Windows Live Mail 2012 not working

Started by debby, December 05, 2017, 07:58:21 AM

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I do not know if I am on the right forum or not but I thought I'd start here.  I am having trouble with Windows Live Mail 2012 trying to send an email.  I was on the phone for an hour with Comcast trying to get this straightened out and they made it worse.  When I open Live Mail, all the mail from my Xifinity goes right into it.  It will not do that now.  If I try to send an email, I get a message that says:  An unknown error has occurred.  Server, Windows Live Error ID:  0x8007007A, Protocol SMTP, Port 587. 

So I call Comcast and the girl had me change my port numbers, and we would try some things...long story short, I now have about five email accounts with the same email address.  How do I get rid of them?  When trying to execute getting mail, a box pops up to tell me what the email is doing, and it goes down the line of emails and tells me it is trying one, then says that failed, then tries the next which also fails, etc., for 5 times.  I know that is not right but it comes from her trying to get my email working again and repeating the same steps over and over, hence all the email accounts even though they are all the same email address.  I can use Comcast's mail, but there are times when I want to send pictures to someone and for some reason, I cannot do that with Comcast mail, which is why I use my Windows Live.

Now, before this all started, I would be on Windows Live Mail, finish what I'm doing and X out of it.  After I X'd out, a box would come up saying Windows Live Mail is restarting, and then it restarts.  I do not know why it is doing that when it never did before.  I have changed no settings on my Live Mail.

So, did I give you guys enough information to help, or do I need to give you more?  You all know I'm not all that computer savvy and explained it as best as I could.  Oh yeah, I have Windows 10 if that makes a difference.


Quotethere are times when I want to send pictures to someone

The Error code indicates that you tried to send an E-mail that included a photo album. Check your outbox and delete any messages that include pictures or photos. The Error is because of changes that were made to OneDrive. What probably happened is you used the "Photo Email" or "send photos by Email" feature, so now every time you try to send Email, that item attempts to send and it fails.

The two features no longer work due to changes in OneDrive. You'll want to send any photos specifically as attachments.

You can find additional information here.

The error message and ID have nothing to do with any account settings, so the tech really just wasted your time by following a script. I found this for deleting accounts:

1. Open the Tools > Accounts menu.
2. From the Mail tab, click the email account that should be deleted.
3. Choose Remove

Now, before this all started, I would be on Windows Live Mail, finish what I'm doing and X out of it.  After I X'd out, a box would come up saying Windows Live Mail is restarting, and then it restarts.  I do not know why it is doing that when it never did before.  I have changed no settings on my Live Mail.
I would surmise that when you close it it tries to send the messages in the outbox. Because of the aforementioned error, it crashes, and then Windows "helpfully" restarts the program. (Words cannot express the passionate hatred I have for this feature, or the disasters that I wish upon whomever came up with it, by the way...). After clearing out your outbox it might be able to close properly.

I've also found some links suggesting that this could be caused by Trend Micro Anti-virus.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Microsoft dropped support for Windows Live Mail several years ago so you might want to consider finding another mail client.  I personally switched from WLM to Thunderbird when MS dropped support for WLM.  Here's a link to an article that discusses 5 different free mail clients:


When I logon to Windows Live Mail, go to accounts and look at email, it just has a "form" to fill out.  That's what I filled out five times to give me five same addresses.  I could not click on a mail account to remove it.  So, is there anywhere else I can look to remove all these email addresses?


Well I've gone ahead and installed it in a Virtual Machine.

You can right-click on the accounts and use "Remove Account" to remove them.

Like strollin says, it would be a good idea to move to another client sooner rather than later. You will find more and more "problems" like the issues with photos crop up as your software is sunset and the technologies on which it was built get changed in incompatible ways.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Do you still need help with this? It sounds like you have multiple accounts now setup under Live and need to delete all but the one that works. Also you should be able to send pictures through comcast email server. There is usually a way to upload files or copy and paste to the email.


Yes, Techjourney, I am still having problems with Windows Live Mail 2012, but I am using Comcast mail right now.  I found a way to copy and paste ( and I am no good with computers, let me tell you ) to the email I want to send.  For some reason, all of them do not work that way and I find I have to copy to my desktop, then copy and paste to the email from there.  I don't know why, I don't question it when it works.  I also thought I had removed all the accounts on Windows Live Mail, yet they still seem to pop up.  I'm not too worried about it since I'm not using it.  I will probably look around from suggestions here to do another email service.  Holidays and my ability to keep up with things are slowing me down with messing with the computer.  Besides, I REALLY had to do the house up as I was hoping for being on the tacky light house tour!  Just kidding, but I do put stuff out on the lawn and house, just not to extreme, it's just pretty.  Thank you for your post!  Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!


I understand it is s busy time of year. Merry Christmas to you too. Let us know if or when you need more help