IEXPLORE.EXE, EXPLORER.EXE has generated errors...

Started by ScottJet, August 06, 2005, 04:50:23 PM

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"IEXPLORE.EXE, EXPLORER.EXE has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program."  

I am receiving this message everytime I try to do anything with explorer, My Computer, Control Panel, Browser, Etc. I believe that my eight year old has done something to daddy's computer but I can't get to anything to find out. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.


Virus scanners
AVG Free
-- Anti virus scanner
Trend Micro Housecall
-- Online anti virus scanner.

Anti spy/malware
Microsoft Antispyware
-- Anti spyware scanner. Windows XP Home and Professional only.
Spybot Search & Destroy
-- Anti spyware scanner
Adaware SE Personal
-- Anti spyware scanner

Use both a hardware and software firewall.
Be advised as dual software firewalls may cause problems

ZoneAlarm Free
-- Free firewall - more user friendly
Sygate Personal
-- Free firewall - more configuration options

Removal tools
The following files are not substitutes for the ones described above.
They are either diagnostic tools or removal tools for malware of a certain kind

-- Manual malware remover. Post the HijackThis log generated only if requested!
McAfee Stinger
-- Virus removal tool. No substitute for a fully functional virus scanner!
-- CoolWebSearch removal tool. Widely known and persistant Hijacker.


Which operating system are you using? Have you been keeping up with your Windows Updates? Try using some of the utilities that raptor has provided for you as far as viruses and Spyware. Is this the latest version of Internet Explorer? This is a common problem becuase Internet Explorer is (and has always been) unstable... Many people consider Mozilla Firefox or MSN, etc. instead, becuase of these flaws...
