My first visit and I don't think I could have hoped to find such a complete solution thank you all am saving you to favorites. (Simon)

I'm going to revive some of my old systems and will need HD info. to set CMOS. This website presents much info. in an easy to access format. (Dan)

It really just turned out to be cables not connected tightly. We feel pretty stupid, but it's nice to know that there is a site for people who know just enough to be dangerous. (Patricia)

Thank you!!! This was the first website I looked at and was able to find what I needed so quickly! (Michelle)

It was really helpful I automatically found the answer to my question. (Mariama)

Wow! You guys are just about the ONLY place that has the answer to my problem, and you were the first link out of thousands that Google found. I am truly impressed! The issue I had is found in issues/ch000646 and the solution was a keyboard problem. Nobody else has a concise answer to that issue and I am indebted to you for your help. (Stephen)

Out of 120,000 pages you had the solution from your site. Well done. (Paul)

Thanks, it beats going to the PC store. Now, how can I restore my desktop? It is frozen from the Control Panel. It will not change. (Kiki)

The information provided on the site is fairly through, I was looking for help related to Unix, and was able to find the same. Keep up the good work! (Pinksnow)

Thanks for having info on Conner CFA540A. (Anonymous)

It would be impossible to make this site any better! (Joan)

I was wandering from different sites just to find info about networking 'til I found this excellent site. I am satisfied all the information I had found on this site. thanks! (Jim)

I thought I would be stuck in another nightmare of spending hours trying to find an answer to an obscure computer problem, instead, once I found a link to this page, had the answer 1,2,3. Thanks a million. (Fred)

EXCELLENT!!! Very Satisfied! Thank YOU! (The Napster)

First time here and got what I wanted..... nice!!! (Ozzie)

I am learning many simple functions from you guys that I did not know about. Thanks. (Aubrey)

This site is so excellent!! It is worded so even someone who doesn't build computers can understand what they're reading. I'll definitely keep your page for future info. THANKS! (Virginia)

I Stumble on to your site looking for some answers. I found everything I needed. Thanks. (William)

Friend called me with "Cannot find NTLDR", Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, to restart. Looping. Found solution in copying NTLDR and NTDETECT files from XP CD to C:\. Thanks, Your site is a Great service! (John)

Great informative site! Wonderful, thank you!!! :) Sincerely, (Brandon)

I am learning HTML, and at the bottom of the page you provided me exactly what I needed, a table of the colors with the codes. Thanks for keeping it simple. (Dan)

I am greatly satisfied with the result I got. (Mengistu)

I hope your website will be forever. (Amie)

I'd like to say thanks you guys, at the beginning I cant start up my computer but after reading ALL the text I realize that was so easy to do it. At the end I used my XP CD to repair the boot section of my PC. Keep Going, (Ernesto)

Computehope is wonderful site for everyone it's very easy to use information about the computer world. (Tapan)

This was so excellent, simple yet effective. Thanks so much! (Sandala)

Thank you for your page on Post and Beep codes, was a very big help. (Shawn)

I LOVE THIS SITE. I mean it. (Chris)

Wow! this was pretty impressive, I'm sitting here with an old commodore Intel laptop and messed with the HDD in the bios, then lost the disk information. Did a wild search on Google and your page with the Conner cp-2064 details pops up. (Lars)

Thank you so much every other site didn't address what needed to be done to get my problem fixed after 5 minutes on your page my problem was resolved thanks so much. I love you guys! (Denise)

Nicely found by Google, needed to refresh my memory about .bat files. All I needed to type was "bat %1" and your site was first. (GaryC)

The best information and trouble shooting website I've ever used. I don't even bother using Dell diagnostics. (Gary)

Lexmark makes their phone number hard to find, and their staff has almost always been rude. You guys are great, though. (Jesh)

Thank you very much, it was a life saver! (Dave)

My problem was in the CMOS fixed easy with your help thank you. (Gary)

Thank You Thank You Thank You, I have been trying to capture screenshots form my PC and for some strange reason Paint had disappeared. In my poking in Google I ran across an article that mentions a virus also has the file name mspaint.exe, so I assume Norton removed it. Then I saw your "How to Install Paint" article in a Google Search. Thank you! (Robert)

Thank you so much, my roommate is very happy that this article resolved the problem for now. He called because my computer is beeping when I logged into it using remote desktop. I tried a ton of different things, but this resolved it. After finding this article, I called him and woke him up at 3 AM to find out if the beeping stopped; it had. Thank you! (Jason)

Thanks! I do medical transcription in a Word program, but when it comes to anything else about computers, I am at a loss!! (Brenda)

I work as a developer and your site is incredibly helpful as a reference for all manner of things. Half the time I know it can be done/have done it before but it's so long ago I can't remember the process (in this case, queuing dos commands). Thanks for such a great resource - it's really appreciated. Warmest regards, (Simon)

Thank you! I found the information I was looking for in a very short time period. (Bruhah)

Very well sign posted, clear descriptions, no jargon, easy to understand, nothing you could do better. (Scott)

Everything was very concise. I will recommend this site and use it again. Thank you. (P.J)

I found what I needed right away. No Hassles, no pop-ups. Terrific. You have just been bookmarked into my Favorites. (Sean)

Oh man, you saved me from having to install Windows for a fourth time this month! (JohnnyBoyShoots)

I'm teaching myself from scratch, this is the most clearly written site I have found for the tech-lingo inexperienced. (Cari)

Very good site. Easy to use and not too basic, either. Provided me with good information on DOS commands - actually, your info. was even better than Microsoft's! Keep it going.. (TwoXero)

I was able to figure out a problem that I'd spent a week bashing my head into a wall over. Of course it was only peripherally related to my original method, and I had to rewrite the whole script, but hey, it worked and that's better than it was before I found this site. (Dreadnought)

Excellent site for us IT Consultants requiring tools from time to time. (Rocco)

TY so much, I thought that the HDD was going bad in the PC that I am working on. This confirms it. :) Many Thanks for a wonderful site. (TinMan)

spoolsv.exe has using an unusual amount of CPU time over a long period. Your page on the subject nailed the problem precisely. (Doug)

Thank you for saving the day. (Ted)

WOW!! After 5 hours over 2 days with SEVEN Dell personnel and my "unmountable boot error", all they wanted to do was reformat. I was going to try to slave the drive and nearly ordered a new computer today, since my daughters wedding pix from Saturday had not been backed up and were "lost" in the crash on Tuesday. That chkdsk /r found and fixed it and I am back, copying pix as I Type. I cannot thank you enough!! Sounds hokey, I know, but all too true!! (Christy)

Bloody marvelous site! (Dave)

Thank you for having such a great and helpful sight, I'm working on getting my CompTIA A+ certification and I need to finish working on my dos packet, this helped me get it all done, thanks for the help again. (NaiNai)

I think this is a very valuable website and many people will be glad of it. (Glyn)

My computer crashed and I thought I lost all of my files. Thanks for helping me relocate all of my missing files. (R)

Many thanks. I lost my NTLDR files on an important work notebook. (Resulting in the PC not booting.) Your advice worked exceedingly well. (Philip)

These simple instructions helped me to speed up my computer significantly and saved me from forking up $60 for a Geek Squad checkup. Thank You! (Katie)

I appreciate your sharing of knowledge. Thanks for adding, in the memory help page, the part for identifying SIMM boards by their numbers. I really appreciate your work, thank you! (BinaryDNA)

Many thanks for this very good support. (Fred)

I am taking Information Technology classes and I forgot a lot of things..... your site is an excellent source for remembering. Thank You. (Carla)

THANK YOU!!!!! the whole story is that I was surfing the web. I then had some trouble connecting to the web, and then I lost Internet access completely. I took my computer to my uncle (he's great with computers), and we tracked the problem down to spyware. we checked, and there was this thing called 'whagent'. what is whagent? well, luckily, we did a Google search on it, and we found out, thanks to you. Thank you!!! now my computer runs fine! Once again, Thank you! (Gray (aka Goose))

Thanks for this resource, it's been ages since I had to use many of these dos commands and I don't use it often enough to retain the proper syntax. This site is such a help in those instances where I'm editing bat files! Thanks! (PTmon)

I just have a home computer with Internet phone. I stumbled on this site trying to find out a cause for a possible corrupt driver. I have an Internet phone and have unexpected loss of Internet connections, which leaves me with high and dry. Before buying a new modem or router I decided to uninstall the modem and driver and reinstall them. So far so good. So we'll see. I could read for hours on your site as you have so much to offer. I am a 63 year old novice and want to fix these issues and learn if I can. Thank you. You are a permanent shortcut on my desktop. (Pat)

I'm student of computer repair At Robert Morgan, Miami, FL. and looking at your material is fantastic all the information. Thank a lot and Gob bless you. (Felix)

Thanks. We dumb bunnies need all the help we can get. (Pyromet)

My runtime error (r6025) re. real player, your answer re. a money program but maybe I'm on the right track now. Your newsletter looks way above my head but I'd like to try it. Thanks. (Jerry)

Thank you for the info on missing NTLDR. Because of your info I went back loaded My BartPE disc and copied the files from the Hard drive service pack file and WALLA. Thanks again. (Fulton)

I couldn't get my new LCD monitor to display anything. So frustrating and I didn't want to bother anyone over the weekend. I Googled "external monitor laptop" and your page: REFERENCE NUMBER: CH000801 How can I connect an external monitor to my laptop? Was top of the list with an answer that worked. Thank you, much appreciated. (Peter)

This site was perfect. It had exactly what I needed. Thanks! (Anonymous)

Thank you it was better than I was hoping to find! (Julie)

Most helpful site I've used to explain Linux commands. (Anonymous)

The color graph was helpful, and it was once used in our school. Not only do I love your website, but so do my friends and teachers! (Magsi)

Your site is excellent. I was able to find the info I need in just a minute. Thank you for your service. (Randy)

Thanks for coming to my rescue!! (Dave)

Indeed a very useful site for all level users of this wonderful machine ever invented on the earth. I really found it extremely useful when some one follows the dictum Computer help those who help themselves, keep up the good work! (Prakash)

Really it's amazing to see this site because, I got all the details which required for me in single site. (Yogesh)

If find this web-site very helpful. I have passed it on to a few people. (Janine)

I always visit this site! I have friends that live all over the country, and this helps me out when I need to get in touch with them. Thank you! (April)

Best site I've found to get an answer to those nagging questions. (Radar)

Excellent stuff, concise and idiot proof thankfully. (SPC)

Excellent site 5 sec the CPU was fixed, thanks. (Paul)

********GREAT SITE!******* Your pages are very informative. My main concern is getting enough information so that I understand the topic well. Many resources geared to explaining/instructing on tech subjects don't provide enough details, leaving me as confused as I when I entered. They want to avoid overtaxing lay people I guess, but I like places that provide depth for when I need it and if there's more information than I need I just skip over it. (Rachele)

Thanks for the help, glad to see a website dedicated to helping people with there computers! (Owen)

Well, I'm very impressed with being able to find terminology so easy! Wasn't heard of in my days. I'm at school studying about computers and TRYING to get my head around the computer gabble! Thank you for making it so much SENSE that even I can understand as an "oldie" ....simple, clear, understandable and I will be using this site a lot more, its well worth it, Well done to whoever you are out there. New Zealand Grandmother.. (Mrs Campbell)

Thank you so much. my little brother took apart my laptop and when I put it back together I couldn't get past the set up screen. and since my regular house computer is old, and does not have an updated version of Microsoft, it was really hard to start projects at school and then bring them home to work on it. my laptop was the only close to updated version I had, and your site helped me figure out that problem. Again, THANK YOU so much!!! you guys are the best! :D (Angela)

It was a wonderful search. There were no problems at all. I did enjoy the search. Please do keep it up. (Wacue)

I'm a Unix newbie, so I have a hard time deciphering some of this stuff, but it IS very helpful. (Kerri)

Typed in cleaning computer and your page came up before Google listed any thing. Glad I found your page. (Frank)

I am usually satisfied when I look for info or help @ ComputerHope. (Anonymous)

So much info can not take it all in at once. Need to revisit. (Mdbergman)

Thanks. Info is well indexed and easy to locate. Keep up the good work dudes. (Nilesh)

wow. can I say HOW impressed I am? I wanted to just get info on creating simple text in colors and actually SEE the colors and you had both. this page gets a BIG 10/10 from me! (Heather)

very good site. You have taken good care of user's convenience. (Rahul)

I'm a computer idiot but at least it told me what to try, if the simple answer doesn't help I might have to get an expert as I don't understand BIOS setup. But thank you, I will check there is no disk in that the computer is trying to read. (Anonymous)

What a revelation to find you, whoever you are and wherever you are, how refreshing to find someone who actually does know what they are talking about, but more important puts it down in in a manner that can be understood by some one who is not very computer literate but is able to isolate their problem, with your help. Also gives timely warning if things are likely to become very technical. (George)

Thanks for the great info it helped a friend in need out very much. (Patrick)

This is such a great learning tool for me. I got a new computer and all of this stuff is foreign to me so the dictionary is great. (Me)

Thanks for the great site. It has proved a great resource for finding drivers, among many other things. The excellent and easy-on-the-eye layout makes me continually recommend your site. Computer Hope has a permanent place on my bookmarks toolbar! (Jon)

Many thanks for your excellent help! (David)

Very pleased to see computer help that does not put its hand out first. (Glyn)

This website made fixing my computer's problem so easy, which is saying a lot, because I am really ignorant when it involves computer matters. Thank you for such a pleasant experience. I am book marking it for all of my future computer needs. (Shafes3000)

Thanks. You've done something I dreamed of doing in a book, but at a broader level. (Wendy)

Best walkthrough yet. I thought I'd lost my server for good. (Schaefjw)

I was able to find answer to my question very easily. will always search this site first for future queries. (Niraj)

Helped to brush the cobwebs out to recall what used to be everyday life in DOS. (Anonymous)

Answered my question in a simple, straightforward way. Couldn't ask for more. (Simon)

An awesome site you guys have here. An amazing service, I had accidentally deleted my NTLDR files and had to use the boot disk to re copy them. I would have been lost without the easy to follow guide! Thank you again! Great thing you have going here! (Jonathan)

Great Website!!! I searched for 3 hours trying to find the answer on how to rotate an image on page load and failed on every explanation until I came to your website. You made it easy and I figured it out in no more than 3 minutes. THANK YOU!!! (Alisa)

Your instructions for moving the Windows taskbar (which I accidentally moved) are more accurate and effective than the directions given by Windows Help. Thank you. (Maryellen)

Thanks you are a life saver. I had an issue after making a change to my BIOS and your site helped me get to a bootable state again. Many thanks. You are now in my favorites. (Chris)

Thanks that was the easiest thing I have ever done... (Dale)

Well I loved it. I will be here everyday. (batteries not included (joke)). (Marcia)

I couldn't believe there was anyone out there that could solve my problem, honestly I couldn't believe it! thanks. (Robert)

Perfect I needed to take away the password of a .pst file and it worked perfectly. (Walthertje)

Nice to have a place with answers to your questions. (Bllyrog)

Thanks for the inf.. I'm new to the computer world but need to learn the basic things if I'm to continue future business adventures. I do plan on taking another computer class now that I have a little more understanding regarding computers. (Anonymous)

This site is a life saver!!! (Ripeseed)

Thank you, I will need to go through all you suggestions and then come back to see if I can correct the problem, can you recommend where to go if I need to have my computer repaired? thank you once again. (Linda)

Thanks so much!!!! never heard of "bootcfg /repair" anywhere else. (Mrush)

Great site!! I will tell others about it. Thanks for being there. (Pat)

I had an old Acer server that I was repairing. In CMOS screen when power shut down. No response when power came back. Hint about holding F10 restored bios and boot. THANKS! (Carl)

Your website is just beautiful! I wish you much success in all your endeavors! in love, (Bill35)

Was on the phone for three hours with HP Support to hook-up a network printer. They finally told me the printer was bad so I returned it for another. They simply didn't know what they were talking about. With you help and 90 minutes I'm all done THANKS !!!! (Vic)

Really great, typed the screen message into Google, got to this site and read what to do. BiNGO. Problem solved in about 2 mins. I shall certainly add this site to my favorites. Thanks a lot. (Clare)

Appreciated having support for the Opera browser. (Eutectic)

I was so fortunate to stumble accidentally upon this site, because not only was my original question and answered, but other issues that I did not even know about were addressed. Also the clarity and use of layman language in the articles is especially beneficial to "newbies", such as myself. (John)

Just found this site but it answered my questions about "F" keys and different programs shortcuts in one place, thanks!!! I have bookmarked this site. :) (Susan)

Thanks indeed. its an excellent service for a person like me who is entirely new to computers and I'm always puzzled with different problems. (Jarban)

I am the beginner & I could easily understand and follow. it's wonderful and most helpful for beginners like me. (Subbareddi)

I am not a "techie" Your website is a great, user friendly resource. (Janet)

Found the link using Google and went direct to the information I needed. I'm a hardware weenie, but need to get programmers specifics sometimes to help them debug and I may be back.... (Ed)

As a non-English speaker, I can easily find resolutions to my problems. Thanks a lot!! (Bill)

Told me all I need to know about CMOS error. Good service. (Robert)

After searching for the best part of a week and getting nowhere I eventually came across your site, and what an absolutely fantastic site it is. There is no dilly dallying or beating about the bush, only good common sense help, which, for any computer novice like myself is very much appreciated. So a massive thanks to you all. (Pat)

Simple but not verbose or condescending. I'm a computer programmer, and I found it informative, and straight to the point, but simple enough to appeal to me as a human. The fact I'm even taking the survey shows my satisfaction; I never take these surveys! Keep up the good work. (Joe)

I was trying to print a directory listing. However, my printer does not use LPT1 or whatever, but eventually I found the answer with the 'print.txt' option. Thanks for this. (Anonymous)

Thanks for your simple answer. I just happened upon this site with a quick Google search as to my question. There have been times in the past that I have googled questions and ended up at sites that require a membership and a fee. I thank you for your free advice and hope that you will always keep it free. (Rob)

You saved the day, my IT person is in Juarez until Sunday and I needed the computers up today. Thanks so much. (MGOSSETT75)

The info on getting screenshots was very useful. Thank you very much! I pasted the screenshots into MS Powerpoint. I could then easily disseminate vital info to my friends. Thanks again for providing this service.:-) regards, (Darren)

Thank you so much for the help in saving/backing up my favorites file onto my external hard drive. I searched all on my own computer before I went online and found the answer I needed here on your site. Thanks so much for doing what you do! I'll be back next time I need help. You're the best!!!! (Susan)

it contained exactly the information I was looking for with regards to the use of characters in long file names. (Swaitesr)

Once again you've scored a direct hit! The information was easy to find and explained in a simple way. Your website is so user-friendly. Thank you. (Michael)

Your site is a real help on the net!!!!! I was able to find the information I was lookin' for almost instantly, while on other sites I could find only a BiG_NOTHiNG. I'm a beginner in scripting and commands even with full description are usually hard to use/understand first time. On your site I found an excellent example I was able to use/understand/modify - (it was "How to use the set command as a substitute for the choice command in Windows 2000 and Windows XP" :) So in this matter - it would be great to see more of simple examples after commands descriptions. And thank you for your work one more time!!! Best regards, (Dmitry)

Even the Microsoft help desk was unable to assist me, but Google went straight to you and my small problem is cured. Thanks. (Hilton)

Your website was the best! I was able to find most of the stuff I needed here. Good job and keep up the good work! (Hikari)

Pointed me to RedHat as a system behaving as I would expect, enabled me to see what the -M switch in useradd was for and to work out how to use the Debian version that was objecting to it - I think. We will see whether it really is the solution when I try it. (DrC)

First time I visited the site to find information on using DOS. First experience GREAT. Found what I wanted right away (DOS COPY) EASY to save to disk. Now I have to study that and then sure to come back for more! Then study rest of info on site for site details. Thanks, (Jack)

A friend was having trouble with his computer at his home and I couldn't answer all of his questions, so while he was trying to get his computer to operate and I entered PC in my search engine and found your site. Excellent source of MEGA information. Thank You. (Miss Nina)

Your website is a wonderful source... don't no why it took me so long to find and use it... Thanks for being here!!!! (Bill)

What a great service, thank you very much. I Typed in "my taskbar moved" on Google and you had the answer. I appreciate it. Apparently you know how real people ask questions! Microsoft should hire you. (Smokeyboy)

I was looking for some info on a Linux bash command. Your site was offered by Google in the first place, and it wasn't wrong. thanks! (Anonymous)

This site is just great!!! I know it is sure to be one of the most visited sites on my travels. Thanks for all the help!! (Breann)

That was the fastest I have ever gotten the right answer to help me fix something on my computer! thanks! (Miznobody2u)

Thank you so much!! I have been asking EVERYBODY how I change my screens brightness and no one knew or couldn't help me. your site helped me find the keys I need to! thank you so much!! I REALLY appreciate it! (Alicia)

SO easy. I needed to know how to backup my favorites and it only took me 3 minutes to find, read and backup. thanks so much!!! (Kate)

This was really great My daughter needed to make a time line, and we found everything we needed right here. Thank You so much. It was really simple. all the way from Hilo, Hawaii. (Natalie)

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you! I had a big problem and you guys were the only site that had useful, comprehensible info. To summarize: 1) I couldn't boot OS X - some weird problem unfixable by normal means (kept booting into the command line) 2) Forced to reinstall OS X but disk too full - needed to delete some files 3) No other Mac so only option was to use Terminal/Unix. 4) EVERYWHERE I looked to try to find a simple thing like deleting a folder gave TERRIBLE unclear advice. 5) Your site was the ONLY one I found that gave clear info on how to locate the folder and delete it. Thank god! And I learnt a bit of unix in the process. MAJOR POINT: PLEASE keep up with providing the examples. These are key. All the other advice I saw (usually in forums, and full of unnecessary verbiage and chatter), were problematic because of the fact that each person used their own idiosyncratic way of describing the commands. Your site gave examples that showed ONLY what you actually type. This was key for me. One thing I did get elsewhere though: the need to put directories/filenames that have spaces within them within quote-marks. In the end this knowledge was crucial to the solution. Perhaps you already have a section that explains this but if you don't already it would be good to have a page for 'basic unix syntax (grammar)'. Again - THANKS! Your standardization and consideratness in explanation saved my bacon! (Steve)

As always your info is right on!! I find your site the most helpful since I'm always working with OLDER computers that no one else wants, since your site starts at the beginning of computer world I always find what I need or at least get pointed in the correct direction. Thanks again!!! (Greg)

Was having trouble with a "runtime error" message while opening MS Word from a ZIP file. With the instructions from your website, I deleted HP update from the start up menu and the problem appears to be solved. Thanks for being there. (Joel)

I am astounded to have ACTUALLY found good clear information about what I wanted to do. It was SO clear that I was able to combine commands and even exceed what I thought was possible. i.e., I was able to obtain even better results than I even realized were possible. AND -- I did it without once cursing the authors of the information, OR feeling frantic to control the urge to destroy the PC!!! (Anonymous)

The levels of frustration that are normally engendered by reading Microsoft's own "help" files are dangerous to the health of the PC owner and the PC itself. Sadly, this kind of frustration causes one to swear to never try anything new again. Sad indeed, and terrible marketing. The more one knows about computing, the more equipment one will buy!!! (Anonymous)

They (Microsoft) obviously owe you MASSIVE royalties for all the computers you have helped people want to buy!!!!! (Anonymous)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! (Mickey)

Not much to say besides Thank you! I had some sort of ad ware (whagent) running in the background, I knew that it didn't belong and that I had been getting random pop-ups so I Googled it and your site turned up first. Your page was very informative, straight to the point. I got rid of the unwanted program in minutes. Again, thank you. (Kevin)

I am greatly impressed by your online service of imparting education of Computers. I got very well ordered notes of MS DOS commands. It was so easy for me to make notes on commands, otherwise I would have been finding them long in books. Thanks a lot It is really great (Rajanvir)

This site is very good for computer persons who want to learn and teach something about computers information. This site give the answers of the questions up to mark. (Imran)

My son recently broke the screen on his laptop, so he bought a new one. Thanks to the simple, clear guidance on your site, I have now connected an old monitor to his old laptop, effectively giving us a free perfectly usable spare computer that would otherwise have been disposed of. Thanks again. (Alex)

I was looking for help on Internet / Networking commands. I could not believe the amount of other PC information on this site. I can now delete the other links. Great Job. Thanks. (Manfred)

It worked like a charm!!! Thank you so much! I've been using the Recovery Console and Ubuntu to try to replace the ntoskrnl.exe file when it wasn't it at all! Thank you again! (Sebby)

I had never heard of your website, then had an error where NTLDR was not detected on my laptop. I searched for the problem and your website was the number one hit, and for good reason it seems, it answered all my questions and more and is now bookmarked as a great resource for any information I need about my computer or anyone else's that I am working on. As an experienced computer user and former technician, I have not found a more valuable free resource. Thanks! (Tony)

This site has helped me learn information about my new computer that the employees at the store where I bought couldn't answer me questions. So thank you for all your help!!! (Victoria)

Thank you for your help, I was afraid I'd lost my 1.5TB of data!! Excellent page, and simply laid out, very easy to read. (Yuey)

Your website is the best site in the whole universe. I think there is no predecessor of you in this world. (Deepu)

I just want to say that I am about as computer illiterate as they come and thanks to your website I tore my ThinkPad apart and reset all of the BIOS passwords and now I'm reinstalling windows and should have this thing up and running in no time flat. THANKS Computer Hope!!!!! (Nate)


English is my second language, and with this kind of web pages my life in school is a lot easier. Thanks a lot, keep up the good work. (Hugo)

Thanks very much for making this jumper info so readily available. This drive has been out of service so long that I could not remember why I took it out. Now I know. (Jam)

Absabsabloodylutely wonderful experience. To have help simply explained and to have problems and websites at my fingertips is unbelievable. Many Many thanks. (Hans)

I looked for and I found straight forward meanings for all those little words in the "boot.ini" which in Microsoft's answers are so couched with protectionism as to make them almost unintelligible. (Thomas)

I'm so glad I was able to fix the boot.ini file from Recovery Console. It saved me from having to reinstall windows. Due to a malicious software that after I set the boot ini file to restart in Safe Mode to get rid of it, It stopped me from being able to boot up. Before I could boot I had to set the ini file to normal again. This allowed me to do so and save me countless days of lost work. Thanks. (Scott)

Pleased to know that I can learn even more (history) here. I will be putting your website in my Favorites. Thank you. (Jean)

I have used your site for many years especially when working with DOS, which I really enjoy, and your information is always up to date and always gets me out of trouble more times than I can remember, thanks for being here!!!!!!!!! (Greg)

Always pleasant to visit your site. Always helpful. Keep up the good work. This site is perfect for anybody looking for information Regards (Robert)

Bringing up a new AMD-5400 / ASUS_M2N build, and starting an UBUNUU-LIVE install your help was spot-on! I got the "feared" NTLDR error ... your site came up on GOOGLE and immediately advised re-ordering the boot-drive to "CD". Of course! But I didn't think about it. Heck I've got a room full of computer parts ... I wondered which one I didn't install!! Any rate, nice work guys, you're now in my BOOKMARKS. (Ray)

I'm a computer ding-bat. If I can figure it out, it really is idiot-proof. (Hindemith)

I find that when I ask a simple question concerning my PC the answer leaves me more confused. Thank you so much for answering my question in a way that I fell informed. (SMILE) (Vidiana)

This was very difficult for me to handle, and without your support and/or your knowledge base, I am pretty sure I might have had to give up. Thank You all. (Rogman)

You've saved me much time, for which I am thankful. Have spent hours on tech sites without finding the answer I sought. Your site delivered. Cool! (Tree50)

I wish I had known about free ways to make PDF for an on-line computer class I'm taking. Since I don't' have Adobe Acrobat, and couldn't justify spending $300-$500 on those software's to e-mail three pages of homework, I had the worst run-around of using the Adobe Acrobat on-line PDF service for $9.99 a month, and spending $55, purchasing the Scansoft PDF Converter 4. It turns out the Scansoft PDF doesn't work for converting files to PDF. It's used to convert PDF to Word and Excel and good for editing. Anyways, better luck next time to me. Thank you. (Doris)

Thank you, really thank you, now I'm on the air again, thanks (Engendro)

Websites such as yours are invaluable for someone like me, who has a programming background, but who never got his hands dirty with PCs or networks, but now needs to know everything about them! (Anonymous)

Ntldr missing error message -- scared the heck out of me. I found a floppy disk and wanted to learn what was on it - forgot to take it out of the drive (DUH). As soon as I read through your 'fix list' I realized what I'd done. Thank you. (Lloyd)

I searched Google for this information many times. When I tried their "Advanced" search option, the first suggestion that came up where your site. This information is very important to me as I am building my very first website and need to be able to include a subject line in the mailto: field to distinguish from which page e-mail is sent. Thanks! (Wollie)

This website is one of the best on providing information about the right stuff you need. I highly recommend it!!! (Egide)

Great Site, keep up the good work!!! The only thing that you need to finalize this website and make it the cream of the crop would be certification information. Overall, I'll give Computer Hope a 10 out of 10!!! (Brown)

When I got that ntoskrnl.exe windows 2000 "Blue screen of death" message on my computer, there were definitely visions of replacing my hard drive and/or operating system dancing through my troubled head. With the advice of this website, I unplugged my keyboard instead and kit the reset button. Booted right up. Who'd of thought it..... Not me..... Thanks. (James)

I really like your 'History of Computers' its REALLY fascinating! Hope this community never dies! (Tranc3r)

Very nice clean site, easy to navigate. My first time here. I'm book marking it, because I'm researching notebooks to find the best one for my needs and the jargon can get confusing. This looks like a good place to obtain relevant info. Thank you. (Elaine)

I wish your resources were more publicized. It offers a great service! (Thom)

Never can find info on Microsoft, but found this info in minutes. Very easy to understand and carry out. (Code this)

Great site, I needed a little "refresher" for DOS commands and got exactly what I was looking for and very much to the point. Thanks for keeping DOS information "alive". I find DOS is really the thing to use when trying to fix things once and for all in a very simple way, rather than fighting dragons with Windows. (Pat)

THANK YOU. I don't no anything at all about computers .In fact I've only had one a few weeks. And I could not for the live of me remember my password. But thanks to your website telling me how to move my jumper. it was a complete success. THANKSYOU. (Peter)

Thank you very much for a very good site, easy to locate, easy to find. Thank you. (Mdana)

I was not knowing how to run a bat file in timed interval. But when I googled, I found this site and it's really a good guide where we can easily track the solutions. Thanks. (Zubeir)

I can follow the steps you give to me without any problem. Thanks very much. I enjoy the way you explain answers. Keep up the good work. (Kgaogelo)

Thanks for clear and competent explanations of the many variations that can, and do come up! I already subscribe to your splendid newsletter. Thanks again. (Dougair)

Excellent website - especially for us Sr.Citizen's!! Thank You for offering all the excellent info.!! It's fantastic!! Easy to use, easy to understand - no Geek Speak!! Greatly Appreciated!! (Sebastian)

The logical and simple 'matter of fact' presentation is very, very good. I am a novice with computers, therefore the straight-forward approach you employ is just what the doctor ordered. The relevant detail you give, coupled with the easily understood explanations and underlined links, are a revelation. Well done and keep up the good work. (Anonymous)

Very nice site, well laid out, excellent help. Beats Microsoft's website any day, and several others. Who wants to navigate through a message board for this stuff??? (Tyler)

Found your site for the first time and I just love it, wish I knew as much as the person who supplies all the answers. And I can't believe some of the question. lmao. I just sit here and read. Thank you. (Chaboot)

Problem was driving me crazy for 4 hours. Your site helped me find which unknown PCI Device was missing the driver. I was then able to get the driver, install it and be on my way to finishing the rebuild. Great Site. Thanks!! (Doc. John)

My daughter had a mouse failure yesterday and I was trying to find out how to navigate the window with keyboard strokes. It has been too long since I had to use that method. Your article did the trick. Could not remember how to maximize the page. Thanks. (Herb)

Most of us "noobies" don't know what the IDE or EIDE is. It is easier to say the BLUE connection on the Motherboard is the primary and hooks up the MASTER hard disk and the extra end hooks up a SLAVE CD or SLAVE hard disk. The BLACK connection is for making a CD-RW or other devices work if they are jumpered to MASTER. It took me a while to get it all, but thanks! (Masterdon)

Thank you for creating this website. I can now teach my student about troubleshooting computer hardware using your site without using necessary books or any materials. Just this site is enough already. (Reggie)

I am almost pathetically grateful for the help; my problem was terrifying me. Now I have the confidence and knowledge to solve it. You run an awesome site. (Ouroboros)

I THANK YOU and my children THANK YOU! They have been driving me crazy without the computer. Don't know how we came up on the error message system 32\ntoskrnl.exe but after trying everything next to purchasing a new computer you have given me the answer and saved me some $$. Thank you and I will pass this on to family and friends! (Jayne and kids)

I loved it, I found everything that I needed. and it was so simple, like just a snap of my finger, now I can get an A+ on my school report. Thanks to Computer Hope. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE WHO CREATED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) (Faith)

I'm so happy that your pages were those of the first returned in Google. I found out that my "problem" is not knowing how to work Fdisk right. I'm on my way to getting the most out of my dual-partitioned hard drive. Thanks! (Lisa)

I wish I had found this site about five hours earlier (smile). I am assisting my grandson with a project and this site provided all the answers he needed; it easy to understand terminology. Thanks. (Reta)

Wow this site saved my life and the money in my wallet. I was going to throw away my monitor ($850) but I found this site. Thank you all so much! (Corey)

This has probably been the most logically laid out basic help for Unix that I have ever found. The fact that you translate better known DOS commands to their Unix counterparts was wonderfully helpful. (werewolf_nr)

One of Microsoft's updates took all my games and paint programs off. With the help of your site I was able to restore them, Thanks!!! (Dave)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! My laptop is my baby and when it wouldn't boot up, my heart was in my throat! But you helped fix it and gave me all the info I needed. *virtual hugs* ;} (Sharon)

Excellent, and direct, important information was emboldened, no fuss leaving the beginner stuff further down and links to helpful articles for those who have no idea what to do. An excellent website as always and usually comes up in my Google searches for computer woes. Keep up the good work guys! (Xeijin)

