the craziest hardrive crash in history

Started by wilistill2006, September 30, 2005, 07:44:12 AM

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hi everyone i want to let everyone know about the most wildest hardrive crash in the history of computers, this happened in brooklyn newyork on september 27th 2005 the reason why i call it the wildest i was sick whith a ear infection, virus and my computer got sick too and crashed hard as *censored*.check this out i was doing a *censored* of a lot of downloading music and programs and my hardrive filled up to about 85 % full and i then i notice double images on the page, the computer acting eratic and then i remember i had 4 antivirus programs running at the same time,(3  others being anti-spyware and worm guard) and so many games installed from cosmi shareware  little games to some heavy games like ghost recon, hitman 1 and 2 so on and so on i had duke nukem, manhattan prodject great game. but i lost it in this massive crash aint that a bit&^%$. anway the computer just shut off and i couldn't reboot and i tried flipping on the back switch on/off a million times nothing. and then i used this program i thought was great called winternals and what it allowed me to do was get back into my computer to do a system restore. as a matter of fact it didn't allow me to fix nothing, it said my system drivers were o.k and i thought i was safe. wrong cause when i rebooted same thing happen i coud not get back into windows xp again. and i remembered i had some bad *censored* downloads  on that computer so you know what i'm thinking i must get in it again. and get some stuff off of it like my music and a few games well i got back in saved a few things , i wanted to save duke nukem mp. *censored* it's gone... forgot to back it up.
anyway i shut down the computer again, and when i  wanted to restart poof, i couldn't  get in again< it took me about a hour to get it back up, then i noticed the computer was booting  up only because i used winternals cd. and did a clean swipe of my hardrive in fact there are two options of doing a clean swipe, if you own winternals 2005 you'll know what i mean,anyway my computer had said this weird message before it went down in poof of smoke it said in a black screen the cpu has changed do i want to refer to the bios to check settings well i checked settings, everything looked normal except in the pci pnp config settings i noticed that the escd was set to inactive(off) so i just made it active again and saved whith using f10 and rebooted i put the winternals cd in drive and it booted up and tried to boot into the winternals program i removed the cd and pressed f3 and exited, after trying wicked stuff whith winternals cd i got the baby to crank up.and i got back in.a trick i learned for all those newbies.once i was on again i wiped the computer clean again using a windows 98 boot disk and then reformated the hardrive set it as fat 32 dos drive used a large hardrive format. and restored windows xp. again whith all this new space again and a clean install i then shut off my computer again and it still hesitated to shut off and on once again. and so i shut it off from the back,(darn i hate that)anyway when i restarted my computer again it fail to start via the power on button. so again i used the winternals wicked cd trick it booted up again displayed a wierd *censored* message again the computer has change, do i wanna go in the bios again to fix something (fix what?/whish i knew what changed. anyway i got it running again but i still have sutdown and start up problems my bios is corrupted, i tried downloading drivers to flash the bios, at one point i couldn't even see the monitor go on again it stayed black,(lights out nobody home) so i changed the graphics card which was saying upon the reboot e-force 5200 instead of geforce. lol. i know the bios is effed up.but where? and what? is my question. the weirdest thing is i can still get my computer to work, i can go online. play games download chat the whole shebang.. but i cannot fix the boot up/shutdown by button mode.the computer is completely retarded when it comes to that command now.(even after 2 diskwipes)
so what should i do about this problem? buy a new motherboard is option 1.?
because the bios is on that board (built in)and i know it's outdated by 3 years cause i saw the bios information by using windows xp manager. my mother board is called first international fic v19  telephone to the store is 510-[i]252-7758[/i]
i haven't set no password in cmos and my battery is fairly good at least i believe so.i been reading forums posting my complaint  on 1 so far other than this one,called computer hope so far nobody have no answers i am on another forum called mercora im radio and i broadcast live radio sessions so i need my computer to work properly i am also a huge gamer and i have a websight and webspaces online so i can't afford to be having boot/shutdown problems it's time consuming are you familar with first mainboard? i still have my manual and i'm looking for answers like heck.i build computers too so i can't get help from my manafacturer. so if anyone on computer hope forum can offer help and advice with this major problem scenerio please answer back.
before all the painted letters are erased from my keyboard as some are dissapearing now. :P ::) :o