wireless keyboard

Started by allan1957, April 25, 2009, 04:33:52 AM

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i have the philips wireless keyboard, it is working but some of the keys along the top,not normally on a keyboard,  i do not know what they do, i have search all over the web, still struggling, i have no box or manual, i suppose the obvious is press these and see what happens. still frustrating there is nothing on the internet to view or download info for this keyboard

Carbon Dudeoxide

Try another keyboard, preferably a PS/2 or USB keyboard.


thanks for your reply, i like this wireless keyboard but some of the keys i do not understand

Carbon Dudeoxide

Either the wireless keyboard is broken, the wireless reception is not strong enough, or there is interference from another wireless device.

Carbon Dudeoxide

Please do not PM me for help. Keep everything on the public forums. ;)

Quoteit works super, but some of the keys along the top i do not understand, i have looked all over the web for instructions
Are you talking about the what the keys do?


can i answer your question about the keys, the answer is i do not know what they do.

Carbon Dudeoxide


I thought your keyboard is not working. What keys are you talking about? page up page down delete insert etc.


His keyboard works fine.....he needs to know what the keys do...since we have no clue what keys these are it will remain a mystery...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "



every keyboard I've ever got with such functions usually had labels on the box or manual.

additionally they have symbols that describe their function pitographically.

my favourite way of determining their function is to use a little-known method known as "pushing" them. It takes some practice to get used to.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Carbon Dudeoxide

Quote from: allan1957 on April 26, 2009, 03:15:15 AM
no box or manual
You may want to read through the topic and answer ALL the questions....Such as Reply #6...


On some keyboards with special buttons, the buttons won't work unless you've loaded drivers specific for that keyboard. If you don't have the CD, you can probably download the driver from the Philips website.