Reporting Abuses to Moderator and Forum Rules

Started by Carbon Dudeoxide, November 22, 2008, 03:47:32 AM

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Carbon Dudeoxide

I just wanted to make sure everyone knows this.

Hopefully you would have noticed that every post posted anywhere on our forums has a clickable link called Report to moderator next to the IP Address.

If you find that the post has any of the following:

  • Wrongly posted messages
  • Spam/Advertisements
  • Obscene or inappropriate language
  • Posts that go against our Forum Rules
  • Posts flaming other members and/or rude posts
  • Multiple posts about the same problem from the same user
  • Topics in the wrong section and/or Topics to be moved
  • Users hijacking other topics
  • Topic trailing off into off-topic discussion on a board other than the Off-Topic board
  • A user posting just for the heck of it trying to raise his post-count
Please Report it.


  • Abuse the reporting system
  • Report your own topic looking for help
  • Ask/answer questions through reporting

Once you report a topic, type a summary of what the user has done and then press Submit.
It will notify us so we can either correct the post or move the topic into the appropriate section.

Thank you kindly and Happy Foruming ;)