Help program not been" helpful".

Started by jeffg321, March 02, 2005, 07:47:41 AM

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Hi everyone,please can anyone help me ,i have tried just about all the web sites for a solution but i have had no luck/when i click on the help program for a solution  it just goes"blank,i am running windows98 se,i have run my spyware and virus program,s and it is all clear .Ihave spent the best part of a week looking for a solution please help, Jeff.                                            


First off, I would check out the c:\windows\help directory. You should have a list of .chm files. These are the help files you need. If they are missing or corrupt you can use the system file checker to replace them. You will need your Win98 CD for this. Check out the article at:

Hope this helps.  8)