Hard Drive Trouble

Started by syphon101, October 07, 2007, 01:32:44 PM

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I tried to change my HDD on my other desktop with Windows XP to a bigger hard disk, the POST would not for some reason read the HDD, so I hooked up the previous hdd that worked fine, and now the POST will not recognize the old one and I get boot disk failure. This is the primary drive.


You still want to put your bigger HDD in your PC?
if the drive is not  detected at startup, restart system, start Bios setup program and verify that the ATA/IDE host adapter used by the drive is enabled, you also might want to check your cables first to see if there connected right.

goodLuck!  ;) spider


after you do that you could connet the bigger hdd as the secondry hdd on your system.


Quote from: spiderlucci on October 07, 2007, 08:29:29 PM
You still want to put your bigger HDD in your PC?
if the drive is not  detected at startup, restart system, start Bios setup program and verify that the ATA/IDE host adapter used by the drive is enabled, you also might want to check your cables first to see if there connected right.

Either way, As long as one of the HDD's work I'd be happy. Now I never played with the BIOS except for the boot sequence, witch is set to  CDROM,A,C. And I'm not completely sure where to look in the BIOS to verify that the ATA/IDE host adapter is used by the drive is enabled, I browsed around and I'm not too sure.


I changed the ribbon cable, and all works fine. Thanks for the help.


syphon101 , I'm glad I can help!  ;) spider