Full hard drive? can't be

Started by scw115, March 28, 2006, 06:54:21 PM

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Hi- I have a Dell Insiron 1150- bought in Feb 2005, Windows XP, 60GB hard drive, 512ram, dvd burner. I use it mostly for e-mail, internet and downloading pics from my digital cameras. I've put some short video clips on it from my camcorder but since I can't get very good quality DVD's from it- I haven't done that in a while & all video has been deleted. My problem is this, 2 weeks ago my hard drive had 28gb's of free space on it. Now all of a sudden it has only 6gb free. Since I haven't put anything much on the computer lately except some pictures- I am totally confused as to where all this free space disappeared to. If I highlight my picture folder it says I have 2gb of pics in it. There are roughly 1400 jpeg files. If I highlight and click properties on docs and settings it says I have used 34GB's. my programs under my name- it says I have almost 24gb used and my daughter's screen says she has almost 10gb used. I've checked every file I could think of and can't find any large files. I basically have what came preinstalled with some upgrades to some, 1 Sims game, software from my digital cameras and AIM on there. I haven't added anything big. Anyone have any ideas where all this space went? My computer tells me I can't defrag because I have less than 15% free space. I defragged it anyway and also did a disk cleanup. I have way more pictures and games loaded on my Dell PC and still have 24gb free on its 60gb hard drive. I'm totally confused as to where all that space went to. Any ideas?? Thanks!


Make sure that system is clean and use ccleaner as well. Pics can take up significant space if lots of them as well as video files.

I have a program called Power Desk which is a GREAT file manager that can sort files any way you like, including increasing order of size. I'm not sure that it runs on XP, but on 2000 or less the free version 4 does just fine. If also has integrated file viewing. Unfortunately it doesn't run on XP (the free version) There is a later version that does XP, but not sure about a free version of that.

Do you have any file viewing software with similar capability? Explorer can do it but it is a little more cumbersome. Use View/Details and then click on size to sort by size. (THis has to be done in each directory however.

Do you have hidden files and directories visible to check in there?


I don't have anything to clean and am not very savvy at cleaning/deleting myself. Maybe I'll have to invest in software to do this. I did a search and specified the size. It didn't find anything of significant size. I really haven't put anything significant on this laptop. I have 2gb of pictures and no video. Only 1 game. I don't have a file viewing software that I know of. I don't know how to do it thru explorer


Quote...60GB hard drive...

Are you sure?


60 - 34 = 26.


26 - 24 = 2


2 - 10 = -8! Where does Windows go???  :o
[center][/center]"The geek shall inherit the Earth."


QuoteI don't have a file viewing software that I know of. I don't know how to do it thru explorer

I just told you. Read it again.  ::) ::) ::) ::)  Up there.

Also, try Dilbert's math.  ;)


My 60gb is actually 52.8gb- however they figure that.
I have 46.7 used- 6.12 free space
after highlighting the folders and clicking properties this is what I've found:  
documents and settings folder- I have 34gb used :-?
the program file properties supposedly has 7.75gb used
My Documents properties- 2.61gb used
Windows properties- 1.85gb used
properties under my home screen says I have 23.8gb used
my daughter screen has 10gb used
I can't find any files that would take up this kind of space- I've opened everything. 2 weeks ago I had 28gb free- since I've only added a few jpegs- I don't understand where 22gb of space up and disappeared to :-? I opened my add/remove programs- there isn't much in there that would take up much space. macromedia flash Player is the largest file by far at 4095mb. Sims is next at 2800mb. Everything else is under 400mb.


Quote...60GB hard drive...

Are you sure?


60 - 34 = 26.


26 - 24 = 2


2 - 10 = -8! Where does Windows go???  :o

I should have posted the #'s differently.
24 + 10 = the 34 gb used in doc and settings. I don't think these are all separate or my computer would be a genius for still operating on negative space ;)
34gb used in docs and settings + almost 8gb used in programs= 42gb+ 2.6 in my documents= 44.6gb and the other 2gb are probably the rest of the stuff I haven't accounted for.


If correctly set up, Windows Explorer is very versatile (The view setting can be made universal btw) but if you need that something else, [highlight]TreeSize[/highlight] is probably as good as it gets for free.

Rob Pomeroy

<spam>Psst... Santa... I've got bad news.  You don't exist!</spam>
Only able to visit the forums sporadically, sorry.

Geek & Dummy - honest news, reviews and howtos

Rob Pomeroy

QuoteOff topic commentary is not welcome and confuses the thread.

Stick to business.

Final warning.
Yeah, I thought so.  Welcome back, Mac.   ::)

(Doesn't "I'm leaving" mean the same these days?  Sheesh...)
Only able to visit the forums sporadically, sorry.

Geek & Dummy - honest news, reviews and howtos

Rob Pomeroy

*Blocked Russian URL*/2005/09/12/wooden_comp

3 minutes has 180 seconds.

Or don't you take anything seriously?

Why would anyone employ a lawyer who is a fool?

Keep your rubbish to yourself.[/quote]
Apologies for this, scw115.  "Santa Claus" is just the latest alias for a known spammer and menace on these forums.  Having posted in this thread, he has subsequently gone on his accustomed frenzy of deleting his own posts.

Back to your problem: You can probably track down where all the extra file storage has been used, with a more detailed look at your Documents and Settings folders.  You can right-click and select properties for each folder within your user folder.

If you can't find anything that accounts for the huge space usage, then the next thing you can do is switch on the display of hidden files & folders.  In Windows Explorer, go to Tools-->Folder Options-->View-->Show hidden files and folders.  You will then see several folders that you couldn't see before.

See if you can find which folder is using the bulk of that 24GB/10GB or so?

My biggest concern is that your PC may have unwittingly become a host for an FTP or peer to peer trojan - in English, other people may be storing files on your PC without your knowledge.  Is your internet security/virus protection up to date?
Only able to visit the forums sporadically, sorry.

Geek & Dummy - honest news, reviews and howtos


Thanks for the help! I finally found the problem. I did a search for files larger than 1mb and hidden files also(I didn't search hidden files before). It came up with 14 temp files from Record Now that were 2GB each!! I don't know how I managed to do that :-? Anyway, I deleted all of them and am back up to 34.5GB free. Thanks again for the help.


Wow. Remind me to check my PC for hidden files! :o If you ever need help again, remember that there is hope - computer hope. Don't take this the wrong way, but it's a good sign if we don't hear from you. It means you have no trouble. ;) But should you need help again, don't hesitate to post again. We'll be here unless we're in bed sleeping. And then someone else is usually here.
[center][/center]"The geek shall inherit the Earth."