router stopped working

Started by mdoggy39, September 01, 2008, 08:13:33 AM

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Hi, i have a home network, all comps, windows xp. Been working fine, but yesterday stopped connecting to the internet. I am using a trendnet router, TEW-432.   My isp told me to change router settings to pppoe connection. But i cant get into router settings. I type the proper ip address, but it wont go.,
When i plug modem directly to comp, internet works.
I tried running the disk for the router to get to the settings page, but wont get that far because it says i have no internet connection.
Any ideas what i can do???

Carbon Dudeoxide

QuoteWhen i plug modem directly to comp, internet works.
So what are you using now? Wireless?

QuoteBeen working fine, but yesterday stopped connecting to the internet.
How did it stop? Does it say you're connected but you cannot view any web pages?

What Operating System are you running?

Any recent downloads, hardware changes, installs, ect....?


my main comp, is wired, but i have 2 other computers wireless. windows xp on all computers.
Yes it says i am connected but wouldnt open any web pages. I had to remove router, hook up directly to computer, then had to make a new connection, just to get the one computer online.

Carbon Dudeoxide

So this is the same problem for both Wireless Laptops?


thanks, but i finally got it after being on the phone with trendnet for an hour.
all working now.

Carbon Dudeoxide

Oh, glad to hear it!

For future reference, what did you do?