Total life-saver! XP installation crashed and only had a W98 on a slave drive. Reinstalled XP but PC insisted on having slave also connected as the NTLDR file was on there. I needed the slave connection for my drive with files on! Your site enabled me to reinstall NTLDR and BOOT.INI on the correct drive and away I am! Bloody fantastic! (Feenee)

What a masterful work! Congratulations. With your permission I would like to share your site with the teachers in my school district who are teaching digital graphics and animation. (Gil)

Was needing to know how to disable the GMA900 video on Intel D915GAVL and install a video card because of problems on the original MOBD that couldn't be fixed by downloading new drivers. Game displays do not fit on my screen. (David)

My keyboard was behaving strangely in that keys where not working properly or unexpected. Thanks to Computer Hope I located the problem in a dirty Windows Key that was stuck. I removed the cap and cleaned underneath and now my keyboard works fine again. Thanks allot for the simple and clear guidelines (Marco)

Thank you very much for the site an info therein. I have been pondering exactly how to clean my LCD screen ensuring no damage to picture. I dreaded having to maybe return to standard monitor. Your question/answer has given me the confidence to do what is necessary and how. Thanks again (Stc911)

Very useful!!! Managed to revive a dead machine! Many thanks. (Gar)

This website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. I found so much useful things here. Thank you. (Smit)

Wow, honest and safe information. No gimmicks, this website rocks! (Michael)

Am really grateful I located this site. My personal next step was loading up the PC and taking it to the neighborhood technician. Thanks, (Laurel)

Thank for making this valuable information available to the public. (Sveta)

You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it. (Bill)

It is simple only with a good question, or by keeping eyes open while looking for computer programming items or other important ones. I'm rather happy to find this much very nice collected definitions. (Niels)

Disable Keyboard Power Key - Simple solution that worked straight away. I tried other solutions but they were very complicated and sometimes didn't work. I will revisit your site again! (Zerocred)

It was a great pleasure for me to visit and enjoy your site. Keep it running! (Kimadio)

You people saved my butt. I got the "NTLDR is missing" message after we lost a phase of our power at work and my computer shut off. I followed your instructions and it worked immediately. The biggest problem was locating my Win XP CD. Thank you so much. I will recommend your site to all of my employees. (Scott)

Keep working on those screens for the bios, it helped me to explain things over the phone to my GF who's building her first computer. (Miles)

The wording of the instructions assured me that I was not an idiot for making my mistake and that it was easy to fix. thank you! (Monica)

You guys are amazing! I had a problem with the "Missing or corrupt NTOSKRNL file" I went CRAZY! I have VERY important information on my computer, business information etc. Without it my business would have been destroyed. But I just followed your directions to remove the keyboard and, WHOALA it works now. Thank you! (Andrew)

I have great interest in computer and its application. For the time being I am taking a short course of maintenance and upgrading. I hope I will be able to ask you some important information from your side. Really I appreciate for you website. It is good for beginners to understand. (Kaleb)

I've been trying to find a web sight to help me better identify computer parts and your web sight has by far been the most useful thus far. (Cj)

I LOVE the way that when I search on Yahoo that your pops up on the second line. Your guy's site was my first and my last site to visit for this. I bookmarked it as soon as I saw it! Sincerely, (Jon)

Perfect... exactly what I needed when I needed it. Easy to navigate to find the info and even helped me fix other annoying issues in the process. (Steven)

Your website answered my question on how to backup my Internet Explorer favorites perfectly and I accessed your website through it being a top response to a Google search. Thank You Very Much. (Brad)

I was about to buy a new laptop as I thought this one was on its last legs. Then I asked the question and you gave me the answer as how to restore the brightness, It was like a miracle. Thanks a million. (Derek)

Great site :) This is what it's all about people helping people. Thanks and God Bless. (Ray)

Thanks To Everyone ! Perfect Website for The Poor Man Trying To Learn The Basics!!!!! (Rj)

This is a excellent source for windows help! Who ever put this together did a wonderful job! Thank You!:) (Steve)

I found just what I was looking for. I also use the HTML color codes all the time. Great site, thanks a million! (Johnny)

Simple search on Google brought me here, straight to the answer, after hours of trying to solve the problem on my own! Many thanks. (Woody)

Thanks to the creators and workers of this site. I easily fixed my problem and I couldn't have done it with out you! (Nick)

Just wanted to say "thanks" to you for the great site... sincerely, (Sheldon)

Excellent website! I was trying to rebuild an old computer for my daughter and found just what I was looking for. (Scott)

Oooh Mannn this site is GREAT, just wish I knew bout it much, much sooner.. Please, what ever happens, don't let this site get lost in the shuffle. THANKS. (Buck)

This was my first search about this subject and I am glad to find so much information, I am sure to come back frequently for learning more about it. Many thanks. (Joao)

Search could not have been been easier. (John)

1st time visitor and I am very impressed will be back. (Sachman)

Your site was THE BEST! I put the error message in Google and after trying Microsoft and a few other sites, your site provided the clearest and much to my chagrin a very simple solution to the problem. Thank you very very much!! (Wendell)

Needed to convert Works to Word. Program installed easily and ran perfectly! Thanks so much!! (Kat)

I have bookmarked this page and use it all the time, Thanks! (Nicko)

Thank you - I learned how to format diskettes a couple of centuries ago, but never have had to use it until now... I have always bought pre-formatted disks but am re-using older ones. (Marian)

The question was simple when you know the answer. Glad you were there to provide the help. I will use you again when I run into a problem. (Anonymous)

I cannot begin to commend you on the excellence of this website. To have a free website that offers everything a person could imagine knowing about computers is finally came through with your hard work. I am currently taking my A+NET+ Certification and was stumbling to understand some things until (by luck) I found your website on the Internet. Please never go away! We all appreciate your hard work and effort and the website really shows it too! Thanks. (Christina)

You site was very very helpful. I was able to go through the simulation a couple of times before tackling my computer, with confidence. Thank you very much. This site is at the top of my book marks. (Roger)

Was looking for Samsung's contact phone number and address, what Samsung supposed to have on its home page, but does not. Appreciate your help. (Steven)

Thanks for a simple strait forward answer without so much technical terms and stuff that I have no idea what the heck they are :P (Anonymous)

Nice site layout, very easy to get everything done. (Sam)

I had a computer mouse problem, which your advice about cleaning worked perfectly. Well done. (Crycle)

Thank you! It really means a lot when I can get QUALITY information without a bunch of hassles or run-a-round. Again Thank You! (Wes)

Saved me a lot of time and effort and probably money. I'm not an experienced PC fixer type person, but I found what I needed with ease. Thanks. (Steve)

I'm trying to learn more about computers and find the news stories on your site interesting & helpful. Thanks for your work. (Mequila)

Reading the first three lines give me an answer cause it explained it well love this site added to fav thx. (Lionel)

I was thinking bout buying another computer. A laptop or notebook. I wanted to know about hard drive memory. I found what I wanted right away on your website. (Mary)

Appreciated the info, was looking to buy another computer because mine is ancient and with issues, revived the old girl it did. Put the inevitable of a little longer. (Krash)

This is my first encounter with this site but it will not be my last. Great information! Thanks for this site. (Earl)

I would wholeheartedly thank you for this extraordinary site, it is really enough more than a trainer or a tutor. I always consult this site and I recommend it to my friends. God bless you. (Khaldun)


Very useful information on recovering Outlook Express files. Thanks. (Todd)

AOL search results led to your site, just the file I needed to convert these ancient works files to Word 6 and then to other formats from there. Thanks! (Micheal)

Thank you for coming to my rescue and enabling me to get my computer to boot into XP. Somehow I lost the NTLDR file and you directed me to reinstalling it from my CD. Thanks a ton. (David)

My son was given a very old PC tower and CRT. The PC had working Windows 95, if you can believe that. The other CPU he was given had Windows 3.1! Ancient. Any how, the divide overflow kept appearing, now matter what I tried. Then this site explained where the problem was. With a simple quick changes at the LUN and ID for main boot, it was fixed! How awesome. Now, he can mess around on the ancient '95 system until he buys an update. Thanks for this site! It was great. Cordially, (Dena)

This site was like falling into the Grand Daddy of all computer problem solving sites! My friend helped me reboot my WinXP computer from the install CD with info from your site. Thank you very, very much! (Sandy)

The articles provided clear and easy to understand explanations and suggestions. Well written. Thanks. (James)

I had an NTLDR error and after a few websites telling me to update my bios, then I stumbled upon your website and tried a few options and it turned out to be a loose IDE cable. I'll tell all my friends about this site. (Eric)

You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it. (Vasilii)

Wicked site for finding computer information. great work I love the site. (Compactcheez)

I think it is very nice to have a computer dictionary online helping people around the world. I would always recommend other people to visit this site and get the information that they need. Thank you (Lashan)

Thank you ... Your writing & explanations are the best! No fat, preservatives, refined sugar, artificial coloring / flavoring, etc... Keep up the service for my descendents to enjoy! (Fcarb)

It really helped me, since I am doing a project, I got just what I needed. (John)

Thank you for the information you provide. I have been trying to help a friend of mine has been searching for the solution to her problem with her computer. This is exactly what her computer is showing & Windows will not open up. It is the msg The NTLDR Is Missing, Press Any Key to Start, but nothing happens, just keeps repeating the Msg. Now we need to find out how and where to obtain a Bootable Windows XP CD to try to repair it. If you can help us, we would really appreciate it. Thank You (Lynda)

Thanks for the information. It is very easy to navigate through this site and the lessons are very well thought out and explained. (Dennis)

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!! (Sveta)

Been jack'n with a problem thru MS and Symantec for 3 hours. Your site gave me the answer to the questions in 10 minutes. Thanks!! (Anonymous)

I had difficulty using command line renaming files to long names with spaces inside. Couldn't do it until I found you. Thanks. (Pete)

Short sweet and to the point. (Pete)

Just looking for a Linux admin source for # line commands. In this case "date". I just Googled until I found this site. Thanks. (Jim)

Just a great site! It says exactly how to do things, which is very appreciated! Thank you A LOT! (Frey)

The info really helped to resolve my problem. I breathed a sigh of relief when I got the regular bootup screen instead of the 'blue screen' from the stop 0x0000007B error! (Y)

I hope this site stays free. Good information. (Perwen)

Keep on with the good job. you are a blessing to others, (Bamfo)

Great website, found the information I needed and more. Will definitely tell others in my class about your site. Thanks. (Cmach)

Loose cable made my life miserable - you solved it, thanks. (Mark)

I just typed my problem into Google and your web page was the link that caught my eye. Praise Jesus, through your information the problem was corrected in moments! Thank you so very much! (Vipo)

Just had to say what a fantastic site. As a non-technical person I have learnt more in 1 hour on your site than I have done all year. THANKS. (Mark)

I've seen your site a few times, and have found it the best so far to figure out help with PC problems. (Erffling)

I have not reviewed your entire site; just this page as I searched for the answer via Google. But your solution was to the point and that's what I like. (Paul)

Lucky to find you, keep on the good work guys! Best of luck. (Anna)

I'm learning a lot and finding the information I need to make things work. (Rick)

Can't say enough about how much I appreciate your website, and it gets down to a level to where laymen can understand and fix their problems. (Shirl)

Finally a site where the answers are easy to find without rephrasing the question a hundred different ways!! (Leslie)

An excellent web-site I when I am stumped for information. (Howard)

It help a lot in my problem. first I take a time in researching what website could help me. thanks. (Angel)

I am very pleased that I found your website through Google. Somehow, NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM were removed from the hard drive. Your very easy to follow directions made getting the computer up and running again a breeze. Thank you! (Jonathan)

My only wish is that I had found your site sooner. Everything was simple to understand. In topic links to definitions, other explanations was a tremendous help in diagnosing my computers concerns. Thank You! (Annette)

This website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. I found so much useful things here. Thank you. (Bill)

I always enjoy receiving my Computer Hope weekly newsletter. I learn something (new to me) every time. Keep going. It is GREAT info. (Tom)

Amazing, I had too look up some commands + some examples for school and the only website I had to use was this one. Great work guys. Thanks!!:) (Rellix)

I absolutely love this website. (Paul)

I just search on the Internet for the computer beeps and here I found the answers I needed. This site is Superb! Excellent job! Continue with the Great Job! (Ot)

I have visited your site many times, and as always, found answers to my questions ++++++ I have learned so much (no adds -- no BS) thank you again. (Mike)

I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for your help and support and the good work you give to people for free. God bless you. (Khaldun)

You guys are champs, saved many hours messing around trying to fix a simple problem in our lab. Thanks. (Andrew)

Great site. helpful. useful. easily negotiated. (Richterdbq)

I've been in the IT field for over 10 years and I was still able to learn some new batch file tricks thanks to the information on your site. Thanks! (BIGJ)

A lot to explore but already this appears to be a very worthy site - now in my favorites. (Glenn)

I worked for an hour trying to figure out a problem and after about 10 minutes on this site I had my answer. Thanks. (Dan)

Excellent referencing for information concerning a Conner HDD CP-3044! Right on the first click via Google! (Cdtstby)

The info was very good, you guys get a thumbs up from me. (Deron)

I appreciate the info. You were very helpful!!!! (Michael)

Simple step by step advice' saved me a bundle on recovery fees, thanks! (Prof Steve)

This is one cool site for information. To be bookmarked for sure. (Dave)

Simple to understand. Very clear even for a plank like me. Many thanks. (Anonymous)

This site should get a five-star rating! (Johnnie)

Thanks. I found more information than I was looking for. For example, I was just wanting to gather DOS data, and found information I need for two projects. However, I was trying to find a page that defined all the DOS commands, but I can look them up individually. Best website I have encountered to date, as I am a beginner trying to learn about the computer inside and out. I'm fine as a end-user, but currently studying OS and hardware. (Wendy)

Will be back when I have more time and fix my computer lots of good advice here for me to go through. (Robert)

Thank you - this website is now on my favorites! (Joanna)

I am really impressed with this website, it is very difficult sometimes to find computer jargon sites like this, some sites only have a vague idea about computer jargon, I will be passing on your website address to all my friends, once a again I am very impressed. (Colin)

Thank you! Thank you! Your site saved me from having to reformat my daughters computer. She kept getting the NTLDR error message and I spent a good hour or two on other sites looking for a solution. You recommendation had us up and running within minutes. I have bookmarked this site for future reference. Thanks again for an awesome site! (Rosalina)

Hi, all. Nice site. I really like your site ! Good job man. (Joon)

Thank you, I will access your page often. (Janardhan)

This is a very good site that helps people with finding definitions. (Nike)

Hello, you have great site! (Walter)

Very good I loved it all the time I was there. (Robyn)

You have a wonderful website here. May God rich bless you always. (Bush)

I looked at other PC tech definition sites! For the word "mru"! There was none anywhere! Thank you! (Mark)

I found the solution very quickly at Computer Hope. It was clear and effective. Three cheers for Computer Hope! (New York City)

I'm currently taking an electronics\computer repair course and I'm also a self build enthusiast and I think your site will be of great help to me. Thank You Very Much! (Poxymouse7)

You guys Rock! I came to your site by chance, but the experience was great. Thanks A LOT for your help. Keep the great work going! (Mario)

I am new to computer applications except e-mail. am trying to broaden my knowledge. At 55 it is a little daunting. Thanks. (Prudy13)

This is a wonderful site. I learn by rote and barely speak computer. I had many questions and found most of my answers. Your definitions were easy to understand. I will be back. (Jory)

This is a fabulous website I use it a class ever day and every think I look for is always right an correct thank you. (Tyrese)

I just wanted to say thank you. your site was easy to navigate and the instructions simple to understand. My LCD screen is finally as clean as when it arrived. Thanks again, (Ruthie)

Excellent information! I was looking for an explanation about all the various drive standards, and this made it all very clear!! One note, I couldn't locate the term "Parallel ATA" on the first page; had to do a search (it's on the ATA page, I think). Thanks for your website!! (Craig)

Your site was the #1 hit on Google when I searched for a way to backup my favorites file in IE. Site was fast loading, information displayed was 100% accurate. Sites like this make the Internet a wonderful resource and so much more than just shopping. (Javious)

Great site, lots of info and help. Not always sure how to look for info I want, but always end up with some help. (Jim)

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!! (Hillari)

This site is Simply Superb. Will be helpful for beginners and experts as well.... (Satyanarayana)

My keyboard hasn't looked or worked this good since it was new, thank you. (Anonymous)

Excellent man, to the point, I'd say. That's what everyone needs. This was so straightforward unlike those Microsoft articles. (Sam)

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!! (Katie)

This is a brilliant site that presents a wealth of information in easy to understand format, which reflects most positively upon the people who put it all together as well as those who maintain and keep the site up to date. Well well done People. (Tashammer)

I have never found a website so useful and full of facts, yet so easy to navigate. You guys really get to the point - no unnecessary information at all. I am studying for my A+ OS certification, and I was able to find everything that I needed from the Search box. Thanks for hosting such a great site! (Tim)

I could write a whole book about the help you give to people like me, instead that I just want to say thank you very much. (Zoduko)

This page was very helpful. While at work I encountered a computer problem, this site was easy to use, and I solved my problem very quickly! Thank-you Computer Hope! (Stephanie)

Yea!!! Great instructions and easy to follow, I will be using this website again. (Jung)

This article help me to finish my assignment. Thanks a lot! (Munandbrent)

Thank you thank you thank you. I thought my taskbar was going to be permanently stuck on the side of the screen! (Anonymous)

For 4 days I had a problem with my screen flashing. Then today I noticed my F11 key was jammed down. I was wondering what that key was for. Now I know why my screen was flashing thanks to your website. (Nanaloves)

Your web page is great. My father is a retired business machine repair man for TRW and I am e-mailing some pages to him to help fix my tablet PC. I know a lot but there is still a lot I don't know. Your site helps fill in the gaps. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Anne)

It really helped me "thanks"! (Roohan)

I did a Google search and came across your site. It gave me exactly what I was looking for. I was searching for Batch commands and their options/switches. I found what I needed. Thanks so much. (Jose)

I give my great thanks to whoever is into giving us answers to our questions. (Freda)

Better than Microsoft's help page by far. (Anonymous)

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!! (Nicole)

I have found a Gold Mine in Computer Hope, Thank You. (Larry)

You guys are really useful! free and simple! keep up the good work. (Bubba)

I like it and the background and colors make it easy to read. (Urii)

This site is really superb!!! Thank you for you work! Good Luck. (Park)

You have a VERY helpful site!! It really gave me a lot of ideas, as well as helped me on my time line!! thanks a lot!! (Tyler)

Just had a simple "what does that stand for" Type question and a Yahoo search sent me right to this site, which had the correct answer. (Marty)

This is an excellent resource, clearly presented and concisely written. You really helped me out with my problem! Thanks! (Andy)

I'm studying networking and PC. maintenance course in Zimbabwe, I found your web-site educative and informative as well with my studies. keep up the good job. (M.)

This website is really cool. I've always wanted to learn keyboard shortcuts and this website really helped me out. Thanks! (Joe)

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!! (Jimpson)

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!! (Meteor)

Wow is the only word I have to say. (Michelle)

Nice easy interface for my one-shot question: how to edit the path variable in Windows. Got me in and out in two minutes, which is what I wanted. You were the top Google hit for "edit PATH in Windows." Thanks! (Anonymous)

Was looking for info on possibility of no USB port, but wanted USB service from serial port. Answer is "there ain't no such thing" which is what I expected. Thanks. (LloydG)

This website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. I found so much useful things here. Thank you. (Jesus)

I just want to thank you for such a beautiful informative site. (Nyiah)

While working on and vacuuming out an old computer (a real workhorse, DOS based one) I lost the CMOS config. so it wouldn't recognize the hard drive. I pulled out the drive, jotted down the serial number, typed Conner hard drive into my browser and voila! you popped up. I was astonished to find the info I needed so quickly. After inputting the specs into the CMOS setup the old box booted up perfectly. Thank you very much! (Dean)

Well what can I say, if it wasn't for this site I think I would have ended up smashing the computer to pieces, it was coming very very close! THANKS for an AWESOME site!!! (Mike)

Thanks you very much for having the information available and so easy to understand. It took me longer to hook up a my floppy drive than follow your instructions. Very helpful. (Robert)

I consider your dictionary indispensable for the computer course I'm taking at school. (Bill)

Excellent really informative, passed details to friends, thanks for the help especially the simplest of CTRL & D!!!!!!!!!!!! saves an amazing amount of time. Thanks once again. (Jayne)

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!! I stupidly put a dot in the file name of some tif's and thought I'd lost a dozen photographs !! I love you ! (Andy)

Great site! Wish I'd known about it years ago - it would certainly have shortened the learning curve. Compared to regular $35/second "No-tech support" and "Customer No Service" (from India), this is where it's at! Wow!!!!! (Chelsebay)

You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it. (Hillari)

Thanks for the easy to follow instructions. Even an old blonde female like me could follow them! (Tammy)

This site saved me from throwing my crap around in my bedroom in fury! Thanks! This site immediately brought down my anger level to "zero". Thank you very much. (Chistopher)

Thanks so much! You made my report for my economics class a lot easier! (Marlee)

I am 77 years old & do not know a lot of current new terminology, so I like a place where I can find the definition. I am a very avid reader, especially Biblical books & history. Your definition was excellent & easy to understand. Thank you kindly. (Dale)

Searched run Scandisk + Windows XP on Google, and you guys were the first link to come up. As soon as your page loaded (couple seconds) I was very easily able to locate the info that I was looking for. Also cool too see that you cover from the beginning of Scandisk (or at least when MS took over). Good job! (Debello)

Finding this info was the result of a Google search for the exact text of the error message. Information was concise and allowed me to quickly resolve the issue without any out of pocket expenses. Thank you. (Stuart)

I am definitely an amateur on computers but having had no sound on mine since I accidentally removed windows and all my files 9 months ago. I paid someone 70 to mess about with it for 1 hr, only to tell me I needed a new sound card and speakers, which I refused to buy. I came across your site and solved the problem in 30 mins, thank you so much, I'll tell my friends about you. (Mags)

Yea, I just wanted to say. I've had a hell of a nite getting my comp back in shape. And ALL (mostly) thanks to you guys! I learned some good stuff and it greatly and easily helped me out tons. keep up the good work. I'm sure ill be back. (Mikill)

Thank for making this valuable information available to the public. (Elizabeth)

Thank you thank you so very much. I was unable to crack the organ in the ship in the Myst game because I am tone deaf. Thank you so very very very very much. It was the last puzzle for me to solve. It has been 2 years since I wanted to try again, and you have done it for me. OMG thank you. (Melissa)

Love "Computer Hope" you rock!!! (Anonymous)


I have good experiences from visit from first time, Till than I am regular visitor of your site. Regards from (Ravi)

There is really a lot of information, I am very impressed with this website. (Ashwin)

WOW. What a great site! I have been frustrated with not having sound for the past month. I even took the cover off the computer today to see if a fried lizard was shorting out the sound card. Anyway, I found your web page and within 3 minutes, I had solved the problem using your step by step method. Thank you so much! (Tam)

Excellent information, and an excellent presentation of that info!!! You've shown me more info about the LS-120 drive than any other 'site! Thanks!! (Anonymous)

Easiest FAQ section I have encountered in 3 years! (D. Sox)

I've trying to solve this problem with Outlook for months (I didn't want attachments to appear in the body of the text), and had even checked out the Microsoft website looking for the information, with no luck. This was so simple. I simply typed in a Google search of my question and your site came up as the number 2 or 3 site. Thank you, thank you, thank you! (Jerhun)

I should pay you for this great tutorial (offered in jest, of course)! (Natalie)

WOW!! Fabulously helpful site. I've been given new server work to do and this is my new best friend. (Teresa)

When a person asks me a question about computers I almost always quote your site and include your URL for their future reference. Good site. Handy and almost always a breeze to find exactly what you want. I am subscribed but have not received any recently. Thanks, (John)

Thanks to an article in MicroMart by Mark Lee who mentioned this site. I learned some important things in just a few clicks. Thank you. (Richard - UK)

My second visit this month- you are the best, Thanks heaps. (Tom)

I just wanted to properly thank you for the help I received with the NYB virus. I am presently about to go to the hospital and was trying to get my old 486 laptop working for my stay there. But one of my disks had the virus on it and I left it in by accident plus my anti virus didn't see it on the disk either. But needless to say my laptop was fubared thanks to the virus and I thought I had no way of getting her working anymore now that the virus was on it. Then I thought I remembered the name of the virus and looked it up and your site was the first one on the list. You told me exactly what to do with out an antivirus on the system and so I did it and now it's better. Thank you so much I was really down in the dumps about it till now. I thank you and for now your site is going to be my primary virus info site and I will recommend it to everyone. Thank you again. Sincerely, (Phil)

I've never found it simple to get a computer support question answered before on the net before. This was very easy! You guys are great, and I'm sure to be back. (Anonymous)

I came across the letters 'nbsp' in a document I was reading and had absolutely no idea what is was or what it meant. I Googled the letters, found your site, and promptly found my answer! I have added your site to my list of Favorites as I foresee visiting you in the future. My computer literacy is expanding, however, it's a gradual process as I was not raised with them. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your site, and for caring about imparting knowledge with we 'boomers' (Betty)

I was visiting every website and they didn't have what I was looking for. Finally, I tried Computer Hope and I found the answer I was looking for. The information was so easy to understand. It didn't confuse me at all. (Sweetness)

Thanks SO much!! I actually resolved the problem because your page popped up when I googled the error on my computer. A wonderful help! Many many thanks. (Katie)

I was just surfing the net and decided I might need a DOS BOOT DISK, that's when I found your website. I had it made in a matter of minutes.. A wonderful experience. Thanks (Doug)

Thanks for the info (on MODEM commands). I needed to turn off the internal speaker on mine and found the command right away. Regards, (Steve (AKA Goofy))

I could not function without you. I am not born of the computer age and this helps to explain things that nerds can't explain. thanks so much for your website. (Dianne)

Thanks for helping us seniors out... I have been working with computers since 1962. (I used to wire core memory)... Computer Hope is like having my own technical library sitting besides me. TX. (Harold)

To be honest, I stumbled on your website! It was great that I was doing some business research and I was was able to get the information that I very much needed! Thank you!! (Robyn)

Thank you I return to you whenever I have a problem and you always have the answer. I already receive your VERY informative newsletter. Thank you again. (Muriel)

Great site guys.. So far you have helped me out of at least 3 days well spent in banging my head in the wall :P greets to all of you.. keep up the good work cause my head isn't that hard. (Martin)

needed the keyboard shortcut for a screenshot. Googled "screenshot" and went to the first listing. The info I wanted was right on the first screen of the site. (Amos)

The writing is simple for a newbie to use. I liked the way you explain things. (Vernapool)

First of all, I will like to congratulate the builders of this very excellent site for their work well down in a way the site was design so easily for understanding. The site was design to enhance computelism and easy to troubleshoot various kinds of problems. In fact with the way this site was build, if one devote his time to study it, he or she will be well recognize in the society as technical in both hardware and software. Well I will stop here now for now and say, I REALLY CHERISH THIS TUTORIAL SITE. (Kingsley)

I was able to get the help I needed and was able to follow the directions and get the needed results the first time I tried. (Cecelia)

I did a lot of looking in the wrong places but I finely found what I was looking for. Thanks for the help. PS smarts never was one of my strong points. Labor and hard work got me where I am today. God Bless you. (Lukeemel)

Simply written information easily understood and very helpful, which pinpointed my problem, my power supply fan. (Tracey)

I am so glad I found this site, and its forum. The forum gives me something to do each day, and I learn something new almost every time I visit it. I am so glad I have found this site, as it has even lead me to getting my own site. Thanks! (Zylstra555)

I have several HUGE "Complete upgrading, maintaining and troubleshooting" books that was not as clear and straight forward as your answer to my specific error msg and problem. Only one did suggest that to use FDISK /MBR as a last resort, but not for this particular error msg., & as it relates to HD recovery methods, only. So I was totally uncomfortable as to when and how to use the command for, "Invalid Media type reading drive C:", until I read your steps. Nevertheless, a big THANKS to your staff for giving me some hope to a problem I hoped would be a fix but unfortunately, it didn't resolve the problem, short of reformatting. I'm still trying to work it out w/o reformatting, so pray for me. cross your fingers, etc., please! (Cybergal2k)

I truly enjoyed my visit to this site, it was very helpful in my research. (Eagle Knight)

You really have a great website and easy to use, very helpful information and well organized. appreciate your interest, time and patients to have such a website well-put and full of vital information, for someone who only knows basics, when it comes to needing help! or advice and leaded in the right direction of computer problems & failure.. this is a ward winning site thanks (Raymond)

It wasn't from lack of good information, it is ignorance on my part that took me so long to get what I needed. The information is plain and easy to follow and utilize. THANKS!! (Karen)

I needed to know how to unalias Unix shell aliases. The AIX man page is awful compared with your page on alias. (Troy)

I wondered what a BlackBerry looked like and how it is used. You told me. (Betty)

Thanks for keeping this retrospective (Win9x) information available! I'm about to reformat an HD to reinstall Win98 "clean" on a machine being donated to charity, and had long since forgotten much of the DOS and FAT things I once knew. (Bob)

Awesome! The site is very rich with all the information and the links. Easy to to find what we look for. Thank you very much. (Sega)

What a fantastic site! I just wanted to thank you for providing such clear and concise information. I'm the IT director for a small non-profit and it is g to have a resource like this available. (John)

I don't know who wrote this pages but I have never read any thing so clear concise and thorough at the same time. GREAT TECHNICAL WRITING! (Ron)

Thank you! A commercial service's first suggestion was to reinstall the operating system in response to the NTDLR is missing error message, when all I had to do was remove a floppy. (Anonymous)

Very helpful and easy. ha that's something new. Thanks so much. (Gloria)

This was great, I pulled my hair out for a few minutes then pulled up your site 5 minutes later I was able to minimize to my taskbar again. thanks much. (Rev. Mike)

This page is really great. I could use the Hex code easily for my web pages. (Kiran)

Great resource. Have used before, will use again, and refer friends. (Bob)

As an IT Support Technician I find your site full of resources and very easy to navigate. Excellent Support, especially the Q&A, straight forward, easy to follow. Keep up the good work! (Whacka)

Excellent site. Allowed me to resolve my Win XP boot problems without requiring a full reload. The links to other relative information were very useful. (Anonymous)

OMG.. it worked. Somehow I managed to delete my ntldr ntdetect.com and boot.ini off of my server, with the site I was back up in minutes! (Ben)

This is the first time that this has popped up and It worked great thank you very much. (Janet)

Thanks for the services provided by Computer Hope. I'm learning for certification courses and this is a great adjunct to the course materials. (Popza)

Only site on the net I could find the info I needed. Thanks (Mary)

Excellent site, highly informative, good examples, very, very helpful. I plan to spend time in this site learning about computers, and highly recommending you to others; even to experienced computer experts........ (Chuck)

Searched, found what I needed to know. EASY! Thanks! (Joe)

I liked the user friendly approach to finding the answer to the question I had. I did not have to speak to some one who was beyond my learning station. I thank you for that planning and customer service. (Robert)

I found those article pretty easy to understand and what is best I got the answer to my question I was looking for last few days Thanks. (Ela)

You are great, there are some great explanations here that even a skilled computer programmer like me can use. (David)

I am a novice web master and when I discovered a Shell Terminal on my hosts server had to figure out how to use it. Typed "unix commands" into Google and two of your pages came up instantly. That got me started speaking Unix to an OS for the first time. Thanks! BTW, the links to other topics on those pages were also useful. (Bart)

It's been so long since I had to make a boot disk! Glad this reference was here, especially since it describes the different Windows OS procedures. (Toby)

This website has helped me a couple of times since I learned of it. I tell all everyone with a computer about this site. Thank you so much for making things easy to find and comprehensive to us "laymen". (Kim)

I was looking for the DOS filename conventions (tilde and number) for long file names. I found exactly the page I needed with Google right away. (Bbaxter)

This site is really good! Congratulations you all! I've added it to my favorites list! xD (Ebgrisi)

I came across your site by simply searching for something on Google. this is now added to My Favorites list. (Gloria)

I'm quite good with computers, but in some fields I am sorely lacking. Your guides were quick and simple, and solved my problem right away. Thanks. (Selcuk)

You have a excellent website going here. (Mathew)

Your site is great, you are helping to keep us all able to understand and move progressive and keep it simple to do. Thanks much, (Rae)

A+ site. Information was easy to find and understand. Thanks for your help. (Deb)

Thx a lot I thought I blew up my dads computer but thx to your instructions its back to normal. Thumbs up to you guys! (Fabien)

I appreciate the fact that someone is out there to fill in the gaps that the manufactures of software and hardware seem to think everyone should know! Thanks for your help! (Rick)

I just wanted to thank you for having this site. It was truly amazing to me the simple things that are so easy to forget and you brought all that back for me. not only did you get into the complex areas but you covered all the bases and that is what helped me the most. one simple bios setting and I was ready to trash the computer, I should have known better, but your site reminded me to triple check it and there it was. now it's working great and I have you to thank for it, so again thank you so very much and keep up the good work helping some of us work through our brain farts. Thank you. (Don)

I want to thank you guys so much for the information that you have on your site. I was stuck with a "NTLDR Not found, Please Press Ctrl+Alt+Del," and I thought I was completely screwed, seeing as I've had this happen before. If it wasn't for your site, I would have formatted and lost a lot of info. I will definitely recommend this site to my friends, and visit here more often. Thanks! (Tom)

No problems I'm happy with the result A++ (Stedz)

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! (Anonymous)

I Typed in the error message in Google, got your page, saw the very clear cut listing of "issue", then the possible problems, and the possible solutions. So easy!! My problem was fixed within 4 minutes instead of a few hours. Thank you so much. (Sean)

I read the Unix/Linux ping help/commands its really done good as it is. (Willem)

Thank you for your clear and concise explanation of this problem. It makes us feel like complete idiots to discover that this problem could be nothing more than a cd that was not removed. thanks again. (Gerald)

Your site is aptly named! Thank you! I am grateful. (Mary)

Fantastic resource. Well written and well linked to other sources of information from your site. Keep up the good work. (Anonymous)

Thank you! Rescued my PC! (Rod)

Had no idea what I was doing. Looked up Windows 2000 for my problem of rebooting and managed to fix the issue via the well laid out tips and instructions. THANK YOU!! (Louise)

My head was still overwhelmed by old dos experiences about partition with fdisk. so little confusion before I found that windows XP gives simple steps about partition. (Sugeng)

Very good, clear explanations. (Jennie)

Great site. You guys have awesome information in that not too technical language, which is great :) keep up the good work. (Yass)

Excellent website it's helped me better than books, I have used the site for Windows 95 and XP Professional. (Larry)

It was simple finding the page I needed straight from the top of Googles list. And can you get some other definitions for other abbreviations in MSN chat. such as ROFL, LMAO (laughing my @ss off) etc. etc. This would be most helpful. Thank you. (Johnny)

I'd just like to say thank you for providing the information I was looking for. I used Google to search for how (if possible) to introduce a delay in a batch file and found the information I was looking for and so much more useful tips/tricks on your site. I am book marking it for future reference. (Ted)

Great website. I use it every day to locate where customers are calling me from. (Eric)

Thanks a lot for all the information. Really helped me out of a jam!!. Thanks again. (PN)

I wish there were more sites like this. Simple. Direct. Informative. Very well constructed website. Thanks. (Robert)

This website is one of the best MS-DOS's around. I was HIGHLY appreciated and satisfied with this website. So all I want to say is, keep it up and keep it real because believe me, you guys are great. (Infinite loop)

Just what I needed to know, thanks! (Rarkai)

Love this website. Helped so much. Now I know what I need to know. Thanks so much. (Nikki)

I am a first time user of this site and already I feel quite comfortable with the results of my questions. Thank you, and keep up the good works. (Jerry)

Best site I have found yet on HD. Regards. (Garry)

I just learned MS-Dos with your page!!!!! (Kenny)

Thank you very much I have been able to put my taskbar back to the original position at the bottom of the screen. (I had previously spent an hour trying to do it without help!) (Bernadette)

The information I desired was easily found in a small paragraph and illustration relating to how floppy disk drives work with cable select. I'll be returning to Computer Hope whenever I'm looking for a straight forward answer. (Pjerrotat)

Thank you so much!! I have spent hours searching the Internet to figure out how run a DOS command to process several files at once rather than typing the command one at a time. I"m not a programmer. Batch file ABC's was what I needed. (Ben)

This the very best newsletter and information for me in my 7o+years. I am subscribed. And read every one each week. thank you ALL for helping. (tomw)

This is the first time I have been to this site. Believe me I'll be back. (Bill)

Thank you. I had no idea what I was supposed to even do in this game much less how to get started. I found things but did not know what they were. Thanks again, think I'll try to play it now. (GonCrazi)

Excellent site with a lot of fundamental information with details. Keep up the great and informative work!! (AD)

I'm in the process of buying a new computer and the information I found on your website has helped me greatly in making a very informed decision on what I'm looking for in a new computer. (Karen)

You are better than the ask all experts page, and my local PC shop, many thanks. (Anonymous)

I've been performing countless Google searches over several days to find the info. your site provided in just a few minutes! (Brenda)

Whoever you are, THANK YOU!!! I "diddled" something and my task bar moved to the top right and all the way down the screen. I Googled 'return task bar to original position' and you came up first. More amazingly, I followed you easy directions and they worked the first time. God bless you! (Carole)

Thank you for your help this was unbelievably great! (Seiughls)

I was worried that I wouldn't find anything and was pleasantly surprised. Thank you! (Jamie)

Thank you so much for this site. In a matter of seconds I found the hard drive information I needed for my antique but still used computer. (Neal)

Hello, You are of great help. I can't do without your expert help. You have made it so easy to get authentic help. No matter what is the query. You have the answer/guidance. Million thanks/Regards. Bye. (R. R.)

