Cleaning Cache

Started by falconrising, October 10, 2005, 02:02:13 PM

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Can anyone tell me how to clean the cache on Windows XP?  I have received these directions from another sourse.   From the Start button, click Settings (I click Start) Control Panel.  2.  In the control panel open the Java Plug in Control Panel.  (No such thing so I click Java)  Select the Cache tab.  No such thing so I can't click the clear button as it suggests.  Can anyone tell me how to do this


 falconrising....exactly what is it you are trying to "erase"...... the cookie file , history file and the temp internet file ?  If thats what you want to do IE tools , Internet options , click on Delete cookies , Delete files ......then clear History apply and then ok .........  or D/L ccleaner .....
It will also do this as well as other things too. It's a very good little cleaner .

dl65  ::)
If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


Thank you very much.  I have been struggling with this for a week.  My virus scan turned up 24 different things it couldn't heal including many Javabyte's infections, Win32.Secdrop.IK, Java.Shinwow.M, Java.Shinwwow.AK.  I used your application you recommended.  My virus detector turns up nothing now.  I so much appreciate it.  Thanks