computer shut down

Started by IMustBeRetarted, April 22, 2005, 06:23:34 PM

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naw, i've checked that. i've checked all the wires many times.


i started this post. name just changed

please tell me what the thermal paste and heatsink is because if you always use those when installing a cpu then that could be my problem.


If you installed your CPU without thermal paste and a heat sink and ran the computer, you may not have a CPU anymore.

Here are some generic instructions.....,1558,1149273,00.asp


well the computer still turns on and gives me a screen, if the cpu is broke will it still do that?

it is very convient that the book "building a pc for dummies" figured that the readers were smart enough to already know everything about heatsinks... o well. i will pick up a heatsink sometime soon and hopefully that will solve all my problems, and hopefully i dont need to buy a whole new cpu.

on the bright side, i ordered a case fan from newegg along with some wires and for some reason they sent me a 100$, 1 gig stick of memory for free along with my fan...