This is the first time that I have obtained results looking for anything on the web. Was ready to walk to Barnes and Noble to hit the "books" to research my problem, then the light came on and I decided to try finding my solution to the problem, and there you were! Thank you for being here and I am sure I will visit you again to find my solution. By the way, can you tell me how long it will take me to get to Titan to waterski on the lake that was recently found there? LOL... Just a little of my humor.... Have a super day, week, year, and life. Thank you again... (Bobi)

Where were you guys hiding? I am new to everything and need all the advice I can get. I am attempting to design a computer to fit my needs, and your data base has answered over 75% of my questions. thanks! (Lunesta)

Great Site. Helped me replace a system file and get running again without having to reinstall windows. Thanks for the great site. (Admin)

I have needed the batch-delay command for a long time, and have looked for it on many other pages, but to no result. But on this page I found it! Thank you! (Nikolai)

I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate all the troubleshooting problems that you have posted for people who really aren't that computer literate. Most of the time the computer problems that you may experience are small, but at the same time, they can seem really big. I just want to tell you that I appreciate this site that you have about troubleshooting computer problems. Keep up the good work!!! (Teresa)

I love your website. I stumbled on it by accident and have used it frequently. It is easy to obtain the information I am looking for and clearly written. (Mary)

Bless your heart! Been trying to get my Solitaire back for over a month. Been to this site before, too, but didn't go far enough down on the page. I even searched my Windows98 se cd for solitaire & found nothing. But this did find something that made it viable again. Thanks! (Sandra)

I praise your site for being very informative and easy to use. What do you guys have working for you over there some Computer Geniuses. YEAH.!! (Ben)

I am very satisfied with the information supplied. It answers my every questions. Thank you very much. (Johari)

Great site to visit and got a lot of help for my assignment. Thanks. (Farrukh)

Thank You for your providing this page to help us with our information needs. (Paul)

I never thought I would find such comprehensive information (reasons and solutions) all in one place for something technical like "ntldr". Thank you. I hate paying rip-offs for info/help they should know but often they don't, but they still take money for wasting time and adding to the confusion. Thank you, the site is amazing - there is still hope is this world! Your company stats are amazing too - no surprise though, just shows how many people are looking for help/info. I like to do things for myself, so will be back to learn more and have signed up for newsletter. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! (Elene)

I had no idea that wiping my hard drive clean would be so simple. you guys and girls have saved me a lot of time. KUDOS! WOOT WOOT! (Spinner)

Thank you very much for your great assistance via this site. I have benefits time to overcome a chronicle problem. (ALFA)

Thank you so much for the info. I manage to install my new hard disk easily after so much trouble and frustration finally I made it with your detailed info of course. Thank you. (Tajuddin)

I am a beginner on Computers, and at 77 years old the grey matter is not as good as it used to be, and I cannot thank you enough for these type of programmes it would be very difficult without them. (Alfred)

Thanks so much for the information. I was beginning to think I was the only one who had my problem. (BC)

I was having a hard time figuring out how to adjust my brightness - but ran a search for it on yahoo and came across your site - it worked - thank you so so much for being a great site - god bless. (Ted)

Thanks You Saved My Neck! (Anonymous)

Computer Hope Rocks My Frigging Socks Off. Yippie Ky Yaiy Yah. Or should I say Yippee Skippee, whatev, not but seriously, this site is really good. I have already put it on my favorites list like twice, and I will text my friends and tell them how good it is. (Anonymous)

It is a good site and I find myself referring to it often. (Anonymous)

I came here to find info on the game Kings Quest 7 and boy did I find it! Your walkthrough helped me so much. I easily found not only just what I wanted but much, much, much more! I was pleased with this website and I will most certainly be visiting again. Thank You! (Laura)

As my dream is to make the best Computer Scientist around, I've always wanted an org to keep me even more abreast of the ups in info. tech and you guys are just doing that to the best of your strength. Keep up the good work. (Maloya)

This is very good website. It help me too much. I am requesting you to keep it going and also add some material in Networking and server 2003. Again I am very grateful to you. (Syed)

I have not been able to do a System Restore on my WinME. I tried to extract rstrui.exe from the cab files but got a message that said The specified file is protected and may not be copied or deleted. Your site is the only one that I've found that told me how I could bypass and extract the file. Thank you VERY much. (Rich)

Thank you for the insight and info. on the basics of the keyboard. This info will help me in the future. (Claudia)

I learned a lot from your website today. Now I can use your website for future reference if any problems should come around. Thank you so much for having such useful information. (Theresa)

Appreciate answers that seem obvious but I did not really know. (Sean)

Best damn site I've been on for trouble shooting guys awesome thanks for everything, I didn't know anything about computers but after using this site I was able to reboot and check the IDE cables and have my computer up and running within 1hour of using your site THANX AGAIN (Daschee)

Nice to reach a Website, where the first thing they require is not your C/C. I use both Mac and PC. 'm sure a website such as this could solicit donations, and do well. (Teltek)

I could have saved a lot of time, energy and frustration over the years in trying to solve a number of problems if only I had known about your website. I looked up the problems I have encountered and the answers were right there. Bless You ! (Woodbutcher)

Great to see a list of HTML colors with the names of them beside! This is especially helpful to a few of my members who are colorblind but design 3d models for fun. Many thanks for the pages. Hell if you have a banner I can add to my site I will be more than happy to do so!! E-mail me :) (Darth)

VERY OFTEN I have wondered "what are hidden files" --- so, today, I decided to see if I could find out about them. YOUR website is a SPLENDID website concerning this aspect of computers and I have entered it into my "favorites" area as I intend to explore your information in much more depth than right now. It would be nice if more websites would offer what your's does and I wish to express my profound appreciations to all of those making it possible. (Rev. Ruben)

Great site for my amateurish questions. I'm actually a physician, but love the computer, and your information talks to me on a level I can understand. Thanks! (Sam)

Indeed there was no beep when I turn on the computer. I removed the memory card cleaned and reseat it. Viola ! the monitor works. Thanks. (Amogawin)

Great job!! I hate sites that pour all this programming jargon on you. Your site was simple to understand and it gave me what I wanted. Thank you. (Compperson)

I could not remember how to print to a file! I had forgotten all about the > before the print *sigh* It was not "Simple" to find, but nor was it "Hard" - just took me 3 goes...... (Searching on "Print to Text" or "Print to File" was not easy to find) But thank you very much :-) I am now able to continue listing the contents of my drive (but I did not think of searching for "List contents of Drive") (Struth)

I have been trying to get PHP running, and I had forgot how to set up path on Windows. This website helped. My thanks. (Vinod)

What I was looking for was an example of how to actually run a certain command on a Linux box. The other sites that I looked at had the commands and parameters etc. but no real examples. This was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! (Steve)

I really liked the ease with which I found an answer to my question and the thoroughness of the answer. (Kathy)

Lol your site kicks total ass. (End)

God will Bless you, you don't know when or how often. My Hope is based on Faith. I am very near 86 years of age. You are empowering people. I have done what I could, but not in the technology field, but I spread your info to where I know it will be read, appreciated. I sincerely appreciate your efforts. (Les)

Somehow I stumbled onto this website and it answered my question perfectly. Thanks. (Glen)

First site I have encountered where one can get answers to my questions in straight forward or explained terms. (Donald)

Thank you, you help solve my floppy drive problem. (Edav)

I was looking for a very simple solution to a display brightness problem and it was nowhere to be found in the so-called 'Help and support Centre' on my laptop. I found a solution in seconds on Computer Hope. Thank you. (Fay)

Great! I recommend 100% & if I could, I would recommend more! (Jake)

I couldn't run dbaseIII on XP. I found the precise error message on your site and fixed it straightaway using your step by step instructions - great! (Allen)

This is my first time on your site and I want to thank you very much for the very useful help I have found here. (Jon)

Just love your site!! Simple, easy to navigate. (Jonathan)

This is the best resource I've found so far on the Internet for my enhancing my computer knowledge. I will be a A+ certified by April 15th. (RichTye)

This site helped me a lot during ICT coursework for school. (Emma)

The information and answer I got was quick, simple and easy to understand. It wasn't long winded and difficult to get a hold of. (Anonymous)

Geez. Microsoft recommended that possibly flashing the bios might be necessary. I didn't want to risk frying my hard drive so I found you folks The solution was simple from there. Thanks. (Rags)

This website is amazing. I'm in a computer class and it is extremely helpful with my studies. (MysticalVanquish)

This site was great. One question, one really quick answer. Thank you very much. (Lazyb0ne)

This article saved me!! Thanks!! A forgotten floppy in the A drive, a rare shutdown to protect computer from approaching thunderstorm, a confusing NTLDR missing message that looped and looped, unresponsive to RECOVERY CD, thoughts of a computer crashed back to the stone age, and all I needed was your article to tell me to remove the floppy. I am humbled and thankful. Best Regard and THANKS!! (Anonymous)

I almost don't want to tell anyone about you. You guy's make me look like Computer Geek Extraordinaire! (and I don't know jack). Thanks. (Haukehe)

GREAT! NICE JOB, all I needed was some refresh on HTML coding, and BAM you guys got it right, THANXZ (Bam)

This site was great for a research project I am completing for high school. I'm recommending this site for others who need the info. Thanks! (Jesse)

This is an excellent source I have seen online for getting help on Unix Commands and Syntax. The best part is that you have an example for every command that guides you in applying this for a job. Thank you and keep up the great work!! (Raam)

It was really easy. I loved it. it was great, OMG I love you guys. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ill be back here soon I hope OMG <3 (s0xt0r)

This is one of the best technical support sites on the World Wide Web! Keep up the great work. (Chris)

First class site, answered all my questions first time and fast, just wish I had known of this site a long time ago, it would have saved me a lot of time and effort. (James)

Thank you. After searching for an hour, your site is where I found the right script! Thanks, (Kirk)

I was able to locate information at ease. Another big good thing is that there where appropriate links which lead to the main topic. Example, I searched for Unix command man. From there I was able to go to main Unix page, which again led me to a list of Unix commands in nut shell. I'm a computer expert but this experience is great and I haven't had such experience. Good work. Regards (RK)

I love using Computer Hope! It may not always resolve an issue, but it sets me on the right track. Thanks to all the people who support this site and keep it running! Keep up the good work! (Patricia)

Great site - information is up front and easy to read and apply - excellent, superb and outstanding!! (Buffi)

My experience could not have been better. Thanks. (Ken)

One word : wonderful ! All-in-one perfection... (ITRoler)

Great service, great for any age. I'm 85 yrs and appreciate and use the information. Thank you. (Les)

Got linked from other site, easy to read description, solved my problem in 5 seconds. (A)

Awesome site, very easy to find the info. Made fixing my computer EXTREMELY easy. (Jacob)

I'm glad you were there. For the life of me I couldn't understand why my aunts computer was not getting any sound. Now I know, she has no sound card ! THANKS (Milkdud)

First class site very helpful! (Judd)

Holy crap, I love you people. I have been searching everywhere on how to delete everything off of my c drive so I could reinstall windows but only using MS-DOS because my computer was crashed. and this is the only site that helped, thank you. (Commander Kool)

Your website is the bomb. I really have to refer all of my friends because it was a true blessing to me. Thanks a bunch. Love you Love you Love you!!!! I will definitely be coming back. (Connie)

After searching the Internet for hours and speaking with my brother, a computer "wiz," I was finally able to solve my white background problem by using advice on your site. Thanks, guys. I'll be naming my next child "computerhope.com." Gratefully yours, (Georgia)

I was really having a hard time finding the pinouts for the different keyboards, but in less than five minutes I had it all. Thank you all, guys! (Jim)

I have been trying to find the answer to my problem for two weeks, your site solved it in 5 minutes! Well done, and thanks! (Michael)

I had my answer in less than ten seconds! I loved it! (jdog)

You were a lifesaver to a sinking ship Thanks for being there when everyone else thinks you are up the creek with out a paddle Thank-you (Renee)

Bloody brilliant! fixed my boot problem in a jiffy! thanks! (Simon)

Thank you for helping me get the Turkish unique chars from keyboard to screen on XP Server 2003. (Russ)

Good site, keep it as ad-free as it is and I will probably be back time and again. (Edmon)

I want to thank you. The information that was given to someone in your newsgroup was exactly the problem my son was having with one of his computers. Out of cost necessity I have found many answers to problems with the computer on the Internet. Your solution save me hours of my valuable time and fixed the problem in 5 minutes and saved my son much money taking it in. I also got an infrequent hug from him. The problem had to do with AVG deleting the file wininet.dll. It made his computer not work. Thanks again. I will look here for further help. (Sue)

Most other sites stopped at the obvious answer, which did not work for me. You went beyond and explained how to edit the Windows Registry. Problem solved! Thanks for knowing your stuff and going the extra mile. I'm signing up for your newsletter now. (Dr. Dom)

I really got impressed of your website. Especially your technique of dictionary. I request you to start online, or distance training courses at lowest prices, so one can get a certificate for a better job in IT sector. (Yasir)

It took a bit of searching but your site eventually answered all my questions. I managed to write a useful bit of MS-DOS to delete all my IIS log files older than 90 days, and I also managed to schedule this batch file to run every night on the server. All this from a starting point of knowing almost nothing about MS-DOS. Big thanks, (Luke)

I have really struggled trying to do this myself and voila! you took care of it! Thank you! (Mary)

I was looking answer/solution for one question and found out much more information that I would study more. So I added this site to my Favorites. (Netta)

Simply put this is a excellent source of information and really helped me with revising for my MCSE exams, the explanations are detailed and easy to understand and I wouldn't change anything about this site. GOOD WORK! (Naaman)

I think your online Unix/Linux command reference guide is one of the most useful websites I've ever found. Thanks for the hard work! (Jason)

This is fantastic help site on the web and personally would like to thank the staff who have made this site available to people of different level of knowledge on this matter. Special thanks to you guys. (Farhad)

For god's sake and all of humanity's please keep up the good work, bless all of you there. p.s. a handicapped woman who is getting this one will love you all forever, I'm fixing this used one for her as a gift, thanks again. (Michael)

Google took me directly to page containing CD-ROM device speed definitions. Your page had an index of links at the top of the page that enabled me to scroll directly to the info I needed, thanks. (Anonymous)

Thank you! You are the only site that knew what I was talking about. I greatly appreciate it! (Evie)

I had never seen a site like this before. Well it has everything related to computers. It's Simply Best. Well Best of Luck for the bright future. (Vinod)

As I searched for what I needed, everyone kept telling me do it the simple way, but my computer didn't seem to like simple things. at last I found a place that didn't exclude the methods other than "right-click-rename" Thank You. (Frap)

I was down for two days. Used a laptop to find this site and had my PC fixed in 5 minutes! (Jason)

I pride myself in being a computer expert in most things but there was one thing I was having trouble on, and that was how to change monitor refresh rate in Windows 98. I'm on XP and it's pretty easy there, so when I was on a 98 system, they have the layout slightly different so I didn't know where that option was. But this website gave me the help to my minor problem very quickly and I'm very pleased. (TheTigress)

Thank you so very much. I am new at the Internet. My sound went out and I fixed it with your help! I hate pestering friends and have no money and you saved my day! A million thanks. I was so worried bout it! (Susan)

Excellent Support and knowledge. Thank you very much. My batch file runs like a champ!!!! (Spaniard)

When all else fails, a site like this is the same as an Oasis in the Sahara! Thanks! (Mikkael)

I Googled "Task bar bottom of screen" and received a hit for this site. I quickly found exactly the answer I needed, and have been exploring this site for the last hour! Hats off to the creators/authors.. This is a terrific site. You provide excellent information, the Q&A section is great, site is very simple to navigate and understand -thank you. (I have bookmarked and created a shortcut and I will be referring many co-workers to this site) (Gina)

This web page is the best Computer source page I have ever been to. It has the FAQ's to anything a Computer Tech or just a regular person would want to know. Thanks A lot. (Bryan)

Brilliant easy to use site for we poor victims of computer problems :) (Gayle)

I really cannot thank you enough for taking the time to provide me with the information I needed. An obscure VCACHE msg that was making my life miserable, wife asking "why doesn't it just work". Thank you thank you, I hope whoever you are that you get this msg. (Justin)

You solved a problem I've been working, off and on, for a year !!! Hooray! (Hugo)

I have been using a computer since 1992, yes DOS! *smile* I have never came across a site, with so much information in all one place. Thanks so much for your help, and I am sure I will be returning, since my computer is really messing up. Blessings, (Kell)

Thank you so much! I just wanted to verify that the Ethernet cable was installed and did not know how to do this. Compaq was going to charge $45 to help, so I am glad you were here!! (Kimberly)

What a godsend! Instead of gazing in despair at a message that makes no sense, I can locate a clear set of options, instructions and alternatives. Thank you - this should make my IT life much easier! (Faustino)

You were the only site that knew the answer to my problem. user error :) Your thumbnail of the media player and where the volume slider is showed me that I had it OFF, not ON. Very stupid of me :) Thanks for helping the helpless! (Nancy)

Real English, not tech speak, links to definitions, which can be clicked as needed, simple 1-2-3. Great! (Samm)

This site has helped me many times in the past. The simple layout and soft colors makes searching for everything very easy. (Jim)

I'm a novice (nowhere near as computer-literate as many)--just know enough to get myself into trouble! So it was a real blessing to find a site like this - I first found you when I was having major spyware and malware problems a couple years back on my old WIN95 Micron (using it now, in fact). I really appreciate your DOS commands tutorials and listings. Now I wanted to reformat my daughter's Dell XP hard drive (she's picked up a few glitches on it over the last couple years) but "fdisk" didn't work - so your explanation was so helpful! Thank you so much for the readily-available assistance! A real class organization aiming at helping, not making fun of we "less-literate" computer users! (Jim)

Well, I knew what I was looking for, so already had some idea, which probably made it easier, but overall it's a good site, and easy to pick up codes. I liked it, and would probably recommend it to a friend. (Mads)

Thank you for excellent advice. I am grateful. I accessed the hard disk and got to do a Scandisk. I goofed initially thinking the OS was Win XP but it was Win 98. I figured this out by doing a Dir at the A: prompt. What a confidence builder this was thanks to you. (Diowrite)

You're a REAL lifesaver! Saved me from having to format and reinstall my os system! Keep up the good work! May God bless all of you. Thanks again, (P)

Finally I have a clear understanding of a bootable CD. At 71 yrs, information written in a simple format is extremely helpful. Thanks. (BR)

I appreciate having the MS-DOS commands available, esp. since Microsoft doesn't. This site was very helpful. (JC)

Thanks a million! Used Google to find answer to How to resize an MS-DOS maximized window. Couldn't find it anywhere else! Will check out your site and newsletter. (Anonymous)

I enjoyed reading and learning thru your site. I would commend it to anyone wanting to broaden their knowledge on or learn a topic at beginners level. I intend to visit this site over and over again in future. Thank you. (Sugar)

All I had to do was push ENTER after the CD note was displayed... so GODDAMN simple. why doesn't the Microsoft website mention the easy stuff like this? (Jason)

Well I Must Say I Am Most Please With This Site And Would Like To Thank You For Supplying The Colour Codes For HTML THANKS! (Tyler)

Awesome! keep up the good work! (Musicalbard)

Awesome. My wife changed the batteries in her wireless keyboard and somehow while the keyboard was upside down a combination of keys got depressed and changed the orientation of the monitor screen 90 degrees. All other solutions were given in language that only a "computer geek" would understand. Yours was in plane English and easy to follow. Thanks. (Bill)

Your first advice solved the problem on first try. Thanks. (Crespi)

I is very nice to know that there is a website such as yours and that there are people addressing this aspect of computer usage. Thank you. (Toto)

Just followed directions. Very helpful Thanks (Sue)

I had never encountered an ntldr is missing error before. I had just replaced/upgraded my memory and haven't attempted any of the fixes, hopefully it is simple as a possible loose IDE cable, we can always hope. the information on the site is easily accessible and the links within the help texts are great! Keep up the good work. (Cjohnson)

Thanks for help - I learn something every day about my PC!! mainly that I haven't got a clue how things work. Thanks to you I am able to delve under the bonnet (hood) and get things sorted. (Rod)

I like your website because it's easy to understand. I'm a beginner in HTML and CSS and everything I looked up on here came right up and I didn't get lost like I do on other "reference sites". Thanks for your help! I'll definitely be coming back here if I need any more information. (Hallie)

I've been looking for a syntax summary for PC network environment. Your site has the most comprehensive and user friendly I've found so far. Thanks (John)

Wow. thank you. I had been without sound for a couple of weeks and assumed it was a virus. totally flabbergasted me to realize how easy it was to fix. I Googled "no sound" "virus" and your site was at the bottom of the first page. Thanks again. (Shumlucky)

Even though I have had A+ training, I found this site to reconfirm what I previously thought was wrong (Power Supply issue). This is a great site for reference; thank you. (Bob)

90% of the time I know what I am doing but forget some little yet important step! It is great to have a resource like ComputerHope.com to help double check myself and get the job done! (Brooks)

Without Computer Hope I would have thrown my PC out the window. (Lostdog)

Thank you very much for your wonderful website design. It provides me heaps of computer knowledge. I got a silly question here, one day, I accidentally sprayed some perfume to my IBM laptop, now it has some white mark on the black cover, I could not remove it. is there any way, I can remove it, could not find answer from IBM website. Thank you very much for you help, have a nice day. (John)

I was looking for settings for a Quantum hard drive and noticed you have specs for many of the hard drives I've been trying to set up. Made my day, thanks! (Terry)

This was very helpful to move my taskbar back in the original position. I had searched and searched before I found your site. It really helped. Thanks. (Janice)

FANFREAKINTASITIC!!! This site is great. I have been trying to find a good web-based database for common PC Q&A. Looks like I finally found what I'm looking for. Keep up the great work! (Ryan)

Thank you so much for all your help. We really need more people like you in this world! (Courtney)

Thank you for the Doom information. To actually locate to correct names is amazingly hard without this website, despite googles assistance. (Sion)

Thank you... Thank you... I did a Google search on how to copy folders in MS Dos. The first site took you to a page and then another. It finally asked you if you would like the answer, you needed to sign up with them. Your site was the third in line. You gave me the answer. Thank you for not charging me or signing up for some ridiculous service for information I requested. (G)

Yeah!!!! Thank you for saving my old laptop!!!! The other sites suggested I make a paper weight out of it. Your lineup on the first page of Google was very informative for a solution to be had here. Keep up the good work - you are now first on my list for computer help. (Karen)

This is the best damned website I have ever come across! So far, my favorite thing is the dictionary. I have visited many other sites and if you don't know all the lingo, what good is the help? It's like reading a sentence with all of the nouns removed. I love all of the links and cross-referencing you do. It makes learning INCREDIBLY easy and exciting! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the hard work and dedication it must take to produce and maintain a site like this. You've answered my prayers; I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Your site puts Microsoft help to shame. My sincerest gratitude, (Cheryl)

I have been using your site for at least six years now. I stumbled on to it when a technician offered to install Windows 95 on a crashed hard drive for the sum of $175 Belize dollars. ($87.50 U.S.) Two hours after logging on, using your site to guide me, I used fdisk, wiped the hard drive and installed the operating system myself. I have visited many other help sites since then and yours has always been the one with the answers I need. Thank you for providing a wonderful service. (Dennis)

I'm a hardware and software technician with 2 daughters and one son who have PC's. This site is a Godsend for them finding out what they need to know. (Me as well)! (Scrudge)

In a world where everything is seemingly "made to be" complicated, my information request was unbelievably easy!! Could it be that someone blundered and forgot to install all the layers of complications, ambiguity and complexity? Shhhhhh, I won't tell if you don't. Thanks, (Dennis)

Your information on writing batch files is better than Microsoft's. It also came up first on my Google search for [windows batch file syntax] (lipidinc)

Don't know why Microsoft online help could not provide this solution. Good job. (Jim)

Your answer was much more than I expected & very clearly explained. Thank You. (Robert)

When "cyber trouble" strikes, Computer Hope is always my first - and usually only - stop. Many thanks. (Anonymous)

Your steps are good and direct, no dilly-dallying whatsoever, GREAT JOB!!! (Cey)

I love your site. It is always easy to use and it has saved me many, many times. Thanks a lot for what you are doing! It is great and kind. (Zehva)

I have recommended this site to many users, when self help was needed. Thank you for being here with this information and service. (Shooter)

Finding you was easy, info provided is easy to accomplish and test To avoid "read the FAQ/FTFM"-section I will study your pages more Thanks Computer Hope has truly earned its place. (Mika)

You saved me a lot of time and trouble. I fixed the problem in 5 minutes after wasting an hour and a half. (Steve)

I was struggling with an error for months, I had reformatted etc..., nothing was solved, 2 minutes on this site and all is good. (Lemoke)

The service can't get better. Its simply the best. (Brytt)

Thank you so much! I was proper stuck on how to rotate my monitor screen back how it should have been! lookin at the info you provided it worked amazingly! thank you so much! I cant thank you enough! Thank you so so much (scot)

THANK YOU SO MUCH! The icons were not transparent on my desktop and it was so annoying. thanks so much! I'm bookmarking your main page. God bless you. (Jastootie)

Great site. I've had a hard time learning Unix, much less remembering the commands and options, but you're guide has proven to be an excellent resource. Thank you! (Damian)

I think this site is a god send. I amateur radio friend told me about this site and I got an answer to what I was looking for and that was on NTLDR.. love it. keep up the great work on Info. best wishes. (Howard)

As with anything, once I stated the question properly the answer was immediate and simple. Your website has helped me in my efforts to learn and use the command line. Thanks, (Ben)

Just want to say thanks and great work, it was so easy for me to follow the steps to reinstall windows 98. (Rose)

Great job guys! This was my first time using fdisk and with your help it was a lot easier than I first expected. Thanks a lot for your support, it is very much appreciated! (Shane)

I always forget which way the 'greater than' symbol is. Thanks for the info! (Dave)

This is an outstanding website. How do you do it? I am awed by the level of expertise and effort given this site. Great!!! (Fred)

You information on the DirectX versions from Birth to today was most appreciated. I found your site through a message board posting where the author referenced his information was based on the information posted on your site. I have bookmarked this very useful information and appreciate you posting for the public. (Anonymous)

Thanks the site was a big help will use it again as first port of call if I need help. Thanks. (Pups)

I would be lost without this site. (Terry)

Thank you for putting together such a well organized and helpful website. As the result of a fairly routine operation with Partition Magic, a minor glitch caused a mis-configuration in my boot.ini file. My repair console kept asking for my Admin password, even though it was given correctly [the same pw I use daily!]. I thought I was dead! However, your articles guided me quickly to a fairly simple way of re-configuring the boot.ini successfully. You saved my bacon! Keep up the excellent work! (D_Squared)

You have one of the best or possibly the best site about system I've ever been on. I'm not too versed in computers but you laid it all out where, even I, wasn't confused and did learn quite a lot. Thank you for being there for people such as I. (Bob)

Great job Computer Hope! Everything was fast and easy to find. Keep up the good work. (Jesse)

It's an OLDER hard drive, and the solution was right there!...No jumping thru hoops! (Rob)

I'm what's called, euphemistically, a Silver Surfer - really an old codger trying to catch up with modern technology. I'm very glad I found your site, and would like to thank you for the clear info that it dispenses. The forums are particularly interesting. My aim is to overcome my 'newbie' tag! (Silkie)

The best help experience i.e., had on the net !!thanks (DJ)

It was very easy for me to be able to find out the meaning of computer jargon on here for my research. Thanks! (Chaye)

Great explanation of DOS commands preparing for my A+ Cert (Mark)

Just wanted to say that your site is very easy to use, has precise answers, and covers a lot of tasks. Keep up the great work guys. Your site is a great asset. (David)

I find your website very helpful in enriching my knowledge about computing. More power! (Julian)

Thank you for saving my computer. I was missing the NTLDR file and was able to acquire it from your website. I am so grateful for finding your website and grateful for helping me solve my computer problem by providing the solution. (Mar)

Thank you .. I haven't slept in 3 days ..(aghh) now I can nap knowing I can fix this tomorrow!! Merry Christmas (Tegan)

Thank you for making your service available. I was looking for information for an old game that runs on MS DOS and I was surprised I could find that info so easily. All I need is an expanded memory device driver. Thanks again!!! (Pete)

Even a MCSA sometimes needs a hint ;-)) (Ted)

My two bosses and I have been working on a (what turned out to be a very simple) keyboard glitch for two hours. We searched all through Microsoft help and troubleshooting guides and keyboard manufacturer help guides with no success. On a whim, I googled "free computer keyboard help" and got to your site. Within two minutes I was able to find exactly what the problem was, and two minutes later we fixed it. THANK YOU SO MUCH! (Lynda)

Thank you your site is extremely helpful to neophytes and easy to navigate. (Grant)

This is the best computer help network I have ever used. (Mario)

Guys, I did not know how to add a new unformatted external HDD to my laptop via usb2 and I was up and running in 10 seconds! (excluding the formatting of course) Thanks! (Nima)

I love your site!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. (Nitrobabe)

I VERY MUCH like your website! I am an experienced IT professional. However, I am smart enough to know that no one knows everything. Your website is a great reference point, to which I will refer others. (LT)

I had such a simple problem, a new laptop hard drive in an external case that windows was not assigning a drive letter to, and found your straight forward answer for how to 'fdisk' a drive using XP through a Google search. XP help was no good, nor was Microsoft's website. Your site gave me the answer and I'm still puzzled as to why Microsoft wasn't able to show me what to do. Thanks. (Randy)

I am a late bloomer to the Computer Field. Sites like this help me do my job better. (Oakwind)

Excellent site. My other laptop wouldn't start up and it kept going to a blue error page. I know very little about computers and was so worried that I would have to send it away to be fixed somewhere. But after searching the net, I found this site, typed in my problem and you provided a solution. Thank you so much. It was easy step by step instructions, that were simple for someone like me who hasn't got a clue, to follow. I have since fixed my other computer. Thanks again!! (Gemma)

Your website is truly a big help for a layman like me. Congrats. (Kaulayaw)

This is great site I plan to be back often. This is what the Internet should be a source of information. thank you again. (Hammer300md)

One reason I keep using your website is you type in a word or abbreviation and the results is a simple quick and straight forward answer. The second reason is along with the answer are words that are associated with that definition and are linked to their specific definitions that expounds and describes further the use of the original word. Not being computer savvy your dictionary has helped me to understand the comments made by our network guy and understand what he is talking about. My Thanks to those involved in creating and maintaining the website, keep up the good work. Sincerely, (Jack)

So far I have found that this site had all the answers that I needed without talking or asking anybody what it is that I was looking for. You see, I think that my Hard drive is bad. Laptop is slow, Errors on start up, takes really long to start up and ASRA32 claims Poor hard disk health. Thanks guys(and girls) great job. (Joeri)

As long as I Typed in the correct words in my Google search, I came up with the best directions. A few days ago I searched for Erase Hard Drive and got few things that would help me. Today, I searched for Erase Hard Disk and your page was the first on the list. I looked at other sites. Yours has the best answers, the easiest to understand and looks the nicest. Thank you! I appreciate this information! (Debi)

I felt you people should be congratulated. I use it very sincerely. Thanks to your team for the effort you have put in this project. It is really fruitful. Keep updating it. (D)

An excellent site! It's now bookmarked for easy reference. I'll no longer have to worry or wonder about stuff on my computer. Thanks a million! (Lez)

This is a very complete site, congrats. (DFZ)

I love your DOS section. Unfortunately I use it a lot. Thanks for keeping it where I can still find it. (mamoroso2)

I teach a computer class at Kerman High School. One of my lessons is giving tips on buying computers. Your site was just what I was looking for. Thanks. (Phil)

I have no computer savy-ness. I needed to find out about an application for windows and "THANK YOU" for having this site it lives up to its name maybe there is computer hope for me after all. (Annie)

I always use this site for DOS help, it's great! Thanks very much and please keep up the excellent work, it makes my life so much easier!!! Cheers, (Max)

You're the FIRST website that answered my question! Thanks! (Niteowl)

Thanks for an excellent reference! I was able to quickly and easily find the information I needed and it will save me a ton of time, effort (and money...)! (John)

I've seen a lot of walkthroughs for this game, but yours was definitely the best detailed and easiest to understand. (Anonymous)

Straight from Google... best help yet in over 8 years of different problems. (Anon)

99.99999% so far in getting info as needed. (Ironpipe)

I found what I needed to know in about 2 seconds. Can't get much faster than that unless I learn to type. (Sargeh)

I have been having issues with opening images in Photoshop and with your site I found the solution to my problem! You are awesome! Thanks! :) (Stacy)

I wanted to find the difference between DVD-R, and DVD+R discs, googled "dvd" and picked your site, very helpful. (David)

Thank you for this website. With a few simple steps from your site, I was able to get my outlook express up and running again. I will tell my my friends about Computer Hope. thanks (Jim)

I have been searching for the way to handle getting scan disk or defrag to run without other programs writing to windows, but nowhere else showed me exactly how to close out all the tsrs and which ones would need to stay open. Thanks (Leahmm)

I was Overly impressed. This site had everything I was looking for... and More!! I'm only 15 and I can almost do anything now that has anything to do with MS-DOS. I'm surprised how much was written about something most people don't ever even worry about. Thanks for keeping up with the site. (Jacob)

I really like Computer Hope, I am a hardware technician and I must say this website has broaden my comprehension on many hardware issues. gooddose!!! (Jake)

Thank you so much for such an informative site. I think it does help people like me who are so zealous to know much about IT and computers in particular. Keep up the good work. (Itai)

Thank you you seem to have put a lot of thought into your help programs. (Texblueskyz)

You guys are awesome, cause the information I needed was quick and easy to find, and it was explained in a very simple and easy to understand way. Keep on the good work...... Really. (Billy)


When I needed help Computer Hope was the one that answered every problem I came across. Thank you! (Lisamaire)

Thanks for you help. I was given a PC and had to format it, and unknown to me the sound card driver was in a folder, so no cd to copy the files from. Clicking on you site has helped me find the drivers. (Dave)

Just checking "dxdiag" command to find out my version. I had the latest version as it turned but I could not remember the "Run" command to enter. Thanks. (David)

Please keep up the good work. I am a reluctant (though not disgruntled) WinXP user that used to be a happy MS-DOS devotee. It is a pleasure to be able to get back some of the control of my PC that Windows hijacked. Thank you for having the empathy to create and maintain such a site as this. Please accept my thanks also for the pledge to use my E-mail address conscientiously. (Dan)

You just saved me a $70 service call with the simple explanation and solution. Thank you, (Charles)

I have been using this site for some time and as always have never had difficulty in locating information or answers. You people are doing a great job! Please keep up the great work. (R.C.)

