kvm switch problem

Started by silverbullet7808, April 29, 2009, 08:17:45 AM

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hi guys...i have a dell desktop pc and a dell laptop both connected via kvm...the problem is that...when i use the desktop pc..for instance am using visual studio...when i type..all of a sudden..some random key will keep repeating itself...it could be space bar or the letter "f" or the backspace key...its all random..this happens whenever am connected through the kvm switch..may it be my laptop or desktop..this thing happens..i dont use the laptops keyboard when its connected to the kvm. i use the desktop keyboard and mouse the whole time.. however..when am not at work but at home..working...there is no problem with the laptop what so ever...i can keep on typing in visual studio and there is no problem what so ever..PLS HELP..its very frustrating..!!..thanks ppl...


Are you sure it is a problem with the kvm switch and not the keyboard?
You can't fix Stupid!!!


are you sure that its secure?  I had it were I no mouse cause of that.
Windows 7 RC Tester.  Working on it.  Your monitor says etchasketch on the side!

If I fall who is there to pick me up now.  I stand alone but I stand as the gaurdian for whom I wish to protect.  The sound of my blade utters my name as you fall.  For I shall not move.  For those that forsake the very people are wosres


well guys...i mean...if the kvm isnt there...and am at home..i have no problem using the laptops keyboard...but when its attached to the kvm...doesnt matter which keyboard i use  (desktop or laptop) the problem persists no matter what...thats y i figured that it was the kvm switch...what do you guys think i should do??


why didnt I see this.....  I have two of them....  course there is going to be its made to use one keyboard and mice
Windows 7 RC Tester.  Working on it.  Your monitor says etchasketch on the side!

If I fall who is there to pick me up now.  I stand alone but I stand as the gaurdian for whom I wish to protect.  The sound of my blade utters my name as you fall.  For I shall not move.  For those that forsake the very people are wosres


Disable the laptop keyboard...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


silverbullet7808,Is your KVM switch a PS2 unit or a usb? Have you tried the kVM switch on 2 other computers? Have you tried the KVM switch on 2 desktop computers?truenorth


 ::)  It wont work if theres more then one keyboard.....
Windows 7 RC Tester.  Working on it.  Your monitor says etchasketch on the side!

If I fall who is there to pick me up now.  I stand alone but I stand as the gaurdian for whom I wish to protect.  The sound of my blade utters my name as you fall.  For I shall not move.  For those that forsake the very people are wosres