Problems with my computer

Started by Lansend, October 06, 2007, 04:13:13 AM

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Recently i have had some peoblems with my computer. I have a Dell Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.20 GHz and 1gb ram. Recently when I have use it (browse the web, play games and so on) I have been disconnected. It's almost like its going into power saving mode or hibernating. When i get disconected my screen turns black and i can't restart it. I have also checked that im not playing games that demand too much from my computer.

Tankfull for some help,


it could be the RAM try memtest86

or a faulty PSU

or a million other reasons, describe to me in more detail about the problem you're facing 


Well, when i open a program that has the requirement 2.8 GHz processor, 1 mg RAM, from the beginning it works fine but after a while it disconnects (The disconnects happen at random places, sometimes after 30 minutes and sometimes after 10, and not when im doing anything in particular). After the disconnect i the computer doesnt respond to my commands and the screen turns off. Im running windows xp.

I'd like to avoid resetting my whole hard drive.


Quotewhen i open a works fine but after a while it disconnects
A program shuts down, or you are playing on-line, and get disconnected, or???


It has nothing to do with the net connection. Its the computer that does somthing. Its like it does into a power saving mode but i cant recall it. When i want to start the cumputer and use it again i have to turn it off first.


Go to Start / Settings / Control Panel / Power Options.  Check and make sure that Standby is not checked and under the Hybernate tab that is also unchecked.

Alan <><  :D
I have principles.  And if you don't like them...well...I have other principles!!


The computer is going into a state that i would describe as "power saving mode" but I'm using the computer.

Thanks in advance,


I would suspect that the PSU is over heating.
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