Great location to gain knowledge about issues that are not covered elsewhere. (Arnie)

I've been worried about investing in a PCMCIA WIFI for my old pentium-150 laptop but your PCMCIA help page has made me happy. thanks (Bryan)

You are the only ones that didn't want any money. It is so kind of you all to offer such a wonderful place for people to learn from with little money or not sure what to buy. Thank you so much. (Larry)

I like the way your site is design. Really get to the matter of what I want to know, without reading trough 10 pages. (Alapelli)

I've just started to go to college to learn computer programming. so this page is an excellent source of help. (Tenchi)

Found your site by accident, but am thankful I did. Your information helped and saved me hours. Thank you for helping the technically challenged. (Bob)

Thank you very much for such a greet website. I have been using your site for 2 years now (mostly the "Dictionary") I am self taught and build PC's as a hobby. Your site is so great when I get in over my head and need an explanation as how or why something works. I don't usually reply to feedback questionnaires but you are doing such a good job I had to write and say THANKS. (Lee)

This is a nice helpful Service Guide. (Matteo)

Well impressed with the clarity, presentation, readability, excellent. Sorted me out in seconds. (Brian)

Bookmarked this page as a priority. Thank you all for your efforts. Best of computing luck and fortune! yours (Les)

Very great site that you guys have. I was referred here by the site admin when I met him at a con a while back. Thanks so much. (Kasper)

Wonderfully simple and straight to the point. Thank you (DD)

Thank God for Google, which directed me to your site when I was stuck in MS DOS. Your answer to my question got me back into Windows 98. Thanks. I can try to go back to sleep now instead of lying awake worrying. (Aaron)

I just wanted to tell you that I really like you site. I work in the IT field and I'm always coming across new problems I have never seen before. I find your site very helpful for solving these problems. Most websites I come across are geared toward the novice that knows nothing about computers. These sites are useless to me because they only explain what the problem might be and their suggestions are things any person in the field already knows. For example, when the computer is having trouble booting make sure its plugged in. I like that your site is geared toward the professional in the field and is logically laid out with advanced suggestions on how to solve the problem. I hope that your site will be available for many years to come and not be like most sites that disappear a few months after you bookmark them. (Daniel)

You're the best in the milky way. (Siavash)

Many thanks. Your help worked well so long as I remained calm and patient. (Paul)

Just wanted to say thank you for making it so extremely easy. After hours on the phone with Dell, only to find out they wanted to charge me $100's of dollars for support, I told them to shove it and found a simple solution on your site. Again, thank you, thank you very much. (Steven)

Thank you for all your assistance. Most people don't know but really need to known about sites like this. Anyone has a PC need to know where to find information without calling a tech rep. that will charge you for every minute that you are on the line. Thanks again. (Eram352)

Good job thanks, keep things as it is, one day someone will honor you. (Sharif)

Thank you for the simple - easy to follow directions. This helped me so much. Instead of all the computer mumbo jumbo language - you spoke in lamens terms I could understand. (mom in need)

Great range of help. Came here looking for some Microsoft keyboard shortcuts and ended up answering some HTML questions as well. Cheers !! (Carrie)

I've been trying to find a solution to how to delete a file used by another person or program for 10 months. I just discovered your site and within two minutes problem solved. Thanks a whole bunch of free space. (Anonymous)

I've been trying for months to disable the "Sleep" button on my Microsoft Natural keyboard. I don't need it, and my cats keep stepping on it and putting my computer into standby mode. Sometimes I can reawaken the computer and get back to my desktop; more often I can't, and have to restart. I downloaded and installed the latest version of MS's IntelliType Pro software; it enabled me to change the action of nearly every one of the extra keys on the keyboard *except* Sleep. No help there. I searched MS's site, and its advice was to "filter the IOCTL_GET_SYS_BUTTON_CAPS device I/O control request IRP sent by the Power Manager," which involved modifying the i8042prt.sys file. No instructions were given on how to do this. Less than no help, and a waste of my time. I was almost ready to take my keyboard apart and physically remove the Sleep button, or disable it by any means necessary. Finally, I went to Google and searched for the keywords "disable sleep button." Lo and behold, your article CH000735 was the second search result. (The first result was the idiotic MS "IOCTL_GET_SYS_BUTTON_CAPS" page.) Your article told me, simply and clearly, how to disable the Sleep button, and it took me all of 15 seconds to accomplish it. As usual, the bozos at Microshaft can't do tech support to save their lives, and others have to do their job for them. You folks are amazing. Bless you. You're my new heroes! I'll be back, and I'll be recommending you to others too. Regards, respect, and thanks, (Chris)

I anticipated an hour or two of research to find a solution to the issues I was having, but your site was so well organized and thoughtfully streamlined, it took me all of five minutes. Thank you! (Fin_morrighan)

Just wanted to say thank you for such a great website! So much in-depth and good information. I came upon your site by searching "troubleshooting". So far I've been able to figure out and fix three problems with much success. I thought if the site is this good, I'd better subscribe to the newsletter as well. Great job! Thanks again!! (Cathy)


I have just started an ECDL course and needed a dictionary for computer terms with explanations. Thanks you for providing this free of charge. Very useful. (Sue)

Thanks. Answered my question right away with little searching. (Mike)

Thanks very much for the help. In the end, it was the fdisk /mbr command that fixed things! (Phil)

Just wanted to let you know that I accidentally messed up my monitor by putting a magnet near it and your degauss explanation fixed the thing completely - W H E W (Moonweed)

I actually found the page on your site to answer my question from a dogpile.com web search. But YOUR site gave me the best answer. thank you. (J.D.)

I have been buying a lot of info. lately trying to leap to hands-on PC operating, and it is not easy at 72. Haven't spent much, but didn't get much either. Just want to say thanks for the great help I got about hard drive identification. Such things are far beyond my expertise. (Tom)

Thanks for the website. I found it by browsing (accidentally) and used it the next day. You answered my question easily and solved my problem. (Les)

You have a great site! I found everything I needed with ease! thank you for helping me with your site! kind regards. (lardeath)

Wow, when I tripped across this site, I was in heaven. Thank you!!! (Susan)

I just wanted to thank you so much for the help this website provided me my boyfriends computer's been dead for three years everyone including professionals we took it too said the PC would never be able to be fixed. I used my laptop found this site and with a lot of hard work I repaired it thank you so much I never even had to look at other site's even when I fixed the problem and gained another I still was able to use your site thank you again! (Jalnena)

Took me forever to find a power supply plug diagram for an old AT power supply on the Internet. I changed my keywords a little (google) and your page was the first result, and viola. Now I know which wire runs the 5v and which wire runs the 12v (MM Developer)

I saved my customer's computer thanks to your website. Originally, it just came up with a black screen, saying, "NTLDR is missing - Press Ctrl, Alt & Delete to reboot." After following your instructions to fix this, it then said, "Boot.ini is corrupted." I then followed your instructions on fixing this. The machine boots fine now. I also did a CHKDSK /R, but that's the only other step I did. You saved me hours of doing a full recovery to get XP back, and possibly risking the customer's data. Thanks! (Robin)

Google linked me directly to one of your pages that gave me exactly the information I needed. Problem solved in ten seconds. Thank You very much. (Shadias)

Worked best for me. I was looking for a command to delete a file in all the sub directories. I got it pretty quickly. (Saharsh)

Google DirectX version search led me to your site. Thank You very much for the info. (Scott)

Great help, used this site for a school project, only one that laid out things in a nice organized manner so you could actually understand the material. (TopGunSF)

Very user friendly 4 us Granny's ... TY (Goldielox)

I like the Celsius conversion thing. I have a sick brother and our thermometer was 38.95 and I was able to tell my parents in *F (Johannes)

To the entire team providing this service. I just want to say a big "THANKS", to you all for this website that contains so much helpful information on repairing computer problems. Keep up the good work & I will certainly be informing my colleagues about your helpful website. Regards (Derek)

Great site, Computer terms very helpful for school work. (Jane)

This web is set up so well that I feel that I could actually teach myself how to operate in the MS DOS area of my lap top. Thank you so very much. Now, to try some of what I have learned. (Zhychka)

So often simple questions are not easy to answer - thankfully mine was, due to your excellent site, thank you very much. regards, (Mick)

Very good... amazing.. simple, and to the point... thx... (Sosys)

Oh yay! The Win98 I downloaded from your site fixed my problem. Your site is very easy to navigate and explanations are easy to understand. I fond you via a Vivisimo.com search where you came up first. Thank you for your help! (Anonymous)

I have resolved all my previous problems and questions. Thank you. I ought to visit your site again whenever I have a problem from now on. It is as if I've found the gold mine in the Internet-jungle. (Mal)

Love the way the information has been set up. I was able to find my information very very quickly. (Brendan)

2 thumbs up (Small b)

Great site I asked several people, did many web searches and your site was the only place I received my answer, thanks so much (Kim)

Thanks to the developers of this site. This has of great of help to us! More power! (Harold)

Nice & simple. Keep up the good work. (Samuel)

Thank you for this website, it truly helps me a lot. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless. (Patrick)

Computer Hope is my savoir for whom I am extremely grateful. (Ray)

You were simply the best in providing the information by keeping it simple yet relevant. (ACE)

Great website, very good search feature, definitely will be using your site for any other problems I may have. Thanks! (Fair_monitor)

I am a schoolteacher in Phila looking for a simple way to set up a file server in my classroom. I have Windows 2003 Server installed, but it has been anything but simple. The only thing preventing me from setting up a Linux server years ago was not being able to find a list of available commands with their syntax. I'm looking forward to getting into work on Friday & getting my server configured. Thanks :o) (Alan)

Finally a website that easy to use and provides accurate and complete information. (Shehab)

I found you by accident and what a blessing, I was shopping for a new mouse, ran across your site and found out how to clean a mouse and it worked perfectly, you saved me $$! And everything was in simple terminology for those of us that aren't very computer savvy!! A million thanks!! (Lana)

IMPRESSED; FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER SEARCHED FOR TECH. INFO. AND FOUND EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR FIRST TRY. Info was straight and to the point picture and all. Suspect I have a bad power supply and needed this information to check if any voltage was present at Molex connectors. (Dan)

I downloaded and executed a copy of Spybot S&D v1.3 to search for spyware on my machine and it detected five DSO Exploit entries in the Registry. However, Spybot S&D was unable to remove the problems so used Google to search for the term "DSO Exploit". Google found your web page straight away and the information you have provided is very excellent! I think that the author of the "DSO Exploit" article is an IT Guru. Thank you very much. Nice one! (Anonymous)

It's been so long since I have written a "Bat" file I had forgotten the commands and structure. Thanks for being there. Best Regards, (Mark)

There is nothing but good to say about your website, I have not found a book or individual that has helped me more than you, I tell people I'm pretty much self taught about what I know about computers but the truth is your site has helped me in teaching myself. I tell all my friends about you, I myself am on a fixed income and do not want to insult you with what I could donate, but be sure I tell my friends to donate because of the priceless information and help within this website. Keep up the good work, and for those of us that now know what we do WE THANK YOU VERY MUCH........... :) (Tim)

It's very excellent website, anytime I have problem with computer parties I visits this website Computer Hope. thank you (Jamal)

I had been looking for this info for literally months. I didn't know the best way to describe the problem. Once I found your site and extrapolated a bit, it wasn't bad at all. One of those situations where you just know the answer is out there, but finding it by keyword wasn't working well. MANY THANKS (Dewey)

Until I found your site, I could find nothing that would help answer my question. I was looking for the name of the ~ mark and unless I knew what the name was, I couldn't find any info. I appreciate the list that one can look over to find something they can not put in a search box. Thanks (Nanci)

I really enjoyed exploring your site. It was very simple to search and read information. Keep up the great job! Surfers generally only visit sites that are attractive, easy to read/follow, and offers useful information. (AJ)

This was my first time at your website and I found it to be extremely informative and easy to use. I sure appreciate the help. (Kathy)

You are the best I thought it would cost me hundreds of dollars to fix my PC as a student and mother of two I don't have that type of cash on hand thank you so much you saved my PC's life. (Stephanie)

Bless you, bless you, bless you. I had a dual boot system with win98/win2000 (NTFS). Wanted to wipe HDD and start again, but fdisk would not eliminate NTFS partition. Pulled my hair out for hours with fdisk and other stuff, THEN came across your info. Typed in a few debug commands, and viola! thanks! (Dan)

I've been looking all morning for help. This was the only place I found it. (Charlie)

This was exactly the information I needed in order to complete a paper assigned to me in my Computer Literacy class. (Sheray)

Everything is really well described, I have used your site quite a few times now, keep up the good work! (Maarten)

Nice site, never knew you had Linux stuff here. great resource to learn, I thank you!!! (A)

Thank goodness you were (are) here. I had forgotten all these DOS commands. You have saved me an enormous amount of research. (Claude)

You guys rock! I crashed my daughter's computer and I could not get it to work. I know a little bit about computers and dos, but I wasted a whole day until I decided to look for help on the Internet. I was scared she would kill me when she came home and found out what I had done. Now I can relax and enjoy my day off. I CAN NOT THANK YOU ENOUGH. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! (HWNIII)

Love your site, find the info I'm looking for fast, easy and simple. I love the feature that I can search further with underlined term. Knowledge are interrelated, not set in isolation. I'm preparing MS certification, so I will come to this site a lot. Cheers to Computer Hope!! (Jane)

You are a lifesaver. I thought my wife's notebook was fried. Your website allowed me restore her PC in about half an hour. May the CyberGods Bless You Always. Thanks, (H.)

May all the Gods of all the religions, real or fictitious, lay their flowery petals and good hope upon you. You solved my problem! (Jamie)

It's a very nice site you have produced. Wish they were all like this. (Colinakerr)

I am new to, and teaching myself, about batch files and scripts and have found that ComputerHope is simply the most straight forward, easy to follow, and educational site yet. Thank you!! (Allen)

It's such a nice website for computer students & users at large. Thanks for a job well done; it's great! (Jude)

After an hour of searching without the results that I was looking for, I found this site and had my answer in 2 minutes. The explanation was clear and understandable thanks. (Dawn)

You guys provide a great service and do a great job in helping the computer industry by helping its users. Thank you. (Craig)

The Computer Hope website is excellent. One of the most user friendly websites that I have ever used. (Ed)

Your page is a lifesaver. I used to have numerous pages bookmarked for different sections on computer help, but this site always seems to have all the information I have ever needed in a neat, comprehensive format. I love you. (Scumblood)


Thank you help given solved problem within 2 secs of reading. (Steve)

You're doing great job .....keep it up I love to learn. (Italiafirst)

WOW!!! I highly recommend this site! Not only was I able to find what I needed, but I was impressed with the ease of the accessibility and the fact that it was all free for the depth of the knowledge! (Megan)

I keep coming back to your website when I need help. You have always been able to supply me with instructions to fix my computer problems. Thanks for your help (Donna)

Took me a minute, had to use the ol' brain, but I got it. You were indispensable in that effort. You defined a term and helped me translate UT. THANKS! (J)

I really got more information from you. Thanks and keep it up. (Ashokkumar)

This error message came up stating that what I needed was unable to open. I had to just click on it and sift through the pages. I found what I needed and got this done. Bless you all.. (Fern)

Very well written articles. Easy to understand and all the necessary links are there for the variations that problems come in. (Greg)

It was very easy that I cant give any suggestions thanks for helping students like us by developing such site. (Kiran)

As a recent (older adult) user I find your site an absolute blessing for an novice. Thank you. (Larry)

I truly love this help site and plan to use it a few more times yet tonight. Thanks a lot. (Evelyn)

Easy to use. info was a great help for CNS/ISS Finals. (Warhorse)

I almost crapped my pants when my computer said ntldr is missing! I have about 700 family photos on it, and I was starting to sweat. I am aplus certified and looked to my textbook with no luck. I Googled the error message, and your site was the first thing on the list. I was able to weed through all of the useful information on your site and choose the option that I thought fit best. It worked first try! Thank you so much! (Sam)

I am not computer savvy but decided to try solving my mouse problem. Thanks to your concise info I was able to follow directions and get the job done. Thanks! (Anonymous)

Thank You so much for helping me. I was able to find the web page fast. The instructions to solve the problem were very easy. (JamesB6)

I'm once again teaching a class of High School Freshman Computer Skills and I needed to update my history unit. I was surprised at the number of computer related advancements in the 1990s and now up to 2005! Most take all of this technology for granted and/or as an obligation of the companies to keep us moving faster etc! Your site was wonderful, please excuse my soapbox! (Woodsy)

Thanks for the HTML Color Code Chart. I am working with a web designer and needed just the right color. Is this the full list of colors available through HTML Code? Thank You! (Mathew)

I have went on numerous websites and found this to be the best. I have included this as my favorite and also e-mailed the link to my sister. Thanks for a fantastic website. (allthetime)

I googled "adjusting laptop brightness" and your site popped up. I searched my computer help for 15 minutes, but found an answer on your site in 15 seconds! thanks! (Desiree)

Use your website as a prime source for any and all technical questions. Refer others to your website. Thanks to all of you, dc. (Richard)

I am glad I've found your site. This is a safe haven for IT geeks. (Lukacs)

A good site with plain English explanations. Better than MS site, which is difficult to follow, Thanks (R. B)

I am studying for my M.C.S.E and A+ qualifications, and not all answers are in the book, the information on computerhope.com is very helpful, and explains more in short detail, I will be using this site for a long time to come, Regards, (HAyden)

My son was helping me with a computer-related problem on another computer, and he had downloaded a file to a floppy to load on the other computer. He later reinserted the floppy into this machine and forgot to remove the floppy. Once I got to your tip to check for disks, the rest was history. Thank you very much. (Bob)

I was amazed to find the info on a very OLD Conner drive. Thanks bunches. (Jeany)

Thank you so much for this site. I recently killed our old Windows 98 machine and used this site to copy files I needed off the hard drive, as well as to help me see if I could resuscitate our computer. This site has been a big help!!! (Rachel)

Keep it coming, Your my brain food. (Bigokie)

Wow! Very helpful on a problem that I have been struggling with and I am a fairly experienced user. (Sandra)

I hope any other answer, can be found with same ease, Thanks. (Yigal)

I found you by chance from Google your answers are accurate. Thank you very much for the free service. (Heather)

Excellent site! You've done a great job pulling together information on the various different Microsoft OS systems. Thanks! (Derek)

Thanks a Million!! I looked at some other peoples instructions, and it did not work, but your instructions were easy to follow and I am once again a happy computer user! Cheers! (Desilita)

Thank you for the information on net send I'm so going annoy my computer teachers during class! (Jamakin)

Thank you Thank you Thank you. This is the second time that I have used your site to correct my computer problems. Because you have so many excellent tips and techniques I was able to correct my problems and I am up and running again. The first problem that I incurred was due to a "User.exe" corruption. The second was due to a display adapter problem. Because of your site (after a few days of trying to wing it on my own) I corrected both problems quickly and efficiently. Great job who ever created this site. I am telling all of my friends about you. Keep up the great work. (Carl)

Your site is an excellent source of lucid information for the newbie and the experienced. Thanks (Lila1)

Had bookmarked this page a long time ago, as it looked interesting and helpful, but never needed to use it. Computer running slow, was given very informative and concise answer to my problem. Thanks so much. (Andrea)

The laptop, that I was having problems with, was left on the shelf for over 12 months as I had simply given up on it. I had some spare time and found this site through the Google search engine. Tried the advice and met with complete success. Thank you!!! (Stray)

Most sites were to complex and so did not give me what I wanted or too simplistic and could handle a my query. I simply wanted a definition on Crossed linked Files. Computer Hope had it right there and gave me a quick facts on it. (Pete)

LIFE SAVERS! I thought my computer was dead for sure and I wouldn't get it fixed till the next working day. Thank God for the Internet and awesome websites like yours. (Jeanette)

Did a Google search on finding Area Codes and it brought me to your site. Your site listed the area code and the location. That was easy. You hit the top of the Google.com search list and it was worth it. (Greg)

All I can say is thank "God" for your website. I have three hard drives that are unbootable due to an error with User.exe. Due to this error, which leads to a Kernel fault, I was unable to load my CD driver. I have now fixed that problem thanks to you. Hopefully your excellent website can now help me run a fix program for my User.exe problem. Without being able to use my CD I was a fish out of water, but you saved the day. Thank You (Carl)

I am 82 years old and not very computer use informed. Your service is great in answering complex questions so that even a simple mind can understand. Thank you (Irvlem)

THANK YOU THANK YOU! Finally someone with a brain and the ability to use it. Hats off to you guys. Your FREE service is a very VALUABLE tool to me. (Traci)

This Website 0wnz (Red)

Thank you ever so much for providing such thorough and easy to follow advice as to how to fix PC problems. I have had a nightmare finding help with Windows 98 because it's so old, however, you were able to help. Thank you ever so much. (Kirsty)

Your site is easy to understand. First time making a web page, think its pretty good. Wanted to know the fastest and safest way to promote it. My partner and I are starting a legal resource company in a small town and wanting to get it out there. Thank you for your advice. (Lyn)

It's a good site for the people who want to learn something about infrared or gprs settings. (Pankaj)

Thanks for explaining the devise manager stuff. all the direct steps. its hard to go to Google and find a good website. like what would you type in the search browser? how to get a sound driver on the computer. lol oh man I dunno Praise God I found this one though amen later. (Shane)

Your site was the only one I found that mentioned the protocol I needed to share files over my home network. Thanks for the big assist. (Anonymous)

Thanks a million - once I found them, your instructions were very good, and I now have a fully functioning second hard drive. (PF)

Found this place when googling and it was the best one to answer my questions about HTML-code in a simple way (I checked out several other pages as well) (Evil)

I was trying to figure out how to use the Linux command "tar". I read the Man page but it was pure confusion. Computer Hope made usage clear and simple. Thanks, I can now "tarball" like a pro. (Hal)

Dear god, your site was a life saver, thank you so much for your help, I thought I was screwed and would haft to reformat my PC, I'm so happy I was able to pull up your site on my laptop, again thank you so much. (Kawaiirobo)

I had a problem with my computer. Your web page and my hands, fixed it in two seconds. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I used Google to get to your page btw. You guys and girls drop it like its hot! Meaning you don't bs, You get straight to the point. thanks! Error. (Ghost_19d)

WOW! This site is fantastic. Thank you so much for providing something like this. It has helped me twice this week. Our computer tech has abandoned us and this has been great!!! (Jill)

Your information was so simple and I was so excited when I got the computer working. I'm a novice at this. I had an old computer I wanted to fix up for my daughter and after installing a motherboard I had a problem getting it going but you certainly helped. Thank you so much! (Loretta)

I have used Smart Computing's technical support site many times and think they do a great job. You guys have them beat, at least for what I was looking for, video card installation information. Thank You!!!! (Sandy)

I Typed system.ini into the yahoo search bar not really expecting to find it or the answer to the message I've been getting - I was both surprised and overwhelmed when over 7 million references came up - since I didn't know what the file was or what minSPs were, I crossed my fingers and hoped that your site could enlighten me - I still didn't expect to find a remedy even if you were able to define the problem - thank you, thank you, thank you for not only explaining what the problem was but how to fix it - and for free ..... a definite bonus - I use my puter primarily for recreational purposes and repair bills are not in the budget - I'd have to go back to watching Cartoon Network with my boys - lol - I'm going to tell everyone about your site - thank you so much once again - you made my day. (Nemosnfm)

Thanks for having this information available on the web, I am using it to teach a computer class at the library! Thank you so much. (Mary)

Your help was fabulous, exactly what I needed. Thank you. (nzgirl156)

Is this the end of the Internet? I think so cuz it is so much fun and lots to look up and satisfy my curiosity sp? (William)

Just wanted a refresher on binary coded decimal calculations for PLC logic programming interfaces. (Nigel)

Thanks to people like you on sites like this that helps beginners like me solve their computer problems. (Charki)

Best site on the web!!!!!! (Redd)

I could not believe how in 2 clicks I was able to find the answer to my question and never had to fill out any forms or questionnaire to get the information! Thank you very much! (Rose)

Thank you, thank you. I was able to get my microphone working thanks to your easy instructions. Your site is wonderful! (Gail)

Very clear & concise information at a suitable level for a "keen Armature". (John)

Googling errors rock. thanks guys. once again I've thwarted 300 dollar dell help. (Slash)


Very helpful, time saver, most expert guidance, You are doing great service to people who do not have access to faultfinding book, or who cannot afford to join computer education classes. Keep it up. you doing super job. Million Thanks (R.R.)

Found you by chance and will keep on my favorites. Absolutely best information I have had and it answered my questions quickly and completely. (Mike)

Your website has been a great help to me. I am still in the learning process when it comes to computers and your website has so much to offer. I appreciate all the information you make available. Great website! :) (Barbie)

This site is one of the best.. Things are very easy to find and well explained. The amount of information for each specific topic is very very complete, awesome work! Thanks.. (John)

It's Friday and I'm tired and your site gave me the answer to a DOS syntax problem that was vexing me. Thanks a million. (Steve)

I have been working in the IT field forever and I just could not find the solution to the no volume in media player. I discover that I had the volume button pushed in thanks to your website. You guys rock, keep it up! (Anonymous)

Man Wow you guys are firkin awesome !!! This is great information. The best I've come across so far about everything to do with puters. Man keep this updated please. and the info is free. always the best part .... thanks guys in appreciation. I have this saved to my favs and it is going on my 2ndary HDD I don't want to lose this for nothing. (Travis)

Wow this is such a great website, I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot from your website, there were things I already knew, and those things became clearer, and I even learned a few new things, what malware stood for clear difference between adware and spyware, that spyware is actually almost the same as a trojan virus, well the same potential. I stumbled across this website looking for straight facts about the difference between cable and DSL, and found them, great job, keep up the great work here at Computer Hope. (William)

I tried every way I knew of (in windows XP and Microsoft website) to find out what a "codec" is. I had seen it in a "windows update" and wasn't going to download it without knowing what it was. Now I have my answer. THANK YOU (Dorretta)

You guys are AWESOME. I added you to my favorites list and I'm sure I'll be visiting this site many more time. You people are like the only site with accurate, detailed, easy-to-find information. Hood job and thanks for helping. (Darkstar)

I went to several websites for assistance with a startup error that would not allow me to access my computer. After being directed to your website my problem was solved within 60 seconds (literally!). Thank you for a GREAT website. AMAZING!!! (Maxine)

This is one of the best sites that I have found on the web to help me with information that I needed for school and personal use. Keep up the good work. Be Blessed. (Bessie)

Thanks. I have tried to find simple definitions for acronyms and the like, and have found it very difficult with other sites, but not yours. Thanks. (OmnipotentBunny)

Thank you for your help, and free! Ha! Again, Thank you very much for being here for me just another computer geek getting old and blind from years of loving this passion. (Debi)

I had a old copy of Riven and NO documentation. This helped me get started. I WILL be back to this wonderful site. (Phillida)

Solution provided worked like a charm and saved time of having to reloaded XP and numerous applications. (RastaTech)

AOL was unable to help me with a problem connecting to their service! I found Computer Hope was easily able to solve the problem. Thank you. P.S. I never tried to fix a problem before this. (Susan)

I found what I needed instantly. Unlike when I tried to get the information that I needed from the Windows XP help files. Well done! (Anonymous)

Everything in this page is awesome! There are a lot of commands that I have no idea, but now I know where to find them! (Ernesto)

I have an old PC that I am trying to get working for a friend. I wondered if it was powerful enough to load Windows 98SE. I have tried the Microsoft website, Ask Jeeves and loads of other sites. This is the only site that gave me the answer, which is YES. Thanks very much. (Phil)

Your collection is awesome, bar-none. I attempted to create a self-help website, simple solutions for obvious questions I had no time to answer. I was blown away by the extensive collection at Computer Hope. I really appreciate your website as it promotes one of my most favorite quotes, unfortunately the quote is most noted as permission to take more than ones share of cookies and treats in the break room, "help yourself". (JMK)

But seriously, I sure wish (that) I'd discovered you 10 years ago-or, 7, or 4, or 1,... Yours is the clearest, most relevant and most understandable basic computer literacy site that I've ever seen. THANK YOU. (Nic)

I'd tried many websites including the Phoenix Bios Technology website. PBT website suggested I get that info from my computer's manufacturer. I wrote my HPSupport and ask them about it. I don't think they knew anything about this. Today, I did a GOOGLE search for the Phoenix and tried a few more websites before finding yours. Thank you for making this info free. (Lucille)

A very timely enterprise considering the accelerated rate of intro to obsolescence. Just because the manufacture is caught up in the never ending spiral of introducing newer and faster and bigger does not render last seasons offerings useless. Keep up the building of your data base, expand the listings, enhance the information. What you have done has been needed for a long time. Thank you (cssiii)

Its really a very very good site I was like searching this kind of site as m fresher in Software engineering field this site could help me a lot. Thank you very much to make this kind of site for the freshers like me:) (Lickey)

I spend 2 days working on a computer and nobody wanted to help me with out charging me lots of money, I decided to read on the Internet, and ended up spending lots of time on information that did not help me at all. when I found your page, it was a blessing, I cud not believe that all my answers wore in one page. VERY QUICK AND VERY EASY THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (Jorge)

A very very informative site ! An Excellent resource for the novice and experienced user(s) alike ! This site provides a comprehensive review of the basics, in addition to a wonderful addendum of tips and tricks for experienced Windows users ! In my opinion, Computer Hope's site beats the competitor sites overall... BAR NONE ! ComputerHope.com is one of the very few sites that provides very useful information on Windows 95 that is easy to understand and logical, even for the beginning user ! Thank you for your help and keep up the great work! (Jim)

Just wanted to thank you for this free site. It is one of the very best computer information sites on the web. Thank you again. It is nice to know we have somewhere to go that explains things easy to understand. And we don't have to call somewhere where we DON'T understand the customer rep. Thanks again. (Debbie)

I had no clue such a site existed... I'm still a "novice" as far as knowledge of computers and how they operate/work... I have only used them as tools to make my life/work easier... but was stalled as far as knowing what to do if major problems popped up... at least until the computer shop opened and I had the time to give up my computer :) (Anonymous)

Thanks, I am using this as a fun fact sheet to teach co-workers at work. (Jholttn)

Thank you for bridging the gap between a technotard and his technology :) (Dave)

You are the best person in the world! Don't lose hope. Everything will be alright if you just hold on one more day. Then I will arrive, and we can live happy and free. I love you. (Michael)

Thanks for the articles - I've been struggling for ages trying to boot from a disk set up from recovery CDs, but hadn't realized the problem was that it had been set up as a secondary partition. The articles made correcting this simple, and I'm very grateful for the help. (John)

I'm a Mac. guy ;-), but I repair PCs, This is the first place I go when I have problems, and almost always find what I need!! Thank You, you make my life a lot easier!! (lockmeetoo)

Thanks! PC with Dual XP boot suddenly stopped booting. Scratched head for 55 mins, about to reinstall, found your site, found the answer to my problem in 30 seconds. boot.ini now corrected (I had operating systems on discs 1 & 3 and then removed disc 2). Phew! (Anonymous)

Bare-bones. No filler. Just facts. Exactly what I would hope for! Thank you! (T.A.)

