laptop recovery

Started by johnha169, December 01, 2008, 04:25:06 AM

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not sure, wanna purchase a second hand desktop, just in case this laptop doesnt work after the recovery, about 10 days later, if i dont post on the topic, it could mean it works, otherwise, i will see u again  :)
thank you again.


I see....LOL
Post back, one way, or another.


oh, shoulda ask you earlier, do you know any website that i can download dictionary into my mobile,
assume i downloaded the dictionary in my PC then i transfer it via bluetooth, and does my mobile require any program to read that dictionary,



hi, Broni, guess what? i cant do the recovery after downloading the file from the website u gave me before, but i only download the recovery file, do i have download the whole lot files? when i open the file, the computer popped the little window "old NAPP verson erecovery cannot be installed in this machine", do u know why? pls help
thank you.


Unfortunately, it looks like a lot of people with the same problem:, but no solution.
It seems like the only option, that may work is to purchase recovery CD from the link, I posted earlier.


but i only downloaded the eRecovery file, when i finished downloading, it popped up the folder with a file downloaded, does that replace the old eRecovery file or i have to do some more steps further to replace the old eRecovery files, since the lack of my computer knowledge, i dont have a clue to replace it? is it possible to the case i explain above,pls give advice.
another question, can u tell me why those eRecovery file in the website dont work? those files should be some people purchase the recovery CD and then they posted them on the web, if those files dont work so what is the purpose of buying the recovery CD, is the right?


Quotebut i only downloaded the eRecovery file, when i finished downloading, it popped up the folder with a file downloaded
Oh, OK.
I just downloaded that file, and it comes as .zip file.
You have to double click on it, in order to unzip it. Then doubleclick on Acer eRecovery ManagementV2.0.2021.exe


no, i didnt mean i didnt know how to download the file, but well , i solve my problem ;D, but do thanks for your effort, broni.
visit  download and install it, then eRecovery works again, i think the problem that eRecovery didnt work is software problem, i bought my laptop nearly 2years so the eRecovery perhaps is too out of date and i continously update my window so the window may not recognise the eRecovery file hence it doesnt work, i may not right  :)
anyway that software above is pretty, hope this help to others
thank you very much. specially broni.
