Help with webpage Masthead

Started by pizzazz, September 18, 2011, 11:03:46 AM

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Hoping someone can help me.  I would like to make a very attractive template to use on my website.  What I would like to do is use swirls that are overlapping the top of the page.  Think of it as leaves hanging over the top of the page and flowing up out of the top of the page.

How would you accomplish this?  I have Photoshop, although I am a complete newbie, but willing to learn and try. 

I have some brushes of swirls that I have downloaded but would like to use my logo colors. 

Need help or point me toward a tutorial that will help.  So essentially need to know how to make the page so I can use it as a template and how to move swirls around in different poses and so they hang or overlap the top of the page.

Is there a template available out there to buy?  (Not too expensive please)  I know I would still have to change any template to my logo colors.