Need help please :)

Started by homie, September 14, 2004, 11:40:32 AM

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When using IE 6.0 in Windows XP, I try to access my own FTP site by writing:
ftp://[email protected]

(The X's represent my IP address)

Now I should be prompted for my password but I am not! Instead a flashlight appears and I wait and wait until IE eventually crashes.

However if I try to logon anonymously, like this:
it works fine!

So why won't it let me connect as a user with a password?

Any help appreciated  :)


Thanks again MErlin,

your link showed me where I had done wrong. Instead of writing:
ftp://[email protected]
and assuming I would be prompted to write my password (as another website told me would happen, but it didn't happen), I should write:
ftp://MyUserName:[email protected]

So it works fine now, thanks.