closing windows sessions with batch

Started by tontal, November 03, 2004, 05:40:25 AM

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I have some errors they occurred on my windows NT server desktop, my question is: Can i close them using batch file just to select the opened windows and press enter.
Thank you


I have an analogy for you. Imagine your car's engine cut out whenever you went over 15mph. You can solve it by pushing a ferret into your exhaust to clean out the entire engine/exhaust system, or you can get a new engine. What you want to do is create some strage contraption which automatically feeds ferrets into your tailpipe as you drive. What I would do is replace the engine.

Okay, so my analogies are crap. But I would do is find the source of the problem, rather than try and mitigate the consequences. We might be able to help with the error messages: we just need some information. What are the error messages you get?