Images not loading on certain sites

Started by Dan Chen, October 09, 2005, 12:31:45 PM

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Dan Chen

Does anyone know how to fix this? there's certain sites that I got to like MySpace and Xanga where only 1 out of 10 images loads. Even after I refresh the page, the images don't load. This happens to me in both IE and FireFox. Thanks in advance


This is a triple posting! You may have set the record by doing this. Really once is enough.

What are your security settings. I don't use those places so I don't know the details there, but it seems to load fine here. (I also don't use Windows much, buit Linux has no problems)


This is going to the Sin-Bin for sure!  ;)



Throw away the key. Or give it to Raptor.

Dan Chen

Sorry about the triple, I had FireFox and IE out because they were both taking forever to post. THe 3rd one was just a dumb mistake


QuoteThis is a triple posting! You may have set the record by doing this. Really once is enough.

What are your security settings. I don't use those places so I don't know the details there, but it seems to load fine here. (I also don't use Windows much, buit Linux has no problems)
I haven't changed my security settings at all, not even the day that it was last working. I have a McAfee firewall, Privacy Service, and SpamKiller on, though. I do remember doing a disk cleanup, which freed up 4 gbs of space.