Welcome new users -- introduce yourself.

Started by Computer Hope Admin, April 07, 2007, 07:26:37 PM

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Nanny, or Bertha, you will have much better luck if you post your problem in one of the other forums, like computer hardware or software, and give a detailed explanation of what your problem is.

Lost Sheep

First Name? Larry
Do you have pets? None, but I have two feline roommates who let me live with them.
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Too many
How many computers do you own? Too many
What is your favorite color? Blue
What kind of music do you like? Acoustic - many styles
What are your goals? to be happy
Who are your heroes?
What kind of sports are you into?
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? a little of both
Any tattoo's? none
What is your favorite website? not sure
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? sometimes solitaire while waiting for responses.  Chess with a friend over the internet.
Married? No
Have kids? no
What languages do you speak? English mostly
How many keys are on your keyring? Too many
What is your favorite beverage? Tea, Water, Limeade
What is your hair color? gone, mostly


First Name? Satire
Do you have pets? yes a lovely and still young looking cat - bunny
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? depends sometimes 1 sometimes 16.
How many computers do you own? errr 3
What is your favorite color? purple  :)
What kind of music do you like? anything really, as long a you can either sing or dance or daydream to it...particulary like rock, punk, metal, cheesy 90's pop (nostalgia ;))
What are your goals? to be happy  ;D
Who are your heroes? my parents, harvey milk, rosa parks, suffragettes soo many
What kind of sports are you into? NONE. except maybe like scenic walks ???
Do you have any piercings? yeah lip if i wear it
Left hand or right handed? right  >:( i wanted to be a creative leftie
Any tattoo's? not yet... ;)
What is your favorite website? digitalspy.co.uk lol coz i like to know media news first.
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? love them all. have a wii though.
Married? nope
Have kids? not yet
What languages do you speak? only english as of now
How many keys are on your keyring? 8...i think
What is your favorite beverage? juice!  :P
What is your hair color? dark dark brown



Welcome everyone.  I hope that you find what you are looking for in ComputerHope.
Evil is an exact science.


First Name? Harold
Do you have pets? No
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Six
How many computers do you own? Four
What is your favorite color? Blue
What kind of music do you like? R&B
What are your goals? Become a vg golfer
Who are your heroes? My wife and daughter
What kind of sports are you into? golf, petanque
Do you have any piercings? no
Left hand or right handed? left
Any tattoo's? yes
What is your favorite website? Good question.  No answer
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Many. Big Fish games.  All games by Sid Meier (Civilization, Railroads, Colonization, etc.)
Married? yes
Have kids? yes but married.
What languages do you speak? Castilian Spanish fluently 
How many keys are on your keyring? 4
What is your favorite beverage? Pepsi Max
What is your hair color? grey


Quote from: James1431997 on February 25, 2010, 03:54:23 PM
First Name? James
Do you have pets? No, but I look after the House mascot sometimes
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Depends.
How many computers do you own? One.
What is your favorite color? Blue
What kind of music do you like? Rock, Metal, Alternative, a bit of pop.
What are your goals? Lol. Idk
Who are your heroes? Tim Berners-Lee
What kind of sports are you into? Long distance running and swimming
Do you have any piercings? Nope
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? Nope.
What is your favorite website? youtube.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Sims 3 and RCT3 atm.
Married? Uh, No.
Have kids? Bit young?
What languages do you speak? English, Learning Spanish (v. bad at it tho :P)
How many keys are on your keyring? Oh dear, Nine, plus my entry card.
What is your favorite beverage? Coke
What is your hair color? Brown usually, blue when I can get away with it.

Hi James Nice Pic! !


Hi everyone my name is Marsha and everyone calls me nanny. I am not quite sure where to go on here to get some help. Can anyone direct me. I found a computer and it is password protected, not sure if a way around it so I can check it out see if it works. Can anyone guide me where to go for this help.


Sure Marsha, return the computer to the original owner and stop stealing computers  ;D

James, your Rufus dog looks like a carpet rug! Pretty kewl dog. I have a Jack Russel myself.
Aaron's Game Zone
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Random boy

First Name? Random
Do you have pets? 1 cat 2 Tortoises
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 14
How many computers do you own? 2.5
What is your favorite color? red
What kind of music do you like? anything thats not crap :)
What are your goals? to enjoy life & make life enjoyable

Who are your heroes? my 92 year old grandad
What kind of sports are you into? rugby, F1
Do you have any piercings? no
Left hand or right handed? ambidex
Any tattoo's? no
What is your favorite website? which everone lands me the best paid job :P
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?  Q4 (max, & MP)
Married? oh yes
Have kids? 2
What languages do you speak? english
How many keys are on your keyring? 9
What is your favorite beverage? beer
What is your hair color? black


First Name? Tommy
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?6-9hrs a day
How many computers do you own? 1 Desktop/ 1 Laptop
What kind of music do you like? Progressive Rock,  Blues, Jazz fusion
Do you have any piercings? NO!
Left hand or right handed? Right
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? PS3. Mostly first/third person shooter games


QuoteSure Marsha, return the computer to the original owner and stop stealing computers

Pretty judgemental on your part...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


Pretty judgemental on your part...???

But you left out my little smiley grin  ;D meaning I'm wasn't being 100% serious, just playing round: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=sarcasm

But sure... I just so happen to of found a safe, could you help me unlock/crack it and get someone's personal details and money from inside? Pretty much the same question. I could help, but doesn't mean I would.

Aaron's Game Zone
The best free online flash games: http://azzaboi.weebly.com

Play Games - Play free games at Play Games Arcade


Hello everyone!!

First Name? Samantha
Do you have pets? 4 dogs
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 20, atleast haha.
How many computers do you own? I own 1. But there are a total of 4 in the house.
What is your favorite color? Hmm.. Too many
What kind of music do you like? Rock, and.. more rock.
What are your goals? To be more careful with my computer
Who are your heroes? Batman! haha
What kind of sports are you into?
Do you have any piercings? 12 of them
Left hand or right handed? Ambidextrous.
Any tattoo's? 4
What is your favorite website? http://www.evthreads.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?  I don't :(
Married? Divorced.
Have kids? None yet.
What languages do you speak? Just English.
How many keys are on your keyring? Too many.
What is your favorite beverage? Alcoholic or Non- Alcoholic?
What is your hair color? Black


First Name? Kathy
Do you have pets  Yes 5 cats
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 23 hours
How many computers do you own? 1 + I repair on alot
What is your favorite color?  purple
What kind of music do you like? I'm a rock-n-roller & metal
What are your goals? dna
Who are your heroes?
What kind of sports are you into? varies
Do you have any piercings? why
Left hand or right handed?
Any tattoo's? yes
What is your favorite website? Motherboard.org
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Not lately
Married? no
Have kids?yes 2 boys 20 & 10 year old
What languages do you speak? English
How many keys are on your keyring?   please
What is your favorite beverage? Pepsi and coffee
What is your hair color? blonde
::) thx 4 asking too

Snowwkat  <^..^>