Cannot open more than one window in I.E.

Started by Ursynex, August 23, 2004, 05:58:40 PM

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   [size=16]I just recently developed a problem with my Internet Explorer that is beyond my ability to find a solution to !!!  :-[ >:( :-[ >:(

   The problem is this :  Whenever I try to open another window in Internet Explorer, it closes the original window and replaces it with the new one. It doesn't open it over the first one, but a new page opens and then the original page closes. ??? :o ??? :o ??? :o ???

   Does anyone anywhere have any idea what's causing this, or how to fix it ???[/size]


Have you tried setting the Internet settings to default?


   Thanx for the suggestion Raptor, but unfortunately I have and still no change. Starting to get VERY frustrated with my PC  :-[ >:( :'(!!!


Not trying to sound like an advert or anything, I can't think of any solutions for your problem except to either-

- reinstall IE
- Get another browser; Iuse Mozilla's Firefox quite a lot, though I still use IE more.



Hello, try: Right click on I.E. ,click properties, click on advanced tab, find reuse windows for launching short cuts, and make sure it is unchecked, click apply (if you change setting) then ok. good luck


Thanks, Sparkyrhett ! I had the same problem, its a simple fix.

wanda gross

Hey i have had the same problem,,where ie cant open more than 1 window at a time..have done what everbody has advised,nothing has worked
any other suggestions


wanda, what version of internet explorer do you have. my last post seems to work on ie6 only. it does not seem to work on ie5. if you do not have ie 6, up grade to it and you should be fine, making sure to follow my last post suggestions. or, you can try clicking on "file" (once your browser is open) then "new" then "window". that will cause a dup. window to appear. then go to your next web page, your prev page will "minimize", showing your new page. you can do this as many time as you want. try this and good luck

wanda g

Hey,,taken awhile,,
i do have IE6
Have also unchecked the box that says"to reuse windows for launching shortcuts"
My problem still exists