Oasis help

Started by nymph4, December 07, 2008, 09:27:59 PM

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I am useing the Oasis MP3 / Video / Radio Player by Mach Speed.

It came with a CD with a prgram that you use to convert you Videos into .AMV Files so you can put them onto the player.

When I put the CD in I get the install screen that tells me
you must have WIN98  Win 2000 on this Computer and it wants me to picl on.

I have Win XP and I don't think I saw it on the list.

Is anyone useing this Player and can they tell me how they got the Program to install?

Carbon Dudeoxide

Can you give us the name of the program?

How old is this device/software?

Can you not install the software at all?


Quote from: nymph4 on December 07, 2008, 09:27:59 PM
I don't think I saw it

perhaps double-check to be SURE you didn't see it?
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Carbon Dudeoxide

Ummm....All right.

What did you do?