startup disk

Started by yatabata, April 12, 2005, 09:00:15 PM

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lost my windows 98 start up disk. all I have is upgrades. is there a way to download one? and where?



Click on the Windows 98 SE OEM or Windows Me OEM link at this Web page:



actually need the windows 98 operating system not a bootdisk. I had one but the dog chewed it up. Is there used ones out there that one could buy for cheap. being it is antique now you would think its not that big of issue anymore. I have been asking around to friend if they still have one but haven't found anybody yet with one laying around.


yata, yata:

Yeah, i also hate it when my dog eats my homework!

Try calling computer repair shops in your area.  Many people are installing Windows XP and simply give their Windows 98 installation CDs to the shops.  You may expect to pay around $70.00, or maybe less, for a Windows 98 SE installation CD.

Or, you might try buying one from or



unless you have wiped/erased the hard-drive the operating still on there??


as far as this subject goes I found a windows 98 cd but the numbers are gone. Is there a generic number to use if the original one is lost?


oh by the way this is a different computer and has a new hard drive. no system is on it yet.


yatabata.......If its a new pc , why would you even consider putting Win 98 on it ....even if you dont have the O/S ?

let us know

dl65  ::)
If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


its a dell g1 350Mhz and with home studio 2004, which on that computer it isn't hot enough to go to xp but will work enough for what I want to use it for. I know because I have used home studio with the same computer with windows 2000 pro. my other computer downstairs is hot plus but is the family computer. So for now until I build my own when I get the money will just go with this.


m$oft eula allows you to have two pc ........running  the same o/s install disk:) info here if needed>>


Ever wonder if the dog was trying to tell you something?

Maybe it was just boredom.

Don't be tempted to install ME the dog will probably chew you up!