I had an invalid system disk error. Tried everything that I knew and couldn't fix it. We on your website and got the correct information. Everything is a go now. Thank you for providing this service. (maple)

I have been using this website for several months now, and I find it very easy to understand and use. The information given is precise and accurate and I find it VERY useful. all in all a very very good informative website. please keep it running! :-) (Luke)

Thanks I was wasting a lot of time looking at a bunch of sites that were telling me nothing. Yours had what I needed simple and right to the point. Thank you very much! (Exousia)

I asked about symbols/Dr Watson, and its just what I looked for; no runaround, no trolling through screens of whatever (which is usually way too tech). (Sam)

Almost all the Windows-ftp help sites forget a very critical command (open address) in their help literature. Not here. It prominently shown at the top with other commands following. Great job. I like accuracy. (MG)

Your instructions got right to the point.. i.e., what file do I need to locate to backup my mail and how to find it. Thanks much! (Leslie)

Wonderful!! Clearly laid out and simple enough for me to follow, I cannot thank you guys enough! Keep up the great and I'm sure rewarding work. Kind regards, (Matthew)

THANK YOU! I had given up all hope of being able to use my existing setup and was looking at a $350.00 minimum expenditure to correct the problem. Your help gave me the clue I needed to resolve the problem. This site is a bookmark and a KEEPER! Thanks again! (Bob)

All I wanted was to see transfer rates for USB 1.1 and 2.0. Simple information but ridiculously hard to find. Until your site. Thanks (Larry)

I am so glad that there is a place where I can get answers to my questions without having to pay someone in India to put me on hold. (Sketch)

I appreciate the ease with which I found the answer to my inquiry. We kept getting the PRN message and I was able to find out what that meant in about 1 minute. Thanks! (Anonymous)

If it wasn't for this site I would probably have bought a new HDD! I thank you for saving those money with me!!! A lot .... Thank god for this page.....(Chris)

I was so thrilled to come across this sight. It has been a tremendous help to me!!! (Lydia)

Google led me here; working on my Network + certification. Thanks for the info! Appreciate it! (Sally)

Some information is old, still useful however, has evolved or changed and may not apply but might be understood to... I'm creating basic computer knowledge articles, (a whats this whats it do, and how does it fit in approach), for friends and relatives. Computerhope.com has been fairly good, so far with the information, help, and explanations. Because of this I have bookmarked it to replace a couple other sites that fell short. Kudos to all who put this stuff together. (bcr)

this is a really good website, I found all of the information available for me to find, most of the other websites information are reclusive, thanks I've enjoyed the experience. (Mathew)

Thanks for providing the MS-DOS info -- you probably just saved me 2+ hours of work! (Tom)

Your site is perfect! Lots of information, easy navigation and design.. Thanks for your existing! (Yurii)

This site has been a life-saver for my Networking class. I've had to play catch up and have found the information I need, plus links to research other information. Great starting point. (Donna)

Very useful instructions; better instructions than the Microsoft website itself for reinstall of ms windows 2000. (Anona)

I have used your site with a growing admiration as the information has helped me to compose lectures for classes on basic computer and network understanding, which I teach at my local college thanks. (Jim)

Great site. Everything was laid out for me on the page with more pages linked in. Beautiful. Thanks a lot. I owe my good grades to this website. (Josh)

Great site! I was able to resolve my problem within 2 minutes! Thank You so much, (LT)

I just sold my house and all my computer books are packed. It only took a minute to find what I wanted. thanks. (James)

I just wanted to say that your website is the most organized, logical and well planned I have seen compared with any other similar websites. It would be great if there were more downloads under each category. I would like to support your website if possible, one way I can do this is to have link to your web page with all my outgoing e-mail. Will you allow me to add your URL to the bottom of my e-mails? Thanks for a great service. (Zeki)

Very helpful site with lots of information. I would recommend this useful site to everybody. Very nice (Mazurik)

Excellent ... one stop problem solving in IT is a rarity these days. Bookmarked site for future ref!! (Dave)

Today, visited this site for first time, and suddenly sense a new chapter in my computer experience is beginning: that my quest for knowledge and methods is finally on the fast track. Thank You! (Rintala)

A very informative site and most useful for our "Kitsap Computing Senior" group. We are all volunteers to help teach other seniors and shutins how to use their computers and correct problems. mucho thanks. (Ml)

I would like to thank all staff that work for the wonderful site. You were extremely helpful in not only resolving my problem, but learning more about working with computers. (Bill)

Finally, a website that offers instant answers to any and all types of Computer problems. Most sites that I have gone to don't give simple and direct help like your site has to offer. Usually I would have to go from link to link to link, which can be not only time consuming but very frustrating. My hats off to you. This website is definitely #1 on my list!! Thank You. (Barbara)

I just needed a dos syntax, and it was right here.... you guys are good... it must be a labor of love. (Larry)

You are a great resource. I very much appreciate you. This is especially true since Dell tech support couldn't help. Thanks again. (Edward)

Great website guys :P I had some stupid error because someone deleted a windows file and thanks to you I could copy it via ms dos to the windows directory !!! thanks !!! :D I love this website... (Anonymous)

Excellent Resource!! I gave your URL to all my students and use this site to verify questionable contents of some text books. (Dwhit)

I have been going nuts all day trying to figure out how to configure the pif file. I found what I needed from you in about 5 minutes.. thanks (Peter)

The directions were clean and concise; right to the point. I am happy that it was this easy to find and implement my solution. Thank you. (Adam)

I must praise you for this site. Easy to navigate and easy to understand, and all in all serious. I will recommend this site to my dearest friends, with a damn good reputation! Thanks for the visit, but this isn't the last time I'll visit this page. *Bookmark* (Chris)

Very very helpful! Thank god your website exists! DOS is no longer a common tool and everyone seems to have given up on it. Thank you again... (Jones)

Could not ask for better. Technet in Microsoft could take lessons from you. (Dennis)

Though I am not an idiot, I believe the average idiot could find his way around here just as easy.. That's my messed up way of saying Kudos! Excellent site, I am glad I Googled it, already added to my favorites. Thanks, (JD)

Your site has been helpful to me, my family and friends since 1997! Keep up the great work! (Roxann)

Just discovered this website today after giving up on the mainboard's manufacturer's support site. It is simply the most friendly and informative site I have come across in the last 12 months. Thanks for your great work. (GuyA)

CH has made kept me going. I didn't know anything. I mean 0 about computers. I've been learning much keeping this antique online. I purchased TuneUp Utilities 2004 off your site, it's great, THANKS. This computer would be trash without you. (Btrevet)

I've been the low-level computer guru in my family for years (fortunately, I have a real guru to turn to when I get stuck) and I've recently been thrown head first into the world of wireless networking. After finally getting everything set up and secured, I was given the task of figuring out how to use the Messenger Service in Windows XP. I looked at Microsoft's website, I looked in Windows Help, I looked everywhere.. Finally Jeeves gave me a link to your site, which gave me the key pieces I needed to figure it out, and on the very first page I looked at! I've been browsing your other areas, and I'm really impressed. Thank you, thank you, thank you! (Alexia)

I have been concerned about WIN386.SWP-computer is slow - that thing kept growing! Got exactly the answer I needed. Thank you soo much. (V)

I have used this site before and should have gone to it first. Other sites gave me a dozen options. Your site was right on target. This is an excellent site for people with all levels of computer knowledge. Thank you for your help. (Anonymous)

Great Website! Was finally able to diagnose my computer problem. You saved my Gateway Solo 5300 Laptop from meeting its fate by being thrown out of my dorm window or being whacked by a 2x4! Thank you so much! (Jill)

A great site. Got here quite by accident but then again maybe it was 'divine providence' that guided me here. What ever it was I am very grateful for. (Ancient1)

I looked up the code info in google and you were the first link up. Very quick and to the point :) I'll have a few less grays now. Thanks (Boxturtle)

This is one of the best computer dictionary of line. Thanks for this site. (Bill)

Microsoft only gave me one answer and you gave me numerous ones. The first being the correct one in my case. (Mthill)

Awesome Site!!!you guys are really great. You have done a really good job. Keep it up. I just don't have words to express my comments. Lot of useful information.. Keep up the good work going!!! I will definitely recommend this site to all my friends and family members. WISH YOU A VERY GOOD LUCK!!! (Nithya)

Thank you very much. It seems whenever I take my computer to some one to fix it they just erase and start over. I was able to do this my self. You saved me money and time. (Rob)

There should be a law against you!! YOU ARE ADDICTIVE!! But don't stop!!! Excellent site. Wanted to know what "modio" was - Put it in Google - Top of the list was you - Problem solved - Went on to waste an hour looking at all sorts Wish I'd found you years ago! Have put your address in Links. Thank you! (Chas)

Great! I needed some help for a DOS function so I could create a backup batch file, and found exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much! :-D (Tom)

Ran some dumb program off a p2p network - got suspicious when it asked for a reboot... Got "NTLDR not found" or similar. Fired up Google on my son's PC, typed in NTLDR and bewm - up came a Computerhope reference. 30 mins of searching for my XP CD, 20 mins of guessing forgotten Admin password (and rebooting several times), and I was able to recover the deleted NTLDR, NTDETECT.EXE and BOOT.INI files. Thanks very much! (Anonymous)

This is the best site that I have ever been to in my entire life. I search the web every day for 10 hours a day and never have I found a site with such brilliance. I love this site and I was wondering if I could buy a T-shirt which says I love www.computerhope.com. YESS!!.. it turns me on. (Mathew)

I use this site often for computer information. I find it extremely helpful. Very detailed, usually answers all my question and then some. In fact I usually end up clicking on so many links once I get started, I end up miles ahead of myself with answers to question I don't even have yet. Keep up the GREAT work, (Denise)

Entry level CMPTR student, your site has been a tremendous help, more than mere words can explain! Thanks! (Lisa)

Many thanks for having a site where you can obtain information about computer related problems. When you think that the Internet is full of information it is good to know that there is somewhere that you can get information to enable you to get on the Internet in the first place should your PC require maintenance. Thanks again. (Steve)

One of the best computer related websites that I have ever come across. Easy to navigate, very well laid out, clear and uncluttered. Full of extremely useful information. (Raymond)

This is the only place (in 2 days of searching) that I was finally able to find the right info to fix an "NTLDR missing file" error. Thanks Tons !!!! (Anonymous)

Thank you for providing this service. Sometimes the terminology for tech language is mysterious and overwhelming. It's relieving to know there's help out there! (Terri)

This is probably the most informative and concise website I have ever seen compiled on key computer issues and the hardware/software boot process. The information you have provided here is very useful for someone trying to configure and maintain their own system without having to be a computer software/hardware career oriented technician. Great job***** (John)

I've been to your site before & have always gone away satisfied! No mysterious codes & nonextant definitions in the index files. (Cecilia)

Finally discovered Computerhope.com Wish I'd known about Your Computer Dictionary long ago. It is a Godsend to a non-technical computer user. No other help sources I've tried before compares to your, detailed, layman language definitions and expanded information on important terms. Any way I can help keep this great website in business? Just ask. (Winfield)

Wonderful website. Very useful. Would Recommend it at any one trying to learn Linux and Unix like me. (Sameera)

You guys cost me 50 bucks, but it is well worth it.... I purchased the Norton utilities partition magic..... only problem is now I have to set down and familiarize myself with its capabilities. no problem, I'm retired, and I am happy to have folks like you around. (Harold)

All I can say is that this is an A1 website, I'm doing an open university course and this site is invaluable as it will be in the future for most computing queries. Thanks very much (Stan)

This site is really helpful and it took me little time to find what I was looking for even though I'm not a techie. It was a was a very satisfactory experience. Thank You all at www.computerhope.com. (William)

I made a gross mistake of not seeking your page before I wasted money. Next time I shall look before I leap !!! I have run off a hardcopy of all your pages and retained in my records. (Maj. WG)

I just want to thank you for providing such a great website. A person can actually look for answers to their questions and find them. And you don't cater to hackers. Thank you. Keep up the fantastic work. (Seymour)

You saved me countless hours, I thought my problem was obscure "NTDLR" ?? Wow, I did what you said and it worked. Bam! I'm so excited, I spent 4 hours on that stupid thing. I will be asking you guys a lot of stuff from now on, and I bookmarked your page. I feel like I should pay for this service. I am so pleased. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Ernie)

I am a new computer user at 59 and it helps when the answer are right there. Thank you. (Jennt)

This site was very great. I wish I always had a time to go in this page to help me learn more because I was very busy on my time schedule. but this great is very awesome for me because all my interested topics and other information are shown here. thanks a lot! I hope that there would be many other people that will appreciate your site. (Coy)

Greetings. AOL should place an Icon for your company, on the top of its' taskbar. Damn, you're great for problems. (Jesus)

Thanks I had a simple question. How to move the taskbar back to the original location. I called Time Warner RoadRunner to get the support guy to help. He didn't know how to do it so why would he be able to tell me anything else about a computer. I looked on this website and found the simple answer. Thanks again. (Mike)

A great tool! After spending many years "away" from bat file processing, I had lots of cobwebs to clear out. This has helped a lot! Many Thanks! (Michael)

Great site for beginners and advanced users. Every question you could ask is at one, easy to use site. Thanks very much! (Brad)

Illegal DVD-ripping software is flourishing, despite well-publicized wins by DVD piracy foes and laws against copying Hollywood movies. (L)

I am so very happy I have found this site. My first time here was excellent also; and it just gets better. THANK YOU (Steven)

I got this new virus scanning and protection thing and I was wandering what or who started viruses and now I know thanks to your site thanks so much I couldn't find that info anywhere else...(kina strange hey...?) well thanks! (Brenden)

Thanks... I've been searching for information on how to disable programs from running in the background (TSRs) everywhere on the net but only wasting time. Once I found your site, my lousy search definition was directed to exactly what I was after, and in great detail!!! Seven pages of everything you need to know on the subject in fact. I couldn't be more pleased. Keep up the good work!!! (Arnold)

I never found any website that is details like given in this website. It is excellent I cannot express my words how easy it is. Thank you the team that create this website. (Debdulal)

I have been searching the Internet for shortcut keys because I just started a data entry job and I was looking for ways to increase my production. I think that the information I found at your site is more than what I was looking for. Thanks (Lyn)

I found exactly what I needed almost immediately. I was searching for some translations of DOS commands to Unix. As a complete novice to Unix I was amazed how easy this was. Thanks! (Ken)

Thank you so much for your helpful website! I thought I had lost all hope when I forgot my bios password for my Windows 98 system. After two days of searching for help I found your site. I am so grateful for the instructions and graphics. I'm happy to say my problem is fixed now. I am a teacher and I will recommend your site to everyone I know! (Patti)

I enjoyed the information that your site offered. Thank you for teaching a rookie or ignoramus on the meaning of RAID. My newly bought PC has no RAID, that prompted me to ask what it is. Many thanks. (Tom)

I have tried a lot of suggestions from a lot of people, but your advice has been the only one that has actually worked. Thanks again. (Paul)

I Love This Site. I've Recommended to All My Friends and Family. Thanks Computer Hope (Angel)

This is my first time using this site and have found it to be very resourceful. Will use again Thanks for taking the time to put up a site that doesn't cost money. Continue doing what your doing. (Norm)

The BEST experience with computer help I have ever used !!!! (Millforklady)

I was pleased about the fact that your search results are so strait forward. Websites with these type of services are often hard to find. I would certainly recommend this site to anyone with common computer problems. Thank You. (Edgar)

Suggested to me by relatives - very glad to know how to seek help that is desired I am still a novice and have 2 sisters that can do almost anything almost - much more computer savvy than I am - thank you. (Joan)

I've been working for days trying to figure out why I lost sound. I reinstalled the sound card and everything. Went into Google typed in "lost sound" and found your site and the first thing it said "bad something" was it. The check mark was grayed as soon as I did what you said (keep choosing) it did it!! Thank you! I put you in my favorites! (Linda)

As always I was able to find the answer to my problems and they were easily understood. Great job!!! (Patty)

Best definition of MAC address that I've found. (Anonymous)

I have used your beep code info. before. Each time has led to a successful completion of my work. I really appreciate the free access to this info. If it wasn't free I wouldn't be here. (Padre)

I have put this site in my favorites and have recommended to several people. I love this site and always get answers to my questions. Thank you for maintaining it for us. (Delleen)

Thank you for your website. It is the best one of all the Computer jargon Dictionaries sites I've visited so far (and I've visited plenty). In fact, the only one I was able to find the answers to ALL of my questions. Thanks again and good luck to you all! (Inna)

Thank you for all the effort, you folks are doing good job I hope you will maintain the same level, someone may honor you some day for the good job which is far better than others, success folks. (Sharifow)

I am new to all this. I stumbled upon your site accidentally while looking for answers for something that I can not remember now. I keep coming back here for help, and I can not say enough about you guys. I am usually able to get some sort of understanding of what to do after a visit here. I thank you many times. (Pne)

Your site is INCREDIBLE. I spent less than 2 minutes looking up information and fixing the problem. I didn't know quite how to word my problem and yet your search engine took me to exactly what I was looking for. The directions were simple yet complete, and I was able to take care of a problem I thought I would spend hours trying to solve. I normally don't waste my time writing this kind of stuff, but I was really that impressed with your site. (Kyle)

Wow! This site gave me the EXACT info I was looking for and SAVED me from having to reinstall everything on my computer. It was a simple problem with a simple solution that even the techies on the phone didn't think of. THANK YOU!!!!!!! (Jessie)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! AOL really messed up my computer, and I wasn't able to run DOS concurrently with Windows until I found the answer in your website!!! I've been going absolutely crazy trying to figure the damn thing out, and the solution is so simple!! And your site is much easier to navigate than Microsoft's!! Now I'm going to see what other tips you have. Thanks again! (Laura)

This is the best site on the entire Internet. Thank you so much for all of the help that you have supplied. I am having a problem with bad sectors in my hard drive. After reading up on it in the dictionary I now know that it is going bad. Thanks (Vee)

Thank you, a local store told me I had to purchase a new scanner because I did not have the necessary driver. My scanner is only 2 years old. Again thank you, you just saved me around $89.00. (Debbie)

I would like to give all there credit for developing such a great tool for users! I often point out you site for users whom need help! Love it guys! Keep it alive! If you ever need assistance please contact me. (Joel)

Just wanted to let you all know that I really like your site. And I love the name - Computer Hope. Reminds me of the ship (70s and 80s, I think) called Hope. It was a hospital ship and sailed around the world giving hope to people. The theme was "Where there's Hope, there's Hope." Pretty neat, huh! I miss reading about it. Have not heard anything about it in years. That is something I will have to check out on the Web. (Anna)

I was thinking about buying a book on computer problems, but now since I found this website, I don't think I need it. Thank you very much! (Michael)

I'm not the sort of person that generally feels compelled to e-mail websites but...... I'm currently undertaking a computer course: 'Technical Support for ICT Systems' and have found your site absolutely invaluable in helping me understand some of the course material.... If the site came in book form I'm sure it would be a best seller. Thank you (Henry)

Greetings from Moscow! ;-) I owe a box of beer to you guys..:-) Thanks a lot for your help and such helpful website. (Ejen)

Your site was very helpful. In fact even the computer tech support could not find the problem. They told me I needed a new monitor when in fact as your site pointed out I had a defective monitor cable. Well you guys save me a bunch of money so thank you very much. (Larry)

Thank you for such a helpful site. I've spent ages on the web trying to find somewhere to tell me exactly what a PCMCIA slot looks like and where on my laptop it might be. Within two minutes of finding your site I'd found them and knew everything I needed to know. (Lady)

I would just like to say that this is the most useful and helpful site I have ever seen. The definitions alone have increased my knowledge 10-fold. I just happened upon it while looking for something else. because of the knowledge base, I have made your site my home page, that is HUGE !! A big compliment. I have also sent others to your site and they too have found the site most useful. I can't believe I have gone this long without finding the site before. If you should happen to fold (gosh, I sure hope not) Please let me know so that I can d/l your entire database. (Glen)

This is a great site to obtain various information for just about everything about computers. Such a dedicated site like this one deserves a great deal of recognition. (M0ua)

I am currently in college. last semester I was introduced to batch files. I didn't learn squat about batch files. until I found your site now I understand batch files, everything from how to create and edit to showing other people how to make batch files. If it wasn't for this site I would have giving up on batch files. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! Thanks again (Mike)

I think your site is one of the best! When I have to think too hard back to the DOS commands, sometimes I go too far back or not far enough. I have too much packed in upstairs from working on so many different platforms (Unix-several flavors, Windows-All flavors, Novell-3.x to 5.x, etc). Your site is the perfect reference for me to get versions and commands straight. 99% of the time I find the command/operational information there. Congratulations on the tremendous job! (Roy)

Thank you for your help with Pop Up Ads. Following your suggestions and links to companies that deal with this intrusion, I have been quiet happy with Panic Ware's Professional Edition. The company's product was the best suited for my business and personal needs. Please, keep up the good work. I appreciate the effort that goes into producing a weekly newsletter of this quality and caliber. Again, thank you. (Calvin)

I'm hungry for learning and you got the food. (Daniel)

I really enjoyed learning a lot of things that I have never known before from your website. Well, I am studying maintenance class and I found this site to be very very helpful. What I learned in the class, I came and visit Computer Hope. I can't tell you how helpful it is to me. Even I have learned a lot of things that I didn't know before. I am still enjoying it very much. I am also giving this site to all my friends to get the best out of it. Thank you once again. Sincerely, (tsegereda)

Your site was extremely helpful. your material is well organized and well categorized. I found what I needed within seconds... It was a pleasure to navigate within your site. I came to your site very frustrated of a problem I was facing but finding the solution to my problem quickly speaks volume. I have book marked your site and I assure you I will be visiting it again... (Chris)

I fruitlessly searched the web for almost an hour trying to find articles/definitions to help my 13 year old Nephew prepare for his computer exam. I then discovered your site and simply found everything I needed..... and more. (Matt)

You guys have done a fantastic job producing a downright excellent site! The content is incredibly precise. Will bookmark & definitely recommend to others. Thank You. (Lucien)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I haven't worked on a Unix system in several years and couldn't remember some of the commands. You saved my butt!! (Michelle)

I am greatly satisfied with your site. I wish, I had known it earlier. I am 70 plus, cannot sit long at a time. One can spend whole day in browsing this site. Wish you good luck in all your efforts. Regards (S.B.)

As a system engineer I think this is the number 1 trouble-shoot site... Keep it up. (Rikke)

After going straight to my notebook manufacturer's website and spending who knows how many hours just to fail. Then by chance your site appeared and all that was lost was found. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. (Badbob)

This instance is characteristic of your website. There are few help organizations at the top of the Internet list. As far as I'm concerned, you folks are always among the top 5. Thanks all of you. "Points." (dc)

OMG.. I have recently decided to find a free legit way to enhance my knowledge on Excel and found that you guys go through it step by step. And the program is Book marked to review the program on a routine basis until I feel confident about the knowledge I have encountered for free. Thanks, you guys. (Jennifer)

This site is great I read 1 paragraph tried it for my comp and fixed the problem .. I have been trying so many different things to fix my comp and I was about to spend 600 dollars at a place for them to try to fix it thank you so much this site was great I just read 1 paragraph and it was quick, free, and very helpful. once again thank you. (Johnathan)

Okay, you people are absolutely amazing! You provided solutions to 3 problems I've had with my PC for 5+ years in less than 10 minutes. CD Plays! Outlook e-mails! and PC is much faster, You're on my favorites list (2 secs after speaker started working) I give e-mail to NO company, but couldn't get down fast enough for you people. Trust me, by this time tomorrow, at least 100 people who didn't know you before, will now! PS My dopey husband has been a systems analyst for 23 years, is the MIS director for a large company, and even has a degree in C.S., but couldn't (wouldn't) fix these things. By now. And if you ever need a spokes person, I'm your man. (Lisa)

I recently started a network administration course after being laid-off for two years. This is a new field for me and any information is of great help. Your site has already clarified some unknown terms for me. Thank You! (Bill)

I had been searching for a video driver for about an hour.. found the answer here is about 3 min. (Dennis)

I stumbled onto this site about a year ago and its the coolest site I ever found. I visit it at least once a month, usually a couple times a week if I want to learn anything about computing. In fact, everything I learned about maintenance, DOS, file extensions, etc., well lets just say this site taught me about 90% of what I know about computing. (Harry)

We recommend this site to all our ezine readers and hosting clients as the first place to look for answers. (Diana)

After a few hours of frustration and useless 'hints' from other sites, I found you! (Anonymous)

I built a new AMD system and installed the old drive from my windows 95 Pentium 133 system to preserve the files. Immediately I was halted due to "while initializing device IOS....". Anyway, I tried several other 'fixes' to NO avail. Your clear website pointed me almost immediately to the culprit--> Windows 95 and my 1.3 GHz Athlon processor. NONE of the other sites even mentioned something this easy, trust me! Anyway, THANK YOU!! (Ray)

I was *really* hung up in solving a problem, after having to reinstall Win98. Found my answer, FAST. After wasting a *bunch* of time searching and searching, books on Win98 in Austin libraries. Thanks. (Loren)

Your great hang in their you my life saver with out you I wouldn't have been able to fix a customers computer and I would have lost business thanks so much (Joshua)

THANK GOD! Finally a site that is in plain English and is easy to navigate! I have been trying to locate this info on my video driver for DAYS and this is the only site that has had the correct information!!! (Kschimpff)

I can't thank this website enough for how helpful it was! I'm a writer and have been working on a story for the past 5 months. It finally came time to reformat my computer so I saved my story to a 3.5 floppy. Unfortunately I would spend the next month and a half trying to figure out why I couldn't open up my story again. That's when I turned to the Internet for help and BOY DID I FIND IT!!! Your website took me exactly where I needed to go the minute I came upon it, and it showed me how to get back my story! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! (Ryan)

I wanted to drop you an e-mail say how your site has helped me for doing web pages. This is a good resource because it is so simple and doesn't require having to go through 500 pages in a book. I have not even dented going through all your stuff but so far I am impressed. Keep up the good work. (Joe)

Hello there... I don't have a complaint about your website, however I would like to tell you that I think it is absolutely great. I was able to find everything that I needed, and was very impressed with the amount and presentation with the all of the information provided. Thanks very much and keep up the good work. :-) (David)

Thanks for providing such brilliant help! I've passed your website details onto my friends and colleagues who, I'm sure, will benefit from your problem solving. As I said before, Brilliant.. or, in Australian, "Bloody brilliant!" Regards (Chris)

1 - Learned from here how to use a boot disk and obtained 1 from a site linked to yours (Bootdisk.com) They were also very helpful. 2 - Obtained information on modems and drivers for them when I had disconnect problems some time ago. 3 - Stop here often to visit 4 - Receive newsletter. Best computer information and links for anyone willing to learn. Please keep up the good work and the site. (Joe)

Great site. Thanks for the much needed help. I wish the manufacturer's own site was as helpful. (Wayne)

Just what I needed. By the way, your site was recommended by Tech Support at Western Digital. Thanks! (Al)

I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for your fine website! I was able to find clear, precise, and helpful information to my computer problem at Computer Hope. I'm not a very technical person, and many sites contain explanations for computer issues written in computerese, which is wildly frustrating. Thank you so very much for offering your wonderful explanations in plain English for those of us who are less adept with computer things. I nearly cried when I found your site and was actually able to fix my problem! Thank you so much, (Denise)

I should really give you a real big hug and wet slobby kiss :-) The Simplicity, both Structural and lingual made my life a whole lot easier. surprisingly with all the sites out there floating aimlessly- lost in the ever so wide net, giving out answers which are either over technical and smeared into infinity or short and extremely NOT to the point your site was a lifesaver. What have you helped me with? let's start with Basic explanations of what IS Unix, what are BUS's and where do they go, and how do CD-R and RW differ. really "easy" questions that no one bothers to address nowadays. Anyhows, combining so many layman terms under one roof to my opinion works marvelously. so, thanks a-plenty and keep up the good work. (Martin)

Love your site. It has helped me with several computer related problems in the past. Most recently BIOS beep codes. I fixed due to your advice. Saved me money by not having to take computer into the shop. The problems was easily resolved and took minutes to diagnose and repair. Thanks again (Neven)

I wish I found this site before. I aced my DOS test yesterday as I was allowed to use one online source. this site, tomorrow I have my Unix. I am so happy I found this site. It is brilliant. So easy to understand. Gotta run, its 2.30 am and I have to study. Thanks for your hard work putting this site together (Sandy)

Am refurbishing an older computer to give as a Christmas gift. Was having trouble getting the new CD-ROM to read audio CD's. Your instructions helped me solve the problem quickly. Thanks very much for the great information. (Martin)

I honestly don't know how you are funded for running this great site. But one thing I world like to say: You are serving the humanity in love. It makes me feel that somewhere deep inside of us we feel that we all are one. The sense of unity, integrity and love for the humanity is amazingly much more than that we had decades ago. May be I sounded a bit low. But believe me, this is not jargon or rhetoric. I feel this has come from my heart seeing your good work. Cheers (mukesh)

You are the bomb. I tried for 6 hours yesterday to get The 7th Guest running with Windows Me and built in sound card. Your download did the trick. THANK YOU (Dan)

Your web page was very helpful. It only took about 30 seconds to get my bearings and I found what I wanted easily. Keep it up your team is doing a very good job. (Bradley)

This is my first time at this site. I just can't believe what I have been missing. You have so many answers for the number of questions that I thought of in a short amount of time. Thank you for creating such a great site. My students in PC Computers and Networking will enjoy going to your site with their homework assignments from me. Thanks again, (Steve)

G'day Whoever created this site. A really big THANK YOU from me .I have just started an IT correspondence course to become an PC Technician. The hardware part I can deal with, but this DOS stuff left me shaking my head. I've only worked in GUI interfaces so far 9x/ME/XP & so forth .Being a GUI baby spoilt me I think. Well, on my second assignment they wanted me to create DOS Batch files, etc. The coursework seemed to assume that I knew the basics of it .....WRONG !. I did a search in Google in desperation and found your site. I now know what they are talking about .I found it to be in terms that I can understand. Now I can get on with the assignments with a good resource behind me. I've built about 20 PC's unassisted so far, I have 6 on a LAN at home now all 9x / XP. But I had never had to use DOS thankfully. Now I can use DOS when I have to. Thank you again :) Regards (Paul)

It was so easy to find the solution and the fix so quick. Thank you. Your URL should be in the Bookmarks of all Computer Support Staff. (Rosmarie)

I just purchased "Troubleshooting Windows/Smart Computing Learning Series Vol 8 Issue 6" and found your website in the "Free Computer Help" article. I have been looking for a site like this for some time. I have been able to find several answers to the questions I have had, from the small annoyances to the biggies. I can fix my parent's computer now. My 3 yr. old "broke" it. Thank you very much. I think this site is great! (Ali)

Your site is GREAT! I found everything I needed to resolve the problem I was having with my hard drive. Navigation on you site is also GREAT! A few click and I had my answers, but even more important than that is, THEY WORKED! Thank you. (Alias)

I forget how I discovered your website but I somehow did. It really is about the best I've seen! Microsoft Support isn't for people like me and I find I go in circles trying to find answers. Yours is put together so well and it's easy to find everything I need. Your section on Fatal Exceptions finally helped me to understand exactly what they are and what they mean. I guess they all refer to processor problems. Thank you for taking the time to explain everything in layman terms. I don't feel so dumb now. (Sharon)

I easily found ALL the answers I needed. The information you provide here is very clear cut and right to the point. I Thank You (and my wife Theresa thanks you) for such a great site. Now maybe I can finally get some sleep. (Paul)

While being reasonably knowledgeable about using computers, I have never partitioned or formatted a hard drive before and was very nervous. I found your simulations very helpful and all the sections very well explained. Thanks very much. (Jean)

A Site like this is rare at best. I think I speak for everyone that enjoys the excellent few remaining aspects of the Internet. (Andrew)

I usually don't leave comments but in this case I had to. I just wanted to let you know this site rocks. I have got a lot clarification on different subjects from your site. probably the best overall site on the web. if at all possible I would like you to give out more debug information concerning more troubleshooting issues thanks again. (Cowboy)

Very comprehensive. I simply went to Google, punched in "computer batteries", your site came up, I clicked on it and instantly found the information I wanted i.e., life of a CMOS battery. thanks and keep up the good work (Ccwhite1)

I am glad that I found your site I was able to understand the info being that I am not computer literate. you made the info so easy to understand that even a dummies could understand. thanks. (Constance)

I have been locating Google and other search engines and other sites. often many to find answers to my IT related doubts. now I am fully satisfied that I am able to find everything in a single site. and I really thank everybody associated with this site. this is really the top and root of IT. full of dictionary, quiz ..and everything, THANKING YOU. (PRASANTH)

The MS-DOS help on this site is excellent. I am a programmer, and enjoy working with old computers. Your site helped me with running an IBM-PC, and it walked me through creating .BAT programs. Thanks a lot! (Ian)

A great site, though understandable hard to find exact information because of sheer volume present. Your database is very well done and I am thankful that you do not ask for up front payment to access the information. A wonderful example of what the Internet is suppose to be. From now on I will be checking your site first for all my dos/windows information. Thx. (Philip)

Thank you so much, I was looking for information on how to create a screenshot for a tutorial I'm working on. I visited other websites for so-called answers but found them to be "as clear as mud". Only your site gave crystal clear instructions, enabling me to create a screenshot within minutes. Thanks again. (David)

I am a total zero when it comes to anything technical. My minesweeper game had moved partially of the page and I could no longer play. The MSN help site was impossible, so I did a Google search and landed on you. Your hints were easy follow and my problem was solved immediately (deleted winmine.ini file). Fantastic. You are now on my "favorites" list. (Larrikin)

