SCSI drive not appearing in windows explorer

Started by photowrench, August 19, 2006, 08:40:24 PM

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I have an 800 MHz Gateway computer, 2 EIDE hard drives, 1 CD-ROM, 1 CD-RW drive, 512 MB RAM. I recently installed a SCSI controller ( Adeptec AHA-2940U/AHA-2940UW PCI SCSI controller) and a SCSI drive (IBM-PSG DNES-309170)(9.1 GB). This drive and card have been lying around for some time and this is the first time I have installed them. The controller and drive both show up in the device manager, and the manager says they are both working properly. My problem is that the drive has not been assigned a drive letter, and does not show up in the explorer. I have run the disk utilities, verified the media and also formatted the drive. The card's ID is 7 and the drive's ID is 1, after I changed the jumpers, it was 8 prior to that. Neither setting netted me the desired results. I am at a loss. Please, any suggestions would be appreciated.


Have you checked in the BIOS to see if SCSI devices are enabled ? ?
Did you install the drivers for the device ? ?

patio.   8-)
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


I have not installed device drivers and I don't see anything in the bios setup to enable scsi. I am new to SCSI(as you can probably already tell) and was not aware that drivers had to be installed. My OS is W2K with SP4. When I check the drive and the card in the device manager, it says the drivers are installed, and that the devices are working properly. If you need more info on the system, please ask, I will provide. Thank you for your reply, and for any other assistance you may provide.

After rebooting my system and checking the BIOS, I find there is NO option for enabling/disabling SCSI. However, the SCSI card IS listed in my boot options. I have no real interest in making this a bootable drive, I would just like to access it for additional storage.


I got my issue resolved. I have been messing with computers for several years, and made a rookie mistake with this drive. I failed to check the DOS partition on the drive. There was no DOS partition at all. After running Fdisk on the drive, creating a primary DOS partition and formatting the drive, I now have a functioning drive. Thank you for the one post I recieved, as it caused me to rethink my issues, and download the drivers from Adaptec for the card.


I'm glad to hear you got it resolved although i was no help...thanx for posting back and letting us know.

patio.   8-)
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


You actually were some help. By searching for and installing the drivers for the card, it made me do a little more research, and realize that I needed to run fdisk and set the dos partitions. Even though I had formatted the drive using CTRL+A (option available at POST), the drive still wouldnt show up in explorer, because, to windows, it didn't exist without a dos partition.
Thanks again,

photowrench :o


You're more than Welcome...the donuts are in the Other section.  ;)

patio.   8-)
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "