y no sound?

Started by rifer47, January 27, 2006, 12:28:15 PM

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       hello, i just reinstalled my windows xp but i can no longer hear my sounds from my speakers. i checked the speaker connections and the sound setups, they all are fine. then i think the problems come from my sound card . but since it is hard to believe that my sound card broken just after my reinstall windows. so plz some one help me solve this problem without buy a new sound card.
      i read the help from this site and i did find out some"other device" with question marks in the device manager. it says PCI input device, is this the problem?


Quotei read the help from this site and i did find out some"other device" with question marks in the device manager. it says PCI input device, is this the problem?
Why not? Be sure you have a right driver.
Did you have that question mark before the reinstallation? Check sound card, cabel so they placed firmly. Open case and monkey inside with them.
ps:check for sound icon not muted and sound properties too.
Computer Hope: Rise of the Machines!


You need to identify the sound card or chip, then download the appropriate drivers and install.

What computer or motherboard make/model or sound card do you have?