I spent 30 minutes trying to navigate the Microsoft site got 3 core dumps on the Unix system at work before doing a search on Google and clicking on the link to your site. You had just what I needed "System Requirements" for Win98 SE Thanks (Skip)

I have to tell you, I love your website. I am going to send this site to everyone I know. I just discovered it today when I Typed in a search for invalid system disk error and saw your site and found out more info than I have ever seen on any site before. Usually you have to go to SEVERAL sites for different problems, but your site has all the answers. Just wanted to let you know. Have a great day (Valerie)

I actually felt warm and fuzzy after the experience. Thank you (Rick)

I couldn't get my mic to work-- I assumed line in mic line out speakers within 20 seconds of finding your help page I had found the solution --- you people should get involved with politics etc. because you know what your on about. (Dave)

To start with this site is great I found what I was looking for in three minutes flat. That was after spending 45 minutes on Microsoft Knowledge base. All I wanted was a definition of an error code which I have now from you. Keep up the good work! (Tamb)

I do not have a Unix box at my home; Therefore I had to rely on a "man" page I didn't have access to. Your website provided the "CAT" extensions to give me the answers I was looking for. Thanks (John)

I have a lot of bad habits, but exaggerating isn't one of them. Your site is great help for hardware newbies who are literate and have brains :) (Mikael)

Thank you so much for this site, which I "happened" on in the wee hours of the morning. I had been working on a lot of software/hardware "stufffor my PC's, getting more frustrated by the minute. Your site provided the answers to every single question/confusion I had. The entire team is very talented at providing and presenting information in a "clear-concise-non-patronizing" manner/format that speaks to a variety of learning styles. Not an easy task and very refreshing. There's a lot of "junk" out "there" and my only regret is not finding your site WEEKS ago. Please don't go away. if you do, take me with you. Thanks again and again!!!! :) (Bg)

Just found this thru Google.com!! To call the info here excellent would make me guilty of the biggest understatement since Noah looked up and said "Might rain today". (Mac)

Back again! I never seem to be away. As ever, I found what I was looking for. Brilliant site - bookmarked long ago. I send everyone here - including readers of Web User magazine! Off to set up a network now - using your help. (Thanks very much.) See you soon. Best wishes, (Maxine)

Just wanted to let you know I think your site is a great nugget of knowledge on the web. I see so many crap sites everyday it makes me sick. Thanks for contributing and keeping the knowledge free. (Dru)

I work for Comcast, 2nd level support, and I refer people to your articles for known issues that we can't troubleshoot here, because it's not a Comcast issue. (Tiffany)

I see that my favorite newsletter has arrived, and; it appears to be a bit early. As always, it is a real treat to read it end-to-end. It was of particular interest to me to read about excite@home. This company serves a distinct purpose for me. It represents a difficult and costly lesson that I needed to learn as a full-time investor. I lost a small fortune, (to me anyway), on excite. The rest of the newsletter was either fascinating or very useful. I do not know how you pick your subject matter, but I do know that it is always "relevant" to today's issues in technology. Mostly, I am writing to tell you I appreciate your effort in getting out the newsletter. I hope that you have had the luxury of being able to find/hire some help. If not, then "even more praise be heaped upon you." I retired at 46 y/o from Hospital Administration. That was 4 years ago and now I have an eight month old son, (our first and only), and too many clients for my home business - helping Physicians invest wisely. However, if you need a "grunt" to answer some e-mail, or do mind-numbing research, etc. etc. please let me know. I will allocate a reasonable "chunk" of time each week and draw up a schedule for your approval or modification. This is my way of saying that I believe in you and in what you are doing. It also serves as good practice for bringing my Son up to date on technology issues. Sure, he doesn't understand me right now. but who knows, hey? It is not necessary to respond to this note unless you have the time or inclination or need a new "grunt." Good luck, and thanks again for my newsletter. I remain, Respectfully yours, (CALVIN)

I just recently found your website. Now I am beginning to wonder how I ever got by without your website! :) Your site is very, very helpful, easy to use and understand, and the supporting links are wonderful. Thank you so much for taking the time to create such a great website. (Dave)

Computerhope.com is honestly a valuable source of information regarding different aspects of computer knowledge written for readers at different basic levels. I would like to congratulate you for preparing and presenting such an encyclopedia of computer for those who appreciate and respect such quality works. Today, I discovered your website and you will see more of me and many more who have not been aware of this treasure. I wish you the best for making more progress in your endeavor. Good luck. With highest regards, (Alex)

Man. I know a fair amount about computers, but was totally stumped on a "missing NTLDR" error. You gave a 3-step fix that took care of my problem. You guys rock! (Lab guy)

My husband and I were in the process of reformatting our hard drive (I've only done this once and he's never had the 'pleasure') Anyway, we found exactly what we were looking for on this site and I just wanted to let everyone at Computer Hope know that I've sent this link to EVERYONE I know!!! This TRULY is a Wonderful and Informative Site!!! It's so nice to get free technical support for a change!!! :) (Anne)

Thank GOD someone still remembers MS DOS. Needed a question answered and couldn't find my old reference manual!! I used GOOGLE to find you and I am marking your page for future reference. As Arnold said "I'LL BE BACK!" (Kadee)

I would just like express my appreciation to the personnel and creators of Computerhope.com. I'm seventeen years old and I have yet to find means of learning what I need to know to excel in the computer world, that is, until I found this website. From my personal experience I have noticed that the computer industry is a dog-e-dog world, and people will find the most persuasive ways to drain you of your hard-earned money. It was just out of luck, I suppose that I found computerhope.com and the website really does define its name. Recently I've tossed the idea around about building my own PC for my design/gaming purposes, and I know with out a doubt that every time I need extra-information I will visit the website. Computerhope.com is my savior for PC development, I also plan on recommending this website to all of my friends. Thank you. (Dragolungs)

Information that I was looking for was within ten mouse clicks for the final download that I needed to make the modem work. I have had the pleasure to utilize Compaq and other sites to try and find the same information and could not even pull up information concerning the computer that they sold me. It is great to have a place to go that is seemingly all inclusive. (Michael)

I am 51, fairly computer literate but often have problems, this is the greatest website ever, I wish I had found you years ago. Please do not change no matter what. Every time a great product is changed it turns to..... you know! Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You. (Richard)

It's nice to know there are still people out there who want to help and are not just in it for the money! You make it very easy and convenient to get questions answered. Thank you for your help! (Holly)

Most information on the net and in help files is very limited in allowing an individual to manipulate the items that need to be changed. Others sites are geared to people who have all of the knowledge and solutions are not given step by step. I searched for days and was relieved to find exactly what I am looking for. I know I can fix my system I just needed to find out how! Thanks for being the missing link!!! (Anonymous)

Thank You! Thank You! After spending hours at Microsoft's and ECS sites, I was able to locate the answer to my question in seconds! (Anonymous)

No Joke.. it only took about 15 minutes to read the page, down load a driver, and configure a CDD. Thanks!!! (Arthur)

This is an excellent website you have here. You helped me to figure out how to Defrag. Other wise I would have had to bother my brother of how to do it if it were not for you being on the Internet. I'm glad that you are around to help people like me. Which some people like me still have trouble of doing some basic things on the computer. Thanks a Lot. (ED)

So helpful to a beginner like me. I continually refer to your pages -thank you so much-incidentally I am nearly 80 so there is hope for everyone-THANKS AGAIN (charlie)

The store and company I bought my PC from were unable to answer my questions! My hard drive would not shut down and I had to pull the plug to shut it off. I WAS SO FRUSTRATED! I found the solution in less than 10 minutes on your site, which I stumbled on by accident! I WISH I KNEW ABOUT YOU SOONER! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! (Anonymous)

Thank you I learned more here then I did from my own OEM. (Karen)

I had no idea that this site existed, but had I known sooner, I could have saved myself countless fruitless hours of Internet surfing. I have forwarded your address to all of my contacts. Thank you. (Rhonda)

The first page after manuals and numerous web pages, where I could find how to put font size (-ocpi=13) in SuSE Linux. Thank you!! (Hannujoe)

Nice work on the websites guys! I've been training as an engineer for only 5 weeks now, and Computer Hope has helped me endless times! Cheers! (Mosh)

I don't use Unix much at work but I was relieved that the answers I needed were so easy to find on your site. (Nathan)

You helped me to learn to do things that at first frightened me: open the case of my PC, look at things inside and try to understand how it works. Then change the battery, enter CMOS SETUP, change plugs of a serial port which would not work, and get my PC working as if it were brand new. Thank you! (Jo)

Thank YOU for having spec for older Western Digital drives. (I wish WD supported their old drives as well as you do...) My old computer CMOS lost power and I could not access my drive without setting the right specs.. THANK YOU for having the info I needed... !!!! Many Many thanks... a million in fact... :) (Simko)

Nice one! Computer grunts like myself are rejoicing all over the world. (Paul)

I came across your site accidentally, but I'm sure glad I did because I've used your site a lot recently and it sure has come in very, very handy recently. It is very informative and really easy to find things about computers. I wish I had found this site a long time ago. Keep up the good work. (Jim)

Thank you - You saved my life tonight. My OS crashed and I needed to reformat my hard drive. I had to go into DOS and copy large files onto 1.44 floppies before I did the deed. Thanks to you I learned how to find and copy files in DOS, learned where my e-mails from Outlook express were hidden, learned how to compress files so I could get them onto floppies, found a free copy of PKZIP, and got to sleep before 1AM. You guys are GREAT! (Mark)

I would like to take the time to thank you for making your website. I am a computer user, however I am not an expert, I visit your site daily. I utilize your computer dictionary and other interesting information you have on file. I thank you all need to be praised for your services! Once again you are doing a fantastic job and I look forward to seeing your progress. Thank you, (Jerry)

Excellent site and easy to use. Many thanks! Refreshing to find a site that is LOGICAL in its design and doesn't take forever to load. Many thanks! (Phyllis)

Sure answered my questions easier than trying to find the right book. (Barbara)

Awesome advice. Got me out of a bind very quickly after searching MS KB for a long time to no avail. Thought about selling to MS? (Archie)

I want to thank you so much!!! I am so glad you have customer support. (Kurtis)

I've been navigating the web for two years. Reading all kinds of sites about Windows, how to tweak it and info of any kind. Your site is the best that I've ever seen. You should be very proud. Congratulations !!! I plan on reading more later. Thank You Very Much sincerely (Robert)

Thank you for "being there." Thank you for writing in standard language rather than computer tech. (Diane)

Brilliant, my Registry file was corrupt with the uninstallation of Earthlink 5.05 (Warning). Finding how to restore an old Registry in dos has put me on the road to recovery. Thank you very much. (Stuart)

I would like to say Thank You! I was having problems defragmenting my hard drive. I have 40 GBs and I uninstalled a lot of my programs, but I was still unable to get it to defrag correctly. It would stop at 3 percent and that was left running over night til the next day. I decided to look for a site that would help me with this problem. I went to search engine and came across your site. It was basic knowledge, But! It's obvious! you do serve a good purpose! I followed your instructions for Wins 98 shutting those programs except Explore/systray and I was able to defrag my hard quickly! Thank you very much for your free service! And I will send this site out to others look at. Regards, (washandr)

I just want to say thank you for this website. It is a lot of help to me. My old win 3.1 computer went down, and I am trying to revive it. With the help I am finding here, I do believe I can revive that old gal :) She has been a very faithful and dependable computer. Thanks again. (Dan)

Just what we all need a free help site since Microsoft doesn't even offer extended help unless you pay them! Like it's not enough that they charge $200 for their operating system CD's. Please keep up the hard work! (Phil)

I stumbled onto your site a few months ago, since then whenever anyone asks me about computer issues I direct them to your site. (not that I don't wish to help them directly, it's just that your site is easy for 'anyone' to navigate and find what they need for themselves.) (Larry)

Thank you!!!!!!!! my sound system has not worked for six months. It was simply uninstall the items under Sound Video and Game controllers and reboot. This solved the problem. Thanks again! I searched all over the net and finally after six months I found your site. (Jdl)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I just spent $90 having my laptop fixed and when I screwed it up again, I found the answer (clearly explained) right here and it took me only half and hour. (Chicken)

Called the manufacturer of my hard disk - they didn't have the info. Your website saved me. Thanks! (Joe)

Hi! I don't actually have a question, I just wanted to tell you that your website is a really helpful tool! I used to do tech support for an accounting software manufacturer, but tonight I was trying to help my neighbors out with some problems they were having with their machine. I was able to get their computer to the startup menu, but we were unable to get into safe mode because their himem.sys looks like its missing (or maybe corrupt). I came home to my computer, and did a Google search on "himem.sys missing" and one of your articles was in the first few results. Your articles are well-written and understandable, and I now I have a tactic for being able to narrow down what their root issue is. Just wanted to thank you for putting together some great information. You are to be congratulated! (jenn)

I really appreciated the fact that your answers to my questions were worded in a way I could understand unlike the text books and their analogies. The article was straight to the point. I left with an understanding I was ready to give up on. I will visit your site again for more information as I learn about the inner workings of the computer. Thank You, (CC)

Page I can not live with out. (Marji)

This is a GREAT site, DOS may be an antique, but it can still be fun to work with - however working knowledge of deep dark old DOS is fading as quickly as my mother's curtains. You guys (& gals if appropriate) deserve a huge pat on the back, not so hard as to make you spit out your false teeth mind you, but a good stout pat on the back anyway. This site is well arranged, easy to navigate and a breeze to find info... info that is presented in a no nonsense way. Very well done. I know that I will be recommending this site to everyone I know who has any interest in computers at all. (Pete)

I have search HTML help sites and not ONE has been able to answer my questions like you have. Thank you so much!!! (Lindsay)

I had no idea a page this helpful was on the Internet! The amount and variety of content found on this site is amazing! Thanks for having the most complete web resource available! (Nick)

You guys should be in charge of Microsoft support - or at least train them on clarity and literacy. (Fred)

This is one of the most useful and easy to use websites I've ever had the pleasure of using. I've only begun to utilize your information but continue to find that you have more to offer than I first thought. I'm currently taking a course in LINUX but looking for information comparing DOS commands to LINUX commands and this has been THE SINGLE MOST useful site! THANK YOU for a wonderful job! (Wendy)

Your website and the technical documents are "OUTSTANDING"!! I went to 3 websites before viewing yours (I was looking for info on creating a DOS boot disc), and printed the instructions from all of them. I attempted to create the boot disc's using the instructions "to the letter", but the disc's never worked. I came across your website, printed the instructions, and "presto", a perfectly functioning boot disc w/CD-ROM support. Many many thanks for helping me to solve a dilemma (I couldn't get windows reinstalled, but now I did). I will be visiting your website constantly from now on, and I will proudly refer all of my friends and family to you to. Again, thank you so much for the help. (Don)

I've been to close to 20 sites for help and yours was the first one to mention the "Close on Exit" checkbox on MS-DOS programs. I was trying to write a batch file to synchronize the clocks on our network and I needed the MS-DOS window to close. Thank you. That solved my problem. (Dan)

I just wanted to take a few moments of your time and THANK YOU for your fine **Web services and so forth. I have already posted you folks an .eml file to this effect, but I figured another one was in order ~~~>> :-o) :-o) At any rate, with the "economy" being in sad shape and a lot of DOT.COM start-ups having a ruff time of it all, I just wish to encourage you folks to continue on with your most excellent endeavors.....!! You folks are to be commended, if nothing else... So thanks folks!! I surely enjoy, both, your Web-site and your **Newsletter. You folks maintain A LOT of really GOOD computer information and so forth ~~~>> :-o) Keep up the fine work.....!! Sincerely: (James)

Just a quick note to say Thank you for all the wonderful definitions, how to's, links, etc. I use your site at least once a week and always find help and teach myself new things. "Without having knowledge of information you must learn information, in order to learn the information you must have the information." Your site has helped me time and again. Thank you, (Lisa)

Thank you for being there. I'm trying to learn as much as I can as I'm in the process of building a website. Your site is invaluable. P.S. It was tech support at Dell that told me about this site. (Bethany)

I just wanted to e-mail you guys to tell you what a great site you have. I found your site when looking up Post Beep Codes and I have been back since then. I am a student at Canadian Valley Technology Center and I just gave a presentation on your site. So you should have a bunch of new traffic from Computer Repair and Networking students. I have found so much great stuff on your site from drivers to help on promoting my brand new e-business and must say your website promoting tips have been a great help. Thank you guys for taking the time to create this site. I absolutely LOVE it. (Melissa)

Good Day, I'm not a computer expert, but for the pass few days was trying to find the "CHS" of a Maxtor HD. I'ved phone local computer stores here in Montreal and no one had the answer or wanted to sell me a new hard drive. So I did a search and came across "YOU" and I found the answer I was looking for. Your site his very well done and notice all the help available keep up the good work, it's well appreciated (for me). I'll be sending a few E-Mail to friends of mine letting them know about your site. Ciao (Bob)

Hello Support, I just wanted to write and say how great I think your website is! This is my second time visiting here and I am totally impressed with the amount of effort that has obviously gone into building this site! Both times I've visited here I've ended up spending "way more time" here than I planned to because there's so much useful information to be had. Damn, you're gonna make a PC guru out of me if I keep getting side tracked on your site! Thanks again for the EXCELLENT site! (Michael)

I want to thank you a hundred times for having a wonderful, helpful website. My computer was really messed up and with the use of your website I was able to get it back in line. You saved me a lot of money and time! I will use it often. Thank you COMPUTER HOPE! (Jessica)

Your site helped me a lot. I got all I wanted and more. I will visit it often. I intended doing A+plus, N+plus and MSCE. Generally, I was looking for any info that can assist me on this intended career. you are doing a great job, I'm entirely satisfied. Thanks. (Precious)

I was able to find information that my local computer tech. could not tell me. I knew that somewhere you had to be able to copy your dos files to be able to recover from errors. I found this information and I hope that it will do the trick for my daughters computer. Thank you. (Beth)

Hi folks, Am computer illiterate and feeling more illiterate by the day. Have subscribed to a few PC sites to remedy. However, your site, so far, is the easiest to navigate. I find that my eyes and head get jumbled up when the screen contains too much colour and detail; and my frustration level rises considerably when I keep hopping between pages and still not getting to where I want to go. More often than not, I will exit the site, remembering it as a difficult site and not bother going back. Your clean, uncluttered, easy on the eye colours (not too many and not too bright) is a welcome relief. Your younger surfers may feel your site is too visually uninteresting. I for one, am very glad of its crisp neatness. Perhaps I am not indicative of your usual audience. I am 50, eyesight going with age and wear glasses that really are not good enough for my eyes now. Nevertheless, I have put you in my favorites and will hit your site first when I get into trouble with my PC (which is often). Thank you for your site. (Joy)

I just wanted to drop a note and say thanks for such a wonderful website. As a relatively inexperienced IT Manager, I found the answer to my question, as well as a wealth of other useful information, on your site in no time. Thanks again! (Kathy)

As an instructor of CIS at a community college, I find this site an excellent resource. Thanks, (Roy)

Yeeehaaaaaa! Your config.sys and autoexec.bat information as well as your generic CD-ROM driver allowed me to fix this laptop. The driver I downloaded from the company as well as the readme file from the company was not adequate. Your information worked! (John)


You guys rock. My wife brought her PC home from work, it was full of problems when we got it and stopped working on her the same day she got it home. Using your website, me, her husband, a 15-year Mac user, was able to reboot from a backed up Registry using DOS prompts and able to bring it back to life, saving her a tongue lashing from her boss who knows nothing about computers and would have blamed her for the problems and made her pay to have a tech come out and fix it. My undying thanks again, a bookmark in my browser and many more visits to come when we get out own Windows box later this month. (John)

I wished I had of found your site 2 years ago All the information I wanted was not only here but it was worded beautifully it made my understanding of the FTP commands so clear I will now be able to utilize FTP through windows and write scripts for my software something I couldn't do before and was relying on FTP functions in a software update that never happened Thank you for a fantastic and easy to understand Site (Neil)

I am an IT Trainer currently training Network fundamentals and A+ (although my real job is Application Training). I have built, configured, and repaired PCs for many years, but I have to admit that some of the basic skills required by new students is a little hazy (I learnt it so long ago). However, your site is absolutely fantastic. Seeing the information so clearly presented is a real breath of fresh air, it all comes flooding back, (I have to admit that I am learning quite a bit for the first time as well). So thank you for providing such a wealth of information in such a clear way. Very Best Regards (Bill)

I wanted to take a few minutes this morning to THANK YOU folks for your wonderful web-site..!!! I have NOT looked at all your data and/or services yet, but rest assured that I have YOUR web-site filed away in my **Favorites** folder within the parameters of my browser ~~~~~>> :-o) :-o) Personally, I THINK (or KNOW) that a web-site of this type is of a great HELP for people who need computer information and so forth. I run under Windows 2000 and I have been messing around with computers for about 4 years now. I LIKE the way that you have your website layed out and I think you folks should be commended for your fine work. Thanks ~~~~>> :-o) :-o) SINCERELY: (James)

Wow, I guess I just learn slow. This is the third time in about the last 3 months that I did a Google search for some information, and every time I do, I always end up on this page, finding the best information. Thanks! (Lisa)

This site was a GREAT help to me. I needed to create a boot disk from scratch, complete with CD drivers. This meant writing autoexec.bat and config.sys files from the ground up and finding and downloading all necessary files. I wouldn't have had a chance without your help. Most help I've ever gotten ANYWHERE. Keep up the good work! (Erol)

I am very happy when I get this information from one of my friend, and I went in to your site information every thing what people have a problem is right there in to your very, very help full information site. I can't believe when I saw every thing I thought there will be some charge, but I don't see any. You guys are wonderful. It suppose to be every where getting help right on like you guys do, there will not be a problem every where in the world. Thank you very very much again I enjoy your site and, find it helpful. yohanes Guys have a nice and a peace, a worm, wonderful new year!!!!!! (Yohanes)

I build older systems for people who need one and cannot afford newer equipment. Finding sites where I can find drivers for older parts is great. I do refer sites to others who want easy and fast access to drivers. I will refer this one. Thanks, (Al)

Wow... This site is... well... all I know is I'm going to be spending a lot of time here... I picked up the link to your site in the firetalk tech forum and now I can't leave here... so much to learn... I love to play with HTML (I'm still a rookie but my friends and family think I know something... ha) and your site has more than enough stuff to keep me busy for a long time to come... I just wanted to thank you... pat yourselves on the back for me... you done good (Bryant)

My gosh, I messed something up on my daughter's little Windows 3.1, and I've spent all day trying to put it right. Then I found your site..... the tip didn't work the first time, so I came back and found the "what if" next step. and it worked! Just like that! I think it's time I backed up and learned a little dos, among other things. I highly commend you for your site.... it is excellent, and I'm very grateful. sincerely, (lianne)

The only thing I didn't like about the troubleshooting page, was my reason for visiting. It was very helpful, thanks. (Aaron)

I am a student doing a course in computing I found it all a bit (well more than a bit) confusing, but your site has been of enormous help. I'd just like to say thank you for clearing up a lot of the jargon. (Diana)

Your site is fantastic -- I lost my CD ROM drive and called IBM and spent about $120 with no resolution. Wrote to you, and the problem was corrected immediately. I will definitely recommend your site to others. Thanks for your help. (Diane)

Thank God you are there. It is so extremely hard to find information about older hardware. Just because it is old does not mean it can not still serve a function. For those who do not believe, look at the telephone systems around the world. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. (Chester)

MSDOS commands You were much more helpful than Microsoft's Certified Professional site/the site which you must be an MCP to access THANKS ! (Sharon)

Alright. your site is simply "RAD!" I've been to many in attempts to find out much about fdisk/mbr, emm386, Windows tweaks, mouse dos settings, config.sys and autoexec.bat, and loading a dos cd-rom driver. This site is killer and with all the information that you've provided. this evening when I return from college to my home I will be able to get my old Privateer (Origin/EA) dos platformed memory sucking game working. I love you guys and gals and the work that you do. Thanks! (SnCln)

After being in a straight NT environment I took a job supporting systems still based in DOS. After finding a driver for my current mfg. CD-ROM. It "disappeared after I loaded the required program. Took a little bit of reading at your site to help figure out what had happened to the autoexec and config files. Thanks. (Lief)

I teach basic and intermediate computer classes at a Senior Center... also an Internet class.... I recommend your site to all of my students and use it faithfully myself. It's always very easy to find whatever information I'm seeking here... whether it's a very basic question for one of the students or a more complicated, technical question. Thanks for also having such an easy to navigate site! (Lighthouse)

I was looking for information on Conner hard drives to support an older medical product and found all the basic information on your site. Glancing over your site, and it appears to be well organized and easy to navigate. I appreciate all the information that you have provided in this one site. Good luck and thanks again. (John)

Hello. Called Sears for some help with an issue. The tech. gave me this site to research my question. Found it + answer right away. Great site. Thanks for being there. (Genevieve)

Hello. I've just found your site and it's brilliant! I've been searching for something like this for ages and have always come across computer companies who seem very reluctant to share information. So your site is a very welcome relief. I'll definitely be visiting this site again. Cheers. A definite 10/10! (Dom)

I am taking a class in Hardware and Software design and the books they have is sad. This is helping so very much. (Lorna)

This is a great site! Where were you hiding ? ;-)I am a computer science and I see the potential of this site from rookies to advance users, keep up the good work. (Eddie)

I'm so glad to find your website. I plan to make it a favorite so I can use it again to solve problems. I was able to find an answer to my problem right away without spending hours looking elsewhere. Thanks again for the wonderful information that your site provides!! (Sandy)

Without a doubt the greatest mot informative place on the web. I am serious there is no f---ing around from these guy no fluff hype glamour or glitz just what you came to find is what you get. Thank you very much there is hope for the non PC nerd to exist in this world after all well at least with your help thanks again. (PUDDELLS)

I have been to several websites non of which addressed my subject of concern (heat sink) with the clarity and depth which your website has provided. It seems like they (the other websites) are loaded with the big stuff (i.e., cpu, motherboards, memory) and they have forgotten that the system won't work without the "little" stuff. Thanks for being there. (Blu)

I absolutely LOVE your sight. You guys are awesome. I knew this commuter was a great investment and who says the Internet is full of junk. Thank you for providing such an awesome site with very useful information and for proving to me that there is HOPE online. Best Regards, (Gina)

I have been to so many other sites for help with multiple onMouse events, and yours was the only one to properly address and resolve this issue for me. Many thanks!!! (NeoBuck)

I have been at some not all but do intend to visit them all. Super work, easy to read and understand. My first vote was way to low and it was the first one I visited and really looked at what you have to offer. But I am putting your site's address on a list to hand out to those how have asked me were do I find my information, exams, guides and help. This site is very good a 10. But every 10 does and can still grow upward. (Leona)

I must complement your website, after searching other technical supports, they were not as simple and concise at explaining solutions to tech. problems. Will definitely be back and recommend to everyone. Thanks for the simple site for this novice. (Deedee)

I found your link on another help "message board". I am computer illiterate so finding you was the best thing for a sore back, bleary eyes, and a suicidal disposition. The site is aptly named and I want to tell you all: I am drunk, happy, and I love you. say didn't you kill my brother? (Stomper)

I am impressed! Right now I am surrounded by many developers and have shouted Computer Hope to make it clear you guys have solutions. I also like some of the other links you have. Thanks again! I'll be back!! (Tory)

What a great site. I was looking for parallel and serial connector pinouts and found them almost instantly. This is great! I'm going to tell all my techno-impaired friends about it. This is what the Net is supposed to be about - quick, easy access to information. Thanks! (Chris)

Located the calculation methodology I was look for, and was happy to see that my manual calculation was corrext. (Myron)

I am an end-user tech for a big telemarketing company. Last week we had thew love bug hit us. Your site helped keep me informed above my customers, as well as informing them what to do when they got home. I am also taking Unix classes and your command page is a great cheat sheet. (Pam)

I work for Compaq Computer Corp. and your website is the best for technical help and answers. (Shawn)

If only my the teacher from my course could get the point across with this much clarity I might have been able to reserve more of the hair on my scalp! Thanx. (Dave)

An excellent resource (MSDOS Win 3.x). Recommended in a UK daily paper's 'The Daily Telegraph' computer section, 'Connected' of today's date. Could not find you through Yahoo though so you might want to look into this. Thanks (John)

Excellent management of technical data. Fast, easy links to related info. Pleasure to see some thought go into a website. Thanks! I saved this site as a must have "Favorite" and highly recommend to others. You should market this to ZDNET so they can advertise for you. Thanks again! (Tom)

By delving around in your site I was able to find answers to questions which I wasn't even sure how to ask. I was able to bind the error that I'm receiving and see how it can be fixed, along with also identifying where to go with my hard drive setup after I fix the error. Thanks so much for being there. (Cindi)

Many thanks to all at computerhope. Your help is greatly appreciated. Full marks for service speed and efficiency. I'll shout your name in praise from the top of the world. Regards to ALL. (George)

I have visited this site on many occasions and now use it as my first port of call to answer my DOS questions. Excellent service. (Carbman)

I really appreciate the tips on cleaning the mouse. This saved me from buying a new mouse. I have had my new computer (Gateway performance 600) for only a few months and I had no idea this could happen so quickly. My parents insisted that I must have broken it, but thanks to your support, I am free and clear. Thanks (Eric)

Your page is WONDERFUL!! Now the only thing I need to learn is how to make a "shopping cart"... Thanks for all the info, I spent 2 hours here and a quarter ream of paper! LOL (Zwomann)

Just found your site. WoW!!! This site is just what I have been looking for. Being an electronic/computer repair instructor at a vocational high school. This information is good to have. If you don't mind I would like to put your address up on the note board so that my students all 80 plus of them may have a source to go to for information. Keep up the good work and information. Thanks, (Sam)

I don't have words to explain how well organized your site is and I can't explain my feeling. It one of the best site I have found on computer related issues. I was able to get answers to all of my questions and I give this site two thumbs up. (Zeeshan)

I had a set of 50 comma delimited text files that I wanted to append into one spreadsheet. I couldn't remember the DOS command to append files. I was able to find the answer on your service. Thanks for your help! (Joe)

This site is great!! I've been trying to fix my computer for years and in five minutes I found the answer on Computer Hope. Thanks. I owe you (almost) my life. (Aaron)

I bought an old Pentium 120 at a thrift shop and there turned out to be a password on the CMOS setup. I tried to look for a battery so I could just disconnect it but it turns out the battery and the CMOS are one unit on this pc (wired). So that wasn't an option. When I saw your list of generic passwords I started to try them expecting to take a while but the first one worked!!! Up to this point I have never owned a full and working PC clone before now I do. THANK YOU!!! (Aaron)

THANK YOU SO MUCH. I was racking my brains trying to figure this out. If I had just come here in the first place what has been taking hours is now taking minutes. Thanks again. (Andre)

Hello, I'm an instructor of advanced PC repair at CEI. We have six campuses with several thousand students in the So. Calif. area. I found your page tonight as the result of a web search on Alta Vista's new "Raging Search" page. I was looking for some URLs to supplement our class text's DOS info. I'm just taking the time to drop you this line commending you for such an outstanding website! This is truly an example of the one of the best use if the Internet as a teaching and resource tool. The thousands of work hours evident in a site so professionally designed (with the novice in mind as an end user) is greatly appreciated on my part. You can count on a lot more hits in the near future as I pass your location on to students and faculty alike. (Art)

I am a pc engineer & had not come across NTDLR is missing. Your page quickly allowed me to diagnose & rectify the faulty IDE cable. Thank you you are stars. (Eoin)

This is an awesome site, I'm currently enrolled in PC Productivity, and your website helps me considerably for my school work. Thanks a Bunch!!! (Thomas)

This website did me very well its helped me find all sorts of computer components that I couldn't find on any other web-site this website is fantastic thanks to you people I achieved a pass grade at computer maintenance. is really helped me allot THANK YOU!... (Terry)

At last. info simple, easy to follow, understand, trying to get Goldstar Packard Bell cd working. this info helps since it's about the system. thanks. (Ann)

At first Hello to you all. I'm 55 years old and have a computer for one and a halve year, so I must learn and surge a lot. On your pages COMPUTERHOPE I found what I was looking for, so thanks a LOT and greetings from Holland (Cor)

I am preparing for the Comptia OS test and I had some questions. I found this site and it answered all of my questions plus some. I found it very easy to find the info that I needed. Great job on your site!!!! I will for sure pass it on to my co-workers! (Wilson)

Thanks a million, couldn't find the info anywhere else, and its so well laid out! Great planning, great style and a brilliant job well done! Thank you, I'll be referring this site to all my friends in the future! (2wired)

After all the hours spent over the last few years trying to track down accurate, easy to find and understand tech help, it's a real pleasure to connect with your terrific site and not need the abilities of Sherlock Holmes to find information, many, many thanks. (aussie)

Exactly the information I was looking for. One of these typical instances, where I should have known the solution, but just didn't think about it... Thanks a lot!! (Claude)

Thank You So much! you were a lot of help. this site have help me in more ways then one including my headaches which came from my computer but not any more thanks to you! (Regina)

Thank you for being here. I'm a (Newbie) of three mo. and your site has been indispensable. (RM).

