being spied on

Started by Susan Home, September 25, 2005, 09:32:23 AM

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Re-install system........and save data to disk............and just watch what you save..............remote access......file written<bat file  to spy on you> nasty........wally.......


The only way to be completely sure is to blank out the hard drive and reinstall. Save data files first - we can help with that. Change all passwords. On the new system do as Raptor says re:installing preventive maintenance.

There was this other lady who;s husband was hosting a porn I won't get into that, but he is more computer savvy than you. These drastic steps are necessary - especially change those passwords!!

Susan Home

This is freaking me out! Does this mean that what I am writting right now can be read by this person? I created this new yahoo account just for the purpose of communicating on this site about this. I don't know right now how to do all these things you are saying to do. I am learning more about computers this week than I have in my whole adult life up until now. What do you see on there that shows what is happening? And also, thank you so much for helping me. I have been feeling kind of lost and alone. This advice is just what I needed.


if you suspect you b/ the cops....who told you he was read your mail?.

Susan Home

He did! after weeks of tormenting me with little hints and telling other people things about me I began to narrow down the source. Finally he said something that I recognised as a direct quote from an email I sent about someone else I knew. When I told him (Bluffing)I knew his source was my email he admitted it. Then I changed my passwords and he knew more things after that. He is making my personal life very public. He only broke in apparently a month ago and I found out two weeks ago but he read back all the emails that were there going back maybe a year or more.

Susan Home

What lines in that stuff show you this? Can you tell if he is just reading email or is it everthing ever on the screen? How could he have gotten it there. He always sent me songs and jokes and things. He must hae sent this program in one of those attachments. Call the police? Would they really do something about this?


Borrow a pc from a friend..keep the old one as evidence......and tell the cops..get harrassment order against him get a lawyer see  advice ......get a court order to bar him .........i would do something better....but thats me......a nice right well....and keep smilling....what goes around comes around.....dont let it get you down.......someone needs to grow up.....

Susan Home

So I take it that means he is reading all of this. What I would really like to do is read his email! I'd like to see what he has been telling people about me. I guess the cops wouldn't do that. Too bad.


If you have nothing to hide ,why worry,people tell all sorts of tales.......does he phone you...........ingnore all things you listen to...or are told....hearsay.......what isp his is using........check firewall logs/events logs........which may report this event.does he have an account on your pc?

Susan Home

In a year and a half I think everyone would have things in retrospect they wish they hadn't said or done, but no, nothing to hide. Certainly now there is no hiding anything. So on to the here and now. Where do I find these logs?

Susan Home

As far as I remember he was never on my computer.


If he set up your e-mail he was on it. And something could be loaded in as quick as a trip to the bathroom. I think anoth computer is in order.

You know, he could have set up access though your wireless network,if you have one, installed a keylogger (He could see just your e-mail or record every keystroke you make - in any kind of document, etc.), gained access through your e-mail, be planning on seizing personal records (do you do online banking?). I think we are the best people to trust now, as we have no personal knowledge of you, but we can help you get out of this.

Some of us are very clever. Heh-Heh



here are some web pages to browse to see what you may be up against. Some of this is very sophisticated stuff:

not mention that Windows XP has Remote Desktop, so if the settings were right, he could operate your computer from his!!!!

The advantage of a public forum like this is that we are not selling anything, we don't know each other personally, and if anyone should give wrong information, you can bet that someone will post a correction to that misinformation ASAP.

Hang in there.

Susan Home

Thank you!! I am going to work on another computer now. I so appreciate you help. You ar indeed very clever!  :) I am getting busy researching now. And getting my phone and bank passwords canceled and no more on line with that.

Susan Home

I came to the right place. You guys ar the best.