Windows startup

Started by Clive Collett, February 28, 2005, 07:51:26 AM

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Clive Collett

 :-/ I am using Windows 98 SE
I recently performed a system restore following a lost dll file.
Everything went fine and I even kept all my settings and valuable photo's and downloads....phew!

Only one problem,  When starting windows, I do not get the user password prompt as I did before.
I have 2 users set up, (wifey and me), Windows starts automatically in the basic desktop, and I have to manually log off from the start button and then it lets me select the user I want to log on.
I undersatnd that I can edit the registry to switch on this prompt again, and I have succesfully done this kind of thing before, but I don't know where the feature will be in Windows registry. Can anyone help.
PS, I have tried deleting the user profiles and starting them again but it did'nt work.


Tried it - did'nt work!
Ah well, thats computers for you!


delete *pwl file...this contains the passwords log-ins...just go to the control panel /icon user and re-start password log-in feature again......


I know there is a way to change the login type from "Workstation" to "Network" or something like that, but I can't remember what it is exactly. I tried searching in "network" and "system" under "control panel" but I can't locate it, maybe that will make you remember something