internet explorer script errors

Started by 1997, October 11, 2005, 02:19:41 AM

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i keep getting these coming up all the time even when im just starting up the computer as in i havent even gone to any website. it doesnt ask to debug just if i want to keep running scripts on the page doesnt matter whether i press no or yes they will keep coming back. this is one of the ones i get:

Line: 39
Char: 14
Error: Object expected
Code: 0

do you want to continue running scripts on this page yes/no

now i went to this website to see if it could be any help and it was some role playing game site that i have never been to in my life!

i get another one saying

Line: 392
Char: 1
Error: Syntax error
Code: 0

i dont think they always say outwar but 98% of time they do.

here is another one

Line: 354
Char: 5
Error: 'document.getElementByld(...)' is null or not an object
Code: 0

what the *censored*! can someone please help me!  :'(


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