Needed to know how to add a pre existing message in the message field of an email window generated by a mailto command it works just like you said thanks guys. (Serious G)

The is the best site I have ever been too. I am a ms tech and use this page everyday. (Anjel)

This was the most helpful information on MS-DOS that I have ever seen. As an old CPM and MS-DOS user, it refreshed my memory and gave me the much needed specifics. (Reg)

Your site is excellent! It always has been. I come here often to look at terms. I've recommended it often too. Thanks!!! (Michelle)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you I love Computer Hope please don't ever go away. (cjones)

My basic language is not English. Yet, this site have an awesome source of computer knowledge and bunch of know how and how to's. Even for the English-illiterate. Good one! (Amri)

I am a help desk analyst and this is the best site that I have seen. (Kenneth)

This site is great. A run of applauds for the team of Computer Hope. Where hope never dies for the computer says who look around for information. it was really great experience for me to visit this site and I am happy to say you that you guys are doing a great job. Thank you, (Mahendra)

Found your site easy to navigate and the information I needed was quite easy to find. Would recommend site to anyone for info on Bios setups. (Graham)

Your site is always interesting and helpful. Last year, no matter what I did I couldn't get one of my computers to do what I told it to. I checked out your site (thoroughly), and the information I was able to pull together from different topics helped me fix the problem. Thanx. (Terry)

Remarkably simple explanation for what other sites had made seem like daunting hard work, thank you. (Noodlejelly)

Your available support for "obsolete" operating systems is fabulous! I'm working at rebuilding a Pentium-120 to run Win3.11/DOS6.22 so I can play old "Demos" like Future Crew's Second Reality on my 1MB Gravis. I haven't had a chance to look for it yet, but I "hope" ;-) there is information about getting this box visible on my network. So far, your information has been immensely helpful in my attempts to resurrect the poor thing. Kudos to you! (Steve)

I have a paper due in my computer class and you have helped me so much that I wish to thank you. (Pat)

Far, FAR more understandable than the man command in linux. keep up the good work! *bookmarks page* (The Corruptor)

Excellent site! Found everything, simple clear explanations. can go as deeply into details as choose to. Thank You. (Mark)

Keep up the good work. this really helped my isu project. (Hehe)

You have a very unique and wonderful site. Thank you for the experience. (Ray)

I wanted to restore the standby mode to my computer. Your directions were clear and to the point. Thanks for your help. (John)

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH:') I'm at Uni at the moment and I thought years of hard work was lost when I couldn't boot my computer as it had a Missing NTLDR I followed Microsoft help which was slightly different to yours but yours worked heir's didn't so YEH! (Jason)

Excellent idea, very useful service, simple answers to straight forward questions are so hard to find normally... (Ken)

My grand daughter had to reformat her HD. (relative did it for nothing) She was not home when he brought it back. Her father was and knows nothing about PC. He told him all is ok now except she needs a network card. Still don't know what it is for and if needed but this website told me how to find out if she had one. She had one before the reformatting. Saving this site this old gal can learn a lot here. Thanks (Jan)

Thanks for making the lookup of syntax of the net.exe command. I was in the field and needed an example. Again thanks for the answer. (Jerry)

I just wanted to thank you for your great site. I have used your reference pages for DOS and Unix and they are, in my humble opinion, the most concise, easily navigated and information packed pages I have ever seen and I have seen many. Every time I look for an answer on how to do something at the DOS and Unix command line, I know I will find the answers here. The "How was your experience?" drop down box is missing "excellent". Thank you. (Ernest)

As far as I can tell with only a couple hours of use and a large number of questions answered clearly and informatively including snap too links embedded into each question and answer for ultimate clarity and resolution, I think this site is absolutely fantastic. Thanks Team. (Glen)

I wanted a simple answer to the size of some older drives that I have. Couldn't have been easier, keep up the good work! (Bob)

Nice site guys! VERY impressive for your first run, especially so since you coded it by hand, using only reference sites! ps. It's a sickness - don't get TOO obsessed :) good job! (Steve)

Compute Hope is great for solving these small (and sometimes big) problems that you know there is an answer for but can't remember how to do it. Thanks. (Howard)

This page is easier then going to the manufacturers, With the info provided I was able pin point the exact problem. Thank you very much. (Frank)

Great site. I was just sent back to the "stone age" moving to a position which still runs DOS based programs and databases. I was a little rusty and your site was more helpful and easier to navigate than Microsoft's help (support) site. Thanks again. (Tom)

Sensational service. 3 Days of grief was ended with 5 minutes of information from your site. Many thanks and ask for a pay rise. Best Regards, (Andrew)

This is the sweetest site on the web. Everything is here. Love it! Nice to know you guy's are there to help me out. Your site ROCKS! (Carl)

I am a PC Repair student and I struggle at times to understand it all. I really like this site. I do find help here. Thanks for existing. (BILL)

Good websites like yours should live 4-EVER! Thank you for being there for me. (Edwin)

Gave me more practical, easy-to-follow information than I had found anywhere else. You are now on my favorites list!! (Jackie)

Am new with computer anything. The problem is my ignorance. So thankful to you all. This has been the first site have been able to find anything which has really touched my problem. Again I thank you all. (Gld2bfs)

Need basic difference between CD and DVD (for my husband). Found it readily. Thank you. (Anita)


Excellent Site thank you very much. Very easy to access got all of the information I needed simple and effective. I only took the time to fill this out because I was so happy. (Spectrum)

I have been involved with computing, mostly for business and recreation since the early 1990s and I think you have one of the best "help" sites available. I am not a "techie" and your services and information are easy to locate and understand. I am sending your link to several friends that will really benefit from your site. How do you afford to do this?? Thanks, (Rodney)

Professor assigned the term "nanotechnology" for homework; you just completed my homework. Thank you. (Rose)

This is the best site I have every been on for Computer help. It's great! Thank you for your support. (Gary)

Boy, are we glad you are here! Found the info on the LS120 (Jumper settings) on 2nd attempt. Just hit 2 buttons & there it was! THANKS (Jim)

I just wanted to let someone know what a fantastic site this is!!! I am currently enrolled in an A+ class and this site is indispensable. I will be sure to let my classmates, instructor and school know Thank you so very much. (Stacy)

As an old dog-new tricks guy, I'm glad to be able to find out stuff like this, thanks. (Wolfman)

Keep this site running! I'm a newbie jumping right into Linux Red Hat. Since I'm starting from scratch and barely know how to click a mouse. Heeere mousy, mousy, mouse :) OK, poor joke. but I think you get my drift. I'll literally be learning a new language. SO DON'T GO AWAY!!! (Retroscifi)

Great site! As a person with some but not a lot of computer knowledge, this site was easy to understand. I really appreciate it. (Ed)

Found you from a Google search. Fantastic site, I've been all over it the past two days, found all the information I needed quickly. Spent a lot more time checking out the rest of the site, already added to my favorites. (Anonymous)

I use this site regularly knowing I will get the answer to any question I pose. Thanks for a great and meaningful site. (Graham)

I completely love this web page. I have been trying for 2 weeks off/on to fix this problem. I have called a 3rd party in 3x to have a look and they just say: "Well I think that it's the motherboard" and then they leave. We get in these new parts and install them but still have the same problems. I was just sitting here waiting to get off work and decided to look up the beep codes. Low and behold I found out what the problem was. Everything works now and I'm so relieved. Thanks again! (James)

That's the fastest I've ever found an answer to one of my questions. Thank you. (Tammie)

Excellent dictionary. I will come back to look for computer terms. Thank you. (Artoiny)

It wasn't just good it was excellent, thanks a lot, I am new user, that is, I am user after DOS practically faded away, could not find anything out there which was useful. But your site was exactly what I needed. (btbpop)

You are providing a great, and free, service to the computer community. Thank you for all the work and effort that goes into this endeavor. I do appreciate it. Sincerely (Melvin)

Just accidentally found this page and am so grateful. the best information that I have ever found about computers! Keep up the great work! (Trish)

Your site is very good I especially like the driver listings. I will come back often. (Brett)

It is so good to find a website that offers help to folks that are not familiar with the details of computer operation. This site helps one to determine if expert help/correction is required. (Bruce)

Just a note to say thank you for a well done website. The pages are not cluttered; the organization is tight and highly commendable. Not many web sights, general or particular, impress me. With your site, I'm impressed. Thanks again! (EJ)

This site has been really excellent in regards to troubleshooting O.S faults. Please keep the good work up. I have told several friends about ComputerHope site and hope they will also benefit from their visits. (J.P)

You guys are a lot better than webopedia it just depends on how quickly you get the definitions that I requested!!! (Zach)

Thanks, I searched the crappy Microsoft Database for an hour to find my answer. Came here, two seconds I had my problem fixed, thanks a bunch. (April)

I just wanted to thank your company for the information on your site. I have been looking for some hard drive specs for some used hard drives I have. The information on your site was a big help. thanks again. (Eddie)

I am classed as the elderly 72 and glad I made it this far. Love my computer Really Glad I found your site Thanks (Jeanne)

I used Google to look up a "computer stops at verifying DMI pool data" and your site was the first option so I clicked on it and I found 6 causes and their solution each explained very well with sub-links. I studied computer system for 2 years so I found it easy to follow the instruction and the info. Thanks a lot you have saved me. (Marahh)

Thanks again for this AMAZING website! Found my answer again with ease! (Bobbi)

This is what all customer support web-pages should be like. (Rick)

You saved my sanity. Thanks for a simple, non-technical answer. It's been a week looking for a hard drive answer and I found it on your site. I will go to bed now. Thanks SO MUCH !! (William)

Top class. Straightforward information to a simple inquiry. I only wanted to set PATH on Win xp. I gave up on the MS site after 5 minutes. This site told me exactly what I wanted within 30 seconds. Thanks. (Terracesider)

Excellent service & saved me money well impressed thanks very much. From someone who's not that techie minded :0) but you made it a doddle. (Eboney)

Info on HTML very well explained. I am a novice with creating web page or a beginning to create. Your info is giving me confidence to continue, thanks, (tom)

I found answer too quickly. (Sundar)

I had a "freeze"-problem at shut-down. I quickly learned that the cause of the problem may be located in my autoexec.bat and/or config.sys. The solution was found in re-writing the autoexec.bat-file. Thanx! (J.B.)

Keep up this good work and nice reference site. It has been very useful to find answers for badly defined texts elsewhere. (Andr)

Very useful and helpful information. Thank you for making it readily available and easy to understand! (Rich)

Great site! The best! Nice work! I'm glad I found you. I have learned many things here and I keep coming back. This must be my 8th time this year, maybe more. Thank you very much for this site. (Scottie)

I stumbled upon your site while looking for something else. Very informative. Some good links too. The definitions were very useful/like to see more. No complaints just saying thanks. (Marc)

This was great. I am helping a friend with an older computer and was concerned about CD-ROM access from DOS. You gave me all I need. Thanks much. (John)

I would like to Thank the developers and all other people working behind this web.... This web has helped me gain a tremendous knowledge. Thanks again (Kevin)

The experience was GREAT!!! I had recently purchased some older pc's from a company auction that were primarily all running win95 and had forgotten most line commands I used to use frequently. This is a awesome site I'll recommend it to my friends!! (Tony)

Sites like these make professional out of a common man. (Bala)

This site is a life saver!! I won't shoot may Gateway now. putting the gun away... (Darthsweeny)

This is amazing. I'm a retired nuc. eng., however, I CANNOT "click" with computereeze. Your site is different; I understood from first reading. read again to make certain I was NOT dreaming. Thank you & good day! (Medved)

I'm glad your here! Don't go anywhere for a long, long time. Thank you !!!! (Nomad)

Thank goodness......... This site is here....... I have been trying to figure out why the sound on my computer stopped working. I just got this computer from a County surplus sale and it worked fine. I loaded games from cd and Internet but after playing for a while. Games froze up and never worked since. I decided to delete and after that no sound. I will let all the people that I know that there is hope for their computer problems. Thank you Computer Hope....... (Ed)

I'm a technician and find your site useful for finding jumper settings on hard disks OS requirements and many other things GREAT SITE! (Andrew)

It took me 3 hours of agony to start looking for help, and after doing a search on your site, I was up and running 12 minutes later! thanks for your excellent website, easy to search and data is well presented. (Carlos)

This website is a fabulous tool! I was very impressed with the layout and organization of information. This website helped me answer a question regarding the past ten years of computer history! I would recommend this site to anyone, it is very interesting! (Nacole)

I am glad your site exists. I am going to recommend it to all that I come in contact (Student & teacher & tech). I only wish that I had seen you sooner. (John)

In two clicks on your site I found the solution to a Windows98 problem that has plagued my computer for half a year and for which no solution could be found on the Microsoft support site. Well done! (Henry)

I googled the error message text (NTLDR not found) and your page came up as the first. Well tagged, folks! Turns out I had just forgotten a driver disk in my floppy drive, but I'd never encountered this message and panicked a bit;-) But now I know where to go first next time my computer spits gibberish at me... Thanks! (Martin)

Thank you for your sites help. it gave me more help then the Microsoft website could on my mspaint problem. and it got it done in one minute. again thank you so so much. (Miles)


Cool... I always figure that if I get a useful tip or two from a new website I'm doing well... I got lots of tips from "Computer Hope", things I can't believe I didn't know already after 10+ years messing with PCs. (Mendo)

I happened onto this webpage by accident. Now I will save it on my Favorites Folder to visit it often. Working with students in a Lab can raise lots of question on computer skills. Thank You. (Margaret)

This is a great site, I am not a computer geek, so sometimes it is hard for me to understand some of the technical jargon, but the question/answer categories were great. I walks you step by step and that is exactly what I need. Thank you, (Yolanda)

This was quick and easy. I was able to resolve a problem that I have been trying to fix for months that no one else was able to help me with. Thank You! (Anonymous)

THANKS!!! I had a problem that Microsoft didn't answer clearly or easily, other websites either. Your helped the best and fixed my problems in 10mins. Keep up the good work for us who aren't that sharp!!! (Greg)

Great site. I just started a new job and the resources you have available is really helping me to keep up. (Mary)

Hello Computer Hope, I am truly glad that I come across your site. I'm learning a lot about computers from this site. I will be bookmarking this site for sure---take care, God bless and keep up the good work. (Henry)

I am only new to your site, but what I have seen in the short time that I visited your pages is very good and easy to navigate and find what I was looking for-excellent information straight forward and easy to follow. Great work guys (girls). Keep it up. Thanks (Joe)

I love Computer Hope!! The best thing since the put a shaft on a dust pan. (Slaamus)

Thanks had spent nearly 9 hrs trying to sort problem found you through yahoo search took me ten mins and found my answer thanks again will recommend you to friends. (Dino)

My overall experience with Computer Hope website, was really fantastic!!!!!!!! (Pramod)

My hat off to you guys!!!! This site is easier to understand than Microsoft's. (J7)

This site is great for technically younger technicians that really don't understand the concept of DOS working under the Command Prompt. (Louie)

It was difficult to find the information because I was not familiar with your site, and I was trying to use information I had not used in years. Once I tried the solution recommended by the site, it worked like a charm!!!! (Ralph)

This is one of those sites or pages you cannot do without anymore..... Excellent work ! Please keep this page available for the future to come. DOS isn't something you strive to remember anymore so this is the "Ebook" you want to have at hands when you need these "old fashioned" commands.... I salute you for keeping it available. I'm just a Norwegian guy - what do I know :-) (Anonymous)

I have been in the IT business for about 10 years and this is one of the best - if not the best - website for computer jargon help. Best Regards, (Jeremy)

This website gives me information looks like holy pages of bible. (Anupam)

I experienced some problems with my computer and I was able to fix them by consulting your simple, straight forward, resourceful website. Thanks for offering this service. (Yacine)

I'd forgotten all my DOS (having severe ADD does that, heh), and my mom called at midnight to tell me her system (W98SE) would only boot to DOS. Eventually I got back home after not fixing it myself, got in the 'net, did a Yahoo search, and found this site listed first. I came here, did three search terms, and voila! I found what I thought we needed. Called her up, walked and talked her through the simple steps provided by your site, and she has her Windows back. (I'm now having her check her AV for updates). Thanks so m8uch for the assistance, it was simple to follow, simple to find, and simple enough for a 67 year old woman to do without panicking. Your site is great!! (John)

This is the best site I have found in years. I am a IT mgr working with so many different OS, HDW, SFT, Appl, that remembering all the troubleshooting techniques is beyond my capacity. Thank you for such a comprehensive, easily digested site. (Cher)

I fell in love with this website when it gave me a solution to restoring the boot sector of one of my hard disks with the fdisk /mbr command. I do technical support for a large Internet Service Provider and have found this to be one of the best resources on the Internet for locating solutions to computing issues. When a customer has an issue that I am not able to support, I often direct them to your site. (Ty)

I just found this site by chance and I love every bit of it. I work phone support for CompUSA and it has helped me tremendously in answering all of the customers questions and has refreshed my memory with things I have forgotten over time (DOS). I will navigate this site as much as possible each day and have forwarded the URL to all of my fellow tech support co-workers. Keep up the outstanding work. (Mike)

Thank you!!! for including info on autoexec.bat and config.sys on your site. I'm trying to load Windows Server 2003 on a test computer and needed to start from scratch with a homemade DOS boot disk and CD drivers. Microsoft.com was no help -- I found the info on your site. VERY HELPFUL!!! (Kim)

I am an electronics telecom student at a local community college and found this website very useful. I would like to see more info on fibre optics. (Spaniard)

This is the best site I have ever encountered. I have sent it to all my business associates and friends. Thank you for such a comprehensive and usable site. (Cher)

Thanks, you've helped many impoverished children & single mothers that are trying to better themselves with a computer. They must start somewhere - I'm just getting their cd rom working for them. Ohio Valley Baptist Chapel - Cincinnati, Ohio (Cey48)

Thank you!!! I was having a difficult time trying to get my floppy drive working again. Somehow it wouldn't access drive A at boot up. Your sight had the answer and more .I have been trying to figure it out for awhile. It was a simple setting in CMOS that I didn't know about until I found your web page. Thanks again. (Jim)

I had to write a paper on computer terms and usage, I was lucky to stumble upon your site. You helped me get my paper done much faster than I expected, and gave so much information in terms that were easily understood, with links for words that needed it. GREAT JOB! MANY THANKS!! (Gary)

Ease of search & use, that's the point I'm thinking while surfing the information in your websites. Thank you very much. Your website is one of my reference for my students. (Wh33l)

I am blown away by your site. so much info, so little time... (p.rob)

I have spent nearly 2 hrs. searching an answer, and found it in a few minutes after locating your website. thank you. (Fsumeme)

I thought no one would answer. Thanks a million. I'll try everything.:-) (Edna)

As a computer tech who is sometimes brain dead (usually from exhaustion) your site is the place I go when I cannot remember how to use a command or the switches & etc. Thanks! You get one free cleanup of a PC..... (C)

Fabulous site!!! Whata nice service -- thanks again! (Jay)

Thank you so very much. You are providing a much needed service. (Lodesta)

Excellent information. I appreciate your explaining things that no one else will explain. Thank you very much. (Gerarda)

Thanks! I shared your site with my daughter. She said that she was helped a lot. I appreciate any help I can get to make sense out of all the computer world terminology that runs around in my mind! It is harder than learning a new language because nothing stays the same and new groups of words are always invented! It would be wonderful if all I had to do is click my mouse and receive the latest "brain-up-date"! Thanks again, (J. B.)

Straightforward searching returning "spot on" results; nice clean web page; uncluttered with easy to understand English. Full marks! (Philip)

Thank-yyou, thank-you, thank-you that is the easiest time ive had on the computer. (Rose)

Fantastic - all of the relevant information in one single page. You just helped me recover an XP system after a user (don't ask me why) moved (!) all of the system/hidden files (boot.ini, ntldr etc!) into a subdirectory. and then wondered why the system wouldn't start :-) And the "experience" option above should *really* have "excellent" added :-) :-) (John)

I have a few friends who have a mature knowledge of computing, programming, and this point to point learning site you offer will bring me up to speed with actually comprehending what they have been teaching me. Thank you and with deep appreciation. (joe)

The people and staff at Computer Hope have gotten me out of tech-no jams many, many times! Thanks again for being there for us not-so-technical computer users!!!!!!!! (Greg)

This page of information on creating boot disks is really useful! Why on earth did MS not put these info on the first page of their website? (Robin)

I'm 74 years of age and I found your site the best thing since sliced bread. Congratulations and thanks for your help. (Bob)

Thank you for providing this site, I can find answers to almost any question I have. Thanks guys! (Sekandar)

Today, was my first visit and I'm impressed. This is a great site. Keep up the good work. You guys are making it! (Craig)

The solution was easy and the diagrams very helpful. I found the right place to plug into, Thanks so much. (Saftmicha)

Rarely do I find an answer to this type of question so fast. Thank You sooo Much. (Wayne)

I am not a computer geek, so I was surprised that this site helped me find out that the "CMOS checksum" error I'm getting on a 12 year old laptop (don't ask..) means I need a new CMOS battery. even if that doesn't work, the site was VERY easy to use. It's a great resource! Thanks. (Birdlegs)

I have used this site throughout my I.T. degree and found it has been very helpful, recommending it to other students I know. Thanks for the free help over the last few years. (Ugive)

Had a frustrating error when trying to start a brand new HD - NTLDR. When to Google and yours was the second hit. Found the answer within 3 min. Great!! ****Kudos for NOT making my email/name mandatory before submitting my comments. I probably would have just backed out and said screw it if you had made it mandatory before sending. Awesome! (Anonymous)

Perfect! Your site/Q&A was the 1st response on Google - took me DIRECTLY to the answer to my query. Thanks too, I know offering a site such as yours costs someone something. (I do the same for others.) (Bill)

Keep up your good work. I appreciate you guys contribution. May there be peace, health & happiness as Buddha said. (Andy)

I deleted a file on a Windows 98 computer and could boot into Windows. I followed the instructions for running FDISK and copying the system files back to the computer. Was able to go through your site and resolve the problem. Thanks a bunch! (John)

This was the only place that I could find the eidos phone number. Even the eidos website didn't have it. You guys are my heroes. (Josef)

Your site was very helpful for me. I've had a problem and with one klick in your website I've solved the problem. very easy to navigate and use, very helpful to find the exact error. I wish to thank you all. Best regards. (Mehmet)

I am somewhere on a learning curve and your site helped me move along the curve in the intended direction. Thanx (tp)

I just wanted to say thank you so very much. I needed help with my boot.ini and you solved it in my first try. ive had trouble w/ os loading in DOS for quite some time now and you just made it so simple. I owe you guys a big one. thanks (Chris)

I just recently fell into the website I didn't have a particular problem but as I was browsing your site I found it very simple to use and very helpful. (Frank)

I did exactly the solution posted and it worked. I'll be using this site again in the near future. (Minerva)

Thanks for the site, I haven't touched the stuff in about 8 years, and I'd forgotten so much. Once I found your page most of it came back! I will definitely book mark your page! (Nomad)

Was interesting to view this website, nicely constructed no crap to wade through which is good. Have bookmarked for future use. (Evocare)

I am training at this point in time your website is defiantly in my favorites. (Jeff)

You have yourself a great site, I am studying for a few certs and I stumbled across your site today, great stuff, keep up the good work. (Michael)

Awesome--thanks--I will not hesitate to use this site in the future and I would recommend it to others. (Claudie)

Wow, this was great! I'm so glad I found this site because I had no idea what to do before reading this information. Now I think I have a handle on it. Thanks a bunch! (Sarah)

Picked up an old Compaq so full of crap & loading errors it wouldn't even run scandisk. scared witless of it I came here not knowing even the basics. fixed it & learned lots thanx to u. now I am a junkie for sure. (Debra)

I think this site is amazing in terms of accessing exact information. (Anita)

Again your site has helped me find the info I needed very quickly and in a form that was easy to understand. Best site I have found yet! (Ash)

Only site that I found that answered my question, even as other questions popped into my mind. there were links for further answers. (Latasha)

Very good information and step-by-step guidance. Perfect for me as a nothing knowing in computer questions. (Antti)

Congratulations! I can research my homework and projects more easily. More Power and God Bless... (RUBY)

You guys saved the day- my outlook password protected file was not opening. It would have been a huge loss. The Outlook PST Password strip came to the rescue. Send a personal note of thanks to the author, if possible. (Amit)

I have run the computer lab at a camp for the last seven summers, and although we have computers, we have never had a LAN. I am in the process of blitzing companies with requests for a network switch in the hopes of networking our computers. Your site was absolutely *STELLAR* in the aid it has provided in giving me quick access to corporate snail-mail addresses. THANK YOU! (Bryan)

A very rare opportunity for me to actually report back to a website on its complete understanding and remarkable ability of tuning into individual needs of all persons who have come across the site. I will not hesitate in coming back here or more info in the future. Thanks. (S)

Simply OUTSTANDING assistance. I'm amazed. I've sent the URL for this site to everyone I know. (Cynmoon)

I'm just glad there is such a site and so comprehensive for the novice. Thanks for being there. (Donnie)

I found your site through google search. I had never known just how to move the Windows taskbar back in position. I quickly found the answer here and easily did it. Now I know! (Carrie)

I got what I was looking for and its great to have a resource like this. Thank you very much and thanks to the greatest knowledgebase called INTERNET. (Sathish)

First let me thank your grout for the Good site which helped to know about all versions of Microsoft operating systems which I couldn't find in any site. Here I found what exactly I wanted and felt really happy. Since it was very easy and helpful when I needed it. (Veni)

What a relief! Your site is logical, straightforward and filled with invaluable information. To a neophyte like myself I simply can't thank you enough. (Cyber-bliss)

Well I must admit that this site simplified my trouble shooting process greatly. Thanks to its authors. (Evans)

I don't know that a site like this could exist I just typed what I was looking for unfortunately I got a result in fact im really impressed at this site thanks more greece to your elbow. (Mudashiru)

The best site on the Internet. (Sankalp)

Thanks! Your site is really a big help especially to students like myself! Keep up the good work guys! (Rainier)

Hello folks, so far soo good you doing a marvelous job and we all appreciate your efforts and the time you people spent in these useful programs, I am trying to learn networking and some computer knowledge I got no job sitting home, English is my third language trying to understand your information here, keep doing the good things. Thanks A lot. (The Shariif)

Your site has been so helpful! Helpful, in fact, for YEARS! Thank you Computer HOPE! ;-) (Rje1278)

Sites like this one are sorely needed. Great Job!! (Alex)


You are very helpful with your recommendations. I will recommend this site to anyone with or without any knowledge in computers. (Nicarao)

WOW!! Where have you people been all of my life?? What a great, concise, and easy to use resource you are. Thanks - You're my new shortcut! (Deborah)

Thanks, I don't use the computer enough to remember all the commands nor am I organized enough to have them at a hands reach.... until now :-) (Trevor)

Good source- I am an IT student and short definitions are helpful. (Terry)

I was looking for the syntax of the MS DOS Xcopy command, as I hadn't used it for years, and I found it straight away, with all the relevant information and more, excellent website, well set out, I'll be coming here again I think! :-) (Tim)

Better than my computer course! (Gl)

Just to say thanks - I was getting very grumpy until I found your site. (Colin)

This is a great website, that is helping a great deal with computer courses I am taking. Thanks very much. (Jackie)

Thank God for Computer Hope web page. My first time put together a computer, and ran into all kind of troubles, to the point that I have to go to computer chat room, and ask for help. Peoples are generous enough to help me out, someone recommend Computer Hope, and I got the answer. Thanks again, you guys did a great job. (Victim of Tech)

This site is the best computer resource I have ever seen. :) (Sachleen)

Looking for the correct way to format a date when changing a Unix system date/time, I searched for "Unix date" in Google and immediately found the answer here. Thanks. (SR)

This is one of the best sites I have ever seen. (Kevin)

You have relieved a month of frustration! I do not give up, so I looked and looked. You were the Sesame! (Jim)

I was searching for ASCII Standard codes to download to my assignment. I got it Thanx GOD. (Ali)

I would like to thank whom ever created this page. I know how to do it I just have never had to do it in awhile. But you gave the answer I was looking for. (Paul)

Great site and simple to follow instructions, far better than Microsoft and their klingon language pages. lol, keep up the good work. (Johnty)

My question was about win386.swp. I found the answers quickly. It was easy to understand even for someone who is not a computer lingo expert. Thanks (Peggy)

Very easy to understand with clear instructions. Have bookmarked this site for future use!! Thanks again... much appreciated. (Steve)

Fourth hit in Google for "windows 2000" path; should be ahead of experts-exchange.com, which is a waste of time. Thanks! (Steven)

When one becomes cynical about the Internet and human nature in general, it's refreshing to find a site such as yours. Keep up the good work, people. (Rob)

I went right to it. Quick and easy. Normally some thing like this take 20 30 minuets just to get some thing close to it thanks. (Gdry)

This site is perfect! I will come here for all of my MS-DOS needs! Thanks! (The Computer Geek)

This site is the tops. I immediately put it in my favorites and will continue referring to it. Outstanding Service. Thanks (Pete)

Great pages, gonna use them in the future whenever I (or someone else) has a problem with the computer. Thanks a lot! (Terry)

Great job! I needed to erase autocomplete memory in Internet explorer, and all I could google was these programs that cost $30, when all I wanted to do was erase the autocomplete memory! This site helped me, and in two seconds I was able to erase autocomplete memory! Great job! (Danny)

Thank you very much! Your site helped me avoid rebuilding my Windows install, huge "Thanks!" :) (Cane)

Excellent informative website, I can feel more confident tackling computer problems knowing there is an information site available. (Peter)

After days of searching the Internet to rectify the problem I had on my computer of not being able to view thumbnails on my computer I came upon your site (and that was only because I'd asked Jeeves how I could check out what system my computer ran on) which gave me instructions of how to restore my Registry. Once I did this it put my problem right and I can now see my photos/pictures in thumbnail views. Thank you so much. (Anne)

Very helpful! All the other websites sent me in circles but this site helped me solve my tech problems. Thank you very much! (Dani)

You solved, in two minutes, a problem I spent three weeks trying to resolve. thank you and thanks again. (Albert)

I do feel I will be using this site and am pleased to find such help with out charge and no hidden agendas. Have added it to my Favorites. (Brain)

Been surfing for hours before finally finding this site. trying to reinstall my volume control in windows 98...I had a CD playing (with no audio) while I was following your instructions. and suddenly - POW! I have sound again! Your site is bookmarked and I'll tell other people about it!!! Thanks!!!! (Scott)

I have learned so much from you - I cant thank you enough for being here- I am home since feb 04 recovering from an injuries due to a fall and I was given a very old computer with 95 on it to play with - night and day I began learning an awful lot even about ms dos and how to get in and out of there to solve problems but each time I fixed one thing something else went until I could no longer access c drive - Registry pcs missing and some files disappeared etc. I now have a very new computer I love and yet I cant stop playing and learning on the old one either. long story to be shortened here - I couldn't find commands etc. to do the Registry in dos because in Safe Mode it wouldn't run regedit etc. you gave me in less than 1 min on your sight the answer I needed. thanks so much and I have bookmarked your site. I'll definitely be back for more. thanx again for making my rainy day a good one. (Bonnie)

I am an A+ and Network+ trainer. Computerhope has given great contribution to me as well as my students. I can find answers of all my problems very quickly. As quick as I open and close my eyes. Keep your greatest idea. Thanks. (Isuadi)

Top quality website, extremely informative and easy to navigate, for a free website this exceeds all expectations. Keep up the good work peeps!! (Dante)

Wish EVERYTHING could be this quick and simple !! Thanks! (Rethea)

I've been involved with computers for 18 years. I wanted to send you a comment that I am very impressed with the wealth of knowledge on your site and the easy of use and simplicity in getting to it. Kudos! (Jim)

When I had trouble with a bootup I was so frustrated, and the advice on your website fixed it... it was really easy to follow, also. Thank you! (Brad)

Your site has been, and continues to be, an excellent source of information. It has helped me out of more than one problem. Thank you. (David)

This website is so wonderful that I gain lot of information or other wise I need to refer 10's of books to get all this information. I am very thankful to the people who are involved in this website work. My warm wishes to all of them. My Best Regards to the owner of this site. (Ghaffer)

I think it's "GREAT that you guys and gals take the time to help us. This site is wonderful. I have been able to find so much support when i've been stuck. Thanks !!! (Magic)

Thank you! I found the answer to my problem on your site in 10 seconds using a DogPile search... after wasting a half hour using Microsoft's "knowlegebase" (Frank)

Thanks! You confirmed what I thought might be the problem with my computer. Very easy to find information. and the information is VERY good. Thanks again! (Jim)

Keep it coming this is all good. Anyone can understand it. Thank You. I am an MIS manager and we love it. (Dr Hook)

It is nice to find a company that provides the type of service that you do. (Odel)

What a pleasure! Acronyms explained and problem accurately identified and corrected. Thanks. (Richard)

You provided a very simple solution that worked where many others didn't/couldn't. Thankyou. (John)

For a first time PC builder, I find your site very helpful! Thanks to all! Or,.. because I live in Texas, I should say, Thanks "Youall" (BodyMan)

THANK YOU!!! Your clear, logical directions and easy-to-read layout helped me solve a problem for my boss today. (Barbara)

All I did was type in Quick Keys for Apple... brilliant!!! (Sarah)

I am sooo happy I found your site. I have been trying to figure out how to set up an additional hard drive in windows 2000 WITHOUT a floppy, and EVERY other site just talked about using Fdisk from a floppy. Your site showed me how easy it really is in win2000. Thanks!!!! (Chris)

Fantastic, saved me having to reinstall XP!!! (Tim)

Your site is very well thought out. Easy access and easy delivery. Thank you. (Chkca)

You were the only site that actually told us what we wanted to know about 68 pin female sockets on a motherboard for our IT assignment. (Elizabeth)

Looked all over, asked several sites, but yours was the only one that had a answer that worked. Thanks. (Bob)

I think that you had a very good paragraph explaining the history of OS/2 Excellent!! (gibson)

Your article on the autoexec.bat and config.sys was extremely helpful in helping me set up an old system to run dos games. (Erica)

You have been more help than any other support forum I have been to. THANK YOU!!!! (Sgrichman)

I just happened upon your site by accident but I want to tell you I will be visiting a lot more I learned a lot of things that I did not know before and where a costly computer is concerned you can never know too much I don't think. Thanks for having such a great service and I will pass the word along. (Dottie)

I have bookmarked the site for my future references. This is my one stop shop for unix reference. Thanks for your help and keep up the good work. Best regards. (Jagan)

You folks are making it darn near improbable that we would go anywhere else for this kind of intuitiveness! You must be the envy of the neighborhood. Appreciatively Yours, (D.Vincent)

I love your site. It has saved me many times! My computer and my sanity!!! I recommend it to everyone I know. Thanks so much for being on the web. I hope that you can continue offering such terrifically great service with no computer intrusive adware. (Seaweed)

I am an IT manager and had to use your site for research. It is the first site that was not a mailing list, and it was able to help me. I am very impressed. (Dominic)

Please consider putting in the "How was your experience?" "Outstanding". This is by far one of the best sites that I have come across with for computer information. It was amazing to me the amount of information that I was able to find and how good of information I was able to find. (Ceaser)

Don't change a thing! You were VERY helpful! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (Phil)

