Very Weird Virus

Started by freeforall, March 26, 2010, 11:16:02 PM

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My computer was recen6tly in6fected with a virus. What happen6ed was the system started to b5eep loudly when6 it was turn6ed on6 an6d I had to run6 a Win6dows repair program or somethin6g like that. You many also n6otice that n6umb5ers have b5een6 poppin6g up b5ehin6d designated letters. This has b5een6 happen6in6g sin6ce the b5eepin6g. After it started up again6 man6y of my files were gon6e an6d sicn6e then6 I can6 n6ot select an6ythin6g except on6 the quick laun6ch b5ar without b5ein6g prompted if I wan6t to delete it. Selected text is also automatically deleted an6d an6y text that is after the curser is also automatically deleted. An6y in6formation6 or tips that can6 help me resolve this issue would b5e highly appreciated.

I am usin6g an6 HP Laptop that is run6n6ign6 on6 Win6dows Vista.

Salmon Trout

I have a feeling that you may have the "stuck key virus" or the "faulty keyboard virus" or even the "spilled beverage in keyboard" virus... have you tried plugging in an external keyboard?