windows 10 stuck on "getting windows ready"

Started by goldencloud, December 14, 2017, 03:25:46 PM

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I noticed Windows 10 had a small number of updates to install. Just malicious software removal tool and things like this. Nothing that I would have thought would take much time.

When I last shut down my computer the message came up: "getting windows ready, don't turn off your computer."

When I next went to the computer, 12 hours later, the message was still there. I tried restarting multiple times but the message still shows up and I can't get past it. I booted to the advance boot options menu and tried getting in through safemode but no luck. It just returns to the getting windows ready screen.

I have read that this could be caused to some kind of corruption with windows update and that deleting the files in the software distribution folder and starting over can solve it. The only problem: I can't get into my system at all to do this.

Does anyone know how I can bypass this screen and access my desktop again?

Thanks for your help.


It does not take 12 hours.
If a windows instal is taking more taht one hour and there is no apparent reason, you have to start over. Assume there was a hardware compatilility issue and make some shange in your first  hardware environment.

Example: A user tries to install Windows 10 with a new video card. Windows 10 can not install the card and can not give a suitable error message. The user has to stop the install.
Next he removes the video cafrd and tryks again using only the video on the motherboard. This time Windows 10 installs, but with the built-in vidoe card. Now the user follows thi instructions of the maker of the card and the card is soon working in Windows 10.
Th instructions of the make sspecified to install ony after windows is already installed. The user somehow thought taht did not apply to him.

Now that might be your case. Maybe it was anothe issue. Perhaps you have a defective hard drive. Are you installing a SSD? You may have to start witha plain HDD install and then migrate to a SSD.

Otrhers have had problems like this.
Windows 10 Ver 1709 won't finish install

If in doubt, install Windows with athe least hardware needed to do the install and then add in the better hardware after you get a perfect install.

Does that help any?    :D


To be honest only time i see this is when Users interrupt the update that what happened ? ?
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


I would recommend performing the following as first steps to try and repair. Let us know if this works or not.

1. Go to Start and type in cmd
2. Right-click on the cmd icon above, and click (Run As Administrator)
3. Type each of the following commands separately after each one runs
sfc /Scannow - hit Enter key
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth - hit Enter key​4. Restart and run Windows update