Black log-on screen

Started by davidmorales999, October 08, 2007, 11:13:30 AM

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My laptop is loading up completely fine but when I go to log on there is black screen with a box telling me to enter my username and password. I type them both in and my computer goes to log on but before the desktop etc appears it decides to log off, saving my settings and goes back to the black screen telling me to log on again.

When this first happened and I logged on it told me that Windows was replaced and files were missing and I had to enter the Windows SP 2 disk.

Any help without having to use this diskl because I dont want to mess up the computer.

I have tried running the computer in safe mode also but the same problem happens where there is a black screen asking me to log on and it goes back to the original spot after I enter my details.


QuoteWhen this first happened and I logged on it told me that Windows was replaced and files were missing and I had to enter the Windows SP 2 disk.
This sends up a red flag...does anyone else use this machine ? ?
If so they may have re-installed XP without your knowing...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "