Ctrl key stuck

Started by Bobtek, October 08, 2007, 08:31:38 AM

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My computer thinks the ctrl key is stuck at random times. I am using a Dell Laptop that is only one year old. This computer has a docking station and I use an external keyboard and monitor.

When I type on the keyboard at random times it thinks I am holding down the CTRL key. I am aware of sticky keys and there is nothing enabled there. I have switched out the keyboard but I still get the same problem come back after a while. Any Ideas?



If you are using Intellipoint mouse software this is a known problem. You could try altering some of the mouse button assignments or even uninstalling it completely.


I don't think, it's gonna help you, but you reminded me something.
I used to have that Toshiba computer, where no matter what I tried (including different keyboards), when I was typing anything in Netscape, or Netscape Mail, when I accidentally hit left CTRL button, it started to type different letters, then I was hitting on my keyboard.
The only remedy was to restart.
I drove me nuts to a point, that I simply REMOVED left CTRL button (right CTRL was not giving me any problem).
Well, what do you know about computers....LOL



Thats for the info. I will remove that software and hopefully this will resolve the problem.