Very helpful page. First assignment dealing with binary and hex numbers. Did not have the slightest idea what they were. I now understand. Thank you!!! (Bobby)

Thank you... thank you... thank you! Took care of a problem installing software I've had for 2 weeks! (Supervisor)

I love what you are doing, keep doing it! This is a great resource and I will be visiting this place very often. I wish I found this site sooner. (Techy)

I stumbled across Computer Hope by accident one day, and have been using it non-stop since (especially in my school IT class.) Thanks a lot. (Anonymous)

Glad you folks are around to help us that don't have a lifetime to figure out how to do it ourselves. (Dennis)

This is one website which I generally swear on to answer any question of my customer. I work foe Dell International services, over the phone any question by the customer needs a prompt answer and this is where I do get it so easily. I have also referred a lot of my friends to use this website. Thank You for such a wonderful support. (Sumit)

I came to your site using Google to find an answer to my problem. The problem: a password protected backup pst file that could not be opened. I was able to use the pst19upg program from your website to strip the password and successfully recover the data! Thank you and God Bless you. (Stephen)

As a retired senior citizen, I love this site. (Carl)

You site was very helpful, especially to us students who were at our first year studying IT. Thanks very much for you ideas and hope you will provide more for us every now and then. Keep up that good spirit of helping others through your brilliant ideas and experience. (ziczaq)

I would just like to say how fantastic your site is. At present I am doing a Microsoft certificate course and I use your site for all kinds of information, from helping friends with there systems to my own. Your site really does have everything. thanks for a great site. (Chris)

I really commend the brains behind this website. Your explanations to problem is complete, simple and straight forward. Your website has also being of great help to me. (Giwa)

The reason why I said experience "Good" is because there is no option for Fantastic. I came looking for Acer drivers.. even though you did not carry any on the website.. you were the only one I found so far who said the name of their website change to benq... & I finally found what I was looking for. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work!! (AK)

Very well done! My computer didn't tell me which key to press to get into the BIOS, and I wanted to booty from a cd-rom. Could not find any other way to do so without getting into the BIOS! Then I found this page and it had it all! Good job! (Jimmy)

Thankyou so much! I was trying for 3 hours to fix the problems with my browser - this site had the answer instantly! (Mark)

Amazing website!!! I have never visited a site like this. I wish you guys all the best to continue your service.. I will visit this site very often. I will recommend this site to more people.. keep it going guys. Simply Amazing. good luck to you guys. (Nithya)

A great resource for finding contact info on computer companies that do not have any email or phone contact info on their website (which is a lot of them). (Michael)

The information is concise, userfriendly, and informative. You have saved me countless hours of research and headaches trying to understand concepts and definitions. I will be getting my degree in Information Technology in a couple of months. This website is a dream come true for anyone that is in the field. (Jbean101)

Your site was the first listed on Teoma's search engine and the topic link was accurate so I didn't have to hunt for the resolution. I also would like to extend kudos to the tech team. The instructions are well thought out and in plain English, simple enough for even the newest of users to follow. Computer Hope is definitely a site I will register with. (Mrcdsbnzgirl)

This is by far the easiest site on the net that gives EXCELLENT help and very easy to browse on computer related help best for beginners. Thanks to all at Computerhope keep up the excellent work... (Brandon)

I've only touched the MS-DOS area, and am so very pleased with your site. Easy, extensive, and understandable. It doesn't get any better than this. Very well done! (Bayou)

Thank you so very much - very satisfied with what I found (DMI boot up problem) issue was resolved after using suggestions on your site. much obliged. (Jamie)

I have been trying to get my computer and my sewing machine to communicate for over a year. I finally had all the correct parts and they still wouldn't "talk" until I followed the directions on your page. I'm bookmarking this one. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! (Mary)

Thank you very much!! I had an NTLDR missing message. Now, I am not a novice with computers. I have been online since 96, but believe it or not, this was the first hard drive I have installed!!! After I got that message, I did a Google search, and yours was the first I tried. I do believe I have found a new resource. thanks, Computer Hope!!!! (Brad)

Just wanted to tell you what a wonderful place this is. I had been working for two days (not all that computer literate) on a problem, got on your chat and my problem was solved in two minutes! This is just a wonderful website and I plan to tell everyone I know about it. I am ever so grateful to have found you. I visited other sites before I found you and found them difficult to understand how to use, but yours is so simple. I am so very grateful you are there and have made it so simple to use. (Debbie)

I couldn't open my command window and spent hours looking through the Microsoft site to find out how to fix the problem. I went to Google typed in the error I was getting and linked to your page. I found the missing file, replaced, and viola ms-dos now works. Thank you very much!!! (Chris)

I love your website. I teach A+ at a local university and I always refer my students to your site. It is hard to find good DOS information and we use DOS for troubleshooting, recovery, etc. Thanks for the resource! (CS)

My experience with your website was fantastic. Thank you for sharing this very useful information. It has truly been a blessing to me. (Duane)

I wish there was a better rating than good for the experience .... I would say better than I could have ever imagined ... I was just about to re-burn my machine when I decided to look up the NTLDR missing error on my other PC. I am glad I did because you guys were the #1 match ... Great Site!!! ... it is now permanently in the favorites list. Thanks for saving me tons of time. (Julian)

I express my deep heartfelt thanks to the entire team associated with the hosting of such a wonderful site. While locating for the definition of internal and external DOS commands in the Google, my search ended with your site. I have seen many computer sites but none like this one. This shows how much effort has gone in building this site. The unique features of this site lies not only in the language which is simple and precise (without taxing anyone's brain) but also the coverage of a wide range of topics whether it is software or hardware under one platform.

I have one suggestion to make. It would be very helpful if all the contents can be made into a Book/CD format, so as to enable each user to have a personal copy. Please ensure that it is easily affordable and accessible.

I wish your team and this site a great success. (Guru)

Whenever I'm looking for answers to odd syntax things, I check the Computer Hope site first. (Michael)

I was very pleased with all the information and questions provided. All the information was very simple to understand, especially for someone who is just learning the computer. I will recommend this site to everyone. (Suz)

I hope you continue the Dictionary service for a long time. I know enough to be deadly, but it's nice to re-verify with a reputable service such as yours. (Steve)

First site I've ever visited and found the information without having to sign-in, register, or watch advertisements. (Jerry)

Quick and precise answer in a friendly and dead easy format. Beats chancing it with MS KBase or installing 'all singing all dancing' shareware that just makes for more confusion/clutter. way to go guys! thanks =) (dazza67)

My computer had been dead for ten days. I was able to find your website on a Google search. I found the answer and recovered my computer. Another online support service had recommended reloading the operating system which would have cleared the hard drive. Your site was a great help, Thank You (Steve)

I have used your site for several computer-related problems and have excellent results from your suggested fixes. It's great that this is free. when you think of what a computer tech would charge to come to your home and do the same thing. Thanks (Edison)

Don't you even think of going offline!!!!! don't even think about it!!! or a lot of people will miss this great site. I can't even have enough time to read all the content you have!!! And I've learn lot's of interesting things with you. Keep up the good work, you are part of the elite around the net!! PD: The Computer Hope chat is a neat idea!!! (Luis)

Nice to find a site like yours! I'll put it in my Favorites. Thanks! (Butch)

This is my first time here, but be assured, I will return many, many times more. Thank you. (Peggie)

I used Google to look up a DOS command and I was taken directly to the page. The help page explained the share command very well. A little more on what locks are about would probably be good and an explanation why this command is useful would probably help the noobs. (Scott)

I am doing a college project - I find your site of great help. (Vivienne)

I always refer to this site when all else fails, or when I have a question not easily phrased. Thank you for your existence. (Kelli)

Thank you, you have an EXCELLENT website for finding definitions. I have bookmarked it. (Ken)

This is the most amazing site! We found you in a GOOGLE search to try to undo a boneheaded thing we did to one of our PCs. Your DOS command pages helped us fix the mess with minimum stress. Thanks! I will tell everyone about this site. If you want a testimonial to use, please feel free! (Cheryl & Brent)

Was looking for some general info about locating files, and I found all I needed on your website. Thanks! (Wietse)

I found the info concise and to the point - well done. (Scarlett)

Just want to express my thanks for the very specific help I received from you folks concerning a log on problem asking me to change my date/time in CMOS. Your precise directions were perfect. Thanks. (Jess)

Keep it up. You saved my bacon tonight! (Michael)

This is possibly the greatest site on the web! A place where the large, and small, can find help for free. What a concept! (Jim)

I wanted to send an e-mail of gratitude re: your wonderful website. This is by far the best site for information in an easy to use format as well as a vast Q & A library. As a 'new user' in the computer world I am impressed with all the information you have available. I have found it more than useful and it has given me more confidence as I know I will find an answer and solution to any of my questions on your site. Thanks again and I have recommended your site to all my friends and family. (Ann)

Great site. Easy and easy to follow instructions. WAY TO GO!!!! :-) (David)

This is refreshing, an honest site that promotes the computing experience. It is nice to be able to find something without being hounded with pop ups and sales hype. (Zarbo)

Excellent site. Best on the web! (David)

I just found you and all I can say is, "Where have you been all my life?". You are a Godsend! I have learned more in the past hour from your site than I've learned from anything or anyone else since this beast came to live on my desk almost 2 years ago! You have truly given me "Computer Hope"! Now I can't wait to come back and learn more! Everyone I know, including my boss, will be flabbergasted! Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks? This old dog just learned a lot. After they get over the shock I might even tell them where I've been spending my nights... But for now, I'm excited about my "desk beast" and have hope for our future. P.S. I think I love you. (Cherri)

Its very good information and those who are not basically computer engineers (i.e., from other discipline), its very good information to understand the basics. Thanks a million to your team. (Venkatesan)

First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you! (Jamie)

Thank you for answering, you deciphered my email perfectly. (Simplee)

Liked all. (Johnny)

Thanks a ton for your help!!! (Diana)

Great job, good content and presentation and nice graphics plus easy to navigate. (Bill)

I love your page! It has helped me with mine! Thank you! (Received over Pager)

Liked very much will show it to my fellow class mates. (John)

Hello.. I was just writing to let you know I greatly appreciated and was helped a great bit by your great HTML help site. (Alan)

Wow!!! Thanks for the great feedback :) (Sal)

It Works! Awesome! Thanks. (Jack)

Like everything there is no other site like this one that I know. (Daniel)

Best website in the World! (Mike)

Thank you EVER so much for creating this page. I am in the process of creating a web page right now using HTML code (which I knew absolutely nothing about until I came here) and this page has helped me INCREDIBLY. (Sarah)

Finally a page that all can understand, thank you! (Nick)

Thanks for being unselfish with your info! (David)

I was very pleased to find your site. Thank you! (Loren)

Awesome! Thank you so much for saying it all in English. (Luke)

Page is good. lot of easy to understand info. (Mike)

Great Site!! (Kian)

Great Page!! Keep it up.. (Mike)

Hey, I loved all the help I've gotten from your site. (Carol)

Excellent page. As a beginner I printed the page and will try all the tags I have not used. I sure I will also find it an excellent quick ref. (Kenneth)

Keep it going! (Brian)

Wow, what a site! Over "700" pages of technical info with hardware and software. HTML help. "Free" answers to your technical questions. plus much, much more. Believe me when I say, "you just have to visit this site. it is awesome"! The page counter on this site is gonna be burning up before long. Excellent site Nathan! (Nick *Prospector Award*)

I like your instructions 2 make stuff. I think that it is pretty cool. I'm still trying to design a home page 4 myself, but I need more Knowledge of it. and guess what? This page is gonna be bookmarked! (Stealth)

Great website guys you should be real proud of what you have accomplished! I had to go back to vote cause y'all really deserve a site -recommendation. (wrlrdmars)

I'm a college student at Ball State University and a Graphic Arts mgr. I needed to design a web page for my computer programming intro. class and the teacher doesn't know how to teach. So I needed to teach myself HTML and your page helped me out a lot! Thanks. (WBK96)

Thank you for a VERY good page! (Profiler)

Thanks for the help! it is often hard to find someone to ask a question when your having a problem a little input can go a long way I have bookmarked your page! this is an excellent link!"(Dcaron)

Quick reference to a variety of DOS commands; very handy!!! Thanks (Info)

These hints to speed up my computer will come in handy. I've looked through the help manual, but as usual, none of this is mentioned. (M42174)

I love your page! Keep up the work - I also checked out a lot of the Java stuff and looked at the counters for population and national debt. This site is really cool and I am going to add a bunch of it to my page ASAP! (Ross)

I'm a real beginner, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help to you now in making suggestions for improving the page. But I found your site very simple to use and will return for further help as needed. (Kelley)

Thank you SO much, you have no clue what a help you have been to me.. (Loni)

THANK YOU!!!! I went everywhere, I even called the Sierra help line, and they could not help me, but you could! The solution to my problem was soooo simple too! All I had to do was lower the detail and raise the speed. THANKS AGAIN!!!!!! (Sarabiz)

Everything was just perfect. I appreciate your assistance. Good job!!! (Karate)

I found LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of cool stuff here.... Thanks for making Information free!!! I need to go update my page now. Thanks and keep up the GOOD work. (Tibman)

I am 50 years old and just getting into computing. I have found this site very informative. (Randy)

Thank you for the info. Hopefully you will keep me posted on when you get more JavaScript ideas... (Banned4eternity)

Thanks for being there. (Ackerman)

I've been looking for help until I found your website. Thank you very much!! (Victorfmn)

I've been looking for help for 4 months. I just staggered on to you. Advertise! Let people know who, what and WHERE You are. By the way: Thanks for the help. (GL Cole)

Without your assistance I do not believe I would have ever completed the game. I most likely would have gotten so angry I would have given or thrown the game away! Thanks a lot. The plot was excellent and the interaction superb. (Blofton)

Your information has helped me with my studies and it has also given me some important information about the error codes in DOS. So thank you for a well put together web-site. (Graham)

You were able to help me with the installation of my CD-ROM. This a well constructed informative site. Thanks! (Cull)

I was very happy to find your site this morning. It will help me cut down on my computer based training (CBT)cost. (Blackmon)

After my Hard Drive Crashed, and paying for useless help from Packard Bell, I had the costly expense of a new Hard Drive and trying to reload all my software. After all that, I could not get the Sound card to work. After 2 weeks of calls and web searches I stumbled on your website. I followed the instruction exactly as written and in 5 minutes I had my sound back. I wish I had found your site before, but now it is a Favorite of mine. (newc)

Thank GOD your site is up and running! Lost my DOS 6.2 manual in some black hole and cannot find it. Using WIN95 sure allows a person to forget all that was learned in the TRaSh80 and 286 era. Thanks again. (Goodworks)

Very informative. I learned a lot of the html design tools on your page. (Katy)

Thanks for explaining complex things in simple terms to dummies like me. I really appreciate it! Keep up the good work. (mark)

Just wish to say thanks for having a diamond of a site amongst the trash. (Scott)

This is the first I have seen of this site, and I found it to be exactly the resource I was looking for. I hope to see this site maintained, as I will be visiting it frequently. I highly recommend this site to other people. Especially, those trying to get a better understanding of what they are working with. Thank you, again. (Edwin)

Just want to say thanks -- the explanations and examples helped a lot. (PLT97)

Just wanted to let you know that your DOS pages are an excellent resource. Since DOS has been eclipsed by other O/S's, it's not easy to find a thorough library of DOS commands and general info like yours. Keep up the good work! (Kent)

Thanks for taking the time to put together such a informative website. (Tanya)

You helped me find the capacity of an old hard drive that we knew nothing about. (Alex)

Your website is terrific. thanks for all the work y'all do putting this out there for us techy wannabes. I have put together 3 systems and am continuing to learn. Thanks to your site I have been able to solve several problems. I have used the create a boot disk, information on Missing OS for Hard Drives and setting for old hard drives so far... (Bill)

I was very glad to find your page. I haven't tried any of the suggestions for my problem yet, but they sound like what I have been looking for the last six days. Thank you! (Raven)

I needed information about what parity and non-parity meant with regard to computer memory. You had the answer. (Keith)

Thank you for your jargon site. I'm a computer novice and hate having to deal with all the technical mumbo jumbo. (Mike)

I've been searching for information about fat32 and what I found here answered all my questions. Thanks! (Allan)

I recently (due to circumstances beyond my control: windows98) had to transfer all my important data from an old hard drive to a newly installed one. Due to the nature of the problem I could only access the old drive through DOS. Needless to say, it was a trying experience. I found your site through a search engine and immediately found the DOS command I was looking for: xcopy which allowed me to move whole directory trees easily from one disk to another. Understand this: You are doing God's own work! You are GOOD GOOD people! Thank you thank you. Please keep this site going. (Corey)

I needed to change directories to run a virus tool I downloaded. I through My DOS book away a few years ago after my husband typed deltree at the prompt and hit enter, I was just learning DOS at the time, so could not remember how to do it. Thanks for a very useful site! (Steph)

You have helped me a great deal in DOS, thank you. (Calotte)

I have read four books and you have told me more about setting up my CD-ROM than I found in the books. Thanks for the help. (Nathan)

Thank you very much for making this information available. It has been a great help to me. Today, I have been searching everywhere for information on partitioning my hard drive in order to have two operating systems. Your information on fdisk will make it easier for me to complete my task. (Aaron)

Hello. I am currently enrolled in a technical school for network administration and exploring options other than MCSE. This site has been very helpful. (Jake)

I help newbies in a PC Help Room, on AOL. Your Service is GREAT! I refer Hundreds of people to here! Because it is Thorough and Explains in "Nubieeze". Thanks. (Gary)

I am a 47yr old female, new to the Internet. My daughter and son-in-law have been trying to assist me, and they brought me my computer all set up and ready to go. Tonight, they were instructing me on my home page of which my daughter had already set up. The language went over my head (I have no idea where it went, but I didn't get it). They also questioned me on why I had such a high score on one of the games. Tonight, I decided I would click on some of the "favorites" that she had selected for me. I started reading and was amazed how user friendly your text is. Please let the department that does the text, that they should announce the fact that this text is understandable even for middle age (or older) first time users. I am looking forward to the updates and new previews. The only annoying factor was when there were more than one example listed and then all the examples were stated, but I felt that if that was the way it was so be it(I'm sure that this was due to the! fact that I must see an example most of the time to understand this new language). I definitely needed the examples and now can understand some of what my children were saying. (Carol)

Thanks so much for the help on html. I think I'll be able to manage a page now. I really like how it was put just plain and understandable, without confusion. again, thank you. (Brandy)

Your site is more helpful then any other HTML site I have ever visited. You do a fine job of educating those who don't know too much. (Andrea)

I was glad to find your page.I have been trying to find someone/something that could teach me basic operating commands.I even went to Microsoft, but I couldn't see anything that that was useful, maybe it was too trivial for them. I'll be coming back. (Rod)

:-) THANK YOU :-) Congratulations on an excellent, very helpful site. I am a technician in central NSW, Australia. I had a problem with a customers machine which they had modified themselves!!! Your site helped me solve the conflict. (Chris)

GREAT SITE! I was looking for something that I didn't need! Your pages on CD-ROM drivers are fantastic. I have pointed other people to the site too. (Charles)

Great Help !!! Since I do Computer custom build up and service as a Retirement Program your type of help is Great!! I occasionally get a unit with a bug that I chase for several hours and your site is a good addition to the Net. Appreciate You. !!! (Jim)

Just found your website and absolutely love it. Please tell your sponsor it is money well spent and Internet users do understand that these free services are subsidized. Thanks again! (Shanta)

Just want to say I think this is an incredibly cool and useful website. I have forwarded the URL to many colleagues and friends. Well done! Keep up the good work. (Simon)

You've helped me a lot in starting my new path in life if that's any consolation. (Erik)

I'm glad you have this site because I was looking for the DOS command fdisk and format, because I have to teach the class about them! Thanks. (Matt)

Thank you very much for providing such information for FREE. It is a great help to those of us who are beginners and know almost nothing about creating HTML. I am very excited about placing my first web page on the Internet. I'm sure others will find this page to be of excellent information as I will gladly list a link to COMPUTER HOPE on my personal web page. A million thanks to COMPUTER HOPE !! (Eddie)

I had a problem switching my PC from Linux back to Win95 as the format command did not thoroughly clean up the hard disk. 'fdisk /mbr' eventually did the trick ... thanks to your website! (Richard)

Your FDISK command help was the most Comprehensive I have seen On-Line. I am giving it to my NT Instructor as soon as I see her again. Thank you on behalf of me and my classmates."(Kathleen)

I was attempting to explain to a friend how the Binary and Hexadecimal Systems work, and how 1 KB is equal to 1024 Bytes. Your information was helpful. Thanks. (Dwight)

Your site saved me major headaches... Thank you! I've had to reformat my hard drive (I'm setting up my computer as a Novell NetWare server) and when I tried to reload the driver for my CD ROM (from the original configuration diskette provided by the manufacturer), it didn't work. Your site gave me the proper syntax to insert in my autoexec.bat and config.sys files. I've bookmarked your site for future use!! (Christine)

Trying to format my HD, couldn't find my DOS books in the garage. Baby, you're da greatest! (Kirk)

Thank you so much! I called a couple of people and they weren't home so I decided to look on the Internet and there was the answer to my question! What a wonderful surprise. Didn't have to waste time paging through mountains of pages to get my answer. Again, Thanks! (Judy)

You helped me find the correct syntax for the ATTRIB command and I've sorted my error I'm back on line.Many thanks. (Tony)

I cannot believe the help I received from your site I am not schooled in the CPU field but, I've been learning on my own the temp files del section made my day since my Win 3.x had been running very slow my sincere thanks. (Oleynis)

I've been trying (for so long) to retrieve some important data from an old (believe it or not)386-SX33 HD, a CONNER CP3000, but I had its configuration parameters. Thank you very Much. (Jim)

This is the best website I have found. I hope that it is worth your while because I'd hate for you to quit before I learn enough to ask a question!!! (Handy)

I was glad to see this, I bookmarked it for future use. (Tom)

YOUR SITE IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart! This is exactly the info I was looking for. Thanx 4 being there! :) (Don)

I think that the hard drive specification listing is a great resource. It is very well laid out and easy to find what you need. When I searched Yahoo this page came up and I found what I needed in a very small amount of time. Thank You. (Sundeep)

I was looking for help on CMOS and found exactly what I needed - Thanks. (LP)

Thanks for everything - I'd be lost if I hadn't found your site! (TC)

A friend of mine was able to find info on your web page about hard drives which helped me get a clean scandisk out of my system. I could not get scandisk to run. Apparently, all I had to do was delete the .chk files and .tmp files as per instructions which then allowed the scandisk to work. It ran for four hours prior to doing this and never did complete. But why does a few .tmp files make the difference? Why can't I find any references to this in any books I have on windows 95? (Phil)

Love the site! Must have taken a lot of your time and hard work! Thanks a billion! Wish there was some way we could all repay you! (Marc)

Thanks for the great batch file help. It's been so long since I used it needed a refresher course, and info did the trick! THANKS!! (Anonymous)

I just recently came across your site. I've been here several times since then. I think it's great. I forwarded links to many of my friends that also have an interest in computers. Thanks. (Ralph)

I programmed my office (and still am) using QBasic - Glad to see there is info re same. Thanks. (DJC)

The best part is the straightforwardness; simply listing the codes and their meanings makes thinks easy and fast. (Whitney)

I needed a good quick reference for DOS commands - been about 15 years since I used DOS and couldn't remember a thing. Found your site VIA Excite Express and am delighted with its ease of use. Will definitely bookmark it for frequent reference. (Wendlyn)

I have found your this help site to be the most easiest to understand. Everything is explained well and in a language all can relate to. Thanks ever so much. You have been a great help. All the best. :) (OsiGal)

I never did determine what was causing my problem - was unable to 'view as a web page' any directories, Control Panel, etc. Was getting 'Internet explorer cannot open //c:\windows ... etc'. As near as I can determine, problem started after I rebooted after setting IE to check if it was default browser. Got the default browser question on boot up and answered yes & was doomed ! Your tip on restoring an older Registry did the trick, though. Academically, I'd like to know the specifics, but as a practical matter, my problem was solved. Wish I'd have found you guys at 6AM instead of 5PM. You are bookmarked -- many thanks. (Steve)

This site is great, with less work being done using DOS, it doesn't take long to forget commands. Thanks for having this site available. (Jim)

I needed a conversion chart for binary to HEX, and here it is, THANKS! (Ben)


Thank you for creating this site. It is the best organized and most comprehensive DOS site I have ever seen! And, just the thing for folks like me who want more control over what our computer does and a better understanding of how things operate. Keep up the good work! I will be back often. I have bookmarked your site. (Jeanne)

Thanks for rescuing me from the dark forest near the witch's hut (King's Quest V)! Now I can sleep at night again... (Titti)

Using your mild clues I was able to solve some of the trickier puzzles in Zork Nemesis - thanks a lot. Some times you don't need the whole solution just a nudge. (Jules)

Hi folks, I have searched for a function, to shutdown windows. First, I've tried on my hard disk, without success. On this site, in a few minutes, I found the solution. Many thanks to you and bye. (Horst)

I was very pleased with your site. It helped me solve my CD-ROM problem in a matter of minutes. Thank You! (Stephen)

This is just to let you know that I found your site very useful, Thank-you very much for providing this information, it came in very handy. P.S. Please leave this running as it is an excellent resource and reference. (Dan)

I am designing my personal web page. While attempting this I have learned there are many avenues in which to learn about HTML versions. I couldn't figure why my home page back ground colors where not being seen on both Internet Explorer and Netscape in the same matter. Thanks to your information I can now rewrite the color code on my home page to reflect on my PC at home in the color I choose. (Panther)

Thank you for this wonderful website! It has helped me so much. I am still somewhat new at this computer thing and I want to understand it all! I will definitely recommend it to my friends! (Lora)

I just upgraded my 486 to Windows 95 and my sound card drivers from Windows 3.11 were still in place and kept crashing any application that needed it! With your help I fixed it! Thanks! (Tom)

Thank you for providing free consulting. The information you give freely is very valuable to, and appreciated by, many people. (Ben)

YOUR WEBSITE IS GREAT!!!! I am currently installing a CD ROM drive into an older 486SX and was in need of a boot disk, copy command and what to do in DOS. well I found it. Your website took care of it all. It is now in my favorites and will be using if often!!! (Brett)

I found what I was looking for after searching hundreds of sites... Yours is the best.. Thanks for all the hard work. (John)

Thanks. Even Seagate's support page didn't have a listing for A CONNER CP3111, but you did. Thanks again (Anonymous)

Your article on FDISK very helpful and I have looked all over the Web trying to find out how to clean off hard drive and partition it and start out with clean Windows 98. I have a question for tech and will send to another address given. Thanks for being there as I am a beginner and the one, two three step is the only way I understand how to do these things. (Pam)

Just the info I'm looking for. (I search for "ansi.sys" on "www.altavista.com"). Thanks. (Alex)

Thanks for providing this site. I am trying to bring an old PC to life and it has a Quantum Prodrive 40AT in it. Couldn't get the settings right to be able to read it. Your page had all the settings, so now I'll go put them to use. Thanks again! (Caraway)

Great site. You're now on my favorites list. (Rand)

Great site, never thought I'd find settings for 106 MB HD. (James)

Now that I have looked at the answers you sent me about MS-DOS, my memory has come back. Thank you very much for your help and if I should run across another problem, I will be glad to use your resources again. (June)

Thank you very much. Your information is very useful and helpful for doing it yourself. (Mark)

Very helpful and well organized information. It may have helped me in making my system boot Win98 and Linux on the vfat partition much better. Thank you. (Scott)

I found your info to be very helpful, now I know to use stone curse on arch bishop lazurus. Thanks (Bryan)

This site is absolutely the best. As a computer technician myself fresh out of computer school, I think this is great and I will inform anyone I can. Keep up the good work! Keep me posted with any literature you guys or gals may have. Thanks (Cneal)

I just wanted to take a minute to say Thanks!! I have been looking for a "help" site with DOS information on it and your page has helped out tremendously. It's not only the DOS information that has been helpful, you've given an excellent explanation to things that I've been kind of shady on for a while. I use your site daily to read up on at least one thing and end up learning a lot more than anticipated. Thanks for taking the time to make a site like this, it's been a great help to me. (Marc)

100% Perfect answer, GREAT HELP! If only all my questions were answered this direct. (trying to learn) (George)

Thanks again for helping, this time with a definition that was puzzling. as usual, another great help from this site. (Larry)

your site is very user friendly, concise and up to date. I had no problem at all locating the information I required, and as a result I have saved many hours of trial and error. Please keep up the good work. Excellent! Thank you, (Ardvark)

We were having trouble with getting our CD-ROM to work under DOS, and your definition of MSCDEX helped considerably. (Dane)

Thank you for the information in IFSHLP.sys. Much better than Microsoft.com. Thank again. You are booked marked. (David)

Thanks you may have got my computer working again after installing a second hard drive at the same time as installing a new motherboard and processor! My CD-ROM driver insisted that CD-ROM was drive d i.e., where my second hard drive is, so everything went wrong. I needed to amend config.sys and autoexec.bat and it sounds like you had the right info. (Ross)

EXCELLENT reference for DOS and Windows commands!! I found more than I hoped for. As one of two network administrators, I have convinced everyone in the department to install DOS first then load Windows 95 or NT last. I will defiantly send this address as a great and convenient reference. (Alex)

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!! I am an American living in Japan, my wife is Japanese. I have recently purchased a new computer with English Win98 installed. I plan on partitioning my 22GB hard drive to load a Japanese Win98 for my wife. Hence, I needed DETAILED info on FDISK. Went to your site and low and behold there was extremely good DETAILED info. I am especially referring to the simulation. I AM DELIGHTED that people like yourselves spend the time and the effort to produce helpful info for people like myself!!! :)))) Thanks Again, REALLY!! (Charles)

Thanks for the information. I was trying to format a Connor Model CP 3044. Other websites gave the cylinder parameter as 977 instead of the correct 980 that your site listed. Thanks again. (Bill)

What a wonderful site. I have been struggling with developing a web page for an intranet, and your site gave me help and some real cool ideas and tricks to use, thanks, keep up the good work. I recommend your site to all my friends. (Kandi)

Sometimes its tough finding information you need when your PC has trouble. Thank you for providing the help you do. (Benjamin)

I was trying to track down a CD-ROM driver for an old NEC 2x CD-ROM for a friend. Your site was SO helpful. More helpful than the well meaning employees at the local Computer Renaissance store. Thank you. (Scott)

I really enjoyed your help section about drivers & win95. The info I got HELP ME 100%. Thanks (Faye)

I was looking desperately how to make a DOS boot disk, and I happened upon your site. our tutorial on "How to create a DOS Boot Disk" saved my life. Thank you for a great service! (John)


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have been racking my brain trying to remember the command for forcing a delete of a directory and its subdirectories full or not. It has been more that 10 years since I worked in Dos. I would of had to go to the library (no easy trip, I've lost most of my sight) to look it up if it weren't for you. You'd have saved me hours. (Mary)

KUDOS! I am a support analyst and occasionally I run across something that stumps me, usually a DOS command (a WHAT?). I did an Altavista search and chose your site first... great name, by the way. I navigated the page with tremendous ease and found what I was looking for in seconds... literally seconds! I e-mailed your URL to all my compadres in the IT dept.. Again, KUDOS! (Wes)

Thank you. Thank you very much. Much good karma will come your way. (Doug)

Thanks, nice to know there is help at 2:30am (Saffire)

My apologies, I just e-mailed you with a question on my missing ms paint, while I was drinking around in you web page, I found the answer I was looking for after the fact. (Melanie)

This is the site I've been looking for, for forever. I really have gained much knowledge from this site. you've also made me more powerful, because knowledge is power. (ryleep)

Thanks sooooooooo much for a brilliant site. I have been searching for simple batch file instructions for so long it's become embarrassing! This is everything I needed to know and more. Well done for keeping it free.(Hazel)

Your page is most helpful. It is very nice to be able to get the info that you need with out a lot of crap, so thank you very much. (Paul)

Last night my computer was infected by the monkey virus. I went on your website for help on what exactly I have in my hands right now. your website was a very big help and id appreciate you keeping me up to date too. Thanks (Negara)

I have just started a PC support course. Obviously had to learn about the main dos commands. This web page has helped me immensely because the language is very clear for us lay people on computer matters. God bless, (Junior)

THANKS !! I have NEVER gotten so much accurate information so fast in one place EVER ! And I have been "Geeking" since 1985. This is a wonderful place. Thanks against. (Pat)

This site helped me out a great deal. I was missing mspaint.exe and your explanation on how to was very simple Thank you so much. (Worthog)

Thanks for helping get a machine going for an underprivileged family. (Jeryrz)

I Looked every where trying to find a way to find an version of dos or qbasic editor. Microsoft apparently dos not want any body to have these tools. You helped me find them on my win95 CD. Thank You. (Tyson)

Keep up the good work, found just what I was looking for and it was in a very timely manner. (Mikey)

Thank you so much for solving an issue which my good friend and an engineer at Intel could not resolve. Thanks again (Aaron)

I am preparing for a test on number conversions and had forgotten most of the basics. This was very helpful in refreshing my memory. Thank you. (Jean)

I have been looking ALL DAY at home and the office for my hard drive parameters for an old 486 machine I have files stored on. I searched the web and came here. It took me about 2 minutes to find and write down the Conner and WD parameters. This place is Great! I'll look here 1st next time. I'm bookmarking this place NOW! (Mitch)

Your site is great! I'm a technical person with 18 years experience and yet there is always something that I've forgotten or don't know. Referencing your site has become a tool in my reference box. Thanks. (Beverly)

I received the info on fdisk utilities and how to set up large drive support and it helped a lot, thank you for your assistance, believe me it is greatly appreciated. (Jim)

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! I have had kings quest 6 for two years and I have been unable to finish on my own!! Now I have a complete walkthrough to help me when I get stuck!! Thanks again (Sarah)

Thank You folks for your information. I've been in the computer field both repairing and programming for over 25 years. Your information on computers has been a helpful asset to my work. Instead of waiting for long periods of time for hard drive info at tech support tele's. I can get the info faster from you. I not only makes me grateful to you but also to your sponsors. (Jim)


I just spent the last hour going through your pages. Very well done! This is one of the most informative sites I have found. I really like the way that you have placed so much basic information at the fingertips of the user. Great Work! I will visit often. Thank you. (Michael)

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