Free Telephone number lookup website

Started by 02bin3, December 29, 2012, 05:12:14 PM

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Has anyone out there found a totally free telephone number look-up site?  No matter what site I go to that says you can look up a phone number FREE, they redirect you to Intellius or some other site that wants you to join for $$$$$ or charge you $1.95 for the phone number.  Most of the phone companies no longer publish White or Yellow pages so we are a captive audience.  Thank you


Quote from: 02bin3 on December 29, 2012, 05:12:14 PM
Most of the phone companies no longer publish White or Yellow pages ...
Huh?  They still distribute the paper phone books in all communities here in Ohio, as far as I know.  Surely, if the phone companies stop printing phone books, they'll make online directories available.


Agree with Soybean...
I can give you some of mine...we probably have 15 or so...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


I live in the North East where Verizon used to own the landlines, however, after selling them to FairPoint, we no longer received phone books except for 1 that is privately published and is hit-or-miss with phone numbers.  FairPoint does not issue phone books, and I have looked all over Google for websites that might be affiliated with a telecommunications carrier, and there just doesn't seem to be any.  Every single one wants to charge you for the phone number.  We all learned to go to the phone book to look up a number instead of calling 411, and then the phone companies started charging 50 cents every time someone called Information for a phone number.  It just doesn't seem quite fair that the phone companies have left many of us out to dry by not providing FREE phone numbers on the Internet.  After all, their expensive to publish phone books are no charge.  Up until recently I could get phone numbers on the internet, however, it seems they've all gone over to charging for phone number look-up now.  Thank you all for your input.


For looking up numbers, I used to use DexKnows, just click on "Find a Person" for Whitepages.
Recently, I switched to even though they are the exact same service as DexKnows because for some reason DexKnows temporarily discontinued reverse-phone lookups (which is back up again).

When you see ads from WhitePages/DexKnows to see a phone number, it means that the number listed. Likewise, the same occurs when you do a reverse phone-lookup. Charges to see the information are especially prevalent when it comes to reverse lookup on cellular phone numbers.

For businesses directory, you could use Microsoft's free voice-activated service. Oddly, it does not have a website dedicated to itself that I could find, but you can read about it here:
Or just dial it at (888) 247-2425.
It works quite well and will connect you for free, especially useful on payphones that don't lock up the microphone in the receiver...


Don't know how widespread this service is available but here in Canada (i believe it also is available in the U.S.) this site offers what you seek.


Thanks for your suggestion, TrueNorth. was my last bastion for free phone numbers, however, they too have recently redirected phone number searches to PeopleFinders who want $1.95 to provide the phone number.  These Directory Assistance websites advertise themselves on Google as being "free", however, they are not.  At least here in the USA they aren't free. 


Just a random thought...your browser searches may be being re-directed to all pay sites...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


Hello Patio,
    I tried using IE instead of Firefox and it directed me to PeopleFinder, too.  No matter what Directory Assistance website I go to, they end up redirecting you to another site that wants money for giving you the phone number. 
            Thank you


02bin3,I believe patio is on to something in his last post.I just used to look up a friend of mine in Auburn GA using first and last names and city and state. I got an immediate correct address and phone number. I don't know if some embedded program can take over all browsers and redirect the search. Just as an experiment download/install/use browser Opera to see what happens. If it also turns out to be the same then i think you have a malware issue to deal with.truenorth


It's not just him experiencing this. Whenever I reverse look up a cell phone or normally unlisted number, it's always redirected (either immediately or when a 'show more info' button is clicked) to another site with membership required. Known listed landline phone numbers don't do this when reverse looked-up, and a normal lookup by name and location does give the phone# in most cases. It's been this way since I first did some directory searches several years ago.

02bin3: Are you doing a reverse lookup or a normal lookup by name and location? Have you tried looking up known names/numbers?


TechnoGeek:  "02bin3: Are you doing a reverse lookup or a normal lookup by name and location? Have you tried looking up known names/numbers?"

Funny you should ask.  I wasn't doing a reverse lookup, just by name & town.  I did do as TrueNorth suggested and downloaded Opera and tried that.  Got the same results, however, I started looking up names, including my own, of people that I knew that did not have unlisted numbers and some lookups did provide the phone number and some of them were redirected despite the fact that I knew they had a number that was not unlisted?????? Then I did they same thing using IE and Firefox and sometimes I got the numbers and sometimes I was redirected.  My own number is in the local phone book that covers many, many towns, in two states and is about 1/4" thick (sparsely populated here), however when I looked it up on, and other online directories, I was redirected to a pay-for-number site.  Doesn't seem to be rhyme-nor-reason as to why one number comes up and another one doesn't.  Ah well, thank you all for your interest and input.

[email protected] is free and gives more than a phone number,  address, etc.  It is terribly frustrating to be asked to pay for phone numbers.  If you forget the name of this website, just search "find people" and it will come up, at least it will in Google Chrome.