Welcome new users -- introduce yourself.

Started by Computer Hope Admin, April 07, 2007, 07:26:37 PM

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Where's MagicSpeed?
Quote from: 'matt'
He's playing a game called IRL. Great graphics, *censored* gameplay.


First Name? Jez
Do you have pets? 2 cats
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? probs too many
How many computers do you own? 2 desktops & 2 laptops
What is your favorite color? black
What kind of music do you like? rock
What are your goals? To do the best I can & to be the best I can
Who are your heroes? Barry Sheene, & my dad
What kind of sports are you into? motorcycle racing
Do you have any piercings? 1 ear
Left hand or right handed? right
Any tattoo's? nope
What is your favorite website? aside from here? Katana Owners club uk
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? wish I found the time
Married? living with partner
Have kids? nope
What languages do you speak? English
How many keys are on your keyring? Bikes, car or van?
What is your favorite beverage? Ale
What is your hair color? brown


graylady35, I am 74 and computer savvy for my own use.  I love them and try to get the most out of all that I can learn.  I appreciate this site and will come back often.


Quote from: Moia on February 16, 2010, 05:35:58 PM
HI everyone
Welcome, and...
Quote from: graylady35 on February 16, 2010, 06:37:22 PM
graylady35, I am 74 and computer savvy for my own use.  I love them and try to get the most out of all that I can learn.  I appreciate this site and will come back often.
a warm welcome to you too! You're 75 and I'll be 15 this year, together that's 90!  ;D
Where's MagicSpeed?
Quote from: 'matt'
He's playing a game called IRL. Great graphics, *censored* gameplay.


Hello all, just thought i would say HELLO ;D cant type much as my daughter is about to get up and if you have kids, well.............:) and thanks now for any help i may or may not recieve  ;)


Have a Nice Day


Quote from: greg on February 20, 2010, 02:42:50 AM
I'm Greg. I'm 13 and I know everything.

Of course all three of those are false.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Quote from: BC_Programmer on February 20, 2010, 04:47:17 PM
Of course all three of those are false.

No.....2 out of 3... he actually is Greg.
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


b]First Name?[/b] Jana
Do you have pets? one cat
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? few hours
How many computers do you own? one computer, one laptop, one not working laptop
What is your favorite color? purple
What kind of music do you like? country
What are your goals? to help deaf children who had bad trouble at home.
Who are your heroes? everyone is a hero in someway
What kind of sports are you into? football
Do you have any piercings? yes
Left hand or right handed? left handed
Any tattoo's? yes
What is your favorite website? facebook
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? used to play Final Fantasy 11 and WoW
Married? yes
Have kids? 5
What languages do you speak? American Sign Language
How many keys are on your keyring? 2
What is your favorite beverage? diet mtn dew
What is your hair color? dark brown

Jana Glassmeyer


First Name?  Lamoine
Do you have pets? no
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 2
How many computers do you own? 2
What is your favorite color? green
What kind of music do you like? oldies
What are your goals?
Who are your heroes?
What kind of sports are you into?
Do you have any piercings?
Left hand or right handed? r
Any tattoo's? n
What is your favorite website?
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?
Married? y
Have kids? grown
What languages do you speak? Englsih
How many keys are on your keyring? 4
What is your favorite beverage? vodka
What is your hair color? greyish blonde


First Name? Richard
Do you have pets? Yep, two, my wife and a small dog ;D
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?  too many ::)
How many computers do you own? 4, & they all work fine, my own creation is the best tho 8)
What is your favorite color? BURGUNDY
What kind of music do you like? R&B, Blues, Soul, Soft Rock, French Romantic/Sentimental style :-*
What are your goals? to build at least 4 more computers, each better than the last, before i croak while computing :D
Who are your heroes? me, my wife & my girls ::)
What kind of sports are you into? who'se got time when you're into computers so much
Do you have any piercings? Are you kidding :-X
Left hand or right handed? R/H
Any tattoo's? Not on this body  :o
What is your favorite website? It's a tossup: CĂ©line Dion offical web site, download.com, TigerDirect :D
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? No time. Too much else to do ;)
Married? Yep, & she's the best thing that's ever happened to me :-*
Have kids? yep, two wonderful girls :-*
What languages do you speak? English & French 8) & i can easily translate from one to the other 8)
How many keys are on your keyring? too many ;D
What is your favorite beverage? Pure, ice cold distilled water or O.J.  :P
What is your hair color? dark brown turning to gray, & i have the most gorgeous puppy brown eyes that melts the girls' hearts at the first stare  :-[ sorry dear, but that's the truth :o


First Name? Funny Man
Do you have pets? No
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 10
How many computers do you own? 1
What is your favorite color? Green
What kind of music do you like? Soft
What are your goals? to be a Great business Man
Who are your heroes? Bill gates
What kind of sports are you into?Cricket
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? No
What is your favorite website? Same Computer Hope
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Resident Evil    PS2
Married? No
Have kids? No
What languages do you speak?English
How many keys are on your keyring?5
What is your favorite beverage?Water
What is your hair color? Black


First Name? jeran
Do you have pets? yes a cat
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? varies from 2-16
How many computers do you own? 2
What is your favorite color? black
What kind of music do you like? almost all exept country
What are your goals? be able to fix computers for a living
Who are your heroes? freddy mercury & green arrow
What kind of sports are you into? wrestaling
Do you have any piercings? no
Left hand or right handed?  north paw of course
Any tattoo's? i wish
What is your favorite website? newgrounds.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? guild wars soon starting ragnarok online
Married? too young
Have kids? too young
What languages do you speak? english & bad english
How many keys are on your keyring? two
What is your favorite beverage? mountain dew
What is your hair color? dark brown - black


First Name? Aaron - Azza is my nickname
Do you have pets? A small Jack Russel, white haired with a black patch one eye.
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 2-3 hours, maybe more.
How many computers do you own? 3 computers in the family - one personal owned.
What is your favorite color? blue
What kind of music do you like? rock/metal
What are your goals? rock guitarist, pro skateboarder, pro surfer, webdesigner
Who are your heroes? Slash (Guns N Roses)
What kind of sports are you into? Basketball
Do you have any piercings? One ear pierced
Left hand or right handed? right handed
Any tattoo's? Too young to get any yet!
What is your favorite website? http://azzaboi.weebly.com :)
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? hardcore computer gamer
Married? Nop
Have kids? Nop
What languages do you speak? English
How many keys are on your keyring? N/A
What is your favorite beverage? Banana Berry Smoothies
What is your hair color? Blond / Light Brown
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