What is the next step in computer security?

Started by Raptor, August 28, 2005, 07:17:16 PM

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I'll tell you if I do once you explain the joke.

This OS is rather neat. It's ugly, just like Windows and it only works when it wants to. Wow, it's just like XP!

I can't seem to get on the Internet, though.
Guess that makes it so secure.  :P


I'll be keen to get your impressions.

You probably don't do impressions.

That was the joke.

Do you have a wired internet connection or wireless on that box? The live version should work fine, although a tad slow. What other problems?


QuoteDo you have a wired internet connection or wireless on that box? The live version should work fine, although a tad slow. What other problems?

I have to assign a fixed IP adress on my network. How do I do this in Knoppix? I looked under configuration, but I did not see TCP/IP.


QuoteI am very curious if someone could educate me on what the next step in computer security is for an amateur like me.

  • Router (Hardware firewall)
  • Software firewall
  • Anti virus scanner
  • Anti spyware scanner
  • Disabling unnecessary and possibly dangerous Windows services
  • Using Mozilla Firefox, controling cookies and having Javascript disabled unless needed.
  • Using passwords in the form of 3 letters, 3 numbers and 3 letters.
  • Never acquiring spyware, viruses or anything related.
  • Having the latest definitions/updates installed.
  • Never accepting [strange] attachments
If you look at this, it all seems rather shallow and obvious. What am I missing? Should I go into more details regarding one of these subjects? Am I lacking? Am I too paranoid? What can use improvement?

If possible, don't run from administrative account in WinXP Pro. (Rename the administrative account too.)

See here for some reasons:

Disable the guest account, simple file sharing, and Remote Access.

Stop using Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.

Some other suggestions can be found here:



Renaming the administrator account is a good one.

How do I go about removing the second administrator from safe mode?


You could also give Ubuntu a test drive...if you check their site they will send you free CD's for any platform. The nice thing is you get both a "live" CD and a full install CD.
I was impressed. It found all my devices and i was online 20 minutes later.

patio.  8)
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


QuoteHow do I go about removing the second administrator from safe mode?

Depends on what you mean by 'second' administrator.  ;)

The original administrative account can always be accessed from the login screen (push Ctl-Alt-Del twice), or when you right-click-->Run as... on an executable file. As long as you know the password you're fine. (you did password protect it, right?)

If you have setup a second administrative account, it can be deleted, but, if I'm not mistaken,  you will lose all settings for that account. Deleting it is pretty simple though, just change it to a limited account and then delete it. You'll be left with the original admin account, plus whatever limited user accounts you've chosen to keep.

Each of my three systems have two admin accounts, the original, and a second one I setup (both password protected), and a single limited user account. Everyone can log into the limited user account, but the only one who can make admin changes (or install programs) is the one with the admin password. Ain't nobody getting THAT.



QuoteWhat's Ubunta?

One of the many Linux flavors out there.

If you wanna give Linux a spin, Ubuntu, Knoppix, or Beatrix are all worth a look. (I even fully installed Beatrix on a spare system a couple months ago, but I got too homesick for Windoze.)
