Macintosh Power PC running Windows?

Started by comda, January 08, 2011, 06:42:58 PM

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OK I know that a Mac with a Power PC CPU can run windows on it using an emulator but can it run using bootcamp? Youtube's users say no. I believe its possible. What do you think?


I believe the issue is that windows was compiled for x86 CPU types, and so you need an emmulator to act like x86. Unless bootcamp can emmulate x86 it is not possible.


Latest version of windows with PowerPC support was NT4, and I doubt  that is the proper "type" of support for use on a mac. Not to mention there won't be a chance in *censored* of finding the right drivers anyway.

You can install windows within a virtualization environment, but aside from that you aren't going to get any semi-modern version of windows running- natively- on the system, and even if you do you won't be able to run about 99.9999% of windows programs since they will be compiled for either x86 or x64.

Quote from: comda on January 08, 2011, 06:42:58 PM
What do you think?

It's not a matter of opinion wether you can get, say, Windows XP running on a PowerPC. it's an established fact. 2000 and up don't have a PowerPC version, and NT and earlier are unlikely to even be able to install, let alone be able to find drivers or run any sort of windows software, which would sort of defeat the entire purpose of installing windows in the first place.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


I understand the old imacs are older systems. I was wondering about getting windows 98 SE running in bootcamp. Will i find drivers for it? What do you mean in the terms of

latest version of windows with PowerPC support was NT4, and I doubt  that is the proper "type" of support for use on a mac.


The reason i want to do this is because i love macs but i do need windows and if i could have win 98 i could play dos games if it works in bootcamp and still use OSX.


Quote from: comda on January 11, 2011, 06:47:04 PM
I understand the old imacs are older systems. I was wondering about getting windows 98 SE running in bootcamp. Will i find drivers for it?
Windows 98SE runs ONLY on x86 and compatible machines.

QuoteWhat do you mean in the terms of

latest version of windows with PowerPC support was NT4, and I doubt  that is the proper "type" of support for use on a mac.
I mean the latest version of Windows with PowerPC support was NT4. It wasn't designed for Macs or any sort of computer running macs, and was designed more for PowerPC servers of some sort. Not to mention this was back in 1996 or something.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


ok then what about win 95? And what is x86 compatible machine? Is that the bios?


Quote from: comda on January 11, 2011, 08:15:43 PM
ok then what about win 95?

QuoteAnd what is x86 compatible machine?
a machine that runs on a x86 or compatible processor. Most Consumer Intel/AMD chips.

Is that the bios?
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


There's a version of DOSBox that should run on a mac .

You can play DOS games with DosBox emulator. I don't know if it'll run on an old PPC mac, but you can give it a try.


Macintosh Performa 640 DOS can run both simultaneoulsy.  It had 2 motherboards in 1 box, actually, the DOS computer was a plug-in card.  It came with Windows95 and MacOS 7.1.  I had one.