Welcome new users -- introduce yourself.

Started by Computer Hope Admin, April 07, 2007, 07:26:37 PM

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First Name? James
Do you have pets? No, but I look after the House mascot sometimes
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Depends.
How many computers do you own? One.
What is your favorite color? Blue
What kind of music do you like? Rock, Metal, Alternative, a bit of pop.
What are your goals? Lol. Idk
Who are your heroes? Tim Berners-Lee
What kind of sports are you into? Long distance running and swimming
Do you have any piercings? Nope
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? Nope.
What is your favorite website? youtube.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Sims 3 and RCT3 atm.
Married? Uh, No.
Have kids? Bit young?
What languages do you speak? English, Learning Spanish (v. bad at it tho :P)
How many keys are on your keyring? Oh dear, Nine, plus my entry card.
What is your favorite beverage? Coke
What is your hair color? Brown usually, blue when I can get away with it.


First Name?


Do you have pets?

Nope :(

How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?

About 8 but who doesn't these days right?

How many computers do you own?

Um.. 2 or 3... I guess I have my main comp I use I have my linux box in progress and a few others sitting around including an old win95/3.1 :D

What is your favorite color?

dont really have one

What kind of music do you like?

Alot of HXC/Post HXC all types of rock really

What are your goals?

My current goals are to be able to pay for college haha and get my A+

Who are your heroes?

God, and those who can really stand up for themselves I guess.. thats a hard question haha

What kind of sports are you into?

None really I just said I spent 8 hours a day infront of a computer lol

Do you have any piercings?


Left hand or right handed?

Right handed my left hand is teh fail

Any tattoo's?


What is your favorite website?

Is this a trick question? haha =p
My favorite website would have to be engadget.. or waffles.fm  itunes.. hehe

Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?

Im Anxiously awaiting starcraft 2. I play Mwf2 on ps3 often though



Have kids?


What languages do you speak?

English and BASIC and some html

How many keys are on your keyring?

6? I think do my flashdrives count?

What is your favorite beverage?

Dr Pepper with Cherry and Vanilla

What is your hair color?



Hi :D

First Name? Coby
Do you have pets? 5 koi fish
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? ...6 hours, doing absolutely nothing productive.
How many computers do you own? One
What is your favorite color? Green :)
What kind of music do you like? Anything I'm in the mood for
What are your goals? To move to California, become a graphic designer, have a part-time job with minimum wage, own a dog, live in a small apartment, and make just enough money to get by. I have low standards .__.
Who are your heroes? Anyone who can sing the alphabet backwards.
What kind of sports are you into? Rolling in large vast areas covered in fake grass.
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Right handed
Any tattoo's? No
What is your favorite website? NatalieDee.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? No. I realized I must focus on school, and if I have a game to play, it will only give me a lame excuse to not do my homework. :(
Married? No.
Have kids? Fffffffffff-no.
What languages do you speak?English and Cantonese(with the vocabulary of a 7 year old)
How many keys are on your keyring? Four
What is your favorite beverage? I can't decide between water, orange soda, or the juice from fruits. FRUIT-- my final answer.
What is your hair color? Black


Welcome hirc! I was looking at your post and I too love fruit juice...except apple. Funny thing is, I love orange juice, but don't like oranges, and love apples (especially granny smith), but hate apple juice.
Where's MagicSpeed?
Quote from: 'matt'
He's playing a game called IRL. Great graphics, *censored* gameplay.


First Name Steve
Do you have pets? 2 Dogs 30 horses
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 4
How many computers do you own? 5
What is your favorite color? Blue
What kind of music do you like? C/W
What are your goals? Building businesses
Who are your heroes? Founding fathers
What kind of sports are you into? None
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? No
What is your favorite website? Google
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Nope
Married? Yep
Have kids? Yep
What languages do you speak? English
How many keys are on your keyring? 2
What is your favorite beverage? Diet Coke
What is your hair color? Brown


Where's MagicSpeed?
Quote from: 'matt'
He's playing a game called IRL. Great graphics, *censored* gameplay.


First Name? Jeremie
Do you have pets? use to have a bird
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? about 1h30
How many computers do you own? 2
What is your favorite color? Blue
What kind of music do you like? Everything, but usually something near punk or rock
What are your goals? World Domination (Just kidding) hm... seriously... right now finish my studies and become Social worker
Who are your heroes? God, the ones of fight for what they believe in..  :)
What kind of sports are you into? I use to play soccer and Basket Ball. I sometimes play badminton and tennis. I like skiing and biking
Do you have any piercings? Nope.
Left hand or right handed? Right handed
Any tattoo's? Nope
What is your favorite website? www.facebook.com, www.youtube.com,
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? I ain't playing..
Married? Nope
Have kids? Nope
What languages do you speak? French as mother language, and English as second language
How many keys are on your keyring? 4 + 2 USB keys :P
What is your favorite beverage? Diet 7-up
What is your hair color? Blond/brown
...Smile, it's free, it's beautiful... and I like it


First Name? Zachariah
Do you have pets? A Cat and some Chickens
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 4
How many computers do you own? 1
What is your favorite color? blue
What kind of music do you like? Christian, like Toby Mac
What are your goals? Computer Programmer
Who are your heroes? My Dad
What kind of sports are you into?
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? No
What is your favorite website? Computer Hope
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Wild Tangent, Patrician 3, Civ4, Incinerate, Stuff like that.
Married? no
Have kids? my brother  :P NO!!!
What languages do you speak? English
How many keys are on your keyring? none
What is your favorite beverage? water
What is your hair color?


