Installing Windows Me from the DOS prompt

Started by itineran, March 02, 2005, 09:13:34 PM

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I want to format the C: drive to erase all information on it because I'm selling the computer.  How do I do a quick format rather than a complete format so I

don't take the risk of losing my CD-ROM drive, which I need for the re-installation of Window Me?

I've originally did a complete format of the C: drive using the DOS instruction 'format C:' - this seemed to erase my CD-ROM drive.  I think this because

when I opened in DOS, using the Windows Me boot disk, I can't move from the C: prompt to the D: prompt - it indicates 'INVALID DRIVE'.  To change to

the CD-ROM drive, at the C: prompt, I tried typing both; 'cd D:' and just 'D:' but DOS indicates that this is an invalid drive.  I've tried doing the same thing,

looking for an E: drive.  I have to get to my CD-ROM drive so that I can run the 'setup.exe' file to install Windows Me.  Maybe I deleted the CD-ROM drive

when I did a complete format of the C: drive?

I got out of the problem by using the Windows XP rescue disk that I got with my new computer.  Now I have to delete Windows XP and load Windows Me

in its' place on my old computer.   Now I have to delete Windows XP and load Windows Me in its' place on my old computer, because Windows XP is not

registered for use on my old computer.