add password to or disable network

Started by pursuant, July 06, 2015, 06:28:15 PM

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This was set up by a friend who is no longer available to assist me with this. I have two networks set up in my house, one is invisible, you have to know it so you can log into it. The other is a "guest network" that has no pw, you can just jump in. I would like to add a pw to it or disable it so i have some control over who uses my connection. I get my internet through a comcast  and have a Linksys router. I have been in my setting in the control panel and network sharing options but can't figure it out. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.



Typically router settings are dealt with using your browser. Typically, the router will be accessible by going to or

However they have another username/password combination.  Unless they left it for you, that could be a problem.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Look at the bottom of the router.


What is the model number of the router.