First Name? Shaun
Do you have pets? No
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 6-14
How many computers do you own? 2
What is your favorite color? Red
What kind of music do you like? Any
What are your goals? Don't like football
Who are your heroes? My parents
What kind of sports are you into? Game Shooting
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Left
Any tattoo's? Multible (with regret)
What is your favorite website? Now now, this one of course
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? None
Married? Come close
Have kids? Yes
What languages do you speak? English / French
How many keys are on your keyring? 3
What is your favorite beverage? Beer
What is your hair color? Brown
I Love Allan XXX


First Name? Enis
Do you have pets? Yes
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Too many hours   ;D
How many computers do you own? 5
Left hand or right handed? Right
What is your favorite website? IObit forum
Married? Yes
Have kids? Yes

I just want to say hello to you all.




b]First Name? Jim
Do you have pets? Not right now
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 4 (at least)
How many computers do you own? 3
What is your favorite color?Green
What kind of music do you like. Country, Southern Gospel, classic rock
What are your goals? Hey, I'm semi-retired my goal is to stay alive
Who are your heroes? Our men and women of the armed forces in harms way
What kind of sports are you into? None at my age
Do you have any piercings? Nope
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? Oh yea
What is your favorite website? Gunbroker auction site since I am a Milsurp gun collector
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? no, never was one for computer games
Married? yes
Have kids? All grown 3 of mine, 2 of hers
What languages do you speak? English and enough Thai to get by
How many keys are on your keyring? 6
What is your favorite beverage? Diet Pepsi (brown water)
What is your hair color? top light brown, sides turning gray for some reason


Quote from: Computer Hope Admin on April 07, 2007, 07:26:37 PM
I thought a good way to help develop the Computer Hope forum community would be to allow everyone to introduce themselves. Below is a short list of questions that you can copy and paste. Feel free to answer any or all of these or just say hi.

Note: Please do not post your questions on this post, if you wish to ask a question please navigate to the appropriate section on the main forum page and post your question there. If you need help posting a question click here.

< copy below text and add each of your responses after the [/b] >

[b]First Name? John
[b]Do you have pets?1 kelpie dog and 2 goldfish
[b]How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 4-6
[b]How many computers do you own?5
[b]What is your favorite color?blue
[b]What kind of music do you like?country
[b]What are your goals?to get older
[b]Who are your heroes?old fashioned trades people
[b]What kind of sports are you into?golf cricket
[b]Do you have any piercings?not likely
[b]Left hand or right handed?is there any other except right
[b]Any tattoo's?sometimes some dirty marks
[b]What is your favorite website?[/b]
[b]Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?HOG and solsuite
[b]Married?last time i looked
[b]Have kids?2 both left handed
[b]What languages do you speak?aussie mate
[b]How many keys are on your keyring?about 50 by the weight of them
[b]What is your favorite beverage?doctor said red wine good for you, so its my medicine 
[b]What is your hair color?brown


First Name? Quinn Walker
Do you have pets? No
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 3 to 5
How many computers do you own? 4
What is your favorite color? Blue
What kind of music do you like? New Age Jazz
What are your goals? Finish IT Degree
Who are your heroes? Humanitarians
What kind of sports are you into? Olympics, Football, Soccer
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? No
What is your favorite website? MSNBC News
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Flight Simulator--Sometimes
Married? No
Have kids?
What languages do you speak? English
How many keys are on your keyring? Too many
What is your favorite beverage? Beer
What is your hair color? Black


Quote from: Computer Hope Admin on April 07, 2007, 07:27:43 PM
Figure it would only be fair to start off myself.

First Name? Nathan
Do you have pets? Yes, one cat.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? 9-12 on average.
How many computers do you own? 16 (not all functional).
What is your favorite color? Black
What kind of music do you like? Pretty much everything except Country, mostly Techno/Trance.
What are your goals? Create the best 100% free support site available of course. :)
Who are your heroes? Larry Wall, Bill Gates (say what you will. :P), Kevin Rose, Steve Wozniak, Linus Torvalds, John Carmack, Leo Laporte, and many of the big forum contributers (too many to list). :)
What kind of sports are you into? Really only play golf and hackysack if you consider that a sport.
Do you have any piercings? Nope.
Left hand or right handed? Right.
Any tattoo's? Nope.
What is your favorite website? Besides the obvious, stumbleupon.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Finally just finished Oblivion(PC), eventually going to try beating HL2 again.
Married? Nope.
Have kids? Nope.
What languages do you speak? English and some Spanish (took several years in school, however still no good at it.)
How many keys are on your keyring? Five.
What is your favorite beverage? Has been Pepsi, but stopped now just drinking water and chocholate milk.
What is your hair color? blond.

First Name? Glen
Do you have pets? No
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 4
How many computers do you own? 1
What is your favorite color? green
What kind of music do you like? R & B
What are your goals? to enjoy life
Who are your heroes?Gandhi, Jackie Robinson, Hank Aaron, all military menbers.
What kind of sports are you into? Baseball,Football
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? No
What is your favorite website? csharpUniversity
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? No
Married? No
Have kids? Yes
What languages do you speak? English
How many keys are on your keyring? 3
What is your favorite beverage? Coffee
What is your hair color? White


Hi my name is Bertha and i am having serious problems with my computer. Hope that you can help me fix it.