DOS won't recognize my CD-ROM drive so I can insta

Started by itineran, March 02, 2005, 09:16:05 PM

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I want to format the C: drive to erase all information on it because I'm selling the computer.  How do I do a quick format rather than a complete format so I don't take the risk of losing my CD-ROM drive, which I need for the re-installation of Window Me?

I've originally did a complete format of the C: drive using the DOS instruction 'format C:' - this seemed to erase my CD-ROM drive.  I think this because when I opened in DOS, using the Windows Me boot disk, I can't move from the C: prompt to the D: prompt - it indicates 'INVALID DRIVE'.  To change to the CD-ROM drive, at the C: prompt, I tried typing both; 'cd D:' and just 'D:' but DOS indicates that this is an invalid drive.  I've tried doing the same thing, looking for an E: drive.  I have to get to my CD-ROM drive so that I can run the 'setup.exe' file to install Windows Me.  Maybe I deleted the CD-ROM drive when I did a complete format of the C: drive?

I got out of the problem by using the Windows XP rescue disk that I got with my new computer.  Now I have to delete Windows XP and load Windows Me in its' place on my old computer.   Now I have to delete Windows XP and load Windows Me in its' place on my old computer, because Windows XP is not
registered for use on my old computer.  


itineran..... do you have a floppy disk drive on the pc in question ?

Let us know

If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


Download a bootdisk from and boot from it.  This will install a driver for your cdrom drive letter R:.  Run format from the A: prompt then put your cdrom disk in the slot and enter R:\SETUP to install your OS>

Good luck

Aw shucks - why didn't I think to ask if you have a floppy drive - real sloppy of me!!!
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