Help, Vista compatiblility with terminal emulator programs

Started by cjthedj, December 08, 2007, 05:39:40 PM

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I just purchased a new laptop which came pre-installed with Microsoft Vista.  Now I've always used Procomm Plus to make serial connections to equipment I work on, But when I tried to install Procomm I received a message that the software is incompatible.  So my question is this, Anyone know of a version of Procomm Plus or another equivalent program that I can use that is compatible with Microsoft Vista?  I hate to go back to XP as I'm just getting the machine setup the way I like it. HELP



It works in XP for me without trouble I guess because I only used it for direct connections, Are you aware of any other terminal emulation software that is Vista compatible?  Vista doesn't even have hyper terminal or at least I can't find it and I'll definately have to have something. 
I didn't know but I was just reading on the Microsoft site that you can choose to install software under "make older programs" tab.  I haven't tried it yet but will tomorrow the discs are at my office, However I'd like to find something that is truly compatible if anyone knows of anything.
Thanks for all the help so far


These are XP limitations:

I'm not familiar with those kind of programs, but Google reveals number of them, some free:


Try creating a shortcut to the .exe for ProComm Plus on the desktop.
Then right click it and select compatibility mode.
Re-boot and see if it will launch that way.

A fine program by the way...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


The solution for Vista / XP compatibily problems for me is Virtual PC 2007.

It requires though that u have a copy of another Windows version (Win98 for example)


Quote from: cjthedj on December 08, 2007, 05:39:40 PM
I just purchased a new laptop which came pre-installed with Microsoft Vista.  Now I've always used Procomm Plus to make serial connections to equipment I work on, ...

I always liked Telix,  however I don't know if it will work under Vista.

Last time I looked for it to d/l,  I seem to recall that it wasn't as easy to find as it once was,  so I bookmarked it.
Here's the url:
if you'd care to experiment.
There are a couple other programs available there too.
