Unable to locate a certificate

Started by carpenterman, March 28, 2008, 06:50:43 AM

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Help.  Situation.  I have a Linksys router connected to the internet of which I can successfully connect via my host computer.  I have a wireless connection set up from my laptop.  Compaq, Presario running XP.  When I attempt to connect to the network, I receive the following message.  "wireless Network Connection"

"Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you on to the network "Name of my network"

I have completely removed all my wireless connections from the Wireless network window , then re-populated the networks in range via "view Wireless Networks",  it locates my network (Firenet1106), but never accquires a network address and I get the same certificate message above.

I also have a wireless connection set up from another laptop (IMAC) of which it connects successfully.  No problems.

Thanks for your help.  I'll be ready to respond if you need more information.


The wireless security settings in your laptop need to be consistent with the settings in your router.  Have you checked this?  This may help: "Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you,on to the network [SSID]"


Cool... It helped and repaired the problem.  I had to physically connected to the network in order to download the service pack for TPA2-PSK. 

Thanks for your help.