internet connection

Started by NELJUD, August 28, 2008, 10:45:44 AM

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     my pc have no internet connection,and now i used land card to connect to the internet how can i connect to internet without using landcard?help please,thanks....


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Are you using a dialup or DSL connection (that needs phone lines) or cable (that uses an ethernet cable).  Plug one end into the wall if you have dialup or dsl and the other end to the computer port.  If youre using cable, connect a cable (like the one to connect a VCR to the TV) to the output plug of the cable modem and the other end to the computer port  that takes the kind of connection on the end of the wire (its called an RJ 45 connector)
Oh and plug the cable modem into the wall.


My pc have no internet connection,and now i used land line to connect to the internet how can i connect to internet without using landline? if we have internet connection our  pc effected with viruses help  me please,thanks....


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Are you trying to help the original poster or get help yourself? I you are trying to get help yourself can you please start a new post.
You can't fix Stupid!!!


Neljud - Are you trying to connect to the internet "without wires" or just trying to avoid using the "land line" - which I assume is the telephone line.

What type of internet connections are available where you live: a) via telephone line - dial-up, b) via telephone line - DSL, c) via cable, d) via WI-FI, e) via satellite.

There are two pieces to this: how your "location" can connect to an ISP (internet service provider), and, how your computer connects to the internet access point.

Please provide more information regarding the internet choices available to you and what it is that you want to accomplish.
If you don't have time to do it right
                ...when will you have time to do it over?


i think its a via telephone line -dial up because in the apparment have a telephone line,and the input of the modem connect to the telephone line,and the land wire of my pc connect to the output of the modem but my pc cannot connect to the internet they need a landcard so i bought a bufalo landcard then i insert at the side of my pc and install,then the landwire from modem i connect to the bufalo landcard on my pc thats why i have and internet connection but how can i have and internet connection without using not built in landcard? im from philippines but now im her in japan.thak you,

i have no skills.... thank you.


Sounds like you purchased a network card (LAN card) and now you are connected to the internet - is this correct?

What is it that you want to do now?
If you don't have time to do it right
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yes, i purchased a landcard, and now i connected to internet but i like to connect to the internet without using this card because my pc have a input for landwire.

as of now landwire connected  to the landcard.

thank you ....


What happens when you put the landwire into the input for landwire on the pc?
If you don't have time to do it right
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