can't open a web page

Started by mrspiff, March 02, 2005, 10:26:38 AM

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Running win me with IE 6.0.
I can connect to my ISP but can not display web page. I get web page not found DNS error .

I have reinstalled IE 2 times, reset my TCP/IP settings. I installed firefox , I have the same result. I hooked up an external modem and same problems.

I don't have a firewall, I had adaware, spybot, AVG.

These programs don't find anything wrong but I have not updated  them in 2 months because of this problem.

I am thinking of a clean re-install, but only as a last resort.


mrspiff......I suspect that your pc may have been comprimised by a trojan which is redirecting your browsers ...... when you click on say IE 6 ...what address is shown up in the address box.......
If you can get hijackthis on a floppy or burn it to a cd .....I think it may identify the intruder .

let us know

dl65  ::)
If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


I am redirected to the standard Microsoft address, ( I guess) that you always get when go to a web page that is no availinble. It is not the "ERROR 404" page, but a similiar page to that.  

I am at work and the computer in reference is at home.
I will copy the adress and send it along on Thursday if you want to see the exact address.

Thanks for helping I am pretty darn confused and frustrated right now.


mrspiff........    Is the address being displayed ........  

let us know

dl65  ::)

If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


I ran xsoft4.11 on my lunch hour. I have a trojan.

trojan /CWS Combo
it is the registry!
How do I delete this from my registry?


mrspiff......  Wouldn't ....xsoft4.11  remove it for you ?
Which O/S are you using ...?
Try this ....D/L and run cwshedder ..........(stand alone version )

Let us know

dl65  ::)
If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


go to c:\windows\options\ cab folder................scrolldown the page ...and when you come across an icon called scanreg...hit the set up icon...disconnect from the net..before -hand..dont use ie 6 on winme...or update it?? use fire fox/avant/opera browsers if you wish to discover the net..waste of time..really..use ie5.5 with power -power tools..and go to majorgeeks .com and load anti-virus..freebee..and other..goodies..disable the system restore feature.....bugs love to hid there...and a strange title?/ may i had........view profile... is it wind up or real problem anyway the soulition may lie above:)..?



xoft4.11 was downlaoded from my work pc. I went home and ran it but to completly use xoft i had to purchase a license.  Since I can connect at home but cannot go to any web page I could not complete the purchase to delete from home.

I will try to use spusubtract/cwshredder tonight when I get home. Thanks for all of the help.


ok go to the control panel intenet explorer 6 click add/ click..ie6 remove..a splash screen will appear chose repair wall sygate or other goodies form majorgeeks .com...also check phone lines /cables//and the isp .....>has not cut you off?>


mrspiff.......I think we can resolve your issue without having to purchase that software ..........
Let us know the result of the CW Shredder scan and we can go from there .

dl65  ::)
If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


cwshredder seemed to do the trick, I have acess now and have updated all of my security software.  

However, I now can't use any items in the Control Panel. When I click on any icon Add/Remove, Mail, etc I get a Message sent

"access denied see system adminstrator"

I never had a system adminstrator. I reloaded Win ME and still have the same problem.