Sound Driver

Started by TomTom, August 15, 2008, 08:41:35 AM

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Hi, up until a month ago i could get sound from my computer, then my speakers got thrown away by accident as they were very old. I recieved a pair of speakers (Dell Model A225) which has a green wire and a USB plug. These do not work and i have tried umpteen times to find a driver from them on the net to no avail.

No i find out that i have no sound audio advice on my computer and i have tried to troubleshoot on the net but again it has come to no avail.

So i was wondering whether anyone could help me out?

My PC is made by NEC Computers,
The system is POWERMATE VL5,
I am on Windows XP Home Edition version 5.1

if anyone would like any more info the i could get it to you but i am not that well clued up on the techincal side of computers.

Many Thanks

Carbon Dudeoxide

Welcome to the Forums.

So. The speakers are plugged in for power. The green audio cable should go in the green audio jack on the computer (normally).
Now, in Volume Control (double click the speaker icon near the clock)

Now make sure all the sliders are up and muted. Now what happens when you try to play music or sounds?


Thanks for the quick reply, there is no speaker icon on my taskbar and when i go into control panel and access the sounds, speech and audio devices, it is all "greyed" out, i cannot access anything or any of the sliders.

Carbon Dudeoxide

That's strange?

I suggest you try a System Restore to a few days before the problem started